Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

Okay so I'm creating a fan fiction, not directly for Fantendo at the moment but it'll be here at one point.  Right now I'm just going to work on it in Wordpad...

We take off for the Majestic Floats, a set of eight floating islands that function as a city together. The story's main characters often switch between three activities - school, hangout, sleep. Everyone sleeps within the school, which acts as a dormitory...

I'll talk about the school itself. Much like Hogwarts from the Harry Potter book series, the school is a place where magic is learned, but alongside magic normal school stuff and army skills are learned as well. The dormitory areas of the school act as homes, having singular bathrooms and kitchens and living rooms.

There are very few adults on the islands, and there's a reason why; the children who live on the islands are mostly orphans, thus the islands are often nicknamed "Islands of the Lone", although that is not the official name. Why are people mostly orphans?...because the island serves as a homage for them. When someone loses their parents as a child, a magical bus comes along and taken them to the islands for proper care and friends. The teachers at the school act like parents and actual teachers, teaching the kids survival skills as well as giving them magical abilities and basic knowledge.


Yeah, sign up yourself if you want to, but if you do you need to do the following:

  • Provide a name.
  • Provide your fictional birth month.
  • Give your personality.
  • Just because you're forced to be an orphan doesn't mean that you can't have siblings! :P You can create your own siblings for the story or use your actual siblings. I don't really care.
    • If you do sign up siblings you must give them a name, birth month, personality, a specialization, and do they play the following sport? (give the team too)
  • Do you specialize in strength, knowledge, magic, skill, defense, or agility?
    • Strength: Physical power
    • Knowledge: Intelligence
    • Magic: How well you do your magic, like if in Harry Potter can you do your Patronus?  If you specialize in magic you can...
    • Skill: You can pick locks, do great deals of problem solving, and do lots of sneaky tricks.  Your aim and stuff is pretty precise too.
    • Defense: How well you can defend yourself from weapons as well as how much you can defend yourself in things like court.
    • Agility: How fast and athletic you are, pretty much.
  • Basketball is often played at the school - in the air. Do you want to join the Ruby Roses, the Sapphire Snapdragons, the Topaz Thymes, or the Emerald Eurhorbas? Or do you not want to join the sport at all? Don't worry about if not enough sign up for this...erm. There'll be my own story characters in this.

That's it really.

  • Crimson (November; Intelligent and brave but gullible; magic, Sapphire Snapdragons)
    • Indigo (August; sarcastic; skill; Sapphire Snapdragons)
  • Danni (September; Silent, stands up when necessary, whether if someone backs him or not; Knowledge; Ruby Roses if slot is needed)
  • Nutik (January; Brave, fun, low IQ, likes to fight; strength)
  • Wario (April; Smart, low patience, cowardly; Knowledge)
  • Fae (April; Weird, shy and weab; magic; Ruby Roses)
    • Ibuki (November; ibuki; skill; Emerald Eurhorbas)
    • Chiaki (March; sleepy and low attention span but sweet and smart; defense; Ruby Roses)
  • Chris (December; optomistic, anxious, enthusiastic; agility; Topaz Thymes)
    • Alexandra "Alex" (July; friendly; skill)
  • Sam "Ziegs" (March; silly, fun, & curious, shy at first but is friendly and likes to say random stuff when people know him better; agility; Sapphire Snapdragons)
    • Valeria (January; playful, fun and innocent, can get annoying; knowledge)
  • "MJR" (July; outgoing and does random stuff without embarrassment, often afraid that people hate him; Defense; Sapphire Snapdragons)
  • Payton (November; smart, wild & lazy; magic)
  • Claus (June; shy, quiet, gentle; skill; emerald eurhorbas)
    • May (October; strength; insane, evil, tyrannical; sapphire snapdragons)
  • Randall (August; Smart and funny, leaps into things without thought; magic)
  • Gabriele (September; autist and shy, and vicious to vintage things; strength??)
  • Taylor (February; scroll over this for personality; magic)
    • Brody (Jaunary; gullible and not brightest, but generous and caring; defense; emerald eurhorbas)
  • Victor (November; full personality if you scroll over this; knowledge)
  • Light (August; personality; strength?; Ruby Roses)
  • Tommy (October; crazy and brash; magic)
  • Thomas (December; always alert, usually silent, likes to explore and take lead; knowledge)
  • Lundi (June; here's the personality; knowledge)
  • Erin "End" (December; mysterious and friendless; knowledge)
Month Count Skill Count Team Count

Spring: 4

(March, April, May)

Strength Members:


Ruby Roses: 3

(4 if Danni counts)

2 slots left.

Summer: 6

(June, July, August)

Magic Members:


Sapphire Snapdragons: 4

2 slots left.

Autumn: 8

(September, October, November)

Knowledge Members:


Topaz Thymes: 1

5 slots left.

Winter: 7

(December, January, February)

Skill Members:


Emerald Eurhorbas: 3

3 slots left.


Agility Members:



Defense Members:

