Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

The Octarian Girls are a group of Octolings who are the seven children of DJ Octavio.


  • Laurie - A magenta Octoling who cheats during games, races, tests, etc.
  • Hanae - A red Octoling who is the "big mouth" and sometimes stutters words starting with "h".
  • Asumi - A pink Octoling who is a spoiled brat and often throws tantrums when she doesn't get something she wants immediately.
  • Kanako and Kanoko - Two green Octolings who are twins and act identically.
  • Manaka - An orange Octoling who is a bully to others.
  • Rikako - A white Octoling who invents many things.


  • Despite being DJ Octavio's children, they have a sibling named Octavio Jr., a female Octoling who is DJ Octavio's favorite daughter.

