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Lego Leviathan is a game for the Nintendo Switch and PC which will be released December 7 2019. It is a lego version of the Leviathan Book series which is a n Alternitave History series taking place during WWI, writen by Scott Westerfield. 


The game includes a main story mode and a free roam mode with three different areas that are named after the 3 books in the Leviathan Trilogy which are Leviathan, Behemoth and Goliath.



The chapter begins at Konopiště castle, the home of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his family. Fifteen-year-old Alek is in his room late at night, staging a battle with toy soldiers, Clanker Austria-Hungary against Darwinist Britian and France. He is interrupted by two of his tutors, Count Volger and Otto Klopp, who tell him that it is time for him to practice piloting walkers, namely the Cyklop Stormwalker waiting outside. Excited, Alek does not question the unusual timing of the lesson until his tutors' insistance on speed and secrecy becomes too suspicious. After Klopp and Volger explain that Alek's father has ordered them to take him away from home, Alek shouts that they are lying and tries to pull the Stormwalker's distress whistle cord. Alek is knocked out with a chemical by Volger and hears Volger tell him that his parents have been murdered just before he blacks out.

The story of the other main character, Deryn Sharp, begins in London. Deryn has fallen asleep studying her aeronautics manual. She and her brother, Jaspert, discuss how she will disguise herself as a boy in order to enter the Air Service as a midshipman. Deryn is not worried about her flying skills, because her father taught her them years ago. Deryn and Jaspert take a bus to the Air Proving Ground, where Deryn and the other candidates are tested for fear of fabrications with two tigeresques.They are then given the opportunity to fly attached to a Huxley, and Deryn is the first to do so. When a storm strikes during her flight, Deryn untethers the Huxley and is left to float freely. She is eventually picked up by the Leviathan.  Alek wakes up and meets Corporal Bauer. Volger explains how Franz Ferdinand and Princess Sophie were poisoned by the Germans, that the murders were blamed on Serbia in order to start a war, and that the Germans plan to kill Alek as well. He tells Alek that they must flee to Switzerland. Alek does not believe him until a German land dreadnaught begins shooting at them. Alek aids the men to escape from the dreadnaught by loading a Spandau machine gun.

Over the next two weeks, Alek learns how to do lots of things he has never done before, like washing clothes, cooking, and cleaning the machine guns. He also practices fencing and walker piloting. During a piloting lesson, Alek learns that Volger has hidden twelve gold bars on the Stormwalker that are part of Alek's inheritance from his father.

Deryn has also learned a lot about the Leviathan in the last two weeks, which she is now serving on as a midshipman (or middy). She has made friends with Newkirk and enemies with Fitzroy, both fellow middies. When the Leviathan is going to land in London to collect Dr. Barlow, her mysterious cargo,Tazza, and a large trunk, Mr. Rigby tells the middies that some of them will have to leave the ship to make room for the weight of these items. Fitzroy makes the mistake of using bystanders to hold the airship ropes, and is one of the middies who must leave; Deryn and Newkirk are the only two middies on the Leviathan.

Alek, Volger,and Klopp go into Lienz, an Austrian town, to buy supplies for the Stormwalker. Alek gives himself away by correcting the mechaniks shopkeeper when the man tries to sell him an inaccurate model of a Mephisto walker. They must flee without getting the parts that they need, and are pursued by local soldiers. Volger sends Alek ahead to get the Stormwalker, but he is shot at by one of the soldiers. Alek manages to unhorse the soldier, but accidentally kills him. With the help of the Stormwalker, Alek and his men are able to defeat the soldiers. However, now that their general location is known, a land frigate chases them as they travel to Switzerland. The frigate has a secret weapon which it uses against the Stormwalker: phosphorous flares which will stick to a machine and give away its location so that it can be fired at in the dark. Alek cuts off the flare with an heirloom sword and throws the sword away from the Stormwalker, which causes the frigate to lose the Stormwalker in the dark.

Back on the Leviathan, Dr. Barlow almost figures out Deryn's secret, but instead guesses that Deryn is younger than sixteen (the age required to be a middy). Deryn confesses that she is fifteen, and Dr. Barlow believes that this is Deryn's only secret. Soon afterward, German aeroplanes attack the Leviathan, and Deryn is called to feed the flechette bats. Though they are able to fight off the aeroplanes, the Leviathan still crashes in the Swiss Alps. Deryn is tied to Newkirk and Mr. Rigby, and when Mr. Rigby is shot and falls off one side of the airship, she jumps off the other side to prevent Newkirk from having to cut Mr. Rigby loose.

Alek and his men reach Switzerland, and plan to spend the war in the castle that Franz Ferdinand bought for Alek to hide in. Volger tells Alek about a papal scroll that Franz Ferdinand obtained which gives Alek a claim to the throne of Austria-Hungary. They then hear the Leviathan crashing. Alek goes to help the crew of the crashed airship, against Volger's wishes. He finds Deryn (who he believes to be a boy), and revives her with smelling-salts from his first aid kits. Deryn becomes suspicious of Alek when his story of being a Swiss villager is contradictory, and he pulls a pistol on her when she asks him to come talk to her superiors. Because he is afraid of the hydrogen sniffers, Deryn is able to capture Alek and hand him over to Mr. Roland. She goes back to Dr. Barlow, who is upset because her secret cargo of eggs has been partially destroyed by the crash. Only three of the eggs have survived. Deryn tells Dr. Barlow about Alek, and Dr. Barlow surmises that Alek is Austrian because of the symbols on the first aid kits.

Deryn takes Dr. Barlow to meet Alek, who tells him that she knows how to find his "family." When Dr. Barlow goes to talk to the captain, Alek goes with Deryn to the machine room, where the eggs are being kept. Deryn finds out that Alek is an orphan. When Deryn is about to go up in a Huxley to find Alek's people, Captain Hobbes makes an announcement that there is not enough hydrogen or food for the Leviathan to reinflate. After she is in the air, Deryn notices the Stormwalker heading towards them, and, after sending a message to the crew with semaphore flags, goes back to get Alek to stop the Stormwalker. She pretends to hold a knife to his throat to get their attention, and Alek tells her to ask for Volger.

Alek and Volger meet with the captain and other officers, and Dr. Barlow. Dr. Busk explains how the Leviathan needs food in order to leave the Alps, and Alek agrees to provide some from the castle's storerooms in return for his freedom. The Leviathan's crew keeps Volger as insurance, and they trade Dr. Barlow to Alek in exchange. She brings Deryn and Tazza along as well. They stay in the castle overnight as Alek, Klopp, Hoffman, and Bauer load food on the Stormwalker as Dr. Barlow tells them which foods to bring. As they are traveling back to the Leviathan, zepplins attack it, and Alek decides to fight the zeppelins and defend the airship. During the attack, the Stormwalker is unable to stand upright, and the engines of the Leviathan are destroyed. Alek offers the engines from the Stormwalker in exchange for passage on the Leviathan, because he and his men cannot stay in the castle now that the Germans have found them. Alek confesses to Deryn who his father is, but does not tell her that he is the heir to the throne. After telling her about his parents deaths, he hugs her, and she starts to have a crush on him.

After Alek and his men have helped the Leviathan's crew install the engines on the airship, the eight-legged walker Herkules heads toward the Leviathan, and the ship must leave. When the ship is far heavier than expected, Hoffman tells Alek about the gold that Volger smuggled aboard. Alek goes to find the gold in Volger's cabin, and, with Volger's help, throws out all but one of the bars. The Leviathan is then able to escape and head for the Ottoman Empire.


The chapter begins with Alek teaching Deryn how to fence on the spine of the Leviathan. However, their lesson is interupted by the attack of a gyrothopter and two German Ironclads, the Goeben and the Breslau. Alek and Klopp take action without orders when they discover that the Goeben carries a Telsea Cannon, but, although they manage to save the Leviathan, Alek is injured when Mr. Hirst shoots him with an air gun. During the battle, Deryn saves Newkirk from a burning Huxley.

After the battle, Alek and his men are put under guard. When Dr. Barlow and Deryn visit Alek, Deryn finds herself delivering a secret message to Count Volger, who confronts Deryn about her trustworthiness. He is upset when he learns that Alek shared the secret of his past with Deryn in Leviathan. Volger also feels that Alek should try to escape when the Leviathan reaches Istanbul. While skulking about the airship on Volger's suggestion, Alek runs into Deryn in the lizard room. Deryn tells Alek the story of her father's death, and they say their goodbyes. Alek flees the ship the next night, soon after one of Dr. Barlow's mysterious eggs hatches and Bovril emerges. Bovril becomes attached to Alek and leaves with him. However, as Alek and his men are escaping, they are discovered and Volger and Hoffman must stay behind, while Klopp and Bauer escape with Alek into the city of Istanbul.

The next day, the ship arrives at Istanbul. Dr. Barlow, Deryn and Newkirk meet with Britsh officials in Istanbul on board the Dauntless, an elephant-shaped walker. Also on board the Dauntless is Eddie Malone, an American news reporter for the New York World. When German saboteurs attack the Dauntless, Deryn manages to stop them by throwing spice from a street vendor's stall into their faces (upon Dr. Barlow's suggestion). Malone photographs Deryn's rescue of the walker. Dr. Barlow and Deryn also ride on the Sultan's airyacht, the Stamboul, although Deryn has been nervous of Clanker airships since her father's death. They are introduced to the Kizlar Agha and visit the Sultan in his palace. The Sultan has an enormous automaton built and controlled by German engineers, which follows his every move. However, when Dr. Barlow offers her gift of one of the Ioris eggs, the Sultan's automaton crushes the egg. Deryn points out to Dr. Barlow, though, that it could have been the controllers who destroyed the egg, and not the Sultan.

Meanwhile, Alek decides to stay in Istanbul instead of fleeing into the countryside as Volger suggested. He takes up residence the Hotel Hagia Sophia, but is soon discovered by German agents during a visit to an Ottoman coffee shop. Alek is rescued by Zaven while he and Bauer are trying to escape, Alek falls in with Zaven's revolutionary group, the Committee of Union and Progress. Feeling that it is his destiny to end the war, Alek hopes that a revolution in Istanbul will bring about peace. Zaven introduces Alek to his mother, Nene and daughter, Lilit, who initially do not trust him until Bovril convinces them. Lilit teaches Alek how to drive Ottoman walkers, such as Sahmaran. Alek also meets Eddie Malone, and asks him to bring a message to Volger on the Leviathan.

When Malone delivers Alek's message to Volger, Deryn hears it, and Volger guesses that she is a girl from her reaction. Soon afterward, Deryn recieves a medal for bravery for rescuing Newkirk. She is also given a secret assignment, to take a group of soldiers to sabatoge the Ottoman underwater defences with fabricated vitriolic barnacles. Deryn succeeds in her mission, but her men are all killed or captured. Knowing that Alek is in Istanbul, Deryn decides to find him and help him instead of returning to her ship. At the Istanbul library, she discovers that Alek's mother was named Sophie, and uses this information to find his hotel.

When Deryn finds Alek at his hotel, she is initially jealous of Lilit, thinking that Lilit and Alek are a couple. However, she still helps the Committee with their revolutionary plans, suggesting spice bombs as a form of attack. Alek gives the Committee most of his gold to finance this plan, as the spices are expensive. Deryn manages to arrange that the revolution will occur on the night the Leviathan will attack Istanbul, which will make both attacks more likely to succeed.

After Alek accidentally leaves his papal scroll in his hotel room, he, Deryn and Lilit return at night to find it. While in Alek's old hotel room, Alek confesses to Deryn that he is really heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary. Deryn almost admits her secret to Alek, but stops when she realizes that Alek will never be able to love her back as the emperor of Austria-Hungary. Alek also tells Deryn that Lilit has a crush on her, which surprises Deryn, as she had thought that Lilit liked Alek.

However, Eddie Malone has also discovered that Alek and Deryn are in Istanbul. In order to prevent Malone from giving away information about the revolution's plans, Alek gives Malone an exclusive interview. Although Alek knows that this will make it harder for him to hide, he feels that the revolution is more important. Also, from Malone, Alek, Deryn and Lilit discover that there is a Tesla cannon in Istanbul that is capable of destroying the Leviathan when it arrives, and they realize that for the revolution to succeed they will have to bring down the cannon themselves.

On the night of the revolution, Alek, Deryn, Lilit, Zaven, Klopp and Bauer take four walkers to attack the Tesla cannon. They are met by a group of Ottoman elephant walkers, which they bring down with spice bombs, thrown by the arms of their walkers. Lilit's walker and Alek and Deryn's walker are crashed, and Klopp and Bauer's walker is hit by the arm of the Orient Express. However, the Tesla cannon is still charged for firing. While Alek and Deryn take over the Orient Express to try to bring down the Tesla cannon, Zaven pulls it down with Şahmaran, and is killed by the electricity that streams through his walker.

Alek and Deryn find Lilit after the battle, and she tells them goodbye, kissing Deryn and calling her, "the bravest boy I've ever met." Then she flies away on mechanical wings to meet her uncle's boat, to assist Nene in leading the revolution. The behemoth destroys the Goeben and the Breslau in the strait, following the Leviathan as it attacks. In Klopp and Bauer's walker, Alek and Deryn find them both unconcious. Bauer wakes up easily but Klopp seems to be badly injured. Bauer offers to stay with Klopp, and let Alek and Deryn escape, but Deryn wants to try to signal the Leviathan, safely passing over Istanbul after the destruction of the Tesla cannon. Using the arms of Klopp and Bauer's damaged walker, Deryn and Bovril use semaphore code to contact the Leviathan, sending the message, "S-H-A-R-P." Alek asks Deryn to come with him when he goes into hiding, but Deryn says that she cannot abandon her duty. She convinces Alek to come back on board the ship with her, saying that they belong together.

Back on board the ship, Deryn learns that the revolution was sucessful, especially since the Kizlar Agha took the Sultan away on his airyacht, preventing further bloodshed. In his stateroom, Volger shows Alek Malone's newspaper article and expresses his disappointment in some of Alek's behavior in Istanbul. However, he also thanks Alek for saving his life. The novel ends with the news that the Leviathan is now headed east, to Japan.


Goliath begins on the Leviathan, traveling over Russia towards Siberia. Alek, Deryn, and Newkirk are in the middies' mess with Bovril, talking about great circle routes. Alek mentions Deryn's father was an airman, but Newkirk says that the airman was Deryn's uncle. Their discussion is interrupted by a two-headed messenger eagle, which would only carry a message from the Tsar, that they see heading towards the bridge. They soon recieve a message lizard telling Deryn to go to the bridge and Newkirk to go to the cargo deck. Alek goes with Deryn, and they meet Dr. Barlow there, who tells them to take the bird to the rookery and feed it. While in the rookery, Deryn nearly confesses her secret to Alek, but then tells him that she has a secret that she can't tell him. Alek says that she can tell him any secret, but she leaves to go to a fencing lesson. When she arrives at Count Volger's stateroom, he tries to blackmail her with his knowledge of her secret to find out about the czar's message. Deryn refuses, telling Volger that Alek finding out her secret would upset him because he admires "Dylan."

The czar's message tells the Leviathan's crew about cargo needed to be picked up in Russia. Deryn and Newkirk are trained for the cargo snatch from a fighting bear. Deryn uses gliding wings and Newkirk hooks the cargo, which is much heavier than expected. The heavy cargo causes the Leviathan to move closer to the groud, and Newkirk saves both of their lives by putting all of their weight on one side of the cargo pallet, so that they will be shielded from trees. The cargo appears to be dried beef.

Alek and Volger talk about how the Leviathan is headed towards Japan, and Alek finds a newspaper article about "Dylan" and the Dauntless by Eddie Malone. He is then called to the cargo bay, where Dr. Barlow and Deryn tell him about the Clanker machine parts which made the cargo so heavy. Dr. Barlow ask for Alek to see what he can do with the parts, and, after getting the help of Klopp, Hoffman, and Bauer, Alek assembles the mysterious device. With Bovril's help, Dr. Barlow determines that the device is used to detect metal.

The Leviathan reaches Tunguska, and area filled with flattened trees, where the crew discovers Nikola Tesla and a group of Russian men surrounded by starving fighting bears kept away by an electrical fence. The dried beef is fed to the bears to keep them away while the Leviathan lands, and Tesla and the men are taken to safety in the Leviathan. During their escape, Tesla attacks some of the bears with an electrical walking stick, which leads Deryn to think he is somewhat insane.

After Volger tells Alek to get to know Tesla to find out what he is doing, Alek goes back to his stateroom and reads the newspaper article about "Dylan". He notices in the article that Artemis Sharp had a daughter named Deryn, and Alek becomes suspicious. After reading the article to Bovril, Bovril whispers "Mr. Deryn Sharp" into Alek's ear.

At Dr. Barlow's request, Alek and Deryn go to find out what Tesla was looking for in Tunguska. They use his device on the Leviathan, and notice that there is a lot of metal in Tesla's room. Deryn sneaks in and discovers a metal ball under Tesla's bed. Alek asks Deryn "Can I trust you, Deryn?," and knows that she is a girl when she does not comment about his using her real name. Alek and Deryn get into an argument about her lie to Alek, and, after she leaves, Alek realizes that she didn't tell him because she is in love with him.

For a few days, Alek and Deryn are not on speaking terms. Alek decides to support Tesla in his mission to end the war with his machine, the Goliath, however, he still misses Deryn and is rather depressed. Deryn is upset that Alek would abandon their friendship just because she is a girl. As the Leviathan arrives in Japan, the airship engages in battle with an Austrian ship and two German zepplins, although the Japanese do most of the fighting. When one of the engines is shot, both Deryn and Alek arrive to help, and Alek decides to continue to be Deryn's friend. A message lizard arrives from Dr. Barlow, telling Deryn to visit a tailor in Japan, and Alek offers to accompany her.

In Tokyo, Alek and Deryn discuss their friendship and the Goliath while visiting the tailor and eating at a moving food stall. They go to Tesla's demonstration of the Goliath at the Imperial Hotel. Tesla claims that the Goliath can change the color of the sky in London, and the Admirality confirms that the colors are visible. The Leviathan is given permission to carry Tesla to New York.

Before a storm arrives while crossing the Pacific Ocean, Alek, Deryn, Mr. Rigby and Hoffman try to put up a wire on the spine for Tesla. When the storm hits and one end of the wire is loose, Deryn goes out to fix it and Alek offers to go with her. The wind knocks Alek over and he gets a concussion. Deryn talks to him to keep him awake, and they promise not to keep secrets from each other. Then Deryn kisses Alek, and asks him to promise to lie to protect her secret.

When Alek is recuperating in his cabin, Captain Hobbes and other officers come to tell him that he may be recieving a medal from the Admiralty for helping Deryn on the spine.The Leviathan soon arrives at William Randolph Hearst's estate in California, where Phillip Francis films them. Deryn meets Eddie Malone here, and smuggles him onto the Leviathan because he tells her he is danger from Hearst's men and that Francis may be a German spy.

Alek goes to dinner with Hearst, Mr. Francis, Adela Rogers, the captain, Volger and Dr. Barlow, where Hearst shows The Perils of Pauline. Hearst resupplies the Leviathan and the airship starts on its way to cross Mexico to get to New York, bringing Malone, Mr. Francis, and Adela Rogers with them. Malone reveals to the crew and Miss Rogers that Philip Francis may be a spy, and Tesla uses his metal-detecting machine to find smuggled arms and film hidden in sugar barrels. The engines stop working in when they are only part of the way across, and Pancho Villa's men offer to help them in exchange for the sugar. The bridge is confused about the purpose of Pancho Villa's camera walkers, so Deryn goes to investigate on gliding wings. She falls on her way back to tell the crew that the walkers are only cameras, and is injured. Alek manages to get Pancho Villa's physician, Dr. Azuela, to treat Deryn instead of Dr. Busk, but Eddie Malone discovers Deryn's secret when Azuela tells Pancho Villa about her. Pancho Villa and Mr. Francis film the Leviathan as part of Hearst's movie deal with Pancho.

Alek helps Deryn through her recovery, during which Deryn believes that she will be kicked off of the Leviathan when the ship reaches New York and Eddie Malone publishes his article. Alek is planning to stay in New York and help Tesla promote the Goliath, and he ask Deryn to stay in New York with him to help Tesla.. Dr. Barlow offers Deryn a job with the Zoological Society of London, but retracts her offer when she learns that Eddie Malone has discovered Deryn's secret and will probably be writing an article about her. Dr. Barlow does not want to hire someone who will be associated with scandal.

When Alek, Malone and Tesla are leaving the Leviathan, Alek saves Eddie Malone from falling off when a rocket hits the jitney that they are leaving on. Deryn had been watching the jitney as it was leaving, and tells the bridge that the jitney has caught on fire. The Leviathan douses the flames with ballast. Alek then offers to tell Malone about his scroll, so that Malone can write a story about the rocket attack on the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary.

Dr. Barlow shows Deryn the paper, and she offers Deryn the job again, now that Deryn's secret will not become public knowledge. However, now that Deryn will not be kicked off of the Leviathan, she and Alek will have to be apart for a while. As they are saying goodbye at the Serbian consulate, Deryn meets Lilit again, who tells Deryn about a water walker that the Germans are planning on sending against the Goliath. Deryn tells Dr. Barlow about this, and Dr. Barlow convinces the captain to stay in New York and keep an eye out for the water-walker.

Meanwhile, Alek is at the Goliath, where Tesla is hosting a dinner before he plans to demonstrate that the Goliath can change the color of the sky in Berlin. When Leviathan's bridge sees the water-walkers, Deryn sends a message bird to Alek, who tells Tesla about the threat. The captain destroys the two escort walkers, but leaves one to be destroyed on land so that the Americans can see it and will enter the war on the Darwinist side. Tesla decides to fire the Goliath at Berlin, fearing that he will never get a chance to fire the machine if it is destroyed tonight. Alek tells Tesla about his fears for the safety of the Leviathan, and, when Tesla continues with the firing of the Goliath, threatens him with a sword and then with Tesla's electrical walking stick. Alek kills Tesla with the walking stick to save Deryn. The Goliath destroys the water-walker instead of the Leviathan with the electrical energy from the planned firing.

The United States enters the war on the Darwinist side when they see the wreckage of the water-walker. On the Leviathan, Dr. Barlow recieves a message that tells her that the rock Deryn found under Tesla's bed was a meteorite, and therefore the Goliath did not actually cause the destruction in Tugunska. Alek recieves a medal for going with Deryn to fix Tesla's wire on the spine.

After the presentation ceremony for Alek's medal, Alek and Deryn go onto the spine of the Leviathan together. There, Alek tells her the truth about what happened to Tesla and declares his love for Deryn by kissing her. He then throws the scroll from the pope over the side of the airship, saying that it represented his past, which he had already lost. After Deryn asks Alek what he will do now, Alek says that he probably needs to get a job. Deryn tells Alek that Dr. Barlow may have just the job for both of them, working for the Zoological Society.

The novel ends with a newspaper article written by Eddie Malone, which reports that Alek has accepted a position with the Zoological Society. Alek's only comment is the Habsburg motto, Bella gerant alii, tu felix Austria, nube, or "Let others wage war. You, lucky Austria, shall marry."

Playable Characters[]


  • Alek Hasburg
  • Deryn Sharp


  • Otto Klopp (Unlock after Chapter 1, easy mode)
  • Count Volger (Unlock after Chapter 1, normal mode)
  • Jaspert Sharp (Unlock after Chapter 1, easy mode)
  • Corporal Bauer (unlock after Chapter 1, normal mode)
  • Franz Ferdinand (unlock after Chapter 1, hard mode)
  • Princess Sophie (unlock after Chapter 1, hard mode)
  • Wilhelm II of Germany (unlock after Chapter 1, extra hard mode)
  • Newkirk (unlock after Chapter 1, easy mode)
  • Fitzroy (unlock after Chapter 1, easy mode)
  • Captain Hobbs (unlock after Chapter 1, easy mode)
  • Dr. Barlow (unlock after Chapter 1, normal mode)
  • Mr. Rigby (unlock after Chapter 1, normal mode)
  • Hoffman (unlock after Chapter 1, easy mode)
  • Mr. Hurst (unlock after Chapter 2, easy mode)
  • Eddie Malone (unlock after Chapter 2, hard mode)
  • Zaven (unlock after Chapter 2, normal mode)
  • Nene (unlock after Chapter 2, hard mode)
  • Lilit (unlock after Chapter 2, easy mode)
  • Sultan Mehmed V (unlock after Chapter 2, extra hard mode)
  • Metal Mehmed V (unlock after Chapter 2, hard mode)
  • Kizlar Agha (unlock after Chapter 2, normal mode)
  • Nicolas II of Russia (unlock after Chapter 3, extra hard mode)
  • Nikola Telsa (unlock after Chapter 3, hard mode) 
  • Hearst (unlock after Chapter 3, easy mode)
  • Mr. Francis (unlock after Chapter 3, easy mode)
  • Adela Rogers (unlock after Chapter 3, easy mode)
  • Pancho Villa (unlock after Chapter 3, normal mode)
  • Dr. Azuela (unlock after Chapter 3, normal mode)
  • Dr. Busk (unlock after Chapter 3, normal mode)
  • Tashio Emperor (unlock after beating all of story mode, extra hard mode)
  • Woodrov Wilson (unlock after beating all of story mode, extra hard mode)
  • Tsar Ferdinand of Bulgaria (unlock after beating all of story mode, extra hard mode)