'The main Plot is basically The Floro Sapien's are angred by the fact they were driven back deep into their kingdom and left there' to rot away, and angred about what Mario did to their king last time. So A group of floro sapiens leave the kingdom and spread around these odd growing seeds around the forests and islands of the Mushroom Kingdom. In doing so they infect all the plants and Vines and weeds grow everywhere and there is no way to kill them. So mario is asleep in his house when he hears a distress call and finds green plants growing everywhere, upon this mario realizes he must stop this and whoever is doing this, so mario must make his way to stop the Floro Sapiens.Mario must go through 7 grueling worlds in order to do so.
— Mario the main hero stating his famous quote at the beginning of the game.
Mario is the main hero of the story. His attacks include jumping on enemies and getting powerups, you play as mario through the game and is a all-around character. He is the only playable character and his attack and defense vary by level. Many of mario's forms include his Fire and Ice ability. His special hammer weapon he will aquire later on in the game. And the super leaf making it's long awaited return into a mario game.
Luigi is Mario's cowardly brother and always takes things secondly, but when Mario sends luigi on a daring mission to the Floro Sapien HQ, it's Luigi's time to shine! As long as his fear doesn't get in the way. He is a partner He Can Tattle Enemies status for you.
HP- 25
Attack 4
Defense 0
Now it's Yoshi's time for his first appearance and confrontation with the Floro Sapiens. Yoshi as always is a helpful member and can be easily riden for transportation. and he can also eat things as well. Hmm, i wonder how floro sapiens taste? He is a Partner. And he can throw eggs at enemies.
luvbi the Nimbi Girl makes her second appearance in a mario game after Super Paper Mario. She is seen in World 6, the Golden Clouds. She joins with Mario partly because she has nothing else better to do. She is a partner. She can put enemies to sleep for you.
HP- 15
Attack 4
Defense 1
Floro Sapiens[]
The Twin Generals, Lavender and Thornus Make their first appearance as floro sapien commanders who broke away from King Croacus To spread their evil growth. Can Mario Stop them? They are the bosses of Worlds 3 and 5. They both care for each other but sometimes don't always agree.
King Croacus IVis the fourth king of the floro sapien line, he was not responsible for what some of his people did however you can come to him for information about his people and the history of the Floro Kingdom. For some reason you fight him again as a boss of world 1.