Fantendo - Game Ideas & More



Why? I really don't know. But I'm gonna hold a Robot Master contest because reasons. So create a robot master using the template below and put your suggestions in the comments. This isn't really for anything I just felt like seeing the wacky robot masters you could come up with. Now; the template.

  • NAME: This one's obvious. Just a noun followed by "Man" or "Woman".
  • APPEARANCE: A physical description, if you have an image use it.
  • ROBOT TYPE: The RM's intended purpose before Wily got to it.
  • RECCOMENDED ANTITHESIS: Eh, don't really play with this one until we have some winning suggestions.
  • LEVEL: The type of level where the RM is fought.
  • OTHER: Any other things. 
  • POWER: Forgot this one. The Robot Master's ability.

So have a ball, it's FREAKING MEGA MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!1one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!exclamationpoint!!!!!


    • Name: Dunk Man

    • Appearance: An black robot with a metal suit and a basketball jersey that says "Dunkman" and his number (the level number he's faced on). His color scheme is orange and black, and his helmet is patterned after a basketball.
    • Robot Type: A robot designed to compete on a basketball team after their best player suffered an injury on the court.
    • Power (I'm adding this just because): Slam Dunk, which drops a basketball bomb down on his opponent. If Mega Man touches the bomb after it lands, he will start dribbling the bomb until he chooses to throw it by using the attack 1 more time.
    • Level: A stadium-like level with different sports-themed enemies, not just basketball-themed ones, but baseball, football, tennis and soccer-themed ones as well.
    • Battle Tactics: He will dribble basketballs, trying to hit Mega Man while dribbling before throwing them. He tries to throw them in hoops on either side of the fight, which make the explosions bigger if he scores a basket.
    • Reccomended Antithesis: Checkmate Cannon.
    • Name: Chess Man

    • Appearance: Like most Robot Masters, he has a human-like face. He has white shoes, black pants, a white shirt, black gloves, a white robe (cape, whatever), and a black crown.
    • Robot Type: Made to help youngsters play chess right.
    • Reccomended Antithesis: ???
    • Level: A giant black and white mansion, with a horse-riding bishop as a miniboss.
    • Battle Tactics: Chess Man can take a giant leap and land, causing a small tremor. He also can shoots Pawn shaped-missiles from his hands.
    • Power: Checkmate Cannon - The Pawn-shaped missiles from his battle.
    • NAME: Swan Woman
    • APPEARANCE: (see Hall of Fame)
    • ROBOT TYPE: she was made by doctor cossack as a gift for doctor light after failing to create a robot master capable of pollution-free flight
    • RECCOMENDED ANTITHESIS: something electric if applicable
    • LEVEL: basically a giant water reservoir in the sky, with platforms that have clear, glass domes on the bottom with plants growing in them
    • BATTLE TACTICS: she flies around a lot, takes two damage from the mega buster, and usually attacks by swooping down on the player. she can create a tornado, launch five feathers in a spread shot at the player, and at about a quarter of health left, she'll repeatedly try to dive bomb the player - pretty sporadically, actually
    • POWER: swan dive - the player quickly launches forward about half a screen, and then is sent backwards towards where he was launched from. mercy invincibility follows.
  • WINNER 4: Exo Man
    • NAME: Exo Man
    • APPEARANCE: See Hall of Fame
    • ROBOT TYPE:A Robot oringally intended to analyse data about every insect ever
    • RECCOMENDED ANTITHESIS: Swan Woman's Swan Dive (Birds, Insects I think we all understand the food chain)
    • LEVEL: An Insect enclosure, sorta like the Aviaries but for Insects
    • BATTLE TACTICS AND DESCRIPTIONExo Man will hop around the room with High Jumping capabilities and can also charge while in the air at a wall using its wings. It can use its blades to create shockwaves or go in for close damage, it can also summon small groups of flying insects which target Mega Man and will home in on Mega Man unless they hit a wall in which they will explode. His defensive mechanism when not attacking is to summon a personal shield around him which is indicated by him being Orange all over, this shield can be broken if shot quickly enough however Exo Man will be able to summon it again within 30 seconds of its destruction.
    • OTHER: When defeated as a last attempt to beat Megaman, Exo Man's blades will detach and fly at Mega Man (they won't home but they are fast)
    • POWER: Exo-Shield - Protects Mega Man with a Light Green shield, as Mega Man gets hit however it will turn Yellow, Orange and Red before disappearing, it consumes 1/3rd of its Power Meter per use so don't be excessive with it.
    • NAME:  Paint Man
    • APPEARANCE:  A white and black paint master with various paint splats on him. He has a gotee and a ponytail each with a splat of multicolored paint at their tips. He's also wearing a beret and his armgun has a brush at the end of it and he's always holding a palette.
    • ROBOT TYPE:  Simply needed to paint walls quicker.
    • RECCOMENDED ANTITHESIS:  Something watery
    • LEVEL: : He's found in an area that has no color and is only outlines of platforms, enemies and items that megaman cannot touch. However, throughout the stage, a lock-on aimer (which is most likely Paint Man's) will follow him around shooting paint. Anything the paint touches will fill in the object's color and make it so Mega Man can touch it, collect it or get hurt by it. He must get the aimer to shoot certain things such as platforms to advance and try to veer it away from enemies. Also if something is already colored in and is shot again then it reverts to it's colorless state. Eventually two aimers will shoot paint at unfilled stuff making it harder or easier.
    • BATTLE TACTICS AND DESCRIPTION:  Paint Man's battlefield is also uncolored shapes as well. It consists of 3 platforms and the ground is spikes, but unless the spikes are colored they don't effect Mega Man. The biggest catch is that Paint Man himself is uncolored, so the player needs to get the lock on to shoot him in order to attack him, otherwise attacks go right through him. To attack Mega Man, Paint Man will shoot Mega Man with his Paint Gun which will not only hurt him but change his color, which will change his weapon randomly to one in Mega Man's arsenal. Once hit by the paint gun, Mega Man can only change to the Mega Buster or the weapon the paint made him equip.
    • STRATEGY:The strategy is to get the lock on to shoot him so he's colored and able to hit, but try not to make it hit the spikes covering the ground. It should also be a priority to get the lock-on to hit at least one of the three platforms because if the spikes are painted, Mega better have a platform to avoid it.
    • OTHER:  If Paint Man is colored and then hit by the lock on again, he'll revert back to his invincible uncolored form until he is painted again.
    • WEAPON: When Mega Man defeats the tricky artist, he obtains the White Out which makes enemies get painted white for a few seconds so that them and thier shots simply go through Mega Man.

Hall of Fame[]
