Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

The World of the Sleeping Giant is an original story that follows the tales of a few residents of the world, Syveon. The world held a grand spectrum of intelligent species together. They thrived together, forming a technologically advanced society. They prided on their accomplishments, though they knew it wouldn't last.

For, there is a tome found on the planet, dating back before the planet was formed. It belonged to Maxwell, who's now known as the rider of the Psychopomp. According to the text, his planet was ravaged by a monster even bigger than their planet. A flying, whale-like creature arrived, which apparently called itself a Psychopomp. It wanted to gather up more men, but the giant, identified as The Coveter, began to turn its attention towards the whale-like creature. Unfortunately, it was forced to flee, leaving behind Maxwell's planet to be devoured.

The Psychopomp roamed the solar system, hoping to get far enough from The Coveter. However, he noticed the creature approaching what would become Syveon, at the time a planet without any intelligent life on it. Curiously, the giant burrowed into the planet, and seemed to rest. When Maxwell noticed signs of the first life on the planet coming to, he realized they'd be in danger. So, he left behind the chronicle of his adventure, leaving behind the date the Psychopomp believes The Coveter will wake.

The story proper details the month before The Coveter's awakening. Apparently, the world powers have attempted to form rocket ships to leave the planet with the knowledge of The Coveter's awakening. However, somehow, someway, whether it be the planet opening beneath or monsters attacking the construction sites, it seemed like their only hope would be the Psychopomp, prophesized to return before The Coveter's return. Until then, the world powers have been discussing, if the possibility comes up that they can't all ride upon the Psychopomp, then who should get on and who should be left behind.

Chapter 1: The Arc[]

After a brief intro revealing the backstory behind this world, the story opens up on a very industrial city.
