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read what i say and understand why i'm saying it before you respond to this blog. ice didn't ask me to write this, i just want people to understand

ice was a friend of the person that was harassed by exo and he believes the staff of this community is corrupt. he's not a troll and he certainly didn't say what he did for clout. west and pyra really did fuck up during the initial exo situation. pyra herself said she hated conflict and made it apparent during the situation that she's not good at dealing with it, said some dumb things ("Is the shame not punishment enough?") and got promoted to crat afterwards. west straight up made fun of the person who got harassed. i'm not on the discord so i don't have the specific messages, but i know they're there. iirc he boiled down the harassment to just dick jokes, and while i don't know the full extent of what happened on that chatroom, i find that to be particularly hard to believe considering how traumatized the victim appeared.

ice didn't say what he did (Pyra and West are pedophile apologists) because he's a bad person just trying to start some epic drama, that would be extremely disrespectful to his friend. he said it because west and pyra did both write in defense of exo. it makes sense that he would believe this. i believe it. the general response to what ice said was pretty bad, expectedly. i was shown a few messages of people just straight up insulting ice ("Fuck you in your sweat dripping asshole"). and i don't have the full context on this but ice was accused of libel, a crime, defined as "a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation". ice's statement wasn't totally false and he didn't write it to spread misinformation, he wouldn't say something like that if he didn't wholeheartedly believe it, so while i might just misunderstand the term, that doesn't sound like it falls under the definition to libel to me

i'm not writing this to try and convince you all that ice should be unbanned or whatever, he sure as hell does not want to come back to this site, but the community response to this incident was also ridiculous.

on a different note, i also want to say that i wrote the majority of reform. athena already knows, exo already knows, my friends all already know. i really only went anonymous because i was worried about athena but she handled the situation well. i imagine nobody really cares who wrote the blog at this point but i want to just talk about it a little. first of all, some people blame reform, the blog, for the drama that came after it was posted, when it was not the blog's fault. i already said this:

"Once again, we're not posting this blog with the intent of starting drama, but rather the intent of sparking change. We think it's inevitable that this will spark fights, however, there is no way around that."

the blog itself was mostly about the poor staff and community reaction to the initial expose blog. blaming the blog for your own childish reactions to it is ridiculous. granted, i think most people now get what the blog was about to an extent, but one of the first reactions to it was an admin trying to bait the "writer" of the blog (there were multiple) to come out or otherwise they'd be a coward. this person either didn't understand the blog or didn't read it all the way through. either way, yeah, another good example of poor community reaction. and that's another thing. everyone got fixated on the exo part at first. we used exo as an example for a lot of things in the blog because she was a perfect example for a lot of what we wanted to discuss. i didn't want to talk about, wow, how much of a pedo exo was, i wanted to talk about the multiple things she did wrong before she was exposed, and that she should've been demoted a long time ago.

maybe if there was one thing i could go back and change about reform, it would be censoring the names and avatars of the users in the screenshots used. plenty of people got fixated on the fact that their own names were in the screenshots or otherwise mentioned in the blog. my bad, my logic behind this was that i wanted to really drill in how actual members of the community fucked up in specific ways, but it just distracted more from the point. anyway, regardless of how the blog looks, the intent was not to make any specific members of the community look bad.

also quit complaining about the constant drama. the general community's constant avoidance and ignorance of it is why it's still being brought up. if this was handled well the first, second, or third time, then i doubt this would've happened. confront the problem, don't just cry about it day one then pretend it didn't happen from there on. and while yes, some members of the community did take what happened to heart, clearly not everybody did.
