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Mario, who is this guy? Do you even know him?
— Luigi while noticing Glitchario

Negario is a negative version of Mario. He first appears in Mario Kart: Nitro Boost as a way to show previous records. He is apparently one of Mario's multiple brothers that walked away in a unknown place then Cosmic Mario kidnapped him and grabbed him to portal. He was then raised by them into being a force of negative power. Even though we was abandoned that way, he is less evil and half of a jerk. He lives in Binary Screen Dimension . He will someday get his old form back

Game History

Glitchario's first appearance is in Super Paper Mario: Multiversal Battle

He serves as green-black colored Mario and first time he appeared as black entity with green glowing stripes and eyes

until he revealed his true form.

Player needs to be battle him because he got in influence of Oiram (MM54321 version)

turning him into Gl1tch4r10 a evil half of Glitchario.


  • Able to change game's files
  • Has ability to generate glitched polygons which were never finished
  • Able to crash game
  • Can generate weapons with broken design
  • Is able to fire a green-black beam known as Dimensional Beam
  • Can warp throught dimensions while using Warp Glitch

Side effects of coming near him:

  • Causes food to look weird
  • Makes you think that water is poison
  • Temperature randomizes in your body (like this: 50 C > 10 c > Normal)
  • Everything you see looks like burned
  • Your body randomizes into Yoshi-like > Koopa-like > Hedgehog-like > Metal > Vanish > Shadow > Cosmic then Default
  • First theory is that: Glitchario is missing brother of Mario and got turned by Polygon Mario
  • Second theory is that: He actually was rise by darkness and errors
  • Final Theory is that: He actually got brainwashed into Mr. Glitch then normal causing his evil half to be born (trapped in his body later) 
