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there's this kid ok at my school

so you know about a week or two ago i was quite more of a brony then i am now, and now it's kinda takin a backseat to some other things but watervver i still like my little pony quite a lot

this kid is basically... he believves the entire concept of being a brony is, well, the creepier side of the spectrum. in other words, he believves that the word "brony" essentially means somebody who, erm, clops. (he does not actually call it clop. but i prefer to use this word than other words.)

i'm not gonna be bothered by just random haters who think its like girly or somefin, since that's pretty common. but come on. did he like do no research at all? Ahem. the majority of definitions there are just sayin fans of my little pony above Hasbro's target audience! i hate this person. i hate him to ridiculous levels, not just because he's a hater, not just because he finds bronies creepy, but because he didn't do the research that led him to these accusations!!!!

i mean there's this one girl in my school who is a brony and he practically decided that because she was one, she was no longer deserving of any respect at all. and i think they were kina freinds somewhat?

and i am going to make him pay. not on my own, i have friends. we are going. to make. him. pay.



ok so basically it's not just that he's an ignorant idiot hater, he's also vvery mean about it. so...... i guess this is what most people consider a bully? hahaha weird i havve nevver experienced this before. i'm vvery excited, i havve all the plans ready. >:]
