Pokémon Clueless Edition is a 2D animated series, created by RTA fan (t∣b∣c). It is intended to be a satirical take on the Pokémon series, and follows two people from Earth who end up in the Pokémon world and go through the stories of the games.
Main characters[]
Character | Description |
Generic Johnson | A guy from New Jersey who wound up in the Pokémon world after he cursed out a wizard, Generic has little to no knowledge of anything relating to Pokémon.
Generic is a very cocky person. He is rather foul-mouthed and runs his mouth more than he should and can easily insult people around himself. Generic refers to himself as the "master of sarcasm". |
Satomi Yamauchi | A Japanese woman who is a very big fan of the Pokémon games, Satomi wound up in the Pokémon world after her sister managed to warp her into the world by unusual circumstances.
Satomi is very gleeful. She has lots of energy around the clock and never fails to give people a smile whenever she gets excited. When especially excited, Satomi's voice goes really high-pitched. |
Ledio | A Ledian that wanders the Pokémon regions, Ledio spends most of his time looking for a Trainer who he thinks is capable of working with. He meets Generic and Satomi and ends up joining forces with them.
Ledio is very smooth-talking. He likes to put things into words people can easily understand and never really raises his voice. He can talk rather fast whenever he tries to explain some things, though, which can result in the person he's talking to getting lost rather quickly. |
Supporting characters[]
Character | Description |
Lucas Jackson | A Trainer who was in the same situation as Generic and Satomi 11 years prior to their arrival, Lucas has travelled through the Sinnoh region and became the Champion for a spell. His girlfriend Dawn went through the region with him. He hails from Middlesbrough in England. |
Dawn Ó Muircheartach | A woman who usually travels with her boyfriend Lucas, Dawn ended up in the Sinnoh region 11 years ago and met Generic and Satomi amidst unrest in Floaroma Town. She is a bit more reckless than her boyfriend and has an Empoleon, but she doesn't use it for battling. |
Episode Number | Episode Title | Description |
01 | Stuck in Sinnoh | Generic Johnson and Satomi Yamauchi end up in the Pokémon region of Sinnoh after a couple of incidents and end up going through the regions. |
02 | Floaroma Fracas | Generic and Satomi arrive in Floaroma Town, only to get caught up in a dispute between the residents of the town and Team Galactic. The two attempt to cool the situation down, but make it worse. |
03 | From Here To Eterna | The trio arrive in Eterna City and find themselves caught up in a Team Galactic situation again. While Generic, Satomi and Ledio try and drive the team out of the city, they come across a significant person in the Sinnoh region. |
04 | Havoc in Hearthome | Upon their arrival in Hearthome, the trio decide to do their own thing while in the city. Generic decides to mess around in the town while Satomi takes on the Gym and Ledio gets up to some mishaps of his own. |
05 | TBA | TBA |
06 | TBA | TBA |
07 | TBA | TBA |
08 | TBA | TBA |
09 | TBA | TBA |
10 | TBA | TBA |
11 | TBA | TBA |
12 | TBA | TBA |
- The idea for Clueless Edition first came around in November 2016, but RTA fan only went through with the idea five months later.