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Fire Emblem: Flickering Flames is a game released by Power Paintbrush Productions in 2018 for the Nintendo 4D Viewer.
- 1 Story
- 1.1 Prologue
- 1.2 Chapter 1
- 1.3 Chapter 2
- 1.4 Chapter 3
- 1.5 Chapter 4
- 1.6 Chapter 5
- 1.7 Chapter 6
- 1.8 Chapter 7
- 1.9 Chapter 8
- 1.10 Chapter 9
- 1.11 Chapter 10
- 1.12 Chapter 11
- 1.13 Chapter 12
- 1.14 Chapter 13
- 1.15 Chapter 14
- 1.16 Chapter 15
- 1.17 Chapter 16
- 1.18 Chapter 17
- 1.19 Chapter 18
- 1.20 Chapter 19
- 1.21 Chapter 20
- 1.22 Chapter 21
- 1.23 Chapter 22
- 1.24 Chapter 23
- 1.25 Chapter 24
- 1.26 Chapter 25
- 2 Units
- 3 Gameplay
- 4 Special Features
- 5 Classes
- 6 Sub-Pages
The story begins in the kingdom of Amaranthus, which is the only northwestern kingdom that hasn't fallen victim to the conquest of Seaiga, a mad queen from a distant land.
The player's avatar, Flore, is the younger sibling of the ruler of Amaranthus. He/she notices a flower pattern in his/her eyes one fateful night, and ends up joining their sibling, who has formed a resistance group to protect the kingdom from Seaiga's invasion, in order to deal with group of ruffians who are planning to set a town on fire.
Chapter 1[]
Flore's sibling suggests that they get to know the other members of the resistance group, the Chrysanthemum. After finding their base in a run-down mansion, however, the only person they can find is the Tactician, Neroli. Neroli tries to explain that the resistance group has prepared for a surprise attack from the side of the city.
Upon arriving at the scene of battle, Flore is shocked to discover that Anila, the Mage, and Larena, the Archer, have already arrived, ready for the enemy troops to attack. A little way into the battle, Flore's sibling comes over with Adan, the Knight, who had forgotten to prepare for battle.
After the battle ends, Neroli points out that the troops were wearing the uniform of Seaiga's army, thus labelling them as a threat.
Chapter 2[]
Flore's sibling shows the Fire Emblem, a crystal with immense magical powers, to their companions. They are unsure of what significance it upholds, and therefore sets out to the Archive Library on the outskirts of the kingdom in order to find out information about it.
When the group arrives at the library, however, they discover that ruffians had taken it over. Amongst the chaos of the fight, the cavalier Gomda saves Flore from an attack, and joins the Chrysanthemum for this battle. Later on, the mercenary Sholto escapes from an attack from inside the library and seeks assistance from Flore's sibling.
After the battle subsides, Gomda and Sholto are recruited to join the Chrysanthemum. Flore finds a book on the Fire Emblem, although it is written in an ancient font that no one in the army can understand.
Chapter 3[]
A Sky Knight named Kaede comes over to the Chrysanthemum, requesting to join them. Flore's sibling tells her that they are setting out to find a psychic from the kingdom of Lisable, and that she may join if she proves herself worthy during this mission.
When the army arrives at Lisable, they are attacked by the kingdom's armies, who assume that they are spies sent by Seaiga. Some way into the battle, Chandan, a newly admitted member of Chrysanthemum, ends up in the fight and finds a key which the army need to progress.
In the end, the Chrysanthemum (which Kaede has now been recruited into) is proven to be innocent and are taken to see the psychic, only to find a note saying that she is meeting a relative in the desert.
Chapter 4[]
Shortly upon arrival at the desert, Pankuhri, a highly regarded myrmidon from Lisable, comes across the Chrysanthemum and states that he knows where the psychic has been travelling. He leads the army to a temple, only to find that it is filled with a group of Seaiga's followers, who are holding the psychic hostage.
Once the psychic has been rescued, she translates the ancient texts, revealing that the Fire Emblem will lay ruin to the world if held by someone who has absolute control.
Chapter 5[]
The Chrysanthemum heads back to Amaranthus, only to come across Seaiga in a frozen tundra. Seaiga reveals that she is holding Anona, Anila's sister, as a prisoner, and attempts to force Flore's sibling to hand over all of the kingdom's treasures in exchange for Anona's safety.
Anona manages to escape from Seaiga's grasp, joining the army as they deal with Seaiga's top forces. After the battle, Seaiga steals the Fire Emblem before making a swift retreat.
Chapter 6[]
The Chrysanthemum get attacked by Seaiga's forces from behind just before reaching Amaranthus. Flore's sibling, noticing that they are laying siege to the castle, sends half of the units out to stop this attack while the other half deal with the surprise attack (the player can choose which units go to the castle prior to the battle in this chapter - the other units don't appear until later in the chapter).
Shortly after the selected units arrive at the castle, they encounter Jokull, an Ice Manakete, and Kasumi, a half-Manakete thief, who are dealing with Seaiga's head tactician. After some persuasion during the battle, both of these units join the army.
Chapter 7[]
Maile, a Wyvern Rider who travels across the world, comes across Seaiga, who turns her dragon into a lodestone statue using a magic spell. Maile runs until she reaches Amaranthus, where she is found by Flore. After Maile explains that her dragon was petrified, Flore calls for assistance, although only six selected units turn up.
Flore, Maile and the other units sneak out at the dead of night, only to notice that Seaiga is using a spell that can turn objects into lodestone, including Maile's dragon.
During a battle with Seaiga's troops, Maile (who is treated as a Mercenary throughout this battle) finds a magic talisman in a village and uses it to revive her dragon, allowing her to get the upper hand and erase Seaiga's spell.
Chapter 8[]
A messenger comes to Flore's sibling, explaining that Seaiga is gathering troops at the peak of a snowy mountain. the intention behind this is unknown, however. The Chrysanthenum decide to head out to face the mad queen, and see why she is gathering her forces at this location.
The Chrysanthemum encounters Mazin, an Evoker, along the way. Mazin is reluctant to help, but after Seaiga's forces notice the Chrysanthemum's presence and attack, he agrees to join in the battle to protect Amaranthus.
Chapter 9[]
The Chrysanthemum continue their advance and find Quana, a Dark Mage who is being tortured by ruffians, at the summit of the mountain. They then end up having to fight the ruffians in order to rescue her. Just as all of them are defeated, however, another group of ruffians comes in.
Once the second group of ruffians is defeated, Seaiga appears, revealing that she has converted an entire gang of ruffians to her side. She then captures Flore, forcing their sibling to make a decision - either watch Flore die and take the Fire Emblem back, or rescue Flore and hand their kingdom over to her.
No matter which choice you make, however, Seaiga shoves Flore off the mountain and tries to attack their sibling, who manages to defeat Seaiga in a duel and take the Fire Emblem back.
Chapter 10[]
Flore is brought back to the castle, hardly breathing, and their sibling gives a speech stating that Seaiga's war has escalated too far and must be stopped. When the speech ends, Minjonet, a dancer, enters the scene, revealing that she had heard the whole speech. Heartbroken by what had happened to Flore, she wishes to join their sibling's cause, although she feels that she won't be of much help. Much to her surprise, however, her sibling accepts her.
Flore's sibling then hears from a messenger that Seaiga has apparently arrived at the gates of the castle. They go to the gates to confront Seaiga (later revealed to be Seaiga's half-sister in disguise), who tries to express mercy, which Flore's sibling refuses to accept.
When "Seaiga" is slain, she says in her last moments that she never truly wanted a war. Flore's sibling is encouraged by their comrades to forgive her, which they agree to doing.
Chapter 11[]
One year later, Flore has fully recovered. However, the Fire Emblem has lost its energy and has a strange pattern which resembles the flower symbol in Flore's eye.
Flore's sibling re-assembles the Chrysanthemum and finds a book on the Fire Emblem from the library. There are five different Fire Emblems, each held by a different kingdom and holding different powers.
A messenger then comes to the library, saying that the port of Amaranthus is being invaded by pirates. The Chrysanthemum then makes it back to the port in time to defeat them.
Chapter 12[]
Flore finds some of the pirates' plans, finding out that they planned to steal a treasure from Lisable. Assuming that this treasure is one of the Fire Emblems, the Chrysanthemum travel to Lisable, only to encounter a group of people who fanatically wish for Seaiga to conquer Amaranthus, led by a young girl named Lillian.
Assuming that the army defeat everyone except Lillian, she realises that she prefers Amaranthus over Seaiga's kingdom, thus choosing to stop fighting. If she is defeated, however, she will regret choosing to follow Seaiga.
After this battle, Flore's sibling requests to borrow the Fire Emblem from Lisable. The kingdom takes some time to consider the request, but then allows Amaranthus to keep the Emblem, so long as they return it in the future.
Chapter 13[]
Flore's sibling finds out that the other three Fire Emblems are on a distant island. Thus, they take a ship to this island, only to get attacked by pirates along the way.
After the pirates are defeated, Flore starts to feel insecure about the flower in their eye. Their sibling tries to comfort them, but ultimately fails.
Chapter 14[]
The Chrysanthemum arrive at the coast of Orienna, where they have a meeting with the queen, Aeres. She is happy to hand over the Fire Emblem, although she mentions that the other two Fire Emblems had fallen into the hands of Seaiga's army.
Suddenly, however, a group of tribal people appear. After protecting Aeres from the attack, Flore's sibling decides that they should split into two groups - one group, led by Flore, will try to find one Fire Emblem while the other group, led by Flore's sibling, would try to find out how Seaiga's army is still active.
Chapter 15[]
Flore's group travel to a snowy area, where they find the tribal people again, this time on the hunt for crystals. They then end up coming across some of Seaiga's troops, the leader of which is carrying the fourth Fire Emblem.
Flore comes up with a plan to sneak past the battle between the tribal people and Seaiga's troops, allowing them to steal the Fire Emblem from the commander. Once the commander his defeated, however, the Fire Emblem falls into the hands of a cloaked figure, whose voice sounds just like that of Seaiga.
Chapter 16[]
Flore's group stumble across a misty mountain, where the tribal people dwell. As it turns out, the tribe had managed to find the fifth Fire Emblem and intend to throw it into the sea as a gift for a sea God.
Flore successfully intervenes with this plan and manages to claim the Fire Emblem from the tribe. They then return to Aeres' Castle, where they wait for their sibling to come back.
Chapter 17[]
Meanwhile, the other group has found a settlement which has been attacked by the tribe. During a battle with the tribe, the player is required to go to three different houses and evacuate the civilians - if an enemy gets into a house, the chapter is automatically lost.
After the battle is won, a village maiden informs Flore's sibling that a figure calling herself "Seaiga" has been uniting the various tribes on the island. This leads to suspicion among the group.
Chapter 18[]
The group arrive at a volcano which is covered in snow. Shortly after their arrival, however, Seaiga appears, much to the shock of Flore's sibling. She then reveals that she had her half-sister, Audra, pose as her in order to hide her comeback, before calling for the tribes to attack.
After the battle, the group finds a torch in which Seaiga had hid the fifth Fire Emblem. After it is retrieved, however, the volcano comes to life, forcing them to make an escape.
Chapter 19[]
The two groups join back together, having found all five Fire Emblems. Aeres then tells Flore about a myth regarding the flower symbol in their eyes - how it corresponds to the five Fire Emblems, and with the power of all five emblems, it allows one to see what others cannot. However, if the emblems are turned against the one with the flower eyes, it could lead to catastrophe.
The Chrysanthemum then return to Amaranthus. Shortly after their arrival, they give the five Fire Emblems to the chief maid before setting out to explore some ruins that Seaiga's army is supposedly hiding in.
When they arrive, however, they do not encounter Seaiga's army, instead having to deal with a group of assassins. Shortly after their defeat, Flore notices text on the far wall, which the other units don't seem to notice. They read these texts out, reading about how a "blade that can bring peace" is hiding behind the wall. After they finish reading, a door suddenly appears, leading further into the ruins.
Chapter 20[]
The Chrysanthemum venture further into the ruins, only to encounter Seaiga, who has all five Fire Emblems in her position. She reveals that she had her lady-in-waiting disguise herself as the chief maid in order to steal the emblems, which angers Flore's sibling. Despite Flore's attempts to get them to calm down, they begin battle with Seaiga's forces.
After the battle is won, Seaiga hands over the five Fire Emblems, stating that it's "too early to stop your victory". She then extinguishes all of the light sources in the room. Amongst the darkness, everyone gets lost save for Flore's sibling, who encounters the Blade of the Emblem, a sword that can only be carried by someone who possesses all five Fire Emblems.
The army eventually manages to escape the ruins. Flore's sibling then shows the Blade of the Emblem to their companions, happy that they managed to stop Seaiga from abusing its power.
Chapter 21[]
A messenger sends a letter to Flore's sibling, stating that the kingdom of Ettal has challenged them to a battle. Despite Flore's suspicions, they accept, immediately setting out.
After some time, the army come across Ettalese soldiers and defeat them with relative ease. A little while later, however, a larger group of Ettalese troops attack. After this battle is over, Flore tries to tell their sibling that they shouldn't be so quick to rush into decisions.
Chapter 22[]
The Chrysanthemum arrive at Ettal Castle, surprised to see that it looks more like an arena than a castle. The queen, Zhen, comes over, stating that her husband, Hadu, is preparing for battle. The army decide to prepare themselves - both Flore and their sibling intend to represent Amaranthus in battle, leaving the player with the option on which of the two will take charge.
During the battle, the chosen leader will be on one side of the arena while Hadu stands at the other side, both unable to move. Both armies may have a maximum of five units in battle at a time - if a unit is defeated, a new unit will enter. The battle ends when either army's leader is defeated, or when one side has no more units who can fight.
After the battle is won, Hadu congratulates the Chrysanthemum and offers them a scroll as a prize.
Chapter 23[]
The scroll states that the secret of the flower-eye can be found in a water spring on top of the Wonderful Wood, a tree which is said to create the plantlife that surrounds it. Flore notices that a map is faintly visible on the scroll, which they can see because of their flower eyes. Marked across the writing is a blue line, which seems to show the route from Amaranthus to the Wonderful Wood.
As the group travel across the route, they came across a ford. Flore notices a group of ruffians, who claim to be the guardians of the Wonderful Wood. Flore's sibling tries to reason with them, but is drawn into a fit of rage by Chidi, the leader of the "guardians", being led into battle. Before the battle starts, however, Chidi makes a swift escape, enlisting his younger brother, Shun, to deal with them instead.
Chapter 24[]
Later, the group make their way to the Wonderful Wood, only to be shocked to see swamps, ice, sand and even lava scattered around its base. They then attempt to reach the spring on the top of the tree, which Chidi is attempting to guard.
Upon being defeated, Chidi states that he had cast a spell on the tree, causing its magical influence to make the plantlife turn into many different things, as a last-ditch attempt to stop them. In his last moments, he briefly mentions his allegiance to Seaiga, confirming Flore's suspicions towards the "guardians".
Inside the spring, there is a scrap of wood marked with impossibly tiny letters. In the very centre of the scrap is a flower symbol, exactly like the one in Flore's eye. As soon as Flore touches it, magic in their flower eyes activates and the letters come to life, appearing in their mind. The letters state that peace will be revived across the land if the five Emblems and the one with the flower eyes gather where the conflict is at its worst.
Chapter 25[]
In order to fulfill the writing on the scrap of wood, Flore's sibling sets up preparations for battle - the Chrysanthemum gather on the roof of the castle, and as anticipated, Seaiga comes to the castle for her final battle.
Seaiga does not fight at first, however. Instead, she casts a spell which seems to instantly defeat Flore. This leads them into a dream sequence, in which they learn that Seaiga had actually hexed the Fire Emblems, which allowed her to use the mark in Flore's eye to her advantage.
Before she can take absolute control over Flore, however, they manage to break out of their trance through encouragement from their allies. After these events, the final fight against Seaiga begins.
After Seaiga is defeated, the ending varies depending on the player's actions. If you have not completed Paralogue 25, Seaiga will die not remembering why she started her conquest to begin with. This is considered the "bad ending", not offering the complete credits or explaining what became of the characters.
If Paralogue 25 has been completed, however, Flore's sibling will know of Seaiga's past. Seaiga lived without ever knowing her family, seeing very few people in her lifetime. When she eventually became queen, she started travelling the world in a sort of journey for identity, although at some point she lost her self-control and attempted conquest. Flore and their sibling understand this and tell Seaiga that she had simply made a wrong decision, choosing to forgive her. Seaiga then dies in happiness that she has been respected, giving the player the "good ending" and explaining what became of the characters.
Name | Details | Default Class | Reclass |
Flore | The player's avatar. Flore can be fully customised at the beginning of the game, and can be of either gender. | Priest/Cleric | Varies |
Agni/Aidan | The player's sibling and the ruler of Amaranthus. This unit's gender is the opposite of the avatar's gender, and their name is set as Agni if female and Aidan if male. | Lord | Tactician |
Neroli | A tactician who is in charge of setting up plans for the resistance group. Often blamed when something goes wrong, he seeks to prove himself to his allies. | Tactician | Priest |
Anila | A Mage who believes that experiencing many things is vital for a happy life. She is shown to be talented in music and art, and wishes to learn more about literature. | Mage | Knight |
Larena | An archer whose emotions effect her greatly - she expresses joy and success ecstatically, but becomes very depressed if something goes wrong. | Archer | Fighter |
Adan | A knight who does not truly wish to battle. He feels great sorrow towards lives lost, no matter the circumstances. | Knight | Sky Knight |
Gomda | A cavalier who believes that humans and animals should be treated as equals. His horse, Phractos, is unendingly loyal to him. | Cavalier | Mage |
Sholto | A mercenary who used to be an author. He sees the conflict between Amaranthus and Seaiga's army as something out of a story. | Mercenary | Archer |
Kaede | An adventurous sky knight with a strong knowledge of Pegasi. She has plans to make a handbook about the traits of flying animals. | Sky Knight | Myrmidon |
Chandan | A fighter who views himself as very ordinary. He was orphaned at a very young age and was raised within the castle of Amaranthus. | Fighter | Wyvern Rider |
Pankhuri | A swordsman from Lisable's defence forces. He enjoys life solely for its extreme experiences. | Myrmidon | Thief |
Anona | Anila's sister, a Troubadour who is fascinated by healing and medicine. She is stated to secretly run a farm in the countryside. | Troubadour | Dancer |
Kasumi | A half-Manakete who was raised among a group of assassins. Despite being a talented thief, she doesn't think that it is right to take from others. | Thief | Manakete |
Jokull | A Manakete who wishes for his idea of true peace. He initially comes off as harsh, but has a deeply caring side which he can hardly conceal. | Manakete | Dark Mage |
Maile | A Wyvern Rider who likes travelling across distant kingdoms. She has a strong empathetic connection to her pet dragon. | Wyvern Rider | Mercenary |
Mazin | An Evoker who resides deep within a forest. He is able to read the minds of various magic creatures. | Evoker | Troubadour |
Quana | A Dark Mage who thinks that everything centres around nature. She spends her free time making all manner of concoctions from natural resources. | Dark Mage | Cavalier |
Minjonet | The youngest of a family of dancers from outside Amaranthus. She isn't very good at dancing, but knows how to make a dance portray emotions. | Dancer | Evoker |
Child Units[]
After two units get married, they have a child who will appear on the world map. The player must protect the child from an enemy group in order to recruit them.
The details of each child unit is determined both of their parents. One of their parents (usually their mother) will determine their identity, while their other parent determines their stats and what classes they can reclass into (besides their existing reclass). Each child will also get the skill that each parent learned most recently upon being recruited.
The canonical explanation for the child units being present is that they are from a future after Seaiga's defeat, and are using a sort of spell to become a part of their parents' memories.
Name | Details | Default Class | Reclass |
Anthea | Flore's daughter from the future. A scholarly girl who dreams about her future, and the creator of the spell that allows one to transcend time. | Varies | Cleric |
Blaise | The son of Agni/Aidan from the future. Although already a capable leader, he is more interested in honing his swordsmanship. | Lord | Tactician |
Carmel | Anila's daughter from the future. She enjoys trying to take a different approach to magical practices. | Mage | Knight |
Darnell | Larena's son from the future. He considers himself a "Sharpshooting Master", being even more skilled an archer than his mother is. | Archer | Fighter |
Zeru | Kaede's son from the future. He is very fond of pegasi, just like his mother, but is unadventurous as a result of a childhood trauma. | Sky Knight | Myrmidon |
Jason | Anona's son from the future. He often worries about the smallest things, and is devoted to practicing his healing abilities. | Troubadour | Dancer |
Isolde | Kasumi's daughter from the future. Often mistreated for being one-quarter Manakete, she strives to stop people from viewing Manaketes as inhuman monsters. | Thief | Manakete |
Jade | Maile's daughter from the future. Although a skilled fighter, she is easy to trick and finds it hard to understand the emotions of others. | Mercenary | Wyvern Rider |
Fen | Quana's son from the future. He makes herbal medicine, like his mother, and often becomes unapproachable while he is focusing. | Dark Mage | Cavalier |
Terpsi | Minjonet's daughter from the future. She enjoys dancing, but never learned how to dance as well as her mother can. | Evoker | Dancer |
Name | Details | Class |
Ensio | A weak, ordinary ruffian who is fought in the Prologue. | Mercenary |
Leila | A ruffian allied with Seaiga, fought in Chapter 1. | Archer |
Enitan | A ruffian who likes to think ahead of situations, fought in Chapter 2. | Mage |
Jing | A commander in Lisable's army, fought in Chapter 3. | Sky Knight |
Manas | One of Seaiga's followers, fought in Chapter 4. | Dark Mage |
Nissa | Part of Seaiga's top forces, fought in Chapter 5. | Thief |
Tamarro | Seaiga's lead tactician, fought in Chapter 6. | Tactician |
Ulku | A commander of Seaiga's forces, fought in Chapter 7. | Myrmidon |
Kenshin | A Manakete forced to fight for Seaiga, fought in Chapter 8. | Manakete |
Miyu | A ruffian under Seaiga's control, fought in Chapter 9. | Knight |
Audra | Seaiga's half-sister, who is fought in Chapter 10, disguised as Seaiga herself. | Sage |
Conway | An ordinary pirate with great common sense, fought in Chapter 11. | Hero |
Lilli | A young worshipper of Seaiga, fought in Chapter 12. | Dark Knight |
Vayu | The captain of the Pirates, fought in Chapter 13. | Wyvern Lord |
Ime | An island-dweller who rarely talks, fought in Chapter 14. | Great Knight |
Drishti | The leader of Seaiga's air troops, fought in Chapter 15. | Falcon Knight |
Anzo | An island-dweller with firm beliefs, fought in Chapter 16. | Warrior |
Jia | The leader of one of the island tribes, fought in Chapter 17. | Sniper |
Nayden | An island-dweller revered by the various tribes, fought in Chapter 18. | Archmage |
Samara | Part of a group of freelance assassins, fought in Chapter 19. | Assassin |
Antiochus | The main leader of Seaiga's forces, fought in Chapter 20. | Grandmaster |
Vera | An Ettalese military leader, fought in Chapter 21. | Phoenix Knight |
Hadu | The King of Ettal, fought in Chapter 22. | General |
Shun | A self-proclaimed guardian of the Wonderful Wood, fought in Chapter 23. | Malig Knight |
Chidi | The leader of the Wonderful Wood's self-proclaimed guardians, fought in Chapter 24. | Sorcerer |
Seaiga | The mad queen of a distant land, fought in Chapter 25. | Sage |
Bonus Units[]
These units are available through bonus chapters, which can be unlocked either through DLC or through various Amiibo.
All of these units are from previous Fire Emblem games. If you don't know about them, feel free to look them up on the Fire Emblem Wiki.
- Alm (Default class Mercenary, reclass Archer)
- Marth (Default class Lord, reclass Sky Knight)
- Katarina (Default class Tactician, reclass Cleric)
- Roy (Default class Lord, reclass Mercenary)
- Wolt (Default class Archer, reclass Mage)
- Hector (Default class Knight, reclass Lord)
- Ephraim (Default class Cavalier, reclass Lord)
- Ike (Default class Mercenary, reclass Lord)
- Micaiah (Default class Mage, reclass Dark Mage)
- Lucina (Default class Lord, reclass Archer)
- Celica (Default class Cleric, reclass Mage)
- Robin (Default class Tactician, reclass Dark Mage)
- Lyndis (Default class Myrmidon, reclass Lord)
- Corrin (Default class Manakete, reclass Lord)
- Anna (Default class Mage, reclass Archer)
- Tiki (Default class Manakete, reclass Wyvern Rider)
Fire Emblem: Flickering Flames plays out much like a board game. During battles, the player and the enemy will take turns to move their units and attack the opposition. Every unit can move in any direction as far as their movement range allows them to on each turn, and can attack any adjacent enemy (some weapons allow units to attack from two or even three tiles away).
Each unit has eight stats, listed below...
- Strength: Determines how much damage the unit can deal with physical weapons.
- Defence: Determines how little physical damage the unit takes.
- Magic: Determines how much damage the unit can deal with magic.
- Resistance: Determines how little magic damage the unit takes.
- Speed: Determines the chance to avoid enemy attacks. If a unit's Speed is 5 higher than their enemy, they can land two consecutive attacks.
- Skill: Determines the chance to land hits and trigger critical hits.
- Luck: Determines the unit's luck in landing and avoiding attacks.
- Movement: Determines the unit's movement range.
Each unit also has an HP stat. The HP of units will go down as they take damage. When a unit reaches 0 HP, they will be defeated. If the player's avatar or Lord is defeated, they will instantly lose.
Outside of normal gameplay, the player can access My Castle, allowing them to buy items, partake in support conversations and customise their units.
Before starting a new game, the player can choose one of three difficulties - Normal, Hard or Lunatic. On higher difficulties, enemies are more powerful and items in the shop are more expensive. You can also choose either Casual Mode or Classic Mode - in Classic Mode, units who are defeated get permanently removed from the game and the player is given fewer opportunities to save their progress.
The game is split into 76 chapters - 26 chapters which make up the main story, 25 side stories (sometimes called "Paralogues") and 25 chapters which are unlocked using DLC or amiibo (sometimes called "Xenologues").
Special Features[]
Pair Up[]
There are two ways to cause Pair Up. Firstly, when a unit attacks or is attacked, any adjacent ally can give them a temporary stat boost. This boost lasts until the end of the battle. Additionally, if the ally has high enough support with the other unit, they may perform a follow-up attack on the enemy, provided that the enemy is in attack range. This is known as a "Dual Strike".
Another way to Pair Up which is unlocked later on is by placing two units in a Team, which can be done during battle after learning how to in Chapter 3. Once in a team, these units will be treated as one, although you can use the attacks and abilities of both of these units. In addition, when the team attacks, the unit who isn't attacking gives temporary stat boosts to the attacker, and if the two have high enough support, the unit who isn't attacking has a chance to protect their ally from an attack. This is known as a "Dual Guard".
Carta Magic[]
New to the series, this ability allows you to alter terrain, unlocking new routes across the map. Each character can equip one Carta Spell per chapter, and may choose to use it at the end of their turn. Carta Magic cannot be used on indoor maps, however.
It should be noted that if there are non-flying units on any transformed tiles which are going to change back, then those tiles will not change back until the tiles are unoccupied.
This table shows the maximum range of each Carta Spell, its effects and its price in the shop.
Name | Range | Function | Cost |
Frost | 4 Tiles | Targets a river or lake in range, covering it with a layer of ice for 2 turns. | 500 |
Overgrow | 3 Tiles | Turns one 3x3 area of Plains Tiles into Meadow Tiles for 3 turns. Meadow tiles will heal units that stand in them at the start of each turn. | 540 |
Purify | 4 Tiles | Turns a lake into a Healing Spring. Healing Springs will heal nearby units at the start of each turn. | 580 |
Singe | 3 Tiles | Targets a tree in range, destroying it and any adjacent trees. | 600 |
Gale | Full Board | All Sand Tiles become Plains Tiles for 2 turns. | 650 |
Rise | 4 Tiles | Turns four plains tiles in range into Hills tiles. Hills tiles lower the movement range of all units that traverse them. | 750 |
Bridge | 3 Tiles | Places a bridge of vines across a targeted ravine. The bridge lasts for 3 turns. | 850 |
Deluge | 5 Tiles | Destroys all Meadow Tiles in range and turns all dirt tiles in range, along with any dirt tiles adjacent to affected tiles, into water tiles for 1 turn. | 900 |
Solidify | 4 Tiles | Targets a pool of lava in range, turning it into stone for 2 turns. | 1000 |
Sandstorm | 5 Tiles | All tiles in range are covered in sand for 2 turns. Sand tiles lower the movement range of all units (save for mages and flying units) that traverse them. | 1080 |
Snowfall | 5 Tiles | All Plains Tiles become Snow Tiles for 2 turns. Snow tiles lower the movement range of all mounted and flying units that traverse them. | 1200 |
Melt | 5 Tiles | Turns all Snow Tiles in range into Plains tiles for 3 turns. | 1250 |
Evaporate | Full Board | Turns all river and lake tiles into dirt tiles for 2 turns. | 1300 |
Thaw | 5 Tiles | Targets an area of ice tiles in range, turning them into water for 3 turns. | 1320 |
Infect | 5 Tiles | Turns a 3x3 area of Meadow Tiles into Poison Meadow Tiles for 5 turns. Poison Meadow tiles will damage units that stand in them at the start of each turn. | 1430 |
Sink | Full Board | Turns all Hill Tiles into Plains Tiles for 2 turns. | 1500 |
Special Challenges[]
After completing a chapter, Special Challenges will appear at said chapter's location from time to time. These special challenges allow you to face a short battle against unaffiliated foes, usually with rewards awaiting you.
From time to time, two Special Challenges appear on the same location. This will cause the two challenges to combine, leading to a more challenging battle with two enemy commanders. If such a battle is won, a larger reward will be given to the player.
Alongside the randomly appearing Special Challenges, fixed Special Challenges appear when certain units get married. Completing this challenge allows the player to recruit the corresponding child unit. After recruiting five child units, a unique Special Challenge, covering the Avatar's background, is unlocked.
My Castle[]
This feature returns from Fire Emblem Fates, and can be accessed from the map. It has the following features...
- Private Quarters: A room reserved for the Avatar. Here, the player can freely change the Avatar's hairstyle and invite other units which the avatar has achieved support with to visit.
- Anna's Shop: Here, the player can purchase items from Anna, a merchant. They can also sell or forge existing items. The shop becomes available after Chapter 3 is completed, and more items are added as the game goes on.
- Accessory Shop: Here, the player can customise the outfits of their units.
- Barracks: Here, the player can watch support conversations between their units and witness a variety of events, akin to the ones in Awakening's Barracks.
- Arena: Here, the player can challenge other players of the game to personal duels. During these duels, all units are preset to Level 10 (Level 1 if they are promoted) and given random Rank C equipment.
- Records Hall: Here, the player can revisit past cutscenes and support conversations, and listen to the game's soundtrack freely.
- Hot Springs: An area for the player's Avatar to invite other units for special conversations.
Most classes can be promoted by using a Master Seal on a unit which is at Level 10 or higher. It is also possible for units to change to a different class using a Second Seal.
Name | Details |
Priest/Cleric | This class can use staffs to support their allies. However, they cannot attack until they are promoted. The default skill of this class is Miracle, which gives a chance to survive an otherwise fatal attack. The unlockable skill of this class is Healtouch, which makes all staffs restore 5 more HP. |
War Monk/War Cleric | A promoted form of the Priest/Cleric. This class has better defences than its base form, and is able to equip bows in battle. This class can unlock the Rally Luck skill, which can be used to boost the Luck of allies in a 3-tile radius, and later unlocks Renewal, a skill which causes them to regenerate 25% of their health at the start of each turn. |
Sage | A promoted form of the Priest/Cleric. This class is able to use light magic in battle, as well as healing abilities. This class can unlock the Rally Magic skill, which can be used to boost the Magic of allies in a 3-tile radius, and later unlocks Tomefaire, which raises their Magic so long as they have a tome equipped. |
Lord | A physical class who uses swords in battle. This class' initial skill is Dual Strike, which increases the chance to perform a Dual Strike. Their unlockable skill is Charisma, which enhances the bonuses that the class can give through Pair Up. |
Great Lord | The promoted form of the Lord class. The Great Lord is essentially an improved form of the ordinary Lord, who can use bows as well as swords. The first skill that the Great Lord gains is Aether, which has a small chance to activate when they attack - when it activates, they launch two attacks. The first attack will drain health, while the second will negate defences. Later on, they unlock the Rightful Ruler skill, which raises the activation rates of the unit's other skills. |
Tactician | This class is able to use both swords and tomes to decent extent. Their initial skill is Tactical Advice, which increases their ally's Accuracy when they are in a team. Their unlockable skill is Solidarity, which makes adjacent allies more likely to land and avoid critical hits. |
Grandmaster | The promoted form of the Tactician class. The Grandmaster is essentially the same as a Tactician, but has higher stats in all areas. The first skill that they gain is the Ignis skill, which has a chance of activating with each attack - when it activates, both the unit's Strength and Magic are taken into account for the damage dealt by the attack. Later on, they unlock the Rally Spectrum skill, which raises the overall stats of allies in a 3-tile radius when used. |
Mage | This class has access to thunder, wind and fire tomes. The default skill of this class is Mentality, which raises Magic by 3 in battles they do not initiate. Their unlockable skill is Focus, which increases their chance to land a critical hit if there are no allies in a 3-tile radius. |
Archmage | A promoted form of the Mage class. The Diviner is similar to an ordinary Mage, but has increased overall stats. They can gain the Open Mind skill, which gives them increased benefits from Rally skills. They later unlock Seal Resistance, which reduces their enemy's Resistance when they initiate battle. |
Magic Knight | A promoted form of the Mage and Troubadour classes. This mounted class can use tomes and healing in battle. They get to access the Rally Movement skill, which can be used to raise the movement range of nearby allies. They later gain Seal Magic, which reduces their enemy's Magic when they initiate battle. |
Dark Mage | This class is able to use Dark Tomes in battle. This class' default skill is Hex, which lowers the evasion of adjacent enemies. Their unlockable skill is Anathema, which lowers the evasion and critical evasion of enemies in a 3-tile radius. |
Sorcerer | A promoted form of the Dark Mage class. The Sorcerer is similar to a normal Dark Mage, but can wield both Anima and Dark tomes. They gain access to the Vengeance skill, which increases their attack power by an amount based on their remaining health when it activates. Later on, they unlock Counter Magic, which allows them to counter any magic damage that they receive. |
Dark Knight | A promoted form of the Dark Mage class. This class is essentially a mounted Dark Mage who can also use swords in battle. They gain the Slow Burn skill, which increases accuracy and evasion by 1 at the end of each turn until the fifteenth turn, and later learn Life Taker, which restores half of their health whenever they defeat an enemy. |
Archer | This class can utilise Bows to attack from a distance. The default skill of the Archer is Practice, which increases Skill by 3 in battles they do not initiate. Their unlockable skill is Prescience, which raises their accuracy and evasion in battles that they initiate. |
Sniper | A promoted form of the Archer class. The Sniper is similar to its predecessor, but is improved overall. They gain the Marksman skill, which increases their accuracy when the enemy initiates battle, and later Bowfaire, which raises their Strength so long as they have a bow equipped. |
Bow Knight | A promoted form of the Archer and Mercenary classes. A Bow Knight is a mounted Archer with the ability to equip swords. They learn Rally Skill, which can be used to raise the Skill of allies in a 3-tile radius, and later gain access to Seal Speed, which reduces their enemy's Speed when they initiate battle. |
Sky Knight | A class who uses a Pegasus mount and fights with lances. They start with Swift Wings, a skill which raises Speed by 3 in battles they do not initiate. Their unlockable skill, Relief, allows them to restore 20% of their HP at the start of each turn so long as there are no enemies in a 3-tile radius. |
Falcon Knight | A promoted form of the Sky Knight. This class is similar to its base form, but is also able to wield staffs. The skill they gain upon promotion is Rally Speed, which raises the speed of nearby allies, while their unlockable skill is Lancefaire, which raises their Strength so long as they have a lance equipped. |
Phoenix Knight | A promoted form of the Sky Knight. This class has the same qualities as a Sky Knight, but can also use bows to attack from afar. They get to unlock the Ashes to Ashes skill, which heals allies in a 3-tile range at the start of each turn. Their second skill is Sun Seeker, which increases all of the unit's stats for one turn after they defeat an enemy. |
Knight | A slow yet powerful class who can use lances in battle. They start with the Shielded Armour skill, increasing Defence by 3 in battles they do not initiate. They can also unlock the Natural Cover skill, increasing their defences on certain terrain types. |
General | A promoted form of the Knight. This class possesses the same traits as a Knight, but possesses higher stats and the ability to fight with swords. They first gain Rally Defence, which can be used to boost the defence of allies in a 3-tile radius. They later learn Pavise, which has a chance to activate when the unit is attacked with a sword, axe, lance or dagger, halving the received damage. |
Great Knight | A promoted form of the Knight and Cavalier. The Great Knight is a well-balanced mounted class with good defences, able to use swords, axes and lances. At first, they gain Luna, which gives each attack a chance to ignore defence and resistance. They later learn Counter, which allows them to counter any physical damage that they receive. |
Cavalier | Units of this class ride on horses and can attack with lances and swords. The default skill of this class is Discipline, which increases the rate of gaining weapon experience. They later learn Elbow Room, which raises their attack power on certain terrain types. |
Paladin | A promoted form of the Cavalier. This class is similar to its base form, but is stronger in all areas. Firstly, this class gains Defender, which raises all of their stats while they are in a team. They later learn Aegis, which has a chance to activate when the unit is attacked with a bow, tome or dragonstone, halving the received damage. |
Myrmidon | A sword-wielding class notable for high speed and skill. Their default skill, Duelist, increases Evasion by 15 in battles that they do not initiate. Their unlockable skill, Vantage, allows them to always attack first when their HP is lower than half. |
Swordmaster | A promoted form of the Myrmidon. This class is just like its base form, but has improved stats. The first skill gained is Astra, which has a small chance to activate whenever an attack is used, causing them to launch five weaker attacks. They later learn Swordfaire, which raises their Strength so long as they have a sword equipped. |
Assassin | A promoted form of the Myrmidon. This class has the trademark speed of its base form, along with good attack power and the ability to equip both swords and bows. At first, they gain Pass, allowing them to move past enemy units. They later learn Lethality, which has a chance to activate whenever an attack is used, instantly defeating the target when it activates. |
Mercenary | An unspecialised physical class that uses swords in battle. Their default skill, Good Fortune, gives them a chance to restore 25% of their health at the start of each turn. Their unlockable skill, Patience, raises their Accuracy and Evasion if an enemy initiates battle against them. |
Hero | A promoted form of the Mercenary and Fighter classes. The Hero class has a good balance of attack power and defence, and wields both swords and axes in battle. For their first skill, they gain Sol, a skill which gives each attack a chance to drain HP. Later on, they unlock Seal Strength, which reduces their enemy's Strength when they initiate battle. |
Fighter | An axe-wielding class with high attack power, albeit quite weak in other areas. Their default skill is Zeal, which raises their chance to land a critical hit. They can also unlock the Sturdiness skill, increasing their maximum HP by 5. |
Warrior | A promoted form of the Fighter class. This class is just the same as its base form, but has heightened stats and the ability to equip bows. At first, they gain Rally Strength, which can be used to raise the Strength stat of units in a 3 tile range. They later unlock Axefaire, which raises their Strength so long as they have an axe equipped. |
Thief | This dagger-wielding class is quite weak, but has high speed and can use the Locktouch skill to unlock doors without keys. It can also unlock the Swift Movement skill, which increases movement range by 1. |
Rogue | A promoted form of the Thief class. Their combat capability is better than that of the Thief, and they possess the ability to use swords as well as daggers. Their first skill, Pickpocket, gives them a chance to steal their enemy's weapon upon defeating them. Their second skill is Knifefaire, which raises their Strength so long as they have a dagger equipped, along with improving the stat reductions that they cause with daggers. |
Trickster | A promoted form of the Thief class. The Trickster is better than the Thief stat-wise, and can also use staffs in battle. They can unlock Lucky 7, a skill which provides Speed and Skill bonuses until the end of the seventh turn. They later gain Acrobat, which allows them to bypass harmful effects caused by terrain. |
Wyvern Rider | A dragon-riding class who fights with axes. They start with Reinforced Weapons, raising their Attack by 3 in battles they do not initiate. Their unlockable Tantivy skill increases Evasion if there are no allies in a 3-tile radius. |
Wyvern Lord | A promoted form of the Wyvern Rider class. This class has better qualities than its base form, and can also equip swords in battle. To begin with, they unlock Quick Burn, which gives them an Accuracy and Evasion boost which gets weaker with every passing turn. They later learn Seal Defence, which reduces their enemy's Defence when they initiate battle. |
Malig Knight | A promoted form of the Wyvern Rider class, which is adept at using Tomes. They initially learn Deliverer, which raises movement range if the unit is in a team. They later learn Trample, which increases the damage they deal to non-mounted units. |
Troubadour | This horse-riding class can make use of staffs, essentially making it a mounted Priest or Cleric. They start off with Gentle Heart, raising Resistance by 3 in battles they do not initiate. Female units of this class can unlock the Demoiselle skill, which raises the evasion of male allies in a 3-tile radius. Male units with this class, on the other hand, can unlock Gentilhomme, which raises the evasion of female allies in a 3-tile radius. |
Strategist | A promoted form of the Troubadour class. In addition to improved stats, the Strategist gains the ability to equip light magic. At first, they gain access to Rally Resistance, which can be used to raise the Resistance of allies within 3 tiles. They later learn Inspiration, which causes allies in a 2 tile radius to deal 2 more damage and receive 2 less damage during battle. |
Dancer | Dancers can perform dances to allow an ally to perform two actions in one turn. They are able to equip swords, although they are ineffective in combat. Their default skill is Lucky Charm, which increases Luck by 6 in battles they do not initiate, while their first unlockable skill is Special Dance, which improves the stats of the unit danced for. Afterwards, they learn Enjoyment, which gives the Dancer a temporarily stat boost after performing a dance. Their final skill is Passionate Dance, which heals both the dancer and the unit danced for after a dance. |
Manakete | Manaketes are able to use Dragonstones to transform into ice-elemental Dragons at will. The default skill available to Manaketes, Odd Rhythm, slightly raises their accuracy and evasion during every odd-numbered turn. They can also unlock Wyrmsbane, which raises the damage they deal to other dragons. Later on, they learn Odd Mind, which restores 40% of their health at the start of every odd-numbered turn, and Draconic Knowledge, which allows the unit to share the skills of their ally while they are in a team. |
Evoker | This brand-new class can wield daggers in battles, but is very weak in combat. However, it is able to summon magic creatures who temporarily become playable units. The type of creatures that can be summoned vary based on the terrain. The initial skill of this class is Swift Start, which raises movement range during the first three turns. They later unlock Abstract Mind, which gives summoned creatures a temporary stat boost. |
Conjurer | A promoted form of the Evoker, who has the same abilities as its base form, along with the ability to use staffs. They, at first, gain Nature's Call, which heals a portion of the user's health whenever they use a staff. They later learn Connection, giving them a chance to earn an extra move after healing an ally to full health (only one extra move can be gained per turn). |
Summoner | A promoted form of the Evoker. This class is able to use light magic as well as summoning. The skill they gain at first is Flare, which has a chance to activate whenever an attack is launched, reducing the enemy's Resistance and restoring a portion of the user's health when it activates. They later learn Mystic Thought, giving them an extra move after defeating an enemy (only one extra move can be gained per turn). |
Griffon Knight | Any unit can become a Griffon Knight using the DLC Griffon Feather. This flying class is capable of fighting with swords and lances. The first skill they learn is Shove, which can be used to push an ally forwards one space. Next, they learn Swap, which can be used to switch places with an ally. Their third skill is Rally Life, which can be used to heal allies within a 3 tile range. The final skill that they gain is Seal Skill, which reduces their enemy's Skill when they initiate battle. |
Dread Fighter | Any male unit can become a Dread Fighter using the DLC Dread Scroll. Dread Fighters are highly versatile, capable of using swords, axes and anima magic. Their default skill is Armsthrift, which has a chance to activate whenever they attack, allowing them to attack without losing a weapon use. The next skill that they unlock is Iron Will, which raises all stats except Movement by 1 in battles they do not initiate. Later on, they also learn Clarity, which makes them less affected by stat reductions, and Aggressor, which greatly raises the damage they deal in battles that they initiate. |
Bride | Any female unit can become a Bride using the DLC Wedding Bouquet. Brides are highly versatile, capable of using lances, bows and staffs. Their default skill is Bond, which lightly heals adjacent allies at the start of each turn. Their first unlockable skill is Vow, which allows them to give a slight stat bonus when they heal an ally. They later learn Rally Heart, which can be used to raise the stats of allies in a 3-tile radius (albeit not by as much as other Rally Skills), and Devotion, which allows Pair Up bonuses that they give and receive to last until the end of the turn. |