Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
Type: Baal Male
6'3" (basic form)
7'5" (godly form)
??? lbs
??? years old Type: Null
FULL NAME Type: Baal
POWERS 'Godly' powers

Ability to use Standing Ripple


False Preacher

CURRENT LOCATION Anywhere he can preach

Believers, his godly powers, being deceiving, his Standing Ripple, church donations


Other gods, non-believers, being called out



Type: Baal is a deceiving Type: Null masquerading as a "god" known as Baal, with the help of his Standing Ripple Yeezus. With the help of his Standing Ripple, he has created a cult dedicated to his fake icon that gets him a generous amount of money and fame, being able to portray himself as a godly figure with Yeezus' illusions. Baal gained his Standing Ripple after being experimented on by CHELPRO, which were testing the effects of Ripplite on different species. Baal often has his Ripple out with him at all times, often using their powers so he can always disguise as his godly form. Although Yeezus is very strong it uses a majority of its power to benefit the user.

Type: Baal is Ambrisynth's second Standing Ripple, but the concept is mainly from Crunch, who came up with the idea of a Type: Null acting like a god by using the Ripple, Yeezus. Type: Baal has no current planned appearances, but should show up somewhere sooner or later


Type: Baal

In Type: Baals's godly form slightly resembles Arceus color scheme, his body being mostly white, with grey legs and forearms. His look is very simple, made that way so he is easily recognizable and easily described so he can grow in popularity much quicker. Three golden rings hover behind him at all times, forming the shape of a triangle. A faceplate with a jagged crown on top covers his face. The faceplate is mostly blank except for a few lines, which hides all of his face, but seems to amplify his voice so he can be much louder.


Yeezus hovers around, having seemingly no legs, only arms exposed from his flowing white cloak. Yeezus seemingly has no face but wears the same faceplate that Baal has, although Baal seemingly ripped it off of him. At the edges his cloak splits off into flowing strands, making him seem very ghost-like in appearance, while still keeping a very 'holy' white color scheme. Gold strands highlight Yeezus' cloak.


Baal is very egotistical and centers all of his life around himself. What else would you do if you're treated like a god? He feels as if everyone else is lower than him, and uses his fake god status to manipulate and force others to do things for him. He's very smart and deceiving, being a master at knowing how to trick people. He knows how to get to people and how to make people feel the need to follow him. Although he can get angry he's gotten very good at masking it, in an attempt to make himself seem nearly emotionless to further push his "god" agenda.


Although Type: Baal would have the same powers of a Type: Null usually, his godly form has several powers, but he only has these because of Yeezus assisting him. Yeezus is very powerful, although a majority of his power is used to give Baal power so he acts more as a helper than the main brute for Baal. Baal's main attack stems from his 3 golden disk that he controls with his mind. They're razor sharp and he can also use them as platforms. Yeezus has a variety of different attacks.

  • I Am A God: Yeezus' main ability, which transforms his user into a godlike figure, although still not being a god. Baal often abuses this and pushes Yeezus to the max with this power, causing Yeezus to be less powerful by himself, although increasing Baal's power.
  • On Sight: Yeezus' secondary ability. He has the ability to alter others emotions, such as bringing them to a point of rage or heartbreak. It's often used to influence Baal's followers, although very mentally strong people can break Yeezus' hold.
  • Blood On The Leaves: Yeezus can utilize his flowing strands to burrow into the ground and grab people, embedding them in the ground. He can also use them as appendages for fighting or holding things back.
  • Im In It: Yeezus can wrap his cloak around people and seemingly implode into himself, allowing them to teleport a decent radius away. Baal uses this to travel, or get out of sticky situations.
  • Guilt Trip: TBA


  • Yeezus' name comes from Kanye West's album, Yeezus. It's a better Standing Ripple name than Kanye West.