Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
- Princess Applause - style = "text-align: center" File:-Princesa Aplauso.PNG - Creator Bublegume. - Gender Feminine (♀). - Family
  • Queen Applause. (Mother)
  • King Applause. (Dad)
  • Princess Hale (daughter)
  • Princess Grace (future granddaughter)
- Appearances Super Princess Rescue. - living place Applause Kingdom. - Occupation Kingdom Princess Applause, Kingdom Queen Applause - Species Human

Princess Applausois the heir to the throne of the Applause Kingdom, she lives in the Clap castle with King Applause and Queen Applause. She is the only biological heir.


Princess Applause has long blonde hair, a crown with a turquoise gem, a necklace like her crown, a dress with different shades of gray and turquoise, and beige blue shoes.


The Applause Kingdom was previously called the Crystal Kingdom, it was a very prosperous kingdom but it had a flaw, its rulers could not have children, and that was the case for many generations, the heirs were adopted, until one day mysteriously the current rulers of the Kingdom Applause, they tried to have a son or a daughter and for the first time in history a princess was born, Princess Applause, the joy of the people and the royal family was so great that it was decided to call the Kingdom Applause on behalf of the name they decided to give it to the princess and for the applause that was heard the day she was born.


Princess Applause is a very fair and compassionate princess, she always cares about others, sometimes she takes food from the palace meals, runs away from there and gives it to the poor. She is considered one of the most honest and fair princesses ever.


  • She went to the same nursery as Princess Daisy, and they became best friends.
  • Her name refers to what was heard in the kingdom the day she was born.