Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
Summon Program
Series: Incarnations
Origins: Incarnations: Umbral Endeavor
Summoning item. A mysterious stream of data that pulls an Assist Summon into the battle to support the user. It is automatically used shortly after being picked up if the user is on the ground.
Forbidden Summon Program
Series: Incarnations
Origins: Incarnations: Umbral Endeavor
Summoning item. A corrupt version of the Summon Program that brings a Boss Summon into the fight instead. Bosses are sometimes summoned in Cross Mode, in which they gain powerful new abilities from a power that would normally be foreign to them. It is automatically used shortly after being picked up if the user is on the ground.
DK Barrel
Series: Donkey Kong
Origins: Donkey Kong Country
Summoning/Throwing item. A barrel marked with a familiar-looking pair of red initials. Like the Summon Program, this item can be used to summon Assist Summons; but instead of them being automatically summoned, the DK Barrel must be broken by throwing it at a solid surface or enemy fighter before its occupant can be unleashed.
Fused Shadows
Series: The Legend of Zelda
Origins: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Combining item. Four shards of an ancient magical item filled with infinite dark power. If one Fused Shadow spawns, the others will likely follow close behind, and the fighter that collects all of them will be able to transform into an enormous multi-armed monster temporarily just by pressing the Special buttom.
Series: Incarnations
Origins: Incarnations: Umbral Endeavor
Recovery item. Nothing like a bag of chips, box of cookies, bottle of soda, or Slim Jim or whatever to reinvigorate you! Eating any of these various foods will restore some health, with the exact amount increasing relative to the unhealthiness of the food eaten.
Knuckle Sandwich
Series: Knuckle Sandwich
Origins: Knuckle Sandwich
Recovery item. A dubious-looking but oddly delicious burger. Eating it restores health, unsurprisingly. If a human eats it, though, they gain more health than non-humans do when they eat it... How odd...
Sitrus Berry
Series: Pokémon
Origins: Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire Version
Recovery item. A berry that grows in the fertile soil of Hoenn and Sinnoh. Eating it restores health, unsurprisingly. If an animal eats it, though, they gain more health than non-animals do when they eat it. Maybe only Pokémon have the enzymes needed to properly digest these sorts of berries...?
Life Stone
Series: Shin Megami Tensei
Origins: Shin Megami Tensei
Recovery item. A stone radiating with an otherworldly light. Throwing it at a surface causes it to shatter and release a pulse of healing magic, restoring 25% health for anyone in the blast.
Australium Gold Paint
Series: Team Fortress
Origins: Team Fortress 2
Transforming item. A bucket of paint that some idiot not only named after the rare metal Australium, but also made with actual Australium. Fighters that pick up the bucket will automatically douse themselves in it, which temporarily increases their weight and fall speed, allows them to take most hits without even flinching... and turns them gold, too, of course. While in this state, their Super Smash Attacks also temporarily turn struck enemies into golden statues.
Weird Mushroom
Series: Super Mario
Origins: Super Mario Maker
Transforming item. A shriveled-looking mushroom that moves on its own, sliding back and forth across the stage. When it touches a fighter, it will automatically increase their height dramatically while their width is untouched, making them look gangling and... well, Weird. The affected fighter will return to their normal height eventually, but until then, their friction will be seriously reduced while their jump height will be boosted.
Kiss Sticker
Series: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Origins: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean
Transforming item. A sticker generated by Ermes Costello's Stand, Kiss. Equipping it will cause the user's body parts to split when using certain attacks. This increases the range, doubles the number of hitboxes on the attack, and potentially allows for it to hit twice at once for extra damage.
Tiger Claws
Series: Kid Icarus
Origins: Kid Icarus: Uprising
Wearable item. A pair of razor-sharp talons worn like brass knuckles any fighter equipped with gets a bit of a speed boost and a bit of extra length to their dodge rolls. Most interesting, though, is that their jab combo is extended to a whopping five hits! Even characters with jabs that only hit one or two times normally can reap these effects.
Dragoon Boots
Series: Final Fantasy
Origins: Final Fantasy VI
Wearable item. A pair of boots that grant the wearer the powers of a Dragoon. Equipping them boost the user's jump height and midair movement speed. As an added bonus, their down aerial becomes a falling slam attack that travels straight downwards.
The Power of Love
Series: Scott Pilgrim
Origins: Scott Pilgrim
Battering item. A katana that blazes with the ferocity of a certain Canadian guitarist's heart. Wielding it augments the damage and range of the holder's attacks. If they take enough damage while carrying it, it will transform into either The Power of Self-Respect, a similar-looking but more powerful weapon, or The Power of Understanding, which is larger and excels in both range and power.
Eternal Flames
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Origins: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Battering/Throwing item. One of the red and silver chakrams wielded by Lea, whose Nobody once served as an assassin in Organization XIII. When a fighter picks up Eternal Flames, it transforms into Lea's Keyblade, Flame Liberator, and functions as a fire-elemental battering weapon. When thrown, however, it transforms back into a chakram and flies a set distance away from the user before returning back to their hand like a boomerang. It also transforms into a chakram for Smash attacks to extend the user's reach.
Buster Arm
Series: Devil May Cry
Origins: Devil May Cry V
Battering/Breaker item. When swung as a battering item, Buster Arm is a powerful clawing weapon with heavy end-lag after each swing. It also enhances Smash Attacks, causing them to grab struck enemies and hurl them away for extra damage.
Devil Breaker
Neo Buster / Super Buster
When used by Nero as his Devil Breaker, Buster Arm is swung upwards in an uppercut motion. Contact with an enemy will grab them before hurling them forwards with incredible power.
Buster Arm's Break Age causes Nero to perform an even more powerful throw directed downwards with enough force to bury them if they hit the stage.
Series: Overwatch
Origins: Overwatch
Shooting/Breaker item. A revolver used by the legendary bounty hunter Jesse McCree. When used as an item, the Peacekeeper fires a fast-moving gunshot that deals a decent amount of damage and knockback. Holding the standard attack button causes the holder to fire rapidly by fanning the hammer, resulting in a barrage of shots with less knockback but also less delay.
Devil Breaker
Hip Shot / Deadeye
When used by Nero as his Devil Breaker, Peacekeeper (held in a replica of McCree's bionic arm) fires a shot forwards. Unlike its item form, its ammunition is unlimited, but it also loses its "fan the hammer" ability.
Peacekeeper's Break Age causes Nero to briefly holster the revolver, during which time target reticles will appear on enemies in his direct line of sight and begin to shrink. When enough time has elapsed or the Special button is pressed again, he will draw Peacekeeper and quickly fire shots at all the targeted enemies. The smaller the reticle is, the more damage the enemy will take.
Valentine's Gun
Series: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Origins: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run
Shooting item. Once owned by President Funny Valentine, this is a seemingly ordinary revolver that fires seemingly ordinary bullets. Valentine's Gun is an item that always spawns in pairs; if one is on the stage, a second is guaranteed to show up soon. Additionally, Valentine's Guns are drawn towards each other when brought to close, and allowing them to come into contact will cause them to explode, destroying both and dealing massive damage to anyone nearby.
Red Stone of Aja
Series: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Origins: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency
Shooting item. An extremely rare red gemstone that refracts light impossibly well. It is a chargeable projectile weapon that fires off a piercing beam of red light. It takes a while to hit maximum charge, but when it does, it becomes a near-guaranteed K.O.!
Series: Devil May Cry
Origins: Devil May Cry V
Shooting/Breaker item. A Devil Breaker named after and based off of a flower, of all things. Who knew that Nico had a delicate side to her... When used as an item, Gerbera releases an extremely short-range shockwave that reflects projectiles and turns around enemies.
Devil Breaker
Jocky / Stamen Ray
When used by Nero as his Devil Breaker, Gerbera unleashes a shockwave to reflect projectiles and flip enemies, similarly to its item form. However, as a Devil Breaker, holding the Special button briefly and aiming in a direction causes Nero to use the recoil from firing Gerbera to launch himself in the chosen direction. He can only use Jocky this way once while in midair.
Gerbera's Break Age fires a beam of white light out of the palm. The attack is short-lived but powerful, and can be aimed with the control stick.
Axe of the Monkey
Series: Sekiro
Origins: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Throwing/Breaker item. A small but heavy ax wielded by shinobi. In the right hands, it could be turned into a tool for a Shinobi Prosthetic. When thrown as an item, the Axe of the Monkey spins through the air, cutting enemies in its path. It is unusually effective at breaking shields.
Devil Breaker
Loaded Axe / Deathblow Hammer
When used by Nero as his Devil Breaker, the Axe of the Monkey (housed inside a Shinobi Prosthetic) is pulled backwards before swung over his head and downwards in an arcing slash attack that shatters enemies' shields instantly.
The Axe of the Monkey's Break Age causes Nero to put even more power into the swing, increasing the damage and range of the attack massively and leaving enemies dazed even if they aren't shielding.
Punch Line
Series: Devil May Cry
Origins: Devil May Cry V
Throwing/Breaker item. When thrown as an item, Punch Line rockets forward a short distance, plowing through enemies in its path. Then, it runs out of steam and falls to the ground, at which point it can be picked up and thrown again.
Devil Breaker
Jet Gadget / Jet Rider
When used by Nero as his Devil Breaker, Punch Line flies off his arm and automatically targets a distant enemy, attacking them repeatedly. While it's attacking, Punch Line can be destroyed if it takes enough damage from enemy attacks. After a certain amount of time has passed, Punch Line will return to his arm.
Punch Line's Break Age causes Nero to detach it, hop onto it, and begin surfing on the rocket-propelled arm. He can fly freely for a brief period of time, during which he can plow through enemies to damage them.
Bottle Rocket
Series: Mother
Origins: Earthbound
Throwing/Explosive item. A homemade explosive rocket. Shortly after being thrown, it jets forwards, exploding after travelling a set distance or colliding with an enemy. It can also be ignited by fire or explosion-based attacks. Sometimes, a Multi Bottle Rocket - a similar-looking item that travels a shorter distance but explodes into several Bottle Rockets - will spawn instead.
Series: Devil May Cry
Origins: Devil May Cry V
Throwing/Explosive/Breaker item. The first Devil Breaker invented by Nico, designed to be easy-to-use and relatively inconspicuous, but dangerous all the same. As a regular item, Overture is a time bomb that sticks to whatever surface (or enemy) it's thrown onto.
Devil Breaker
Battery / Exploder
When used by Nero as his Devil Breaker, Overture fires a paralyzing pulse of electricity, similarly to its item form. However, as a Devil Breaker, it has increased range.
Overture's Break Age transforms it into a time bomb that can be planted with the Special button. Multiple bombs can be placed while this Break Age is active. If one of the bombs is attacked, then all of them will detonate, and the Break Age will end prematurely.
Repulsion Gel
Series: Portal
Origins: Portal 2
Throwing/Transforming item. A vial of blue liquid. Breaking it near a fighter or item covers them in the stuff, causing them to bounce off of surfaces until the gel washes off.
Meeber Wand
Series: Shovel Knight
Origins: Shovel Knight Showdown
Throwing/Transforming item. The wand of Madame Meeber, which has the power to summon fairies. Throwing it at an enemy will temporarily transform them into a fairy. Fighters in fairy form can fly freely through the air and recover from knockback faster, but can only use a weak dash attack and take increased damage from all sources.
Red Skull Pin
Series: The World Ends With You
Origins: The World Ends With You
Throwing/Wearable item. A red pin with a black skull insignia printed on it. Throwing it at an enemy equips it to them automatically, decreasing their overall mobility.
Pasta Breaker
Series: Devil May Cry
Origins: Devil May Cry V
Breaker item. This item can only spawn when Nero is on the field, and can only be used by him.
Devil Breaker
Pasta Jet
When used by Nero as his Devil Breaker, Pasta Breaker flies off his arm and automatically targets a distant enemy. Unlike Punch Line, Pasta Breaker hits only once, and doesn't return to Nero afterwards. Upon hitting the enemy, however, every buff, debuff, piece of equipment, and held item affecting Nero and his target is shuffled around, leaving the battlefield incredibly shaken up. This is one of the rare few Devil Breakers without a Break Age.