The ARMS Fighter is...
For weeks... days... hours... minutes... we have waited with bated breath over who the mysterious ARMS character for Smash could be. Dreading the worst, hoping for the best. That time is over now, though. You see, the ARMS character for Smash is someone we all know. Someone our brains and minds all knew all along.
Duck Blog
its high time we had a blog to discuss nature's greatest animal
post images of ducks, discuss why ducks are great, talk about your favorite fictional or real ducks
let's start a duck movement fellas
Stepping Down as an Admin
Due to recent circumstances, I no longer feel it is appropriate for me to moderate the site given my past behavior. I am sorry that such behavior was not disclosed earlier, but I am extremely regretful for my past actions and I hope my demotion serves as the kind of action that needs to be done given the circumstances. I will be stepping down immediately.
Bunny Day Festival Results
Let's get going! A week ago you all submitted characters for me to design Bunny Day Festival outfits for, so I'm gonna do as many as I can. Here are all the ones (currently) done!
More are on the way!
ANNOUNCEMENT: I got time to kill, so you can now request a character if you want. Unlike the previous blog, I'm not guaranteed to draw at least one of your characters- it's whatever I feel like I can handle.