The V² (also known as The V2) is a 9th generation console created by Toroko in junction with Nintendo and Sony, long time partners with the company. The V² is more or less a sequel to The V but it drops the virtual reality pretenses and gets straight up into a standard console with no gimmicks. It can also be seen as a successor to the Jem Mecha and Jem Zero.
The overall goal of the console is to "make the games feel welcome". Since its debut, it has been receiving very positive reviews but has also received criticism for its lack of innovation. As such, the console has been enormously successful, with its biggest rival being Illusion Works' Pacifico.
The console launched on March 21, 2016 with a standard bundle including the game console, the controller, and a choice game between Tragedy (2015), Strafe: Lethal Seven, and Trifecta: Multiverse Fighters. See "Launch" for more details.
On 11/19/16, a cryptic message hinting at a "huge" announcement for the V² was posted on the Toroko twitter with the month of December attached to it as a possible release date of information. This was later formally revealed to be The V2.5 at the Fantendo 10th Anniversary Showcase. More details can be found on it's page.
- Any page that has
[[Category:V2 Games]]
on them will be added here automatically (after a purge or edit). Yes, you can develop for this console, just ask Exotoro (t∣b∣c).
These developers do not need to ask every time they want to make a game for the console.
- Inora
- TimeStrike
- RTA Games
- Laughball Interactive
- Illusion Works
- Cryobyte
- NovaPen Productions
- Blender Maximum
- Ninkancho Co., Ltd.
- Stardust Citadel
- Fuzzy Productions
Refined over the Jem Zero's wireless charging controllers, the controllers charge wireless, not needing to be plugged in. However, one can still hook the consoles directly into the system, ensuring minimal input lag. The controller supports motion detection via a gyroscope and an accelerometer, plus improved vibration. It also can be used for PC Gaming, a first for a Toroko console.
The controller also has a scroll wheel as the center of the controller. This makes menus a breeze to scroll through, weapon wheels less of a hassle.
The controller, nicknamed the V-Raptor, has the following buttons:
- V2MENU Button (located in the direct center of the controller)
- Start (located to the left of the V2MENU button)
- Select (located to the right of the V2MENU button)
- Directional buttons (located on the left side of the controller) (
- Action buttons (located on the right side of the controller) (
- Shoulder Buttons (located on back of controller near Directional and Action Buttons)
- Inner Triggers (located closer to the middle of the controller)
- Bottom Triggers (located below Shoulder Buttons, not present on picture)
- Twin Thumbsticks (Located between the Direction and Action buttons and the center, below everything else)
- Center Scroll Wheel (Located in the center of the controller)
One can also swipe NFC figures and cards over the center of the controller.
The V2MENU features a number of applications in addition to being able to boot up games.
The V² Internet acts like you would expect it to. You can scroll through the internet with your console's controller and TV. Play YouTube videos on your screen with two different quality settings or play it off in another tab while you do something else. Search with Google, Bing, or Yahoo with ease. Send pages you come across to your friends. Set up your homepage to any page on the internet. Use Wikia to edit pages in a specifically designed editor for The V² that makes editing a complete breeze. Browse Tumblr and reblog and like with button shortcuts.
V Shop[]
Here you can buy badges, themes, virtual console and downloadable titles. An assistant named QT will give you a quick rundown of what you're buying and might even let you try a quick demo before you buy something.

Badges are collectible decorations for the V2MENU. Badges can be placed on the V2MENU screen to decorate it, or be placed on a folder to indicate what it contains. Some badges can replace the default icons for the default applications - clicking those badges will launch the associated application.
They can be unlocked through two ways: either by unlocking them in games (similar to achievements) or buying a pack of badges at the store.
Like badges, you can dress your V2Menu up in a variety of Themes with different music and sound effects.
Streaming can be done through the V2MENU. When playing a game, you can open up the V2MENU and hit the Twitch Streaming App, which will allow you to configure your broadcast. In Streaming mode, you can view the chat if you wish or set up a facecam. Broadcasts end when the user decides to or if the console is turned off.
When you buy a game on The V², you're not just buying a game, you're also buying its soundtrack. When you buy a game, you obtain its soundtrack which you can listen on its own in the Music Menu. Some games may even have multiple soundtracks!
Here is a list of soundtracks with album covers.
Virtual Console[]
The console supports the amiibo NFC Figures and Cards. By scanning a figure/card over the center of the controller, you can unlock additional content for games or add amiibo figure/card to the amiibo collection app.
Service Apps[]
Watch Netflix on your V² by hitting the dedicated app for it. By tapping you can pause, and with the right and left triggers you can fast forward or rewind respectively. By tapping
you can stop watching whatever you were watching.
Pizza Hut Delivery[]
Only available in US and Canadian territories, with more planned. Using the controller, you can set up your pizza order to your exact envisions.
KT Box Office[]
KT Box Office is a free app that is a similar service to Sky Box Office which is a movie on demand service you would pay for to watch a film around £2, but this service is completly free, and it shows films from the 80s. It is only available in European regions at the moment.
TRIAD is a free app that requires a 4.99 per month subscription that allows you to play three games for free for the entire month, and you can buy those games at a discount if you like them and want to keep them in your library.
Fallen Cloud[]
The Fallen Cloud is a cloud storage that is located in the console, albeit has to be accessed when the console is shut off. You can directly access it though a link to the console and your computer or connect wirelessly. It holds storage for games and what not, allowing you to access them from your laptop and smartphones. While the games themselves are not playable, the files for the games are, allowing you to change textures, models, and music. You can also rip from the games themselves.
This however does not allow for piracy, the games themselves cannot be ripped and burnt. Only the materials from the games can. It can also be a cloud storage for games that you don't have space for on the regular console.
The V² launched on March 21, 2016 with a library of about 11 games, with more coming out every week. There were a reported 55+ games in development for The V², making many buyers confident in its lasting potential.
Unlike the standard console launch, customers got the very basics and a choice between three games as their launch title. The titles were Tragedy (2015) (which also had its own exclusive bundle), Strafe: Lethal Seven (the only title in the line up not to be made by Toroko but Inora) and Trifecta: Multiverse Fighters. It cost $350 dollars at launch, however high demand saw the consoles be sold much higher in certain regions and online stores.
Alternate Console Colors[]
Toxic Green[]
Released one month after launch.
Omega Orange[]
Released one month after launch.
Divine Crystal[]
Released three months after launch. This is a special color.
Chocolate Dream[]
Released three months after launch.
Beorn Blue[]
Released as part of the Tragedy (2015) bundle. The bundle includes the special console and a copy of Tragedy (2015) along with the rereleased versions of Fissure (2014) and Underground (2014).
Maroon Magma[]
Released as part of the Magma Sentinels bundle. The bundle includes the special console and a copy of Magma Sentinels.
Laser Lemon[]
Released five months after launch.
ReAwakening Requiem[]
Released as part of the Fire Emblem ReAwakening bundle. The bundle includes the special console and controllers, three amiibo, and a copy of Fire Emblem ReAwakening.
Arctic White[]
Released six months after launch.
Resort Leader[]
Released as part of the Fantendo Sports Resort bundle. The bundle includes the special console and controllers, a pre-order for the DLC Fantendo Realms Resort, and a copy of Fantendo Sports Resort.
Striker System[]
Released as part of the Fantendo Strike Force bundle. The bundle includes the special console and controllers and a copy of Fantendo Strike Force. Details are still pretty vague for right now.
System and More[]
- The console was originally under the working name "VRings".
- Early concept arts showed a controller that could split into two pistol-like guns.
- Like The V before it, the concept of the console is an "ideal" version of a console that Exotoro would like to own. However, while The V was focused on flashy gimmicks, The V² is a more straight-forward console.
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Games/Consoles | |
The V² B.O.K.O ⬢ Cell Division ⬢ Crow vs the World ⬢ Debutante ⬢ Exoverse ⬢ Fantendo Smash Bros. Shattered (Fantendo Smash Bros. Scarlet Skies) (Fantendo Smash Bros. Cracked) ⬢ Fantendo Smash Bros. Victory ⬢ Fantendo Sports Resort ⬢ Fantendoverse Racing (Collab with RTA fan (t∣b∣c)) ⬢ Fighters of Lapis/崛起的火星 ⬢ Fighters of Lapis 2/โจมตีทันทีทันใด ⬢ Fighters of Lapis 3: Stargate ⬢ Fighters of Lapis 4/వరల్డ్స్ కలయిక (Beta) ⬢ Fighters of Lapis 5/די ספעיס קריזיס וו (Beta) ⬢ Fighters of Lapis 6: Brotherhood (Beta) ⬢ Fire Emblem ReAwakening ⬢ Fissure (2014) ⬢ Grand Theft Gumball ⬢ Kid Icarus: Mythis ⬢ Kingdom Hearts: Denial in Oasis ⬢ Lonely Machine ⬢ Metroid Genesis ⬢ Minecraft: The Adventure Update II ⬢ Mother V ⬢ Mugen 2 ⬢ N-Stars ⬢ Nintendo 30 ⬢ Omega Smash Bros. Orochi ⬢ Pokemon Trainers Arena ⬢ Pusher's Pile Oxide ⬢ Rick and Morty's Vast Vascular Venture ⬢ SUNSET: Villages ⬢ Sonic Version 2.0 ⬢ Super Mario Bros: Bad Futures ⬢ Super Mario Bros: Multiverse Degeneration ⬢ Super Mario Maker Phi ⬢ Super Smash Bros. Assemble ⬢ Super Smash Bros. Discord ⬢ The King of Fighters '14 ⬢ The Legend of Zelda: Waking of Ancients ⬢ Tragedy (2015) ⬢ Trifecta: Multiverse Fighters ⬢ Underground (2014) ⬢ Wasteland Warriors ⬢ ZIN | |
Characters | |