Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

I know I'm not active here lately, but I was thinking about this subject tonight and wanted to make it a blog. What are some games you've played, shows and movies you've watched, etc. that you feel are underappreciated or get too much hate?

The game that inspired me to make this blog is Sonic Superstars. It's not perfect, it really didn't need to be $60, but I really don't think it's as bad as I've seen some people say it is. I ordered the Switch version off Amazon (admittedly at a discount) and played through the main story way back in January of this year, and although there were some parts that frustrated me more than they probably should have, overall I would say it's everything I would have wanted to see in a wholly new Classic Sonic game. (Mania's good but I don't really count it as a wholly new Classic Sonic game since most of its stages returned from previous games, just with some shake-ups here and there.)