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Salmonlings are humanoid Sub-Species of the Salmonid. They look like inklings and Octolings, but they have brown eyelids with yellow eyes. They have sharper ears than inklings and they have gray scales on their head. On these scales are red mohawks (Which can change color depending on the ink that's used). They usually wear yellow rubber overalls with gray boots and black fingerless gloves.

Behavior & Abilities[]

While they're more intelligent and not as instinct driven as most salmonids, Salmonlings are still very ruthless.

When it comes to abilities, these guys behave just like Inklings and Octolings. They can shoot green ink out of their weapons and transform into their salmon form to swim in it.

One difference is that they usually use kitchen materials to fight. The most common weapon they hold is a frying pan, which can be swung like an Inkbrush. But it can also let out ink balls that explode like Blasters.

One weakness however, is that they have a weaker sense of smell than other Salmonids. Because of this, they can't track you down as easily when you're hiding in your ink.


Splatoon 3: Operation β[]

Salmonlings appear in Splatoon 3: Operation β. They appear during the "Salmonling Assault" event in Salmon Run. According to the 10th Sunken Scroll of the Hero Mode, they're made by blending Inkling Ink, Octoling Ink and Salmonid Radiation together.

