Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

Just gotta say that, because lately there's been some confusion surrounding it. I'm not gonna lie to myself and I say I was always a woman or anything; I lived a good portion of it so far as a boy and man. Over the years though, I slowly grew less and less content with seeing myself as male. Something about identifying as a woman was so easy and felt right, more so than any other identity I've garnered as a man. I don't expect anyone to understand for the most part. Many people are happy with their gender identities. Many people already refer to me as female.

But to me, admitting I'm not genderfluid but rather a woman is a huge deal. It's something that I struggled with a lot and my heart beats heavy when I realize I'm still stuck as who I am. It's probably too late/too expensive to do a successful surgery and I don't intend to cross dress for the moment but I absolutely feel like admitting I'm a woman is a right step. I don't know what will happen to me from this point on and how I feel about it, but regretting it is something I just cannot see myself doing.

As for my sexuality, that's still a question to me. I find myself attracted to girls and want to develop romantic relationships with them, but I consider myself poly-sexual outside of that romantic space. I can't see myself with a man in terms of a romantic relationship, but outside of that it's not a huge issue.

I've also mentioned a girlfriend as of late; she knows who she is, please don't try and speculate who she is. The people she wants to know know and she wants to keep it fairly private for now.

That's pretty much it. I hope you read the blog in full before commenting and I really don't want to see jokey responses or ones that took no time to write. You have to understand this is a fairly serious thing I deal with on daily basis and it really hits me hard. I know I can be very demanding sometimes but please just read the whole blog before commenting.
