Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

Rebuilding The Team is the twelfth and final episode of season two of Tayshaun & Amy - The Other Side. It was written by RTA fan (tbc) and first aired in August 2016.


After being left behind by the rest of the team, who have gone to fight D'Angelo, Flynn, Blaze, Skye, Jess and Anna, alongside new characters Henry and Aloha, try to find new people to add to the team.


The stinger for Working Hard is shown again, before the camera cuts to Skye and Blaze.

Skye: How did you manage to make recruitment posters so fast?
Blaze: I might or might not have pulled an all-nighter and I might or might not have Red Bull mixed with coffee flying around my arteries.
Skye: Why coffee and Red Bull?

Blaze shrugs as they hear the doorbell ring. Skye goes to answer the door to see the two men from the stinger.

Man #1: Hey, we found a poster for some hero thing in L.A. and it told us to come here.
Skye: Oh, nice. Come on in.

The two men enter and sit in the living room, where Blaze has some clipboards and paper.

Blaze: I just need some info from you guys.
Man #2: Okay.
Blaze: So, names?
Man #1: Lance Henderson.
Man #2: Oleg Stravinski.
Blaze: Where are you guys from?
Lance: Idaho.
Oleg: Croatia.
Blaze: (in her head) Nice to know I'm still not gonna be the only European...

Blaze writes the information down as Anna is seen in the kitchen with Aloha, and Flynn fluttering around.

Anna: So, where are you from, Ms. Vaega?
Aloha: Samoa. Moved here for a job but on my way there I got sidetracked by someone.
Flynn: Oh sweet, we have some Pacific flavour now.
Aloha: You didn't already?
Flynn: Nope. It was mostly Americans and Europeans until you came in.
Aloha: Huh.

Anna hears the doorbell and goes to answer, and sees Jennifer Oaklyn and Robyn Palmer.

Anna: Oh, hi!
Robyn: Edmondson?
Jennifer: Hi!

Jennifer hugs Anna as Robyn looks at Anna, confused.

Robyn: Where are Schmidt, Johnson and Perez?
Anna: They've gone to fight those D'Angelo & Sons guys.
Robyn: Oh.
Anna: Anyway, come in!

Jennifer and Robyn go into the house as they chat.

A short montage is shown, with Blaze interviewing multiple people.

Blaze: Name?
Interviewee #1: Mauchung Tam.
Blaze: Where you from?
Mauchung: Cambodia.

Blaze nods as another interview is shown.

Blaze: Name?
Interviewee #2: Roger Avanti.
Blaze: ...Didn't you help with stopping D'Angelo the first time?

Roger nods.

Blaze: Huh. Small world.

Another interview is shown.

Blaze: Name?
Interviewee #3: Valmilton Paxson.
Blaze: Never heard Valmilton before.

Blaze looks up to see Valmilton has a large white Mohawk.

Blaze: Jesus Christ, what's going on with your hair?!
Valmilton: What's going on with yours?

Blaze looks down at her own hair.

Blaze: ...Fair point.

Eventually, the full group is shown in the back yard, with Blaze, Jess, Skye, Anna and Flynn at the front. Blaze pulls out a megaphone.

Blaze: Alright, listen up! You guys are gonna be protecting the Earth with us. Some of you have done this before, but you aren't gonna be used to the way we protect it. We have very... let's say different ways of getting the job done. We don't have any employers. We're just old-school vigilantes, and we get results. When there's stuff to do, that is. So, let's protect this world while we can. For humanity!

Some quiet cheers are heard, but nothing else. The team goes into the house again.

Jennifer is seen walking past Oleg, when she stops and walks over to him.

Jennifer: Well, hello there!

Jennifer stares at Oleg's abs as Oleg looks at her.

Oleg: If I had a dollar for every woman who stared at my abs...
Jennifer: Oh, sorry sir.
Oleg: Ah, it's okay. I'm used to it.
Jennifer: Oh, okay.

Jennifer smacks herself in the side of the head as she goes downstairs and sits with Robyn and Skye, Robyn holding a burrito in hand.

Skye: What the hell did you put in that burrito? That doesn't look like anything edible.
Robyn: Shredded aluminium and gravel.

Skye grimaces.

Jennifer: Take it from me, a person who's worked with her for two years, that is not the worst thing she's eaten.
Skye: How is gravel not the wor-
Jennifer: She ate a human arm once.

Skye leaps up and stands up against the wall upon hearing this, leaving parts of the rug beneath them frozen.

Skye: That's fucking insane!
Jennifer: She's an insane person.
Robyn: It's true.

Skye looks at Robyn, as Jess walks through and notices the rug.

Jess: Okay, which one of you fuckers fucking froze my fucking rug?

Skye slides down the wall.

Skye: (very quietly) I'm sorry, Jess.

Jess sighs as she takes the rug outside to melt the ice and Robyn eats her burrito.





