Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

Thektdude Thektdude 2 May 2017

It's time to be open about myself.

You don't have to read this, but It would help me if you do.

This is probably the only way I’m going to be able to open to everyone about how I feel, see, touch, taste, think, all that stuff that everyone does I’m sure.

It's been said before a few times and joked as well that I’m autistic.

I have trouble communicating with people, everyday, even if its people I know, my friends, or even my family. I still find it difficult to find the right words when I talk to somebody, or even myself. That’s why I come off as that awkward kid who doesn’t really fit in well with sociality and I tend to prefer to be unsociable. It’s what I’m good at.

Whenever I don’t feel right or don’t feel happy or feel like shit or depressed, I don’t tend to show it much an…

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Thektdude Thektdude 23 April 2017

I'm 18.

So yeah, April 23rd is my birthday today as I turn 18 and go..... well yeah. Hope everyone is having a good day as well as I need to come back and see how everyones doing, as well as get some STUFF DONE.

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Thektdude Thektdude 10 February 2017

NxF Character/Enemy Signups!

So, to make this game possible with its big character roster, we are opening up a signup blog (which is this one) and this is where you can sign up for your characters or enemies to be in the game, but also feel free to request any Nintendo Characters to be in the game.

Get Signing!

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Thektdude Thektdude 6 February 2017

TE Studios Direct Annoucement

It's been quite a while, a long while. The Direct will go live at 8pm GMT on Friday 10th February of 2017, which is in 4 days. Get Ready for some interesting Announcements from the company who has made Upon Us, Lego Adventures of Kieron, Lego Legend of Zelda and more!

See Ya at the Direct!

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Thektdude Thektdude 22 December 2016


So, I could say its been a while since I've did anything on here. First off, I would to say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, etc and a happy new year to everyone on Fantendo. Recently I've been busy with quite a bunch of things, revising for driving test and exams, as well as work and my PC (which came back from repair today) got a faulty issue where I get no display on any of my Montiors or TVs, but that does not matter anymore as my PC is working normally again.

But also, I just felt quite distant from this place for a while. It does not mean I'm leaving, but taking a break is more like it.

Can I also note or ask the admins and beru's if that they don't edit or remove any of my pages I made because I will get back to them as soon as I can?…

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