Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

It's time I change my behavior.

Chat is calling me a jerk. They don't forget my mistakes. They don't forgive my mistakes. They don't acknowledge the present and instead live in the past.

It's time I prove them wrong.

Guys, I am a nice person. But I won't prove this through words. I'll get rid of my sarcastic humor. I won't let the admins' decisions anger me. I won't rat out bad ideas.

Guys, I love this place. Cobweb brought me here three years ago and I've loved it ever since. But I've been careless. I've said things that no one really should say. I apologize for everyhting I've done. I would list it all for you, but that would take an extra hour to list.

I don't want everyone to view me as a jerk. I want everyone to view me as that cool guys who's obsessed with Pokémon, Daft Punk, and superheroes.

My change might be instantaneous, but the effects of my mistakes will not. I know it'll take a long time for everyone to forget and forgive everything bad I've done.

And I just realized the title has a typo. Crap.
