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This page is under construction. Please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to complete it as soon as possible! |
Pokemon Stardust Version and Pokemon Comet Version is the property of the Mirror Samurai, KirbiMiroir. Unless I have given you permission to do so, editing is not permitted, as this counts as vandalism and goes against my plans for the page. Unauthorised edits will be undone and reported to our staff immediately. Thank you for taking the time to read, and I hope you enjoy the page! |
Pokemon Stardust Version and Pokemon Comet Version have been developed by Power Paintbrush Productions since the end of 2016. They have been confirmed for release on the Nintendo 4D Viewer at the end of 2018.
Major Characters[]
Name | Image | Details |
Player | The hero of the story. At the start of the game, you can select a gender, and there are several opportunities to get new hairstyles and outfits in-game. | |
Miss Aria Pine | A Pokemon Professor specialising in the field of Items. She has been researching a way to use items to amplify a Pokemon's moves. | |
Rival | The player's rival throughout the story. Your rival will be the opposite gender of the player, and will use a Starting Pokemon strong against theirs. |
Team Time[]
Name | Image | Details |
Tempora | The leader of Team Time. He wishes for a world where the past, present and future are one, and will stop at nothing - even kidnapping and wounding innocent Pokemon - to make this come true. | |
Gear | One of two admins of Team Time. She cares not for Tempora's dream, instead sticking with the organisation for the high pay. | |
Phase | One of two admins of Team Time. He is seen as a traitor by the rest of Team Time, as he constantly does things behind their backs. | |
Team Time Grunts | Minor members of Team Time. Tempora has been known to use mind control to force children into joining his organisation. |
Eclipse Corporation[]
Name | Image | Details |
Star | The president of the Eclipse Corporation, a good organisation who looks after lost and abandoned Pokemon. She owns a speedboat, but almost never uses it. | |
Metea | One of two branch Chiefs of the Eclipse Corporation. She detests Team Time and refuses to let them get away with kidnapping Pokemon. | |
Nebu | One of two branch chiefs of the Eclipse Corporation. A considerable germaphobe, he has been rumoured to have once been part of Team Time. | |
Eclipse Employees | Employees from the Eclipse Corporation. They are all assigned to a specific post that they follow without question. |
For more information on the trials in this game, see Pokemon Stardust Version and Pokemon Comet Version/Trials.
Name | Image | Details |
Rosa | A Trialmaster specialising in the Grass Type. She loves flowers and often collects them when she gets the chance. | |
Lea | A Trialmaster specialising in the Water Type. She makes fishing rods for a living, and sells the rods she makes whenever she gets a chance. | |
Feugo | A Trialmaster specialising in the Fire Type. He views life as a giant, potentially unsolvable puzzle. | |
Mineri | The Grandmaster of Chardocead. She specialises in the Rock Type and works part-time as a novelist. | |
Elena | A Trialmaster specialising in the Electric Type. She has a fondness for remodelling gadgets to make them more efficient. | |
Sho | A Trialmaster specialising in the Fighting Type. He lives at the seafront and spends most of his time swimming. | |
Mari | A Trialmaster specialising in the Bug Type. She is obsessed with golf, and likes to make her own golf courses in order to test her skills. | |
Ava | The Grandmaster of Blezulu. She specialises in the Flying Type and works for several companies at the same time. | |
Teron | A Trialmaster specialising in the Ground Type. He likes dancing, despite not being that good a dancer. | |
Mindy | A Trialmaster specialising in the Psychic Type. She can telepathically communicate with Pokemon and other creatures. | |
Shifty | A Trialmaster specialising in the Ghost Type. She lights candles all around her home in hopes of inviting spirits to stay with her. | |
Sense | The Grandmaster of Albeyl. He specialises in the Dark Type and is rumoured to be completely blind. | |
Ninjini | A Trialmaster specialising in the Poison Type. She is obsessed with reading history books and practicing ninja arts. | |
Arcti | A Trialmaster specialising in the Ice Type. She makes ice sculptures and sells them online for huge profit. | |
Cela | A Trialmaster specialising in the Steel Type. She builds robots with very specific coding that only she can decipher. | |
Dracu | The Grandmaster of Zelevihr. He specialises in the Dragon Type and is one of few to believe in myths and legends. | |
Sarah | A Trialmaster specialising in the Fairy Type. She likes long treks across the various landscapes of the Suisei Region. |
New Pokemon[]
As well as all of the new Pokemon listed here, every Pokemon in the main series games appears in some form in this game.
Name | Image | Species | Type | Stat Focus | Stat Total | Evolution | Abilities |
Cutleaf | Page Pokemon | Grass | Attack, Defence | 315 | Bladeleaf (reach Level 16) | Overgrow, Battle Armour | |
Bladeleaf | Squire Pokemon | Grass/Steel | Attack, Defence | 420 | Knightleaf (reach Level 36) | Overgrow, Battle Armour | |
Knightleaf | Knight Pokemon | Grass/Steel | Attack, Defence | 530 | N/A | Overgrow, Battle Armour | |
Heateye | Wisp Pokemon | Fire | Special Attack, Special Defence | 315 | Heacraze (reach Level 16) | Blaze, Levitate | |
Heacraze | Wisp Pokemon | Fire/Ghost | Special Attack, Special Defence | 420 | Heaghoul (reach Level 36) | Blaze, Levitate | |
Heaghoul | Prediction Pokemon | Fire/Ghost | Special Attack, Special Defence | 530 | N/A | Blaze, Levitate | |
Aquawave | Living Water Pokemon | Water | Speed | 315 | Aquaocean (reach Level 16) | Torrent, Swift Swim | |
Aquaocean | Living Lake Pokemon | Water/Ice | Speed | 420 | Aquaurora (reach Level 36) | Torrent, Swift Swim | |
Aquaurora | Living Sea Pokemon | Water/Ice | Speed | 530 | N/A | Torrent, Swift Swim | |
Fishiwood | Kingfisher Pokemon | Normal/Flying | Attack, Speed | 280 | Pondiwing (reach Level 14) | Swift Swim, Fisherbird | |
Pondiwing | Kingfisher Pokemon | Water/Flying | Attack, Speed | 380 | Flappersea (reach Level 28) | Swift Swim, Fisherbird | |
Flappersea | Kingfisher Pokemon | Water/Flying | Attack, Speed | 510 | N/A | Swift Swim, Fisherbird | |
Petalpede | Larva Pokemon | Bug/Fairy | Special Attack, Speed | 250 | Petallys (reach Level 12) | Shed Skin, Shield Dust | |
Petallys | Chrysalis Pokemon | Bug/Fairy | Defence, Special Defence | 350 | Petalfly (reach Level 24) | Shed Skin, Shield Dust | |
Petalfly | Butterfly Pokemon | Bug/Fairy | Special Attack, Speed | 450 | N/A | Swarm, Shield Dust | |
Espimage | Bat Pokemon | Psychic/Flying | Special Attack, Special Defence, Speed | 275 | Espeomage (Happiness) | Frisk, Telepathy, Terrain Lock | |
Espeomage | Vampire Bat Pokemon | Psychic/Flying | Special Attack, Special Defence, Speed | 420 | N/A | Frisk, Telepathy, Terrain Lock | |
Barcolour | Puppy Pokemon | Normal | HP | 355 | Palepaw (use Shiny Stone) | Pickup, Run Away | |
Palepaw | Palette Pokemon | Normal | HP | 476 | N/A | Pickup, Vital Spirit | |
Electrock | Lodestone Pokemon | Rock/Electric | Defence, Special Defence | 305 | Lodestore (reach Level 25) | Sturdy, Lightning Rod, Volt Absorb | |
Lodestore | Lodestone Pokemon | Rock/Electric | Defence, Special Defence | 395 | Charginent (reach Level 36) | Sturdy, Lightning Rod, Volt Absorb | |
Charginent | Lodestone Pokemon | Rock/Electric | Defence, Special Defence | 520 | N/A | Sturdy, Lightning Rod, Volt Absorb | |
Snoem | Snow Pokemon | Ice | Speed | 325 | Froria (reach Level 35) | Snow Cloak, Slush Rush, Snow Warning | |
Froria | Snow Pokemon | Ice/Fairy | Speed | 428 | Wintestra (reach Level 47) | Snow Cloak, Slush Rush, Snow Warning | |
Wintestra | Singer Pokemon | Ice/Fairy | Speed | 532 | N/A | Snow Cloak, Slush Rush, Snow Warning | |
Rosaceas | Rose Thorn Pokemon | Grass | Attack, Special Attack | 300 | Rosarennial (reach Level 24) | Chlorophyll, Solar Power | |
Rosarennial | Rose Thorn Pokemon | Grass | Attack, Special Attack | 475 | N/A | Chlorophyll, Solar Power | |
Candlight | Chandelier Pokemon | Fire/Ghost | Special Attack | 335 | Candlumina (use Dawn Stone) | Levitate, Pressure, Flash Fire | |
Candlumina | Chandelier Pokemon | Fire/Ghost | Special Attack | 528 | N/A | Levitate, Pressure, Flash Fire | |
Draconi | Sky Dragon Pokemon | Dragon | HP, Attack, Defence, Special Attack, Special Defence | 440 | Dracoryi (Happiness) | Environmental Call | |
Dracoryi | Sky Dragon Pokemon | Dragon/Fairy | HP, Attack, Defence, Special Attack, Special Defence, Speed | 480 | N/A | Environmental Call | |
Technica | Machine Pokemon | Steel/Electric | Varies | 300 | Varitech (reach Level 20) | Variation | |
Varitech | Machine Pokemon | Steel/Electric | Varies | 420 | Machinatec (reach Level 45) | Variation | |
Techroma | Machina Pokemon | Steel/Electric | Varies | 600 | N/A | Variation | |
Cyprinoral | Goldfish Pokemon | Water | Speed | 250-350 | Cyprindarium (reach Level 30) | Shoal Squad | |
Cyprindarium | Goldfish Pokemon | Water/Dark | Speed | 360-480 | Cyprinami (reach Level 52) | Shoal Squad | |
Cyprinami | Goldfish Pokemon | Water/Dark | Speed | 460-600 | N/A | Shoal Squad | |
Akiryu | Red Dragon Pokemon | Fire/Dragon | Attack, Speed | 570 | N/A | Drought, Pressure | |
Seiryu | Blue Dragon Pokemon | Water/Dragon | Special Attack, Speed | 570 | N/A | Drizzle, Pressure | |
Shiroyu | White Dragon Pokemon | Ice/Dragon | Special Attack, Special Defence | 570 | N/A | Snow Warning, Pressure | |
Midoryu | Green Dragon Pokemon | Rock/Dragon | Attack, Defence | 570 | N/A | Sand Stream, Pressure | |
Kindairy | Tiny Fairy Pokemon | Fairy | Speed | 200 | Mingquwind (reach Level 50, Female only), Kekeski (reach Level 50, Male only) | Unaware | |
Mingquwind | Clear Weather Pokemon | Fairy/Electric | Special Attack, Speed | 670 | N/A | Ghost Booster | |
Kekeski | Harsh Weather Pokemon | Fairy/Electric | Attack, Speed | 670 | N/A | Dark Booster | |
Xinlingall | Telepathic Pokemon | Fairy/Psychic | HP, Attack, Defence, Special Attack, Special Defence, Speed | 708 | N/A | Booster Breaker |
Name | Image | Species | Type | Stat Focus | Stat Total | Evolution | Abilities |
Ekans | Snake Pokemon | Water/Poison | Attack, Special Defence, Speed | 288 | Arbok (reach Level 22) | Intimidate, Swift Swim, Drizzle | |
Arbok | Cobra Pokemon | Water/Poison | Attack, Special Defence, Speed | 448 | N/A | Intimidate, Swift Swim, Drizzle | |
Magnemite | Magnet Pokemon | Electric/Grass | Defence, Special Attack | 325 | Magneton (reach Level 30) | Sturdy, Clear Body, Weak Armour | |
Magneton | Magnet Pokemon | Electric/Grass | Defence, Special Attack | 455 | Magnezone (level up in Sunlit Forest) | Sturdy, Clear Body, Weak Armour | |
Magnezone | Magnet Area Pokemon | Electric/Grass | Defence, Special Attack | 535 | N/A | Sturdy, Clear Body, Weak Armour | |
Growlithe | Puppy Pokemon | Water | Attack, Special Attack | 350 | Arcanine (Water Stone) | Water Absorb, Intimidate, Justified | |
Arcanine | Legendary Pokemon | Water | Attack, Special Attack | 555 | N/A | Water Absorb, Intimidate, Justified | |
Onix | Rock Snake Pokemon | Ice/Ground | Defence | 385 | Steelix (trade holding Metal Coat) | Ice Body, Snow Warning | |
Steelix | Iron Snake Pokemon | Ice/Steel | Defence | 510/610 | N/A | Ice Body, Snow Warning, Slush Rush | |
Machop | Superpower Pokemon | Water/Fighting | HP, Attack | 305 | Machoke (reach Level 28) | Swift Swim, Guts, No Guard | |
Machoke | Superpower Pokemon | Water/Fighting | HP, Attack | 405 | Machamp (Trade) | Swift Swim, Guts, No Guard | |
Machamp | Superpower Pokemon | Water/Fighting | HP, Attack | 505 | N/A | Swift Swim, Guts, No Guard | |
Ponyta | Fire Horse Pokemon | Flying | Attack, Speed | 410 | Rapidash (reach Level 40) | Run Away, Gale Wings, Stamina | |
Rapidash | Fire Horse Pokemon | Flying | Attack, Speed | 500 | N/A | Run Away, Gale Wings, Stamina | |
Gible | Land Shark Pokemon | Water/Dragon | Attack | 300 | Gabite (reach Level 24) | Strong Jaw, Tough Claws | |
Gabite | Cave Pokemon | Water/Dragon | Attack | 410 | Garchomp (reach Level 48) | Strong Jaw, Tough Claws | |
Garchomp | Mach Pokemon | Water/Dragon | Attack | 600/700 | N/A | Strong Jaw, Tough Claws, Rough Skin | |
Bonsly | Bonsai Pokemon | Grass | Attack, Defence | 290 | Sudowoodo (after learning Mimic) | Leaf Guard, Chlorophyll, Rattled | |
Sudowoodo | Imitation Pokemon | Grass | Attack, Defence | 410 | N/A | Leaf Guard, Chlorophyll, Rattled | |
Bronzor | Bronze Pokemon | Rock/Psychic | Defence, Special Defence | 300 | Bronzong (reach Level 33) | Levitate, Solid Rock, Weak Armour | |
Bronzong | Bronze Bell Pokemon | Rock/Psychic | Defence, Special Defence | 500 | N/A | Levitate, Solid Rock, Weak Armour | |
Finneon | Wing Fish Pokemon | Water/Flying | Special Defence, Speed | 330 | Lumineon (reach Level 31) | Water Veil, Swift Swim, Hydration | |
Lumineon | Neon Pokemon | Water/Flying | Special Defence, Speed | 460 | N/A | Water Veil, Swift Swim, Hydration | |
Magikarp | Fish Pokemon | Ground | Speed | 200 | Gyarados (reach Level 20) | Sticky Hold, Rattled | |
Gyarados | Atrocious Pokemon | Ground/Flying | Attack, Special Defence | 540/640 | N/A | Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Speed Booster | |
Clauncher | Water Gun Pokemon | Poison | Defence, Special Attack, Special Defence | 330 | Clawitzer (reach Level 37) | Poison Touch, Mega Launcher, Bulletproof | |
Clawitzer | Howitzer Pokemon | Poison | Defence, Special Attack, Special Defence | 500 | N/A | Poison Touch, Mega Launcher, Bulletproof | |
Igglybuff | Balloon Pokemon | Grass/Fairy | HP | 210 | Jigglypuff (Happiness) | Grass Roller | |
Jigglypuff | Balloon Pokemon | Grass/Fairy | HP | 270 | Wigglytuff (use Moon Stone) | Grass Roller | |
Wigglytuff | Balloon Pokemon | Grass/Fairy | HP | 435 | N/A | Grass Roller |
Name | Image | Species | Type | Stat Focus | Stat Total | Evolution | Abilities |
Laplay | Lake Pokemon | Water | HP | 365 | Lapras (reach Level 32) | Swift Swim, Water Absorb, Hydration | |
Pawgle | Puppy Pokemon | Normal | Speed | 200 | Smeargle (Happiness) | Own Tempo, Technician, Moody | |
Predici | Prediction Pokemon | Dark | Attack | 330 | Absol (Happiness at Night) | Pressure, Super Luck, Justified |
Giga Beasts[]
Name | Codename | Image | Species | Type | Stat Focus | Stat Total | Abilities |
Mysterumira | GB-01 Mysterious | Egyptian Pokemon | Psychic/Fairy | Attack, Special Attack, Speed | 570 | Beast Boost | |
Hornettox | GB-02 Vermin | Pirate Pokemon | Grass/Poison | HP, Defence, Special Defence | 570 | Beast Boost | |
Jestalight | GB-03 Energy | Dark Ages Pokemon | Electric/Fighting | Attack, Special Attack, Speed | 570 | Beast Boost | |
Jurashark | GB-04 Consumption | Jurassic Pokemon | Ice/Ground | HP, Defence, Special Defence | 570 | Beast Boost | |
Mixtaplite | GB-05 Parasitic | Neon Pokemon | Bug/Flying | Speed | 570 | Beast Boost | |
Shardness | GB-06 Crystalline | Wild West Pokemon | Dark/Rock | Attack, Defence, Special Attack, Special Defence, Speed | 570 | Beast Boost |
In the tables below are just a some examples of items you can obtain during the game. In addition to their normal functions, Items can be used to perform Item Moves once per battle. The player, however, needs both a Z-Ring and an Item Liscence for the type of item to perform these Item Moves.
Items can be bought at shops or found lying around. Items with better Item Move effects are generally rarer or more expensive. For more in-depth information on Item Moves, see Pokemon Stardust Version and Pokemon Comet Version/Item Moves
As Item Moves, Medicine typically raise a random stat, although some raise a fixed stat or recover some of the Pokemon's health.
Name | Function |
Potion | Restores 20 HP |
Super Potion | Restores 60 HP |
Hyper Potion | Restores 120 HP |
Max Potion | Fully restores HP |
Full Restore | Fully restores HP and cures status ailments |
Antidote | Cures Poison |
Paralyse Heal | Cures Paralysis |
Awakening | Cures Sleep |
Burn Heal | Cures Burn |
Ice Heal | Cures Freeze |
Full Heal | Cures status ailments |
Ether | Restores 10 PP for one move |
Elixir | Restores 10 PP for all moves |
Max Ether | Fully restores PP for one move |
Max Elixir | Fully restores PP for all moves |
Revive | Revives a fainted Pokemon with half HP |
Max Revive | Revives a fainted Pokemon with full HP |
Rare Candy | Raises level by 1 |
Protein | Raises base Attack |
Iron | Raises base Defence |
Calcium | Raises base Special Attack |
Zinc | Raises base Special Defence |
Carbos | Raises base Speed |
HP Up | Raises base HP |
PP Up | Raises a move's PP |
PP Max | Maximises a move's PP |
Poke Balls[]
Poke Balls can only be used as an Item Move if the Pokemon you use it on was caught using a Poke Ball of the same type as the one you use for the Item Move. As Item Moves, they generally raise a specific stat based on the move or a fixed stat.
Name | Function |
Poke Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon. |
Great Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon. More effective than a Poke Ball. |
Ultra Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon. More effective than a Great Ball. |
Master Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon without fail. |
Level Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon. More effective on higher level Pokemon. |
Lure Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon. More effective while fishing. |
Friend Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon and greatly increase their Happiness. |
Moon Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon. More effective on certain species of Pokemon. |
Love Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon. More effective on Pokemon of the opposite gender to your active Pokemon. |
Heavy Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon. More effective on heavy Pokemon. |
Speed Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon. More effective on Pokemon who are quick to flee. |
Premier Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon. |
Repeat Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon. More effective on Pokemon you've already caught. |
Timer Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon. Gets more effective the longer a battle drags on. |
Quick Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon. More effective on the first turn of battle. |
Net Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon. More effective on Water and Bug Type Pokemon. |
Nest Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon. More effective on lower level Pokemon. |
Dive Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon. More effective while underwater. |
Heal Ball | Can be used to catch and fully heal Pokemon. |
Dusk Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon. More effective in caves. |
Safari Ball | Can be used to catch Pokemon in Safari games. |
Held Items[]
As Item Moves, Held Items boost a stat and raise the power of the next move of a certain type. Held Items that are not disposed upon use are incompatible as Item Moves.
Name | Function | Item Move Type |
Silk Scarf | Increases the power of Normal Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Charcoal | Increases the power of Fire Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Mystic Water | Increases the power of Water Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Miracle Seed | Increases the power of Grass Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Magnet | Increases the power of Electric Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Black Belt | Increases the power of Fighting Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Silver Powder | Increases the power of Bug Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Soft Sand | Increases the power of Ground Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Twisted Spoon | Increases the power of Psychic Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Dark Glasses | Increases the power of Dark Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Sharp Beak | Increases the power of Flying Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Hard Stone | Increases the power of Rock Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Poison Barb | Increases the power of Poison Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Spell Tag | Increases the power of Ghost Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Never Melt Ice | Increases the power of Ice Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Metal Coat | Increases the power of Steel Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Dragon Fang | Increases the power of Dragon Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Story Book | Increases the power of Fairy Type moves by 20% | N/A |
Normal Gem | Makes a single Normal Type Move 50% more powerful | Normal |
Fire Gem | Makes a single Fire Type Move 50% more powerful | Fire |
Water Gem | Makes a single Water Type Move 50% more powerful | Water |
Grass Gem | Makes a single Grass Type Move 50% more powerful | Grass |
Electric Gem | Makes a single Electric Type Move 50% more powerful | Electric |
Fighting Gem | Makes a single Fighting Type Move 50% more powerful | Fighting |
Bug Gem | Makes a single Bug Type Move 50% more powerful | Bug |
Ground Gem | Makes a single Ground Type Move 50% more powerful | Ground |
Psychic Gem | Makes a single Psychic Type Move 50% more powerful | Psychic |
Dark Gem | Makes a single Dark Type Move 50% more powerful | Dark |
Flying Gem | Makes a single Flying Type Move 50% more powerful | Flying |
Rock Gem | Makes a single Rock Type Move 50% more powerful | Rock |
Poison Gem | Makes a single Poison Type Move 50% more powerful | Poison |
Ghost Gem | Makes a single Ghost Type Move 50% more powerful | Ghost |
Ice Gem | Makes a single Ice Type Move 50% more powerful | Ice |
Steel Gem | Makes a single Steel Type Move 50% more powerful | Steel |
Dragon Gem | Makes a single Dragon Type Move 50% more powerful | Dragon |
Fairy Gem | Makes a single Fairy Type Move 50% more powerful | Fairy |
Most Berries are automatically eaten when certain requirements are met, if the Pokemon is holding one. As Item Moves, they almost always raise a specific stat.
Name | Function |
Cheri Berry | Cures Paralyse |
Chesto Berry | Cures Sleep |
Pecha Berry | Cures Poison |
Rawst Berry | Cures Burn |
Aspear Berry | Cures Freeze |
Leppa Berry | Restores 10 PP |
Oran Berry | Restores 10 HP |
Persim Berry | Cures Confuse |
Lum Berry | Cures status ailments |
Sitrus Berry | Restores 25% of HP |
Figy Berry | Restores 25% of HP, but sometimes causes Confusion |
Wiki Berry | Restores 25% of HP, but sometimes causes Confusion |
Mago Berry | Restores 25% of HP, but sometimes causes Confusion |
Agauv Berry | Restores 25% of HP, but sometimes causes Confusion |
Iapapa Berry | Restores 25% of HP, but sometimes causes Confusion |
Razz Berry | No general use |
Bluk Berry | No general use |
Nanab Berry | No general use |
Wepear Berry | No general use |
Pinap Berry | No general use |
Technical Machines[]
Technical Machines can be used indefinitely, and teach moves to Pokemon. They are incompatible as Item Moves.
# | Teaches | Type |
01 | Work Up | Normal |
02 | Dragon Claw | Dragon |
03 | Psyshock | Psychic |
04 | Calm Mind | Psychic |
05 | Roar | Normal |
06 | Toxic | Poison |
07 | Hail | Ice |
08 | Bulk Up | Fighting |
09 | Venoshock | Poison |
10 | Hidden Power | Normal |
11 | Sunny Day | Fire |
12 | Taunt | Dark |
13 | Ice Beam | Ice |
14 | Blizzard | Ice |
15 | Hyper Beam | Normal |
16 | Light Screen | Psychic |
17 | Protect | Normal |
18 | Rain Dance | Water |
19 | Giga Drain | Grass |
20 | Safeguard | Normal |
21 | Frustration | Normal |
22 | Solar Beam | Grass |
23 | Smack Down | Rock |
24 | Thunderbolt | Electric |
25 | Thunder | Electric |
26 | Earthquake | Ground |
27 | Return | Normal |
28 | Leech Life | Bug |
29 | Psychic | Psychic |
30 | Shadow Ball | Ghost |
31 | Brick Break | Fighting |
32 | Hidden Energy | Normal |
33 | Reflect | Psychic |
34 | Sludge Wave | Poison |
35 | Flamethrower | Fire |
36 | Sludge Bomb | Poison |
37 | Sandstorm | Rock |
38 | Fire Blast | Fire |
39 | Rock Tomb | Rock |
40 | Aerial Ace | Flying |
41 | Torment | Dark |
42 | Facade | Normal |
43 | Flame Claw | Fire |
44 | Rest | Psychic |
45 | Attract | Normal |
46 | Thief | Dark |
47 | Low Sweep | Fighting |
48 | Round | Normal |
49 | Echoed Voice | Normal |
50 | Overheat | Fire |
51 | Steel Wing | Steel |
52 | Focus Blast | Fighting |
53 | Energy Ball | Grass |
54 | False Swipe | Normal |
55 | Scald | Water |
56 | Fling | Dark |
57 | Charge Beam | Electric |
58 | Sky Drop | Flying |
59 | Lightning Claw | Electric |
60 | Incinerate | Fire |
61 | Will-o-Wisp | Fire |
62 | Acrobatics | Flying |
63 | Embargo | Dark |
64 | Explosion | Normal |
65 | Shadow Claw | Ghost |
66 | Payback | Dark |
67 | Ice Claw | Ice |
68 | Giga Impact | Normal |
69 | Rock Polish | Rock |
70 | Aurora Veil | Ice |
71 | Stone Edge | Rock |
72 | Volt Switch | Electric |
73 | Thunder Wave | Electric |
74 | Gyro Ball | Steel |
75 | Swords Dance | Normal |
76 | Fly | Flying |
77 | Roost | Flying |
78 | Bulldoze | Ground |
79 | Frost Breath | Ice |
80 | Rock Slide | Rock |
81 | X-Scissor | Bug |
82 | Dragon Tail | Dragon |
83 | Infestation | Bug |
84 | Poison Jab | Poison |
85 | Dream Eater | Psychic |
86 | Grass Knot | Grass |
87 | Dig | Ground |
88 | Sleep Talk | Normal |
89 | U-Turn | Bug |
90 | Substitute | Normal |
91 | Flash Cannon | Steel |
92 | Trick Room | Psychic |
93 | Wild Charge | Electric |
94 | Surf | Water |
95 | Rock Smash | Fighting |
96 | Nature Power | Normal |
97 | Dark Pulse | Dark |
98 | Waterfall | Water |
99 | Dazzling Gleam | Fairy |
100 | Confide | Normal |
Z-Crystals are incompatible as Item Moves, instead being used to perform powerful Z-Moves. Z-Moves can be chained onto another move and generally have twice the power of the original move, although there are some conditions that apply to calculating the damage.
Name | Z-Move | Description |
Normalium Z | Breakneck Blitz | The user rushes at blinding speed, crushing the enemy in their path. |
Firium Z | Inferno Drive | The user shoots a small fireball which builds up a massive explosion. |
Waterium Z | Hydro Vortex | The user draws the target into a giant, towering tornado of water. |
Grassium Z | Bloom Doom | The user bathes the enemy in sunlight, then detonates the energy surrounding them. |
Electrium Z | Gigavolt Havoc | The user blasts a small electric projectile which calls forth a terribly strong lightning strike. |
Fightinium Z | All-Out Pummeling | The user shoves the enemy away before bombarding them with projectiles. |
Buginium Z | Savage Spin-Out | The user traps the foe in a prison of silk before slicing them in two. |
Groundinium Z | Tectonic Rage | The user sends a shockwave through the ground to attack the enemy from below. |
Psychium Z | Shattered Psyche | The user takes over the enemy's mind before blasting them with psychic powers. |
Darkinium Z | Black Hole Eclipse | The user bombards the foe with projectiles, then siphons their strength with a black hole. |
Flyinium Z | Supersonic Strike | The user kicks up a turbulence forceful enough to split the ground. |
Rockinium Z | Continental Crush | The user constructs a giant rock which falls down on the enemy, crushing them. |
Poisonium Z | Acid Downpour | The user has toxified water fall from the sky to drown the enemy. |
Ghostinium Z | Never-Ending Nightmare | The user draws the enemy into a void, then attacks from below with dark magic. |
Icium Z | Subzero Slammer | The user subjects the target to ridiculously low temperatures, freezing them in place. |
Steelium Z | Corkscrew Crash | The user drills into the target, hitting them first from the side and then from above. |
Dragonium Z | Devastating Drake | The user summons a fiery dragon to chase down and devastate the foe. |
Fairium Z | Twinkle Tackle | The user bombards the enemy with stars before knocking them into the air. |
The player can ride the Vari-Bike by pressing Y, and use the D-Pad to change its mode. The Bike Pager is used to assign different modes to the D-Pad, and to use any unassigned modes.
Name | Details |
Cruise Mode | In Cruise Mode, the Vari-Bike moves more slowly, but is able to move across rugged land. |
Rush Mode | Hold B in Rush Mode to gain a burst of speed, allowing you to break rocks in your path at the cost of control. |
Water Mode | This mode allows the Vari-Bike to travel over water. This mode cannot be assigned to the D-Pad, instead activating automatically when you come near water. |
Pursuit Mode | You can use this mode to quickly travel to any previously visited Pokemon Centre. |
Scan Mode | While in this mode, hold B to operate the Scanner, which alerts you if there's a hidden item nearby. |
Force Mode | By holding B in this mode, you can shove boulders in order to find your way around mazes. |
New Features[]
See Pokemon Stardust Version and Pokemon Comet Version/New Features.
See Pokemon Stardust Version and Pokemon Comet Version/Anime.