Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

Dunno when the last one was held but due to favourable changes in my internet situation I am deciding to do an Art Request Blog. Need to get back into the swing of doing art again anyhow and this'll help me get back into my groove.

Since we haven't had an art request blog in a while I will give a quick rundown below;

What is an Art Request Blog?[]

Art Request Blogs are blogs were a user offers to create artwork for other users, sometimes there are additional conditions and/or limitations imposed but the general idea is that any user can put forward a request for artwork of a character and the user who is posting the blog will do artwork of that character.

Additional Conditions[]

Usually Art Request Blogs will limit it to one character per user however because I need to get back into the swing of things, that will not apply for this one, request as many characters as you like, just keep in mind I may randomly jump between requests from user to user, I will attempt to get as much artwork as possible done.

The characters do not need to be wholly original either, if you have a fan character or hell just want a canon character to have artwork done by me feel free to request them. Also if a character doesn't have any artwork for me to refer to, as long as they have a good physical description (i.e. physical traits like hair, skin, eyes, any body accessories like horns, scales, fur, etc. as well as clothing, decals, jewellery, gear, etc. where applicable) then I will endeavour to do art for them as well.

I don't really have an end point planned for this so at least for the time being feel free to request characters whenever you like. I will compile all the artwork into a gallery at the bottom of the blog for people to refer to.

Completed Artwork[]