Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

EMBRACE THE SHADOWS is the "story mode" of Superstition, which follows the main plot of the game. The story is written in an OVA "transcript" format, so as to lend itself to the flow of the story. Note that only that levels with explicit cutscenes will be given extensive detail, as means of hitting the important story beats without padding out the substance.

The story follows Lucky Veridian, an anxious feline with a curse giving him uncontrollable powers in dark magic, being recruited by sorceress Myortia Zavarell, whose former cult of magicians, the Omnis Clan, is invading Lucky's home island with hopes of colonizing it. Along the way, Lucky slowly learns how to use his powers, puts pieces of his past together, and grapples with his emotional struggles, all the while dismantling an imperialistic army.

Progress on the story began on November 5, 2019, but development on the story beats go back to as early as 2017.

Who's Who[]

  • Lucky Veridian, a misfortune feline plagued by anxiety and haunted by an irreversible curse thrust upon him in his childhood, giving him the ability to control the element of darkness. His paranoia surrounding his unrestrained abilities have led to him becoming reclusive and socially inept; however, when his home island is threatened by the presence of the imperialistic magicians of the Omnis Clan, and Myortia calls upon him to aid her in defending the land, Lucky reluctantly takes up the heroic mantle to protect those he loves. Lucky is a well-meaning sweetheart held back by social and existential fear, driven by not wanting to let down his people; he wants to push past his anxiety and explore himself as a person on this journey, but has difficulty caring for himself in times of struggle. This journey is his to embark on, however, and he learns things about himself that he had never even considered prior on this protective odyssey of his.
  • Myortia Zavarell, an abrasive, snarking sorceress formerly of Omnis Clan kin, now an independent Omnisian rebel plotting against the greater powers of Omnitopia. Her complicated, colorful history with her Omnis Clan peers ended with her excommunication from the city, and she now strives to end the cult's genocidal ways by sabotaging their plans to invade the Quadrasera Island. She enlists Lucky to join her on her journey as a fellow erebokinetic, while offering to teach him how to control his powers. Myortia's elegance in battle is countered by a brash, reckless approach to everything and everyone, but, slowly but surely, she grows to appreciate Lucky's outlook on the world around him, and grows to become more than just an ally to him, but a genuine friend. It's a shame she can't make her past mistakes go away.
  • Blitz Coronel, the falcon-feathered celebrity hero of the Sunsplit Junction, a renowned hunter of Quadrasera who is hired by Myortia to aid her and Lucky on their journey. What he lacks in magical ability he makes up for in gliding and limited flight, weapons efficiency, quick feet, and a quicker mind. Although he's struggled to form genuine relationships with others as a result of his unwanted celebrity status, he strikes up a friendship with Lucky, and the two slowly become attracted to each-other. All Blitz wants is to relieve himself of his duties as Quadrasera's protector so he can settle down and live a more peaceful, less invasive life.
  • Sytha Nyjahh, a ginger-furred feline, and one of Lucky's only friends. After her and Karis' parents took Lucky in as a child, Sytha grew to become protective of Lucky, and remained an unofficial guardian of him well into adulthood. Halfway through the story, she and Karis join Lucky, Myortia, and Blitz on their journey, as a result of her fear that Lucky's mental health is deteriorating. Although she means well, she tends to overstep boundaries out of her will to protect her friends. While she isn't the most skilled fighter, she knows how to use a bo staff, and uses that into battle.
  • Lord Shacklebolt, the tyrannical overlord of the Omnis Clan, and the story's main antagonist. An imperialistic dictator with an iron grip of Omnitopia, Shacklebolt's goal is to stretch the Omnis Clan's hold on the entire world, picking off one civilization at a time. Quadrasera Island is the clan's newest target, and Shacklebolt is leading the army into the territory. Shacklebolt is far from just a mindless brute, however; he is manipulative, passionate, and a natural born leader. He's truly a force to be reckoned with.
  • Valentine, the Omnis Clan's Pioneer of Heart, and a somewhat complicated figure in Myortia's past. Once friends turned girlfriends, Myortia and Valentine went through a messy breakup following Myortia's excommunication; now seemingly fighting on opposite sides of a war, things haven't gotten any less tense between them. Valentine is compassionate and emotional, often one for overreacting, but well-understanding and empathetic to other people's plights; although they're apparently meant to be enemies, Valentine and Lucky manage to form a strange friendship throughout the story.
  • Karis Nyjahh, Lucky's best friend and housemate since childhood. An outgoing, extroverted feline opposite of Lucky's socially-troubled disposition, Karis has been Lucky's rock as long as the two have known each-other. As they've grown older, Lucky has developed a crush on Karis that the latter is blissfully unaware of. Karis acts as somewhat of a cheerleader and source of moral support after he and Sytha join the group, but his combat skills aren't anything to sneeze at.
  • Madame Irantia, the Pioneer of Alchemy, the Iron Maiden, and Lord Shacklebolt's right-hand woman. Born into a prestigious family, Irantia climbed the ranks of Omnitopia quickly and at a young age, never letting her inability to see–after being blinded in a mine accident as a child–deter her from her goal. She later went on to marry the leader of Omnitopia, and is now known as the cool, collected queen of metal. While Shacklebolt strives for a strong grasp on the universe, Irantia believes that order is natural, and cannot be forced on a people; not that she has any say in what the king does.
  • Tarocles, also known as "Ace", the eccentric advisor for Lord Shacklebolt and his army. A low-class Omnis whose playful "jester" persona is a front for an attention-starved specimen. Tarocles' undying loyalty is both his greatest asset and worst failing, as he refuses to think he's fighting on the wrong side of the battle... possibly because the Omnis Clan is the only place where he's ever been able to feel useful.
  • Pynamo, the Pioneer of Infernos, a skittish inventor with a personality that is anything but fiery. He hates fighting and especially hates the responsibility of being a general, but takes solace in his machinery, especially th3rm0, his robotic companion. Despite them being enemies, Lucky and Pynamo find a strange sense of solidarity in their shared experiences, as the two share similar fears and characteristics.
  • Erupide, a sly sleaze-bag freelancer who hails himself as Omnitopia's master of disguise. A friend of Myortia's who has never had much hand in the Omnis Clan, but is more than happy to work against them now. While he doesn't boast elemental magic, he does possess the ability to change his appearance; a helpful little tool for sneaking around Omnitopia without getting caught.

Prologue: A Stygian Tail[]

Somewhere in the depths of a quiet redwood forest, autumn leaves flutter aimlessly towards the forest ground. The warm glow of the setting sun shines above, flushing the sky with a gold that rivals the leaves.
At first, all is quiet. But, in the distance, the sound of crunching leaves grows near, the sound of someone blitzing across the woodlands.
Suddenly, a petite figure bursts from the trees; a small green cat, sprinting like its life depends on it. In pursuit of the kitten are three tall, humanoid figures, wearing dark cloaks; their faces are obscured by hoods. The green kitten skitters across the grass frantically, hardly able to outrun the three mysterious figures.
As they run, one of the figures casts a spell, firing a grey blast of dark energy from its hand. The spell whizzes past the kitten’s ear; it gasps and picks up the pace. Several other spells fly past it, all narrowly missing.
The tallest of the three figures, wearing a silver armor-piece under a purple robe, grunts in aggravation as the missing spells fizzle out. They reel back their arm, charging another spell with more vigor, and swing, propelling the projectile forward like a rocket.
The burst of energy flies directly towards the feline, who sees, but isn’t fast enough to dodge—it only has time to let out a panicked yelp before its struck by the blast, engulfed in a small eruption of dark energy. The three sorcerers skid to a halt, almost thrown by the impact of the blast.
As the small burst of darkness evaporates, fading into black smoke, the young creature is seen in its wake, knocked unconscious by the force of the spell. Purple lightning crackles around its body in short bursts. Despite being out cold, it looks to be in great pain.
The cloaked sorcerers look at each-other and the kitten wordlessly, unsure of how to act. One’s hand begins to spark with energy, but the tallest of the three puts a hand on their shoulder, beckoning them to wait. They stop, and the leader advances towards the creature, and kneels down. The other two simply watch silently.
The tall sorcerer reaches to touch the kitten, but the dark electricity cracks around its body once more before they can. Their hand withdraws sharply, and the other seems to cover their obscured mouth.
They sigh and stand back up, shaking their head in shock. They nod towards the other expectant figures, who return the nod and start to march in the opposite direction.
The leader begins to follow them, but stops in their tracks to look back at the kitten, who’s still lying limp on the ground. They’re almost tempted to turn back and do something to it, but... they just keep walking, leaving the kitten to its troubles.

Seventeen years later...

A modest marble cottage sits amidst a verdant plateau, surrounded by fields of golden wheatgrass. It is early morning—the sun shimmers high in the sky, and its light filters through the windows of the small cottage.
The house sits against the crystal blue sea, which shines against the sun’s rays. A stone pathway leads to an evergreen forest in the distance. This kind of greenery is customary for Vera, one of the Quadrasera Isle’s four counties—an island split into quarters as a result of its curious weather patterns.
On the top floor of this marble cottage is a small bedroom, with unpainted walls and a single window to its name. A nightstand carrying a lamp, a digital alarm clock, and an empty bottle of water is to the right of the bed. Opposite of it are two wooden bookshelves, a floor mirror, and a handful of posters. Sitting on top of the bookshelves are several novels and texts with bookmarks sticking out of them, a red collar with a golden bell attached to the front, and a plastic bowl full of unwrapped fortune cookies. Hanging above the bed is a silk dreamcatcher. The room is relatively unorganized—several scarves, bandannas, and sheets lie on the ground, and the bookshelves are dusty and unkempt.
Lying on the bed is a familiar green cat-like creature, wide awake in spite of himself. He lies on his back, staring up at the ceiling silently.
The silence is soon broken, however, by a loud “beep! beep! beep!” The clock’s digital interface reads 8:00am, and its alarm goes off. No sooner than a few seconds after it’s triggered, the cat, without sitting up, swipes a paw at it to shut it off. He misses the button, however, and knocks the clock onto the ground—despite this, the alarm continues to go off.
Lucky: Hmghhh...
Slowly, Lucky straightens himself out, and climbs out of bed—he picks up the clock and presses a button... which only makes the alarm louder. Lucky winces.
Lucky: God.
He presses a few more buttons in a panic, before it finally shuts off. He sighs, sets it back on his nightstand, stretches, and walks over to his mirror.
He stares at himself for a moment thoughtfully. He straightens his back out, fusses with his hair briefly, and crosses his arms—he feels the bandage on his left arm. He begins to talk to himself quietly.
Lucky: So here’s how today’s gonna go, okay? You are going to go out there, and be around other people, and live your life in spite of that. Because you, y’know, because you... you deserve it. And if anything bad happens, then, well, that’s okay. I mean, nothing that hasn’t happened before, nothing that won’t happen again, right? And if you go out there and remember you’re bad at making eye contact, or that you’ve forgotten someone’s name, or that your palms get, like, uncomfortably sweaty during confrontations? That’s okay, too.
He nods to himself in the mirror, as if he’s having a good pep talk with whoever’s on the other side.
Lucky: You know why? It’s because... it’s because you can tell yourself, "Hey, you know what, you tried and that’s what mattered! Trying and failing miserably are two sides of the same..." Wait, no, that’s not right. Not failures. Learning experiences, right. Learning experiences. Life is just... one big learning experience.
Lucky dives a hand into the bowl of fortune cookies, grabs one, and unwraps it. He cracks it open and takes out the fortune.
Lucky: "A clear mind is the gateway to a life of prosperity." Well, consider that gate... uh, locked. Heh.
Lucky finger-guns himself in the mirror in an attempt at self-deprecation. A small burst of dark energy goes off at his fingertips, triggering a soft “bang!” Lucky yelps and jumps back immediately.
Lucky: Gah-!
As he steps back, he trips on one of the scarves, slipping and landing on his back on the floor. He sits there for a fleeting moment, before sighing.
Lucky: Of course.
A beat. He stands back up, shaking his head. He readjusts himself and straightens out again, rubbing his shoulder where he landed on it.
Lucky: It’s... fine. It’s not a problem, okay? Look, if... if today’s a bad day, it’s because you decided it’s going to be. The quality of your life is what you make of it, that’s what Sytha always says. And Sytha is, like, way smarter than you, anyways.
Another beat. Lucky slows down and breathes.
Lucky: Okay, okay, forget her. This is about you. You can do this.
He looks at himself with determination.
Lucky: Just get out there, clear your head, and be a badass.
He reaches for his collar, and clicks it onto his neck with a soft jingle. He takes one last look at himself, takes a breath, and pops the fortune cookie in his mouth, before leaving his room.

Lucky makes his way down the stairs and approaches the base floor—the staircase opens up to a quaint kitchen with a dining table, and a cozy living room with several beanbag chairs surrounding a smaller glass table.
Another cat is working away in the kitchen making breakfast. She looks up as she hears Lucky come down... only to hear a loud bump, as Lucky hits his head on a lower part of the ceiling in the staircase. She snorts.
Lucky: Ow.
Sytha: Watch the ceiling, sleepyhead.
Lucky: Hmmmmgh.
Lucky ducks, still rubbing his head, and makes his way into the kitchen. Sytha starts pouring a cup of coffee.
Sytha: You’re up early.
Lucky: Good morning to you, too, Sytha. (A beat.) Wait, that was mean. Sorry.
Sytha: You’re fine. What’s got you up so soon?
Lucky: Oh, I... I, uh, didn’t get much sleep last night. And, well, you know me, there’s only so much time I can spend staring at the ceiling, tasting my own breath.
Sytha: Gross.
Lucky: Sorry.
Sytha pours a second mug, giving the first to Lucky, who takes a cautious sip—he winces, coughs, and puts the mug down, having burned his tongue. Sytha shakes her head.
Sytha: So, what, another sleepless night? Don’t tell me you had another one of those nightmares again.
Lucky: Uh... yeah.
Sytha: Jeez, still with those things? At least tell me something has changed in that weird head of yours.
Lucky: What would you consider, “being chased in the forest by faceless strangers?”
Sytha: Hmph. Same old stuff.
Lucky: I mean, I guess some things never really change, hah.
Sytha: Oh, don't talk like that. This vague nightmare sequence crap isn’t going to always be around, you know that.
Lucky: Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s just discouraging when stuff like this... (He gestures towards the coffee.) ... still happens all the time. If things were really changing, I’d think I would be able to tell.
Sytha: Maybe, yeah. But no bad luck is gonna prevent you from self-improving, right?
She drops a sugar cube in her mug, and two in Lucky's.
Lucky: Yeah. Just... y-y’know. Just hasn’t happened yet.
Sytha: So get on it! You said you were gonna go into town with Karis, right?
Lucky: I, uh, did say that. I mean, I’m still gonna do it, without a doubt. (He takes a tentative sip.) We’ll see how that goes.
Sytha: See? That’s progress!
Lucky: ... Sure.
Lucky takes a longer sip as a third cat wearing a yellow scarf walks in through the door. Lucky is instantly drawn to the sight of him.
Karis: So I could probably make some banana bread later and see if Mac and Sully like it... oh, morning, Lucky! I thought you were still in bed.
Lucky: I, uh—hi! Hi. Good morning. You were right, I was, but... y’know, I figured that, uh, you and I could...
Karis: Say no more. Give a holler when you’re ready to bounce, 'kay?
Lucky: Yeah! Sure, yeah, of course, yes.
Karis: Sweet.
Karis brushes by the two and runs upstairs—Lucky’s gaze follows him out of the room. Lucky's mouth curves into a subtle smile.
Sytha: Well, aren't you adorable.
Lucky snaps out of it and turns to Sytha accusingly, who has the widest, most mischievous grin on her face.
Lucky: Don’t say that.
Sytha: What? I just think it’s cute, the way you look at him like a lovestruck puppy.
Lucky: Shh! What if he hears you?
Sytha: Oh, please, he can’t from up there. But you. (She pokes Lucky on the nose.) I wanna know why you haven’t asked my brother out yet.
Lucky: You...! (He tenses up, before exhaling loudly.) You know perfectly well why I won’t.
Sytha: Well, what’s the worst that can happen? He says no?
Lucky: He says no, creating an awkward strain on our existing friendship, leading to building tension over my own guilt and him getting mad at me and us not talking despite living in the same house, putting you in an increasingly difficult position as a third party, and permanently cementing any strong emotional bond us three have had together for the last decade into a pit of hardened molasses and broken spirits?
Lucky downs the rest of the coffee in a panic. Sytha looks on with one of disbelief or concern; it isn’t exactly clear.
Sytha: ... Jesus Christ.
Lucky: I know—
Sytha: Dude.
Lucky: I know, I know, I’m—sorry. I need to just...
Sytha: Maybe let’s start with cutting your coffee intake.
Lucky: I’ll get back to you on that one.
Sytha: Okay, seriously. Deep breaths.
Lucky: Sytha-
Sytha: Deep breaths, bitch!
Lucky buries his head in his arms on the counter, and takes the breath.
Lucky (muffled): Don’t call me a bitch.
Sytha: Lucky, maybe just... try not to fall into a catastrophizing slump for a change. It’s a beautiful day outside, you’re spending the morning with Karis, you’re pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone... that is a good thing.
Lucky picks his head up and sighs.
Lucky: I believe you.
Sytha: Well, I’d suggest getting yourself ready, at least. You have some time to make yourself look like you didn’t just emerge from an underground society of rats.
Lucky: H-Hey, don’t talk about the rats like that. They don't like being a point of comparison.
An awkward silence.
Sytha: ... was that supposed to be a joke?
Lucky: Yeah, I'm not sure. (A beat.) I’m gonna go get ready.
Sytha: You do that.

A few hours later, Karis and Lucky leave the house, both ready for the day—Karis walks with a skip in his step ahead, while Lucky trudges behind him, always gravitating towards the back. They start to travel down the stone path leading into the forest.
Karis: Nice morning, huh? I reckon this might be the best weather we’ve had all summer.
Lucky: Heh, didn’t you say that yesterday?
Karis: Well, yeah. I guess Mother Nature just keeps on outdoing herself.
Lucky laughs a little too hard at the quip. Karis doesn’t seem to notice.
Karis: Anyways, I can tell you this, Mac and Sully will be thrilled to see you again, Lucky. They keep asking me where you’ve been all summer!
Lucky: Ha, I mean, they probably don’t actually miss me that much, do they?
Karis: Are you kidding? Sully’s been going on and on about you all week! "Mr. Nyjahh, ah am positively dyin to know what you’ve done to that handsome green fellow you brought to that fundraiser!" I’m pretty sure I heard the phrase "cute as a button" in reference to you at some point last Wednesday.
Lucky: Nice to know the only person who’s ever called me handsome is an, an old woman. ("He thinks about what he said for a second".) No, wait. That's mean.
Karis: Pfft.
Lucky: No, yeah, it should be, should be... y’know, nice to see them again, and all that.
Karis: Yeah! I'm really glad you're coming today. Catching some sunlight and all that.
Lucky nods quietly and coughs rather awkwardly. The two fall silent for a moment.
Lucky: So, uh, how did your last recipe go over with them? The, uh, the carrot cake, right?
Karis: Oh, yeah! Psh, talk about a hot disaster.
Lucky: Whoops.
Karis laughs.
Karis: No, it was the good kind of disaster. Just means I know what to do right next time. It came out drier than I was hoping for, so...
Lucky stops listening after a second, however, for something catches his eyes—a strange-looking ship, sailing towards the island in the horizon. It looks dark, intimidating, and completely unfamiliar. It's moving at a worryingly fast pace.
Karis: ... Or something of the sorts, I’m thinking maybe I need to add more milk before I...
Lucky: Karis, do you see that? In the distance?
The two stop in their tracks. Karis turns to the ocean and spots the boat in the distance. He squints.
Karis: It's... a ship?
Lucky: I've never seen one of those ships around here before. The trade boats, they don’t... they don’t look like that, right? They all look the same, none of them have that color, or that shape, or...
Karis: Uh, I don't think so, but... I never really paid much attention to them, to be honest. What do you think it is, then?
Lucky: I... I'm not too sure, but it's... it's weirding me out. Why is it moving so quickly? Why does it... does it look so...
Karis: Hey, we don't know if it's anything bad. For all we know, some weirdo over in the Sunspilt Junction might... have bad taste in boat design? I dunno.
Lucky: ... Something's not right.
Karis: How can you be sure?
Lucky: I don't know, I-I just... I’m getting this bad feeling in my chest, is all.
Karis: Lucky, slow down for a second.
Karis puts a hand on Lucky's shoulder, and Lucky waits a beat before taking a deep breath.
Karis: Think about it. There's a really, really small chance that anything will actually happen. For all we know, it could be a weird trade ship, or... I dunno, an explorer from a neighboring island or something. I mean, how often does anything bad happen around here?
Lucky: Speak for yourself.
A beat.
Karis: That's... fair.
Lucky: Sorry.
Karis: But you know what I mean! Even if it's something bad, which it probably isn't, then it probably isn't anything we have to actively worry about.
Lucky: ...
Karis: Also, you're hyped up on caffeine, so I could see where the overstimulation could be coming from.
Lucky almost rebuffs him, but notices his leg has been shaking like mad for about a minute by now. He sighs and stops.
Lucky: Touché.
Karis: No, look! Let's just not worry about it and go into town. If we run into any trouble, we can just go home, okay?
Lucky doesn't take his eyes off of the ship.
Lucky: ... Sire, yeah. Yeah, let's just...
Karis: C'mon!
Karis takes Lucky by the hand and leads him down the path—Lucky is visibly caught off-guard, but doesn't object as he follows his friend into the woods. The ship keeps getting closer and closer.

A few hours later, Lucky and Karis are shopping in Clovertown, a bustling community surrounded by greenery. It's a quaint little town, but still vibrant and busy; a place where the crowds are never too big, but the streets are never too empty. Shops and homes line the streets, and all of the roads gravitate towards Four-Leaf Garden, a verdant park in the heart of the town.
Karis and Lucky exit one of the buildings surrounding Four-Leaf Garden; the bakery Karis works at. Karis is toting a plate of various pastries, while Lucky carries a single muffin.
Karis: Have a good one, you guys! Thanks for the food!
Lucky: Yeah, uh, thank you!
His voice cracks on the word "thank"; he clears his throat, embarrassed.
Karis: See? What did I tell you about them? Sully lit up as soon as she saw you walked in.
Lucky: Hah, yeah... I mean, she didn't seem too happy that I didn't take a whole lot of food with me.
Karis: Oh, pshaw. They act like that towards everyone. I guess that's what happens when you become a grandparent.
Lucky: Yeah, I mean... I-I kinda thought she was mad at me, to be honest.
Karis: You're fine. Seriously. Don't read into it too deeply.
Lucky shrugs and takes a hesitant bite out of the muffin. He makes a face.
Karis: Why do you keep asking for blueberry muffins, anyways? I thought you've never liked them.
Lucky: I... I dunno, I guess I don't wanna tell them I don't like them after all this time.
Karis: Seriously? They wouldn't be offended if you told them, y'know.
Lucky: Nah, they probably would. I mean, they would, right? They totally... would. Wait, what am I even talking about?
Lucky takes in a deep breath, breathes out, and bites the muffin again. Karis chuckles and shakes his head.
Karis: Listen, buddy, you've got nothing to worry about. Nobody gets mad about muffins around here... unless they've been, like, poisoned or something.
Lucky: That's... uh, I appreciate the reassurance?
Karis (with a wink): That's what I'm here for.
The two laugh somewhat awkwardly. Lucky's transforms into a stiff sigh, as he bites into his muffin again.
Karis: Where do you reckon we should head to next? Maybe stop by the farmer's market—?
All of the sudden, Karis and Lucky stop in their tracks. Panicked yells can be heard in the distance. The two turn to each-other, concerned.
Karis: Did you hear that too?
Lucky: L-Loud and clear. What... wh-what do you think...
Suddenly, an unfamiliarly intimidating figure turns the corner, marching like a soldier while dragging a Clovertown denizen along with them. Their body is concealed by a light green cloak and cape, but their frame is vaguely human-like.
Karis pulls Lucky after him around the corner, unseen by the stranger. He peeks around the wall they're behind to get a good look at what's going on, curious but concerned.
Karis: Who on Earth is that? I've never seen someone like that before... and what’re they doing to that older guy?
Lucky: Yeah, wh… what the hell...
A realization dawns on Lucky.
Lucky (beginning to hyperventilate): The ship. The ship. The one we saw back at home. Y-You don't think...?
Karis: Uhh... shoot, maybe. What are they doing, though?
Lucky: Karis... Karis, I...
Lucky leans against the wall, trying to keep his breathing steady.
Karis: Lucky, it's fine. Just breathe.
???: Get your hands off me, you—!
The unseen voice is cut off by the sound of a loud punch, followed by a loud howl of pain. Karis grimaces and turns back to Lucky, who's now mumbling to himself, freaking out.
Lucky: God, god, god...
Karis: Okay, on second thought, we need to go. Now.
Lucky: Wait! Wait, we… we can't just... we can't just leave him there. W-We have no idea what's gonna happen if we don't...
Karis: And what're we gonna do? We can't take bullets for them if we can't fight back!
Lucky: I mean, y-you're not declawed, you can... do your thing, and me... well...
Lucky looks at his paws distantly, clenches them, and looks back up at Karis. He hears more yelling from the mysterious figure.
Karis: Oh, no, Lucky, you can't-!
Lucky: Well, why, why not? If I can just...
Karis: Lucky, no. You don't know how to control it. Don't you remember what happened the last time you tried?
Lucky glances at his bandaged arm, and trips on his own words thinking about what Karis is talking about.
Lucky: I... I-I-I don't think it'll happen again.
Karis: Lucky, trust me. It’s not gonna work!
Lucky: Karis, please!
???: Hey! Who's there?
The two freeze. Lucky feels his heart drop down to his stomach. Karis grabs Lucky's arm firmly and helps him off the wall. Lucky begins to hyperventilate.
Lucky (hushed): Oh god oh god oh god I'm sorry. Karis I'm sorry-
Karis: Shh!
???: Show yourself!
Lucky whimpers, his tail curling around his legs. Karis backs up a few steps, still holding onto Lucky.
Karis: Lucky! Come on!
But Lucky is frozen to the spot—his legs are shaking like mad. The sudden surge of fear is rooting him to where he stands, even with a voice inside his head yelling at him to run like hell.
Almost on cue, the mysterious figure turns the corner, having seemingly released the stranger from their grasp—their purple eyes are the only thing visible through the cloak. Without missing a beat, they begin sprinting towards the two. Karis yells out to Lucky.
Karis: Run!
Lucky snaps out of it, turning over his shoulder and sprinting like a cheetah... for a good couple of seconds. He feels his leg get tangled in his own tail, and falls, stumbling to the grown painfully. Karis turns around from ahead, his eyes full of shock.
Karis: Lucky-!
The figure's free hand glows with a green aura, and they raise their arm, ready to strike Lucky with a magic blow before he can get back up. Lucky notices, but can barely react in time, only able to put his hands over his head out of instinctive defense...
WHOOOM! A massive outburst of dark energy erupts from Lucky's chest, letting out a piercing noise almost like a shriek. The eruption weaves through his arms and blasts the sorcerer, who screams and flies backwards a considerable distance, before hitting the ground with a thud!. They hit the ground and cease to move.
Lucky falls into his own head, the sounds surrounding him fading into static. His heart is pounding desperately, almost as if it were to break free his chest; the floor beneath him feels like it’s swaying at his feet. Tears blur his vision as he reaches for his chest, expecting to feel an injury but only feeling a hot sensation somewhere within his core. He grasps a tuft of fur on his chest with a shaking fist and lets out a gasp for air. He blinks through the tears stinging his eyes, and, for a fleeting moment, a dysmorphic, shadow-like figure stands in front of him, staring at Lucky with eyes of a burning crimson and a tilted head. He blinks again, letting a tear run down his cheek, but the street is suddenly empty again.
Karis: Lucky, come on... you're okay, buddy, you're okay, just grab onto me...
Lucky snaps out of it, blinking and realizing Karis is helping him back onto his feet—the world shifts back into focus as he tries to steady his breathing. The burning sensation in his chest is still present as he leans on his friend for support.
Lucky: Wh... Wh-wh-wh-wha... what just happened...?
Karis: I-I don't know, but we need to go, now. Can you walk on your own, or do you need me to-
Lucky shakes his head wordlessly, taking a few steps forward, taking a deep breath, and nodding to Karis shakily.
Lucky: Let’s… let's go... before...
Karis nods back, and he and Lucky begin to run, Karis slowing himself down to make sure he doesn't leave his friend behind. Lucky doesn't look back at the damage he's done, still trying to comprehend what just happened.
As the two run, another human-like figure emerges from around the corner—a thick crimson ponytail sticks out of the hood they're wearing. They watch the two cats escape wordlessly, noticing the comatose sorcerer on the ground opposite them. They stare off after Lucky and Karis thoughtfully.

Sytha: So, if I'm understanding you guys correctly... you saw a suspicious ship coming towards the island, ignored it and went into town, and saw some weird sorcerer guy harassing one of the citizens, who Lucky then proceeded to accidentally blast with his magic?
Lucky and Karis have returned home, and they and Sytha have congregated inside Sytha's living room. Karis sits criss-cross on the couch next to Lucky, both still shaken by the previous encounter.
Karis: Yyyyeah. I still haven't a clue who that cloaked guy was or what he was doing here, but he seemed to be dragging that older cat off, from the look of things? It almost seemed like we intercepted a catnapping.
Sytha: Do you guys know if you saw anyone else who looked like... that? With the capes or whatever?
Karis: Beats me. Lucky?
Lucky rubs his face with both hands and sighs.
Lucky: I-I-I... I’m sorry, I-I don't know.
Karis: Dude, you may have just saved a life back there. Don't apologize.
Lucky: I know, it's j-just...
Sytha: Are you sure it was just that one, though? Because this could be a big problem if we're dealing with a widespread threat.
Karis: I mean, I doubt a ship as big as that would be carrying just one fella.
Lucky: I-I-I mean...
Sytha: And you two aren't hurt at all? I mean, Lucky, it's been more than a month since the last time you've had an... outburst like that, with your powers. You're sure nothing's... different?
Lucky: I d-don't...
Karis: Like... no burns? No wounds? Not even—
Lucky: C-Can you just...
Lucky wraps his arms behind his neck and closes his eyes, taking a shaky breath. Sytha gives Karis a look.
Karis: ... Sorry.
Lucky shakes his head, rubs his eyes, and sighs again. His gaze doesn't lift from the floor.
Lucky: When I got cornered, I... I-I dunno, something... woke up inside of me. I wasn't trying to use my powers, I swear, it just... happened. Without me doing anything. Some weird part of me... just e-exploded outwards. From my chest. I-It didn't leave a mark, or a scar, or anything. Just... like, this weird burning feeling. (A beat. Lucky feels for his chest again.) Something weird happened back there, and it's scaring the hell out of me.
Sytha: What do you mean when you say something... "woke up" inside of you? Like... your powers? Whatever cursed you all those years ago?
Lucky shakes his head again, grabbing a throw pillow and clutching it with both hands, hugging it against his chest.
Lucky: ... I-I don't know what it was. It felt like something inside of me was... screaming at me? I guess?
Karis: ... Huh.
Lucky: And... th-this is gonna sound crazy, but... after it happened, I-I blinked, and... I think I… saw my shadow?
Sytha (almost a scoff): Your... shadow.
Lucky: W-Well, not, like, my shadow... it was... w-well it... I… uh...
Sytha: I'm gonna stop you there, 'cuz I think you're borderline delirious from adrenaline. I think this is serious, and I'm just as concerned as you are, but you should try and let all of this sink in. You know, when we actually know what's going on right now.
Lucky: Hhhhh.
Bam bam bam! A loud, disruptive knock on the door startles the three out of their seats. Lucky's eyes widen with fear.
Lucky: Wh-Who's that?
Sytha: Karis... you didn't invite anyone over earlier, did you?
Karis: Did you?
Sytha puts her eye in the peephole through the door. Lucky's already starting to freak out.
Karis: Who is it?
Sytha: Purple-skinned woman wearing a hood... she looks like that guy you described.
Lucky (panicky): Oh, god.
Karis: Reinforcements?
The woman pounds even harder on the door. Lucky jumps and lets out a whimper. Sytha immediately resolves to take action.
Sytha: Go to the kitchen and stay out of sight. Don't come out until I say so. I'll handle this.
Lucky: Wh-Wh... Wait, Sytha, it's...
Sytha: I wasn't in Clovertown, I'm the furthest thing from liable, and, from the sound of things, she's gonna bust our door down if we stall a second longer. Go.
Lucky starts to protest again, but Karis drags him into the kitchen, leaning against the wall just out of sight. Lucky shivers, scratching his arm nervously; Karis clutches his hand comfortingly.
Karis: It'll be okay. Trust me.
Lucky doesn't respond, but nods his head vigorously. He hears Sytha open the door and winces, biting at one of his claws to ease his jitters.
??? (unseen): What's poppin', ginger?
Sytha (unseen): State your business, or leave me and my family alone.
???: Whoa, feisty. I dig it.
Sytha: Please leave.
She begins to close the door, but the woman pushes it open.
???: Wait, wait! Look, I know this is all very sudden, but I just gotta ask you a few questions, and then I'll haul ass out of here. Capische?
A hesitant pause. Lucky tries to crane his neck to peek around the wall, but Karis pulls him back.
Sytha: Get on with it, then. What do you want?
???: How many sorcerers do you have in your social circle?
Lucky's eyes widen, as Karis gestures for him to remain quiet.
Sytha: ... Excuse you?
???: Oh, y'know. Spells. Curses. Witchcraft and wizardry. That kinda crap.
Sytha: I...think you might have the wrong person, sorry.
Sytha goes to close the door again, but the mysterious woman barges it open and comes inside, pushing past Sytha.
Sytha: Hey-!
???: Listen, ginger. I haven't the slightest desire to hurt anyone right now. But one of my people was attacked by one of your lot using magic, and that isn't something I knew was possible. Whoever they are, I can sense they're in this house somewhere, so whatever you're hiding, I need to see it.
Karis and Lucky exchange a look of panic. Something inside of Lucky is nagging at him to get a closer look at the scene unfolding in his living room.
Sytha: Get out. Now.
???: You're not even listening to me, are ya?
Sytha: No, I don't think you're listening to me. Out.
???: I'll walk right out of here as soon as I find what I'm looking for.
Sytha: There's nothing for you here.
??? (through gritted teeth): Maybe this'll get it through your head, then-
Lucky: WAIT! W-Wait!
Before the mystery woman can take another step towards Sytha, Lucky wrestles free from Karis' grasp, and runs out to the two, stepping in between the imminent conflict.
Sytha: God, Lucky—
Lucky (frantically): It's me you're looking for, okay? It was me! I hurt your friend! You-You-You can do whatever you need to me, just... don't hurt her.
Lucky takes a good look at their sudden intruder during the ensuing silence. Under her cloak, she dons a dress of faded navy blue and lavender, with bright teal stockings and purple heels. Her thick, crimson hair is tied into a ponytail that drapes down to her shoulders. Her hands are pulsing with a familiar dark energy, and she is poised as if she's ready to fight Sytha—lord knows where the battle could have escalated otherwise.
???: ... You? Seriously?
Lucky: Yeah. Whatever magic you're sensing, it's mine, and it's a really, really long story as to why I can use it, but I can't control it, and I didn't mean to hurt anyone, just please don't—
???: Damn, dude, slow down for a sec. Do you see me holdin' a knife to anyone's throat?
Sytha: You were just about to attack me.
The woman stares at Sytha for a moment, before cackling. The three cats exchange a look of bewilderment.
???: Bah, I wasn't actually gonna do anything to ya. Scare tactics work like a charm, though. Should've seen the look on your face!
The woman wheezes, as Sytha gives her a look of sheer vitriol.
???: Okay, okay... ha, I'm sorry.
Lucky: Look, I... I don't—I don't want any trouble, okay? Just... whatever you want to do, don't hurt them. I-I'm the one—
???: Jesus, spare me the sacrifice. I heard you the first time. And I'm starting to think we aren't exactly on the same page here.
Lucky: ... what do you mean?
???: Well, for one thing... I came here to offer you my thanks, actually.
Lucky: ... I'm sorry?
???: Jeez, you really like to apologize, don't ya?
Lucky: No, no, I... why do you want to thank me?
???: Well... it's a long story, but I guess context is important, right?
Sytha: No, please, take your time. 'Cuz I need a pretty good reason as to why you broke into my house if you don't want me to go to the local authorities.
??? (playfully): To be fair... you did let me in.
Sytha: I will dropkick you.
???: Promise?
The mystery woman winks, throwing herself onto one of the beanbags, while Sytha shoots her an admonishing glare—the woman gestures the others to sit down as well. Karis and Lucky cautiously lower themselves onto the other seats.
???: The name is Myortia Zavarell. Just stick to Myortia, though.
Lucky: Okay...?
Myortia: I'm from Omnitopia, and I'm on a bit of a personal mission here. I'm sure you're wondering what the hell I am, and what I'm doing here. To keep it brief, my people want to take over this island 'cuz they're a bunch of imperialist scumbags, and that's certifiably a bad thing.
Karis: Hold on, back up. Omnitopia? Where—
Myortia sighs, twirling her ponytail impatiently.
Myortia: So my people are known as Omnis, right? Omnis are kinda like humans, but with natural elemental magic abilities. Y’know, fire, water, electricity, stuff like that. Me myself, I use dark magic. And, from the looks of it, you do, too, but we'll get to that.
She points a painted nail at Lucky, who freezes up.
Myortia: Us Omnis, we live on this technological wasteland in the middle of nowhere called Omnitopia, 'cuz whoever was in charge with namin' the place gave up halfway through.
Sytha: Hilarious.
Myortia rolls her eyes, standing up and pacing around the living room, already impatient.
Myortia: Look, I'm not gonna give you guys a full history lesson on my sorry excuse of a city, but here's what's worth knowing. Omnitopia has an army. Well, army, command, cult, whatever you wanna call it. The Omnis Clan is what they're called. Made of Omnitopia's finest sorcerers, the ones who know how to hold their own on the battlefield the most. I used to be one of 'em myself... at least, 'til only a few weeks ago.
Karis: You got kicked out?
Myortia: Pretty much. Turns out that fighting in opposition against a messed-up hierarchy will make you a few hundred enemies. It's not exactly pretty, my history with these folks.
Lucky: ... I see.
Myortia: Truth is, I've had a bone to pick with my found family for lord knows how many years. They've got a nasty track record of taking over weaker colonies and civilizations just for kicks... it's disgusting, but it's how they've always done things, and they have yet to show a single sign of slowing down. They've been looking for a big hunk of an island that's suitable for developing more bases and cities overseas, and this place, Quadrasera Island? It's been on their radar for a long time.
Karis: So... this is a full-blown invasion we're talking about?
Myortia: More or less.
Lucky: Jeez...
Myortia: That's where I wanted to come in, see. I'm pissed off enough at these spell-chucking do-nothings for targeting the homes of so many innocent people... especially 'cuz I was guilty of the same for years. And the fun thing about dark magic is that it's stronger than any other Omnis magic, meaning I've got a hulking advantage against these chumps... or at least, I should.
Myortia lets a flitter of dark energy out of her pointer finger, making a noise akin to a pellet gun. The other three jump—Lucky leaps onto the cushion instinctively.
Sytha: Christ-!
Myortia (with a smug grin): Gottem. Anyways, I reasonably thought that I could tear down the monarchy on my own. Only problem is, I'm just one Omnis against hundreds, if not thousands by now. And I... didn't really consider that while I was sneaking onto their boat.
Karis: So... where do we come in this?
Myortia: Well, nothing personal, but you're kind of a non-factor here. Same goes for the ginger one, as warm and welcoming as she’s been to me.
Myortia: No, I'm more concerned about you, greenie. (A beat as she acknowledges Lucky.) You got a name?
Lucky: Uh... yeah.
A beat. Lucky sits frozen to the spot, his eyes locked with Myortia. He realizes not a moment too soon.
Lucky: Oh! You, uh, you want me to...
Myortia: Mhm. Take your time.
Lucky (sheepishly): Lucky. Lucky Veridian.
Something about Myortia's aura shifts, the look in her eyes changing for a brief moment. She nods, but something about the way her eyes flashed just now...
Myortia: Well... Lucky. As we both agree, I saw ya blast one of those schmucks trying to mess your town up earlier. I gotta say, it was some pretty impressive stuff.
Lucky: Er... thanks, but it was... it was kind of an accident, to be honest?
Myortia: Oh, please don’t humble yourself. That kind of burst of magic takes a lot of mental preparation, even for me. Not to mention how much practice it takes to really pull that off, you get what I'm saying?
Lucky: ... I-I don't think we're the—the same in that regard, I mean. I've never really done that before, I guess. Or anything that entails...? Well, I... I, I wasn't born with these powers in the first place, so I... er, circumstances being what they are...
Myortia: Whoa, hold on a second. You weren't born with powers?
Lucky shakes his head, as Sytha holds her cautious glare towards Myortia. The sorceress double takes somewhat.
Myortia: Oh. Oh.
She pauses, her swagger cracking somewhat.
Myortia: Well, uh... I can't say I expected this. I've never seen a novice sorcerer unleash so much power in one place before... guess that explains why. I'm no genius about magical technicalities and all that jazz, but... how the hell did you manage to do that, then? If you haven't spent a day of your life training yourself up?
Lucky: It's a long story that I... I don't really like telling. Let's just say I was a normal kid one morning, and a cursed kid who was indefinitely separated from his parents by the afternoon.
Myortia: ... Huh.
Lucky: Yeah, I... I get that reaction a lot.
Myortia nods, standing straighter following her slight lapse in composure.
Myortia: ... Well, regardless... the second I saw you take out that soldier, I realized that maybe I wasn't as hosed as I thought I was. See, one dark sorcerer could take on a good handful of regular magicians with their magical powers alone, but I can't name a single one with the chops to take on an entire army, myself included. But think about how much havoc two dark sorcerers can wreak on those bastards! With enough training, and a little bit of luck... we'll both get what we deserve. It'll be a dream come true!
Karis: ... You want him to help you get rid of these guys?
Myortia: Bingo.
Lucky: I...
Sytha steps forward, her arms folded.
Sytha: Absolutely not.
Myortia and Lucky turn to look at Sytha, both a little taken aback.
Myortia: Did I ask you?
Sytha: None of us are obligated to help you, especially not Lucky.
Myortia: Says who?
Sytha: Shouldn't have to be said. With all due respect, Lucky, you haven't the foggiest idea how to control your powers, and all of a sudden, you’re being asked to take down an entire army? This would be a big undertaking even if you did know how to use them! And, hell, for all we know, she could be manipulating you! How do we know she’s not one of them, anyways?
Lucky shrinks in his seat again.
Myortia: I’m RIGHT here. Besides, if I wanted to hurt any of you guys, there would’ve been plenty of time to do that by now.
Sytha: I don't care. You don't just barge into someone's home, asking them if they're the chosen one.
Myortia (bewildered): You don't understand how big of a deal this is, do you? (A beat.) This island is your home, is it not? The only world any of you have ever known? (The three felines exchange nervous glances.) How would you feel in a few weeks when the entire island has been completely purged? All of the innocent people living here, captured, enslaved, or God knows what else my people would be doing to you and all of your loved ones. I'm trying to prevent that. I've seen it happen to too many civilizations, too many innocent people, first hand! All of the life, wiped out, just to build another military base! Is that what you want? Is that the risk you wanna take?
Sytha: Lucky isn't the only person on this island who is at all equipped to deal with threats like you. And even if he was, you can't force someone to become a hero when they aren't nearly ready to even use the powers that you think are vital to this operation! (A beat.) I'm sorry. I really am. But we can't help you.
Myortia stares at her, then Lucky, brimming with outrage. Lucky stays further silent, looking deep in thought. After a few seconds, Myortia shakes her head.
Myortia: I just hope you know what you've gotten yourself into, then.
She opens the door, exits the house, and slams it behind her.
Karis: ... Jeez.
Sytha: I'm sorry, that got pretty ugly. (She turns to Lucky.) Are you okay?
Lucky doesn't say anything, his brow furrowed.
Sytha: Lucky?
All of a sudden, Lucky stands up and starts towards the door; he flings it open and starts running towards Myortia, still trudging away.
Sytha: What the–LUCKY!
Sytha and Karis start after him. Myortia stops and turns around, only to see Lucky runnings towards her full speed.
Myortia: Whoa-!
Lucky: I'm coming with you.
Myortia (brightly): ... Seriously?
Sytha: Excuse me?
Lucky turns around to see Sytha walking up behind him, her arms folded.
Lucky: Sytha-
Sytha: Lucky, I know you think you're doing the right thing, but you can't feel obligated to help her! You're not ready! Just because–
Lucky: Just let me speak! (Sytha stops, a little surprised. Myortia raises her eyebrows, impressed.) Just... just listen. Call me crazy, but... I... I think this might be a sign. Remember what we were talking about this morning? About making the best out of situations and breaking out of my shell? You said it yourself, didn't you?
Sytha: I... Lucky, this is... completely different than what I was talking about.
Lucky: Is it really? Look at me, Sytha. When I was a kid, I thought I'd be doing so much more by the time I'd be grown up. I thought I'd have friends, or a boyfriend, and that I'd be over all of the little things I've been afraid of ever since I was a kid, and that I'd at least be able to control my powers. I'm an adult now, and none of that has happened! I'm scared of talking to people, scared of any and all types of danger, scared of responsibility... I can't even do things with powers of my own volition! And the worst part is, I've been afraid to challenge myself, or even just get out there and do something good in the world. I've been scared to do anything!
Sytha listens to him, her gaze dropping. Myortia watches him, somewhat taken back.
Lucky: I've always known that, if I want to change that, I gotta get out there and do it. And I've stayed scared anyways. But now, I have an opportunity to finally do something with myself, something that can actually make this world better. Something that can actually help me break out of my shell, too. I wouldn't be any more hesitant if I was doing this for my home, someone else's home... wherever. But this is my chance to actually make progress on myself. I can't just... ignore that. (He turns to Myortia.) And besides... you're is right. I can't just sit back and watch this island fall apart. Someone needs to do something, and if you think I'm the guy for the job, then... then I'm gonna have to step up.
He turns back to Sytha and Karis.
Lucky: I love you guys like my family. I always have. And I know you guys don't want me to do anything I can't handle. But I can't sit back and watch our island get torn apart... and I can't lose you guys. Not if I have a say in whether or not it happens.
Karis gets a little teary-eyed. Sytha squeezes his shoulder, as Lucky turns back around to face a now-giddy Myortia.
Lucky: So... I'll join you. On two conditions.
Myortia: Shoot.
Lucky: Number one, you train me and help me learn how to control my powers. I hate to say it, but the few times I've even gotten an attack out were complete accidents. I need to be able to get a hold of them before I can do anything.
Myortia: Was gonna do that anyways, but alright. What's the other condition?
Lucky: Pinky promise me.
Myortia: ... What the fuck?
Lucky: I... have trust issues.
Myortia: ... Alright, fair enough.
Myortia awkwardly links pinkies with Lucky, before pulling back, a wide grin on her face.
Myortia: Then it's settled, greenie. We leave tonight. Have everything you need ready by the time the sun is down. I'll be here as soon as the moon is out, aight?
Lucky: Whoa, wait, tonight? That's... (Myortia raises an eyebrow.) I mean, okay, yeah, I-I guess.
Myortia: Good, good. (She waves her fingers to the others.) See you three tonight~.
She crosses her arms over her chest, and a pillar of black smoke descends on her from nowhere, bursting as it hits the ground; the three shield themselves from the smoke, but it doesn't do anything. When the cloud clears, however, Myortia's gone, having vanished.
Lucky sighs, and turns to the others. A new sort of energy has taken over him.
Lucky: I'm sorry, guys.
He starts back towards the house, noticeably standing taller than he was before. Karis and Sytha silently exchange a look, sharing the same thoughts.

Hours have passed since the initial confrontation with Myortia, and the evening glow is beginning to creep in; it's only a matter of time before the sun has set completely. Any minute now...
Lucky paces around the room, retrieving various belongings and possessions from different corners of his domain and placing it on his bed for packing. On his bed sits an array of what he's decided to bring, including a framed photograph of him, Karis, and Sytha; a plastic bag filled with fortune cookies; a leather wallet with spare money; a small hard-cover journal with a pen; a metal canteen; a pair of mittens and a set of earmuffs; and a camping kit complete with a tent and sleeping bag.
Lucky bends down under his bed and retrieves a brown leather satchel. As he goes under, Sytha walks through his open doorway quietly.
Sytha: Lucky?
Lucky gasps, jumps up, and hits his head on the bottom of his bed.
Lucky (muffled): Ow!
He emerges from under the bed, satchel in head. He kneels on his floor, rubbing his head where he hit it.
Lucky: Oh, yeah. That's gonna leave a bump.
Sytha: Lucky, can we talk for a second?
Lucky: ... Is there something we need to talk about?
Sytha: ... Yeah, actually. There is.
Sytha closes the door behind her, as Lucky sits on his bed. They look at each-other momentarily, before Lucky sighs.
Lucky: I know what you're gonna say.
Sytha: What am I gonna say?
Lucky shrugs.
Lucky: I-I dunno, something about how you think I'm making a bad decision for my well-being, and that I can back out of this now before it's too late? That I'm gonna end up overwhelmed and that I'm not ready to handle this kind of stuff? Because I... I don't need you talking me out of this. I've already made up my mind.
Sytha: I wasn't actually. I was gonna apologize for earlier.
Lucky looks genuinely surprised by this.
Lucky: ... Oh.
Sytha: Listen, kiddo, I... I'm gonna be straight with you. You're right. I don't think this is a good idea for you or your well-being, and I do think you're having a lot of responsibility being thrust onto you, and that you may not be ready to take on a task of this scale right now. (She pauses.) But I also did some thinking.
She scoots closer to Lucky.
Sytha: What you were talking about earlier, it made me realize... it's not just that you think you need this. You actually need this, don't you?
Lucky nods solemnly.
Lucky: Maybe I was being a bit passionate about it at the time, but... yeah. I think I do. (He looks up at her.) I think... I'm just tired of being scared. Tired of letting these emotions dictate whether or not I even leave the house on a day. I need to start somewhere, right?
Sytha: I know what you mean.
Lucky: It's all that, and also the chance to learn how to control my powers, and... I dunno. It feels like this was meant to be.
Lucky smiles, but it fades quickly. He grips his arm.
Lucky: And I'm still terrified in spite of myself.
Sytha: Lucky... (She hugs him.) It's okay to be nervous. Hell, I'd be nervous if it were me. And... you know you can come home anytime.
Lucky: ... Yeah. But even if I wanted to back out, I don't think I'd have a choice.
Sytha: Still.. (She lets go.) This is your home. Always has been, always will be. Don't forget that, and don't be afraid to come home if things get too overwhelming. Promise?
Lucky (with a smile): ... Promise.
Sytha: With all that said... I'm sorry for how I was acting before.
Lucky: You really don't have to apologize, Sytha.
Sytha: You should talk.
Lucky: Oh, c'mon.
The two laugh.
Sytha: Seriously, though... I don't wanna seem overprotective or overbearing. I really don't. It was your choice to make, not mine... I mean, you're not exactly my kid brother from another mother anymore. I was overstepping earlier, big time. So... I'm sorry. (Lucky nods, appreciative.) I still don't get good vibes from that Myortia chick, though.
Lucky: Eh, she seems... fine, honestly?
Sytha: You think so?
Lucky: I mean... she seems aggressive, and rambunctious, and kind of overstimulated, but... she's passionate, and genuinely caring, and she seems like she just wants the best for this place. What she was talking about earlier... it was coming from a place of concern. I don't think she has anything to gain otherwise, I really don't. (A beat.) So... yeah. I trust her.
Sytha: Yeah, I dunno... I hope she's as genuine as your gut is telling you.
Lucky: I mean, you know me. It isn't very often that I trust people besides you and Karis.
Sytha: Pfft. Fair.
A knock on Lucky's door. Karis swings the door open, holding a long yellow scarf in his hand.
Karis: Heya. Am I interrupting a family conference I wasn't invited to?
Sytha: No, we were just talking.
Karis: Good! (He hops onto Lucky's bed opposite of Lucky and Sytha.) I have something for you.
He thrusts the scarf into Lucky's hands. Lucky fumbles with it momentarily.
Lucky: You're giving me one of your scarves?
Karis: Yep! It'll keep you warm when you really need it, and it's a lot comfier than that red collar. (He smiles.) Besides... I figured it'd be nice to have something that reminds you of home.
Lucky smiles back, and wraps the scarf around his neck, over his collar.
Lucky: It's perfect.
They smile again, falling silent momentarily. Sytha studies the two with anticipation.
Karis: I'm gonna miss you, Lucky.
Lucky: ... Y-Yeah. Me too.
Lucky's face grows red. Before anything else can be said, however...
BANG BANG BANG! A familiar pounding at the door causes the two to jump. Sytha turns around, contemptuous.
Sytha: Christ.
Karis: Sundown already?
Lucky: Yeah... (He stands up and peers out the window. The sky has darkened, and the sun is nowhere to be found.) Yeah, I guess it is.
Karis: Well, we better...
Sytha: Oh my god, WE'RE COMING!
Karis snorts.
Karis: Let's go.
He and Sytha rush out the door. Lucky, frantic, crams all of his belongings inside of the leather satchel, picks it up with his camping kit, and starts to follow them, but stops in his doorway, taking one last look around his bedroom.
Lucky: ... Maybe I should clean this place when I get home.
Sytha: LUCKY!
Lucky: Agh! Coming!
Lucky shuts the light off and closes the door, before speeding down the stairs. Halfway down the steps, he trips and begins to fall, but he manages to grasp the handlebar, landing shakily on his feet.
Lucky: Phew. O... okay. I'm good.
He mindfully crouches to avoid hitting his head on the ceiling a second time, and heads over to the front door. He stops at the doorway and turns around, taking the house in one last time. Something about leaving for the first time brings on a certain nostalgia.
Myortia: Hey. Earth to kitty.
Lucky turns around to see Myortia standing right outside with Sytha and Karis.
Lucky: Uh... h-hey.
Myortia: You ready, then? Got everything nice and packed away?
Lucky: Hope so.
Myortia: Very nice. (She pauses.) Well? Aren't you gonna say goodbye to them, then?
Lucky: Oh! Oh. Okay. (He turns to his friends.) I... uh...
He clears his throat and looks down.
Lucky: ... I thought I'd know what to say when something like this happened by now.
Karis: Lucky. Hey. You're gonna be okay, alright? (Lucky nods. Karis outstretches his arms.) C'mere.
The two share a tight embrace.
Karis: Be safe, alright?
Lucky: Promise. (He turns to Sytha.) Thanks for looking out for me.
Sytha: Ditto, kid. (She hugs him.) You're gonna be amazing.
As she hugs him, she locks eyes with Myortia, mouthing a few words to her. Myortia snorts.
Lucky: Alright, well...
He looks to Myortia. She smirks and holds out her hand.
Lucky: I love you guys.
Myortia (slyly): Hold on tight.
As Karis and Sytha wave their goodbyes, dark smoke envelops Lucky and Myortia, and the two vanish into the night.

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