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Sonic Galactic Title Screen

Sonic the Hedgehog Galactic, or known short as Sonic Galactic is a 2D Game that was made for the Sega Saturn as a celebration to Sonic's 5th Anniversary. It was intended to be released February 14th 1997, which would have been a few months before the game's public reveal on June 23rd 1996 (Sonic's birthday). However, complications had stopped the release of the game and troubles with the Sega Saturn making it a lost title that SEGA refused to acknowledge for decades despite fan asks and curiousity. However, with thanks to Sonic Mania's success and Sonic CD 2, SEGA decided to pull out the lefotever prototypes of the game to outsource the game to Evening Star and Headcannon (known for working on Sonic Mania, Sonic CD 2, and Sonic Origins) and a new company known as Sleeping Pig, a company that Christian Whitehead used to be apart of. The game was released May 18th 2023, and the game was described as "so out of this world" by critics and IGN that it created "Galactic Day". Galactic Day also released games alongside Sonic Galactic, such as Ristar Galactic and Milky Way Outrun. The game was released for the PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, and the surprise release Nintendo NX using the wonderfully crafted Super Retro Engine (RSDKv7).

Story (Overview)[]

Sonic Galactic keeps its plot simple just like the classical games, while adding more depth that makes the story more relatable and at stakes for all audiences. It was meant to be one of the final Sonic games when it was being developed in 1997, so they wanted the games to have more depth in result. Ian Flynn was given a hand at reworking the story's original intentions from 1997, and modernizing it with a deeper twist.

Illusion Island is a mysterious island that is set to appear once every decade in Sonic's world. Many eons ago, it was rumored to have a meteorite of extreme power crash into the island, bringing the force of a mysterious essence. Outside of that, its origins are a mystery, and no one is certain of its existence. Most of the island's mysteries lie down to its nature; from the different kinds of fauna never seen anywhere else, to even its surrounding water holding a different reflection of what is actually present. Due to its mysteriously rare appearance, outside of a few books, not much would be noted or documented of the island, and it would remain that way for a while. However, someone of evil intentions would soon bring his group of goons to bring danger to the island. Eggman would also go to the island, to disturb the peace.

After the destruction of the Death Egg and recovery of the Master Emerald, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles celebrated their victory. Seeing as there would not be much for them to do, they all went their ways for an extended break, to relax. However, Dr Eggman’s schemes were far from finished. In the desperate searches of looking for a way to restore his practically destroyed army, his energy scanner picked up a mysterious power signature never seen before, coming from a location quite far from his base. A location of mystery; where the legendary Illusion Island was said to appear once every decade. Searching through his archives and books, while lacking information, Eggman had discovered that a meteor was said to have crashed there many eons ago. Also hearing that the meteor had contained tons of energy with mysterious force, the potential of utilizing such a tool would be great. Eggman eventually took off to check it out for himself. Looking unto the meteor and its power, it was far beyond anything he had encountered before – and just what he needed to rebuild his army. Allowing him to build things twice as fast as he could ever with normal tools, just as efficiently and strong, Eggman had realized he found himself the greatest treasure yet! He then met Dr. Menace, someone of extremely potent power who was eviler and twisteder than him. Realizing he could understand Dr. Menace's menacing power, the two recognized each other as absolute genius and teamed up, knowing they could fight against Sonic. Sonic was then sent a letter from Dr. Menace after growing suspicion of peace around the world. "Dear Sonic, a rival has grown to town. Are you up to beat me, or are you one hedgehog with three worries up your suit? HAHAHA!" and as Sonic finished reading the letter it blows up. Sonic was lucky to dodge the explosion after hearing the ticking. "This Dr. Menace, he's definitely someone who's menaced. But me and my speed, I'll defeat him before it's too late. I'm sure he's connected with Eggman, I just know it. Tails, are you in?" Sonic says. Tails agrees, and they get ready to fly away to Illusion Island.

Sonic and his crew immediately left their break to see what Eggman was truly up to. They wouldn't know it until arrival, but they would have help to this task by a character who had spent his life on the island, and felt something wasn't right with Eggman and Dr. Menace's influence taking over slowly. Only the seven Galactic Gems scattered mysteriously across the island are capable of nullifying the Doctor’s strong and seemingly unlimited power source. Sonic and co. must collect them to take a stand to Eggman's plans. A secret crystal known as the Nova Crystal pulsates with infinite power secretly, and is soon to be found. Without them, Eggman's army of badniks will once again expand and threaten the entire world, while Dr. Menace will grow strong and establish himself as a grand villain. Go Sonic, Hurry! The fate of the world is depending on you!


Sonic Galactic will feature 7 Characters, old and newest to the franchise. They are all unique in many ways.

SMobius Classic Sonic


Sonic The Hedgehog is a hedgehog who loves freedom. He is a kind and cool soul who fights for what he believes in. Sonic can do a dropdash, peelout, and is able to dash up walls when he dropdashes. He can also do a Super Insta Shield with the right inputs

Tails Sonic Mania
Classic Knuckles


Tails the Fox is a fox who is Sonic's best friend and ultimate partner. They fight together as great friends. Tails always relies on Sonic's power and is inspired him, so therefore he will keep trying. Tails can do the Super Insta Shield and has the ability to fly in the air nonstop.



Knuckles the Echnida is a very strong Echidna that protects Angel Island. He is a friend of Sonic after the events of Sonic 3, and is trusting to him. He can glide and climb, and do a wall spindash. He's stronger enough to even break through walls on his way.

Fang the Sniper is a jerboa with a pogo tail and loads of nacks for fun and job. He is a bounty hunter and works for what gets him money. He is a rival to Sonic, but he is willing to work with Sonic after Dr. Menace and Eggmn had ruined his saved earnings and tricking him from profit after the bad events of Sonic Triple Trouble. He can do a gun shoot and pogo tail bouncing, making him aerial.



Tunnel the Mole is a mole born in the fresh dirt of Illusion Island. He has 5 siblings and they chose him to be adventuring. Thanks to them, Tunnel is a great adventurer who loves finding a new challenge. When he finds out of Sonic, he teams up with him, as this mole is willing to the task! He can dig through grounds and do a seismic dash, making him control strong but slippery.

160px-Vector chaotix


Vector the Crocodile is a crocodile who loves music and having fun. He comes to Illusion Island purely because of Knuckles being surprised when he sees him. "Ha, surprise! Are you shocked to see me?". Vector can do a crocodile dash that lets him boost in any direction and bounce off walls. When he touches walls he can also kick up them and soar into the skies.

Claw the Tiger is an unknown tiger waiting for a perfect moment to show his anti hero-ness...he is strong and violent. He chooses his own path and becomes strong to stop Eggman and Dr. Menace before they can be of menace. Claw fights against Dr. Menace's Greety Elities to prove his strength. He can perform the mad dash, a move that lets him dash unstoppably like Wario from Wario Land 4, or Peppino from Pizza Tower. He can also attach to walls and climb up them with violence. He uses his claws to grip, and can bounce up those walls like Sparkster from Rocket Knight Adventures.

Characters (Villains)[]

Now, we talk about enemies. Sonic Galactic features many antagonists, which gives the game true stake, and Ian Flynn makes sure to make them captivating and interesting. Now listen out for them.

Dr. Eggman is a mad scientist who has been Sonic's nemesis forever! He fights constantly in his machinery and wants to make the land his with machines. He gains the meteorite and is strong enough to threaten the world again, so he must be stopped. He is teaming up with Dr. Menace to accomplish his goals.

Dr. Menace comes from an interesting place where evil was always taught as the best method. He became the eviler one of his place, and formed the Greety Elities. He then sought out to be eviler and stronger than before, wanting to conquer more and more. He is secretly working behind Eggman's back, planning to betray him sooner than ever.

Dust the Roadrunner is a roadrunner who is in the Greety Elities. He is a blue and red colored roadrunner who specializes in speed. He is a counter to Sonic, and one of Dr. Menace's top guys.

Captain Anchorhand is a pirate robot that is apart of the Greety Elities. He has sharp reflexes and makes sure he can yarr the people off his plank if they dare to be he mateys. He is very lonely however, and the story touches into this in an emotional way.

Metal Sonic Insta is a new form of Metal Sonic that makes him strongest than ever. He became this way from the touch of Dr. Menace, and has been superpowered since. He can even disguise to be other characters, tricking the cast many times.

Shadow Vector is a manifestation of Vector's guilt for not visiting Knuckles sooner that Dr. Menace taps into and creates. As Vector is strong, he was the best to make this doppeganger out of and he causes the Sonic cast trouble throughout the game. Eventually Vector must confront his emotions and save his friends.

Stab the Ox is a strong bull who is like a vigilante. He has rivalry with Claw, but occasionally meets with Sonic and the crew. He is not trusting of anyone, and powers through anyone in his way. He starts making an emotional connection with Captain Anchorhand later in the story, as they relate to each other.

Burrow the Mole is one of Tunnel's 5 siblings that was secretly jealous Tunnel was chosen for adventure. He has trained and worked out on his own to fight his brother and prove to him that he is worthy of adventuring, more than Tunnel ever will be. Tunnel must battle with him.

Pennyworth is an annoying character apart of the Greety Elities. Not even Dr. Menace likes them, but acknowledges that stupid people that amuse him are worthy to keep in the Greety Elities for diversity. It is unknown what Pennyworth is, but legends say they don't behold of their true form.

Shackleford the Whale is a whale that can smack down with his strength. He loves to squirt boiling water from his peephole, which can burn characters alive. He's scary but does things right, and knows how to be more menacing than Dr. Menace. Dr. Menace is even scared of him, which says something. But Dr. Menace will be sure to become stronger..


Sonic Galactic will feature 17 Zones, all made with excellence and hard craft, with an extra Shadow Mode, that adds 10 extra zones and a secret story. There will also be a Master System mode, to celebrate 8-bit fans.

Galactic's Zonelist goes as follows:

Verdant Isle Zone: The secret islands of Illusion Island where the adventure starts. The water is illusioning, and getting dirty from that of Dr. Menace. You don't know it, but Captain Anchorhand smells you, and he sure isn't happy, my friend. Rush through the island before he finds out explored! Act 1 takes place on the beach, and Act 2 takes place through the forest, where you will soon meet and fight Eggman.

Coastal Grasslands Zone: Soft grass is great to hang around! Unfortunately, Pennyworth. They will hunt you and make you feel scared. Please run into the big grasses to hide as this zone switches from Sonic gameplay to revolutionary gameplay inspired by Five Nights at Freddys. You must fight them in Act 2, so don't be scared.

Beach Getaway Zone: After burying that stupid idiot Pennyworth, you will be sure to relax here! Sonic and the characters take a vacation while keeping their adventure going. But what's that smell? The seawater is lurking, it means Captain Anchorhand is ready to bash your skull in. Act 1 takes place on the beach, and Act 2 starts into the ocean, and have your first fight against Captain Anchorhand.

Coral Garden Zone: This zone is the gateway to newer areas, as you must cross the sea. But it seems someone scary is coming...Shackleford the Whale. You must hide away from him as he smashes through the zone at certain periods of time. Act 1 goes through the sea weary of Shackleford, and Act 2 takes place out of the ocean, heading to Eggman's new base where he will launch the Machine of Terror. Stop him fast! Pennyworth seems to not be dead after all, so rip them a new one in Act 2.

Bastion Brigade Zone: The new base of operations for Eggman that will make players think they are reaching near the adventure's end. Defeat Metal Sonic Insta in Act 1 and smash the chandelier over Eggman in a quick minigame in Act 2 to destroy his base forever. Dr. Menace will try to corrupt you, so you must use the arrow keys to shake the chandelier harder until it falls.

Menace Station Zone: Dr. Menace is PISSED! As Bastion Brigade fails he screams "NOW YOU THINK YOU HAD ME YOU THINK YOU HAD US BUT MY BASE WILL BE STRONGER" and flies away (the way he does this is a reference to Megaman games when Wily enters his ominous castles). This zone has 4 acts of terror. Anchorhand catches up to you in Act 1, and tries to show what the Greety Elities can do. You thwart him, showing who's back. In Act 2 that annoying Pennywise comes back. You must kill them! Continue through the mechanism and gain your flow. In Act 3, Eggman tries another shot at fighting in his Depression of Wise Eggs machine. Destroy his sorrow and save the day! And for the Act 4 you fight Dr. Menace, who does not take you serious...he will try and defeat you with his Rip and Tear Machine, which is trained to rip you apart. You must stop him in time and avoid being torn.

Luminescent Suburbs Zone: Welcome to the poor city of Illusion Island..many hazards to watch out for, and please beware of Dark Tunnel. Stab the Ox comes to start his brawl, which you must look out for. Act 1 is seeing the dull scary city, while Act 2 has you find Metal Sonic Insta and Eggman as they prepare to put you under Nightmare Machine's spell. Break free and fight them, you must be that strong..

Gemstone Garden Zone: A beautiful garden away from that poor city! But danger is afloat. Shackleford has appeared. Fury the Ferret, a rival to Fang appears to settle their score. However, at the end of your fight in Act 1, Shackleford. Burns them with his scalding water and shows him why whales are hated in the sea. In Act 2 run into the caves and seek safety from Shackleford. You cannot fight him, so get lost. When he eventually leaves, Dr. Menace comes with his new machine, Snapper Crusher. Don't let him crush your bones, and fight Dr. Menace! As the fight ends, he will shed a single tear and quietly say "why have they humiliated my menace" before flying away in a blind rage, certain to come back even stronger. What is sure is you have tested Dr. Menace's emotions now, and he will be sure to make you pay.

Marble Ruins Zone: Explore the ruins exposed to you from Dr. Menace's retreat. These ruins have secrets not discovered just yet, but of course that idiot Pennywise must come back. And secretly, Shadow Vector is on the rise. It seems he will come out to be a dangerous threat from Vector's fear. Act 1 has you explore the depths and Pennywise comes to fight, so rip them up again. Then Act 2 is in the shadows. Vector must confront his fear, but he cannot. Shadow Vector will feast on your fears, and come back at a later time. Anchorhand is caught in the fears, and realizes his biggest fear, his depression. He tries to fight the cast, but fails. He is depressed, and must find his true rhythm. He goes away into the darkness for now.

Umbrella Rushwinds Zone:

Spring Garden Zone

Golden Blossom Zone

Danger Zone

Shackleford's Domain

Imperial Castle Zone

Dr. Menace's Final Stand

Abominable Zone (V.S NOVA, creator of everything)
