Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
“'Delve into mystery'
— A tagline that sounds cool that Cam took two seconds to think up
Redacted Games
Redacted Games logo
Founder(s) Cam Ham Rye
Founded at/in 2019
Defunct at/in 2020
Headquarters Somewhere in the universe

Redacted Games, also known as [REDACTED] Games and stylized as [redacted] games, was a video game company founded in 2019 by some guy living in his basement somewhere, also known as Cam. As the sole employee of the entire company, Cam strives to create games that Fantendo doesn't need or deserve, but it would be cool if they existed.

In late 2020, the company was dissolved by Cam, who just simply didn't want it to be a thing anymore. After disbanding the company, he blew up its headquarters. As of now, the company is not just defunct, but completely wiped off the face of the Earth. 


Redacted was never able to produce any games in its lifetime, however the company was hard at work on a certain project before it was destroyed. 

Rememberance of Redacted[]

After the destruction of its headquarters and the disbanding of the company, many have mourned the loss of Redacted Games, haunted by the amount of squandered potential the fake game studio had. Here are some of the most impactful and emotionally-charged quotes about the company's death. 

Redacted Games is dead.
— Cam, sole employee of Redacted Games
Barack Obama
— Barack Obama
Babies be walking around with the same potato chip in their hand for like 5 hours
— Will Smith