Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

Those of you who have been around for a while might be familiar with Question blogs, they used to be pretty common but as of late outside of generally very specific question geared blogs usually relating towards projects people are working on I think they've kind of died of, so this is bringing the Question Blogs kicking and screaming back from the grave.

Blog's quite simple, 5 Questions are listed here and you can answer them or ask your own questions, there's no rules to the sort of questions asked just don't break any of the rules or ask too personal of a question. Also you can answer the five questions and then ask your own or just ask your own if you want to, doesn't really matter.

  1. What's your favourite Video Game series overall?
  2. What's a game that you like that not many others probably know about or have played?
  3. What brought you to Fantendo?
  4. What's your favourite TV Show or Film?
  5. Tomato or Potato?