Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

IncarnateParanoia IncarnateParanoia 15 March

Ink Talks About CSS ~ Fantendo's "--filtering" Variable

For the second blog of this type, I thought I would talk about the "filter" property. This is a CSS property that normally isn't usable on wikis, and is only accessible on Fantendo due to some CSS mischief. Because of this, this particular tip won't work on another wiki unless it also has the CSS setup that makes this possible.

Filter is a property with a LOT of interesting effects. Anything inside of the affected element will have its appearance affected in one or more myriad ways. You can brighten, blur, sepiatone, or put a green drop shadow on anything - even images - with just this one property.

"Hey Ink, now that you mention it, why couldn't you just incorporate the same variable backdoor for table backgrounds? If anyone could use whatev…

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IncarnateParanoia IncarnateParanoia 10 March

Ink Talks About CSS ~ transform vs. position

Its occurred to me that something that I could talk about extensively on a blog is applications of CSS on wiki pages, and how to stylize your pages to a frivolous and near-unnecessary degree. I think most people who would be interested in such a blog already know a thing or three about some of these techniques, but I think it could still be worth sharing some advice. Who knows - maybe I'll say something you didn't already know.

I figured I'd start with something straightforward and highly applicable - an examination of all the myriad ways you can change an element's position, and an explanation of which ones are most useful for which situations. I imagine most of the advice I can give will likely be esoteric, and only really useful if you're …

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IncarnateParanoia IncarnateParanoia 8 March

Characters that didn't make it into re:UE

Apparently some people want more blogs on this site, so I may as well do my part. I'm not interested in putting both my feet into the broader community - just a toe is enough for me for the rest of my life, thank you very much - but rambling extensively about my projects is something I can do easily. It's just barely dispassionate enough for my tastes.

I know some people who like to work on rosters by planning out every single character in advance. That isn't me. I'm not a good enough brainstormer for that sort of thing. In nearly every project I've worked on on this site, most of the work has often been off-the-cuff decisions without much foresight. This honestly probably accounts for the stark lack of completed projects in my gallery, admi…

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IncarnateParanoia IncarnateParanoia 6 September 2021

Missing Fonts

I guess Fandom decided to just disable wikis' ability to use @import to bring in fonts from Google while I wasn't looking? Without updating all the pages about it on Community Central? Gog, I didn't miss their baffling decision making... Anyway. I'm posting this as a guide for whoever the hell the current administration leans on for their CSS issues nowadays, to get them through fixing the fonts imported from Google so that they actually work again.

You have to download the actual font files off of Google Fonts itself, and upload them to the wiki. (Normally you have to set a wiki up to be able to upload TTF files, but Fantendo's already got that feature enabled. You're welcome for doing that for y'all while I was still in the administration.) Fr…

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IncarnateParanoia IncarnateParanoia 1 October 2020

ask me questions about coding pages

idk, i just thought this might be an interesting blog to try making

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