Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
U Day

U Day! is the second story to feature Nebuel Tzunn Chadnezzar and Demented Dimension, following their return to the New Fantendoverse to play a second game with Unten Bluzen, shortly after the events of the World Tournament. The game this time around is a game of tag- Unten must find Nebuel across the Seattle city while people who touch him are introduced to his powers. Teaming up with the alien journalist and hero Sreel Srok to track down Nebuel and tag him back, Unten finds himself at conflict with the people who both have his powers and want them, as well as confronted on a moralistic level.

Meanwhile, Sarah Auvic begins her new job as a nanosurgeon while Rachel attempts to move on after the events of the World Tournament. The story was written by Exotoro (tbc), intending it to be the last story before 2019 ended.


Unten enters an elevator with Strafe and Sakeena. Unten nervously paces inside the elevator, Strafe and Sakeena obviously knowing something is up. They look to each other as to which one is going to ask first, silently pointing to each other before Sakeena decides to throw her arms up.

Sakeena: Hey, Unten, buddy, what's up?
Unten: Man… I dunno.
Sakeena: Oh, well, see anxiety over past things that aren't resolved tends to flare up when life is going pretty well…
Unten: No… no. It's not like, I dunno, I mean as in I dunno what exactly is going to happen when he comes.
Sakeena: Who is… he?
Unten: Damn it, Sakeena. Don't you remember? Nebuel came to my birthday 90 days ago. He said he was gonna come back in 90 days or "my money back". I didn't pay him or anything so…. he's probably gonna come back and do some kooky thing.
Sakeena: Aw, Unten…

Sakeena leans down and rubs his hair. Unten crosses his arms.

Sakeena: Listen, I know we deal with cosmic freaks all the time, but that doesn't mean Nebuel is gonna come back. He might have said that, but he's not here now so I wouldn't worry so much about it.

Unten sighs as he leans back into the wall of the elevator.

Strafe: I mean, it's good to worry about these things, but unless they happen, you can't really do anything about it.
Unten: Well, that's why I'm stressed. What am I gonna do? I doubt it's gonna be the same song and dance with this guy.

The elevator door opens and the three step out.

Strafe: Besides, we'll be here if anything goes down.

Unten rubs his fur uncomfortably.

We get a outside pan shot that shows that they are in the Seattle Space Needle. Strafe shows their passes as they enter the Atmos Café.

Unten: God, why are we even here?
Strafe: Publicity event. Do you not remember?
Unten: I mean, I do. But I don't want to be here. It feels like a million eyes judging me whenever I'm going to one of these.
Strafe: Well, you're the leader of the Fantendo Firehouse, so you kind of need to be here.
Unten: I guess…
Sakeena: Honestly it feels like everyone's doing their own thing today… Sarah's out at her first day at her new job, Rachel's hanging out with those people who live near her apartment, Nycho and Obena are doing their thing…
Unten: Oh, what's their thing this week?
Sakeena: Man, I don't know.
Unten: Kind of wanted to see their thing this week…
Strafe: Focus on this thing…

Unten, Strafe, and Sakeena walk their way through a publicity crowd and sit down at their assigned table, which has Unten's head symbol instead of a number.

Unten: What's even the occasion? I don't think I was actually told.
Sakeena: Oh, they just reopened this place up. They wanted to reopen it as more of a high class experience.
Unten: It already costs like 40 bucks to get on here. High class? Damn… no wonder we don't go here very often.
Sakeena: Exactly. Get mad. The aristocrats need to be chopped at the head with a guillotine. We're not the aristocrats. We're the vaccine.
Strafe: Alright, I think you need to hold back on that for a minute. Let's not completely tank our reputation here.
Unten: Besides… like, this is just a restaurant opening.

Sakeena folds her arms and sits back.

Sakeena: You guys never let me lead the charge on anything fun.

A blue eel approaches the table.

Blue Eel: Hey, you guys mind squeezing in for a minute? There was a… miscommunication apparently. I don't have a table but I gotta cover this dumb bullshit anyway,

Unten scoots in, his booth seat being the most free as Sakeena and Strafe are sitting on the opposite booth seat.

Blue Eel: Name's Sreel Srok. I take it you're the famed Unten?
Unten: Unten Bluzen, yeah, that's the name.
Sreel: Nice to meet you, Unten. This is gonna shock you a bit but I've heard of you but not a lot about you.
Unten: Well… that's refreshing.
Sreel: We were technically supposed to cover the World Tournament but that didn't get scheduled properly… thanks Frank...
Unten: Who's we…
Sreel: My news group, Ray-ly News. I mean, normally I cover crimes on my home planet, but you know how it goes these days. We gotta cover other stuff too between the big stories. Basically clickbait and the like. I have to admire your Channel 17 for managing to be the first to find out that cheating scandal.
Unten: Hahhh… they're not that great…
Sreel: Nonsense! Those guys know how to get a good scoop. I question the methods, but honestly, if they work, they work.

Sreel pulls out a camera-like device and takes a photo of the event before turning to take pictures of Unten, Sakeena, and Strafe.

Sreel: Anyway, we figured we'd go to this because it was in the area and doing a cover story of Earth ongoings could be just as interesting to the people of Protodon.
Unten: You're from another planet?
Sreel: Yup… Protodon.
Unten: I guess Earth is my home, technically speaking, but I come from Zeon.
Sreel: Oh… oh shit! Huh. I just thought Earth was full of weirdos.
Sakeena: I mean it kind of is…
Sreel: Right, but the disconnect was weird for me.
Unten: What do you mean…

A bell suddenly rings as everyone directs their attention to the front, where a red haired woman in a black dress takes the stand.

Woman: Hi, my name is Haru Tifft. I'd just like to give a small word as the founder of the company that funded this whole refurbishment tonight.

Haru swigs a glass of wine before sipping it all down.

Haru: I know the move to a higher class establishment model may be controversial, but with the profits it can raise with the higher price model, less of your tax dollars have to go to it's upkeep. I might be a vampire, but as we all know, the real vampire we all have to worry about is the goddamn government, am I right?

Haru laughs as she finishes her wine glass.

Haru: You folks have a good night.

Sakeena looks to Strafe.

Sakeena: Did she hear me? Do vampires have good hearing? Should I be concerned?
Strafe: I wouldn't worry about it….
Sakeena: Well, I am…
Unten: Man, Sakeena, take a chill pill.
Sreel: Yeah, take a chill pill.

Strafe's head turns to Sreel, pointing to him.

Strafe: You're not part of the group, you don't get to say that.

Strafe crosses his arms as Sreel sheepishly shrugs.

Sarah grunts as she stretches her arms, walking into a building with a strange green cross symbol. Mingyu Li is waiting for her.

Mingyu: Hey, ready to get started on your first day of work?
Sarah: Man… I dunno.

Sarah blinks her eyes, indicating she hasn't gotten much sleep.

Mingyu: Well, you made it on time, so good on you! That's the first step.
Sarah: Yeah, alright.

Sarah cranes her neck over at the front office. The place looks new.

Sarah: Yo… why does this place look so clean? It looks, like brand new and shit.
Mingyu: This is also my first day.

Sarah looks to him.

Sarah: But… you're the CEO.
Mingyu: Yeah! This is a new startup company. I needed people to get on board and it happens you were exactly the kind of person I was looking for. I got a couple interns but aside from that, we're starting small.
Sarah: Ah jeez… I dunno if I can deal with pressure if this fails.
Mingyu: I'm the fall guy. Worst that can happen to you is that you're fired and I look for a replacement. Or the company falls apart on my shoulders and I fire everyone.
Sarah: That's… not as reassuring as you think.
Mingyu: All I'm trying to say is that I'm not going to let you think it's entirely your fault if this venture fails.
Sarah: Little better, I guess.

Sarah walks through the building, noticing a blonde woman picking up files off the floor.

Sarah: Woah… who's the cutie?
Mingyu: That's Erin Coldwell. She's an intern here. Paid, of course. She fetches things like files and coffee. I found her out on a bus station, imagine that.
Sarah: Huh.

Erin walks up to the two, handing Mingyu a folder with the files she just picked up. Her and Sarah make eye contact for like, a second before breaking away.

Erin: Uh, you guys weren't talking about me, right?
Mingyu: 'fraid we were. Nothing bad.
Erin: Oh shit, are you Leah Needlenam?

Erin turns to Sarah.

Erin: I barely noticed you because of the…

Erin points to her ears, then to her hair bun, then to her hair in general, then to her pinkie. Sarah just laughs as Mingyu looks on nervously.

Mingyu: She tends to be a bit touchy-
Sarah: Hey, I don't mind! Although, I probably should clear the air.

Sarah looks directly at Erin.

Sarah: My name is Sarah Auvic. Nothing else. I'm trying to move on from that point in my life.
Erin: Oh, okay!

Erin nods up and down in a very enthusiastic way, her glasses slipping off. Sarah reflexively catches them.

Sarah: Here you go, Erin.

Erin smiles at Sarah before looking to Mingyu.

Erin: Anything I can fetch for you?
Mingyu: Just a cup of coffee. Me and Ms. Auvic will be on the upper level.

Erin nods and heads off. Mingyu holds Sarah by the shoulder as they walk, with Sarah pushing him off.

Mingyu: Wait, I thought you didn't mind touchy.
Sarah: Only if it's a cute girl, you dolt.

Mingyu and Sarah enter an elevator.

Rachel knocks on the door to her neighbors' apartment, with two women going to answer the door. One has blue and pink hair and is wearing a rather open dress and a white coat. Her name is Lucille Catherine. The other is wearing face paint that makes her look like her face is a skull with pink tipped black hair. Her name is Mia Skell.

Rachel: Hey, what's up?
Lucille: Well, howdy, neighbor!

Mia Skell pokes her head out.

Mia: You are the real Rachel Harel, right?
Rachel: Is there a fake one? I mean, I know Alpha-V is a thing, but…
Lucille: There's no real fake around here, I just wanted to verify.
Rachel: Listen, we've never met but I'm feeling pretty lonely so you know, wanted to reach out, maybe go get some steak at a nice little restaurant, get to know you two… it's on me.
Mia: We'd be happy to!
Rachel: You two aren't dating or anything like that, right? I'd hate to come across like a third wheel or something-
Lucille: Oh, me and Mia aren't dating, we're just… good friends.
Mia: Yeah. Heh.

Rachel nods.

Rachel: Right, I catch your drift. I've been in that before.
Mia: Good friends scenario?
Rachel: Mhmm… that was a period of my life I didn't know what I was doing…

Rachel laughs to herself- she has no idea what she's doing.

Mia: So, uh, when are we going?
Rachel: Oh, I guess about now!

Rachel shrugs as Mia and Lucille walk out of the room.

Rachel: Let's go eat!

Unten, Sakeena, Strafe, and Sreel are talking as the event continues.

Unten: Did you actually manage to catch any of the World Tournament coverage, actually?
Sreel: Mm… not too much. We were supposed to cover it but due to a miscommunication, flights didn't get booked and I was exhausted anyway. Passed out for like 6 hours and made my way over here after everything was said and done. I understood that you did particularly well though, Strafe?
Strafe: Eh, I could have won the whole thing if it didn't end up being so complicated.
Sakeena: He's being… not particularly modest here but honestly maybe.
Unten: There was… a lot going on behind the scenes. Assassins, rigged counting, alcohol addiction…
Sreel: My, my… assassins?
Strafe: We don't have time to unpack all that…

Strafe looks fiercely to Unten who shrugs. Sreel takes out his notebook.

Sakeena: When does this stupid thing end anyway? I'd rather be playing Sims or writing…
Sreel: Mm… got about two hours left.
Sakeena: God, this sucks.
Unten: I'm kind of in agreement, but you know, this is just how this stuff is…

A sudden implosion of energy happens in the center of the room. Unten feels his nerves immediately tense up as he realizes who's here- Nebuel Tzunn Chadnezzar and the rest of his gang known as the Demented Dimension.

Unten: It's Nebuel. Goddamn it.
Sakeena: He brought his friends too…
Nebuel: Yes! It is I!

Nebuel appears to have teleported next to Unten, putting his hands on the back of his chair.

Nebuel: Looks like you won't be getting your money back.

Unten brings out Imperium but Nebuel just laughs in the face of it as he brings out his own sword, Angel Sword Strafe.

Nebuel: I've turned your blue haired friend over there into a sword once and I ain't afraid to do it again. How about you put down the blade and let me explain the name of the game?
Sakeena: That rhymed, right?
Nebuel: I dunno, I'm not the Riddler.
Mr. Saqure: It did, but it's not like, his thing.
Sreel: Why are we getting into schematics? Is this a thing you guys do?
Unten: I dunno, this is the second time he's ever shown up.
Sakeena: Although, to be frank, I'm already tired of him and his games. Just reveal what the dumb game is so we can solve it. Or whatever.
Strafe: Yeah.
Nebuel: Oh, this is a game of tag this time. But you two are uninivited from it.
Strafe: Aw, why?
Nebuel: You guys are mean, and besides this is more of a Unten thing anyway.

Mr. Saquare seals them away into the second dimension before they can say anything further and holds them like they're cardboard cut-outs.

Unten: What the hell...
Nebuel: Anyway, the game for today is power tag!
Unten: Alright, how does that work? Do I gotta dress up like a clown again or something?
Nebuel: Nope, you just gotta tag me.
Sreel: Wait, hold on, are we just cool with the 2D square guy taking Strafe and Sakeena like that?
Unten: Look man, these guys are impossible, we have to play by their rules. Anyway, is there some dumb twist you've attached to this?
Nebuel: Ah, I see you have a keen eye on surprises! Yes, there is a twist, and the twist is that ANYONE who tags you gets your powers! And it spreads, halving it's power each time!

Unten looks at the rainy weather outside.

Sreel: Wait, what? Doesn't Unten just mostly deal with electrictiy?

Before either of them can even react, Chrysler reflects light through himself, hitting Unten, before reciting a enchantment that covers Unten in crystals, which immediately breaks. Sreel wordlessly is flabbergasted by all of this as Unten gets up, kneeling on the floor.

Unten: Nghh...

Sreel goes to help him up but remembers the rules.

Sreel: Ugh, damn it...
Unten: It's fine... alright, Nebuel. we're gonna find you, and then we're gonna raise hell.

Nebuel taps the edge of floor with Angel Sword Strafe.

Nebuel: We'll see about that!

Nebuel winks as he begins to recede into the fourth dimension.

Nebuel: Don't worry, I'll hide in the third dimension, but you won't see where I'm going until I stop counting from ten...

Nebuel fully recedes as the rest of Demented Dimension follows him inside.

Sreel: Did... did he have a giant T-Rex that looked just like you? What the hell was that about? Why didn't it do anything?
Unten: I dunno, he's weird like that. Come on, let's get out of there...

A bunch of people block the entrance.

Man: We heard the onion head Beorn... you ain't getting out of here until we get those powers.

Sreel rolls his eyes.

Sreel: Get the hell out of the way!

Sreel charges up an electrical pulse in his gauntlet as Unten looks taken aback.

Unten: Woah, Sreel, buddy... you don't need to be doing that...
Sreel: If you wanna get something done right, you gotta apply a little pressure and that's what I'm doing right now. Get out of the way or I'll fry you.

Most people move aside as Sreel and Unten rush out of the restaurant and run down the stairs.

Unten: Alright, let's get to the Fantendo Firehouse, let's see who can help.
Sreel: We don't have time for that. I saw a couple people touch you as we left, and in this weather, they're gonna fry themselves with your electrical powers in the rain.
Unten: Shit, yeah, that's an actual good concern.
Sreel: People are dumb, Unten. Especially your planet. I mean good lord, have you seen the statistics? We laugh about it in space but like, it's not good.
Unten: Alright, yeah, I get it.
Sreel: Like, holy cow, they're so dumb. It's astounding.
Unten: Sreel, we need to focus.
Sreel: Yeah. Alright.

Unten holds out his phone.

Unten: I'm gonna call Guadalupe and see who we can get to help us.

Guadalupe picks up her phone from the couch, laying back as she files her nails.

Guadalupe: Yo, what's good Unten?
Unten: Nebuel came back. You know, how he said he would come back in 30 days or my money back.
Guadalupe: Well, what the hell do you want me to do about it? Do you need some clown stuff?
Unten: Nah… it's a new game. I just gotta find him. In this weather.
Guadalupe: Aw man, are you going to make me look for him and radio you in when we do?
Unten: I mean, ideally…
Guadalupe: But today was so comfy… me and everyone else here was just chilling out, making hot chocolate…

Guadalupe picks up her hot chocolate from the side table next to the couch and blows on it before drinking it.

Mioda: Hey, who's on the phone?
Guadalupe: Unten. I guess he needs help with Nebuel or whatever?
Mioda: I thought we sent Strafe and Sakeena with him?
Guadalupe: Oh yeah. I thought we sent Strafe and Sakeena with you? Where are they?
Unten: They got sent to the second dimension pretty fast. I guess Nebuel wanted them out, for whatever reason? I…

Sreel looks to Unten.

Unten: Well, the way this game is set up, it doesn't really matter that they were with me.
Guadalupe: Well, I'll help look. I just got a cute raincoat that I can wear now.
Unten: What are Nycho and Obena up to?
Guadalupe: Oh, they're just napping.
Unten: Napping? What is this, preschool?
Guadalupe: It's lazy rainy day! It was, at least… I'm not waking them up.
Unten: I need you to wake them up so we can find Nebuel faster.
Guadalupe: But they look cute snuggled together!
Unten: Where's Sia? Where's that new recruit Nion? I'm aware Sarah's busy… I guess Rachel is too…

Unten scratches his head.

Unten: I earnestly don't wanna call Rachel given… what happened…
Guadalupe: What about your girfriend, Quartz?
Unten: She's busy too, what gives…

Unten hangs his head.

Unten: She said she was going into the Wasteland for whatever reason with Reten and Makara for something.
Guadalupe: Well, Sia and Nion are actually on a date, believe it or not.
Unten: On a double date or something?
Guadalupe: Who would they be double dating, Unten? They're on a date together.
Unten: Huh, weird. I would have thought she would have grown close to Strafe, all things considered.
Guadalupe: Well, Sia and Strafe were in the same room, so I guess Nion hung out with Sia and hit it off. What, do you want me to interrupt them real quick?
Unten: Give it a bit, I guess. I feel bad, Sia hasn't really had many moments to herself.
Guadalupe: Alright. So, I'm going to go with Mioda and Zerita in a minute here, we'll contact the others if we still can't find Nebuel.
Unten: Sounds like a plan!

Guadalupe immediately hangs up. Unten looks to Sreel and shrugs.

Sarah and Mingyu make it to the top floor.

Sarah: You need to work on the elevator, the speed on that is not great.
Mingyu: We'll work it out eventually. We need you to get familiar with the nanosuit.
Sarah: Right, job training.
Mingyu: This stuff is new and hasn't been tested a ton, but I mean, the important thing is that it has been, and we're going to keep improving the tech. Hopefully, anyway.
Sarah: Really extruding confidence, huh?
Mingyu: Thank you.

Sarah winces as he seems to have missed that it was sarcasm. He goes over to the white wall and presses a button on it that pops out a green suit with a device attached to it.

Mingyu: This is the Nanosuit. I designed it with the help of Chelsea Rench since she knows these kinds of things better than me. We managed to extract the particles that make my powers work and now we're able to clone those particles and have them run off the Ripplite Core on the back.
Sarah: Where did you get your hands on Ripplite?
Mingyu: I got it through some uh, dealings. Anyway, why don't you put it on real quick, and I'll walk you through how it works.

Sarah nods as she picks up the suit and heads into a room in the back.

Sarah: Might take a while. Just saying. I get the impression this thing is skin tight or something. Dunno, just the name… Nanosuit.

Mingyu nods and laughs.

Mingyu: Take your time.

Rachel pokes at her food, a steak, as she sits with Mia Skell and Lucille Catherine. The two women are having a rather lively conversation as they sit at the window in a nice restaurant.

Mia: So, I tell this Tifft skank to get lost, because she's hitting on the girl I want to get to know, and she just pushes me off because like, I guess she thought another half hour would impress this chick? And she comes roaring back.
Lucille: Uh huh.
Mia: So we get into an aggressive shove match, which she started by the way, and well, one thing led to another and both of us were kicked out of the club pretty shortly after that. I mean, I know the Tiffts are vampires and all, but she just slung straight to it.
Rachel: God…

Mia looks to her.

Mia: I know, right? Like… first off…

Rachel just sighs aggressively.

Rachel: No, not at the story. Like, I thought reaching out like this was gonna help me get over Bang, but it's not really helping at all.
Mia: Aw damn, is this the only reason why you reached out now?
Lucille: That is kind of a bummer.
Rachel: Well, I mean, it wasn't just that. I did kind of want to know you two more. But like… I dunno…

Lucille reaches over the table to put her hand on her shoulder.

Lucille: Well, we understand you're going through something. Not fully sure what, it was muted over the television.
Rachel: God, I don't think I've ever had a better thought than to ask them to put down the shield so we could talk.
Lucille: Well, whatever it was, you can help get over it with us.
Mia: That's right.
Rachel: Can I though? Ugh, I dunno. I dunno. Both of them were part of my life for quite a while and now both are just… gone.
Mia: Well, you can always continue with someone new… it sounds like things didn't work with Bang and NULL… well, NULL's at least safe, I think.
Rachel: I dunno, F.A.N.T was founded by Helen Rizzo, who is not exactly… the most level headed leader when it comes to dealing with paragons. I'm sure things are "different" now, but it still feels like that mindset reigns there.
Lucille: Well, we admire you a lot, Rachel!
Mia: Yeah!
Rachel: Why?
Lucille You're straightforward and kind of mature in a way I don't really see a lot of other people in this spotlight act, you know? You don't have any powers, which isn't something I can necessarily relate to, as does Mia, but I mean, you command a lot with very little.
Mia: Besides, you're pretty attractive too.
Lucille: Mia!
Mia: What, it's true…

Rachel smiles softly as she looks at them.

Rachel: Thank you. Maybe I needed to hear that.
Lucille: C'mon, let's finish up this meal and go somewhere fun where you can get your mind off that stuff that's keeping you down.
Mia: We could do an escape room, go to a spa, paintball… maybe a convention?
Lucille: Ooo! Ooo! Or we could go to Aiki, or Alice in Chains is playing tonight… if they're not sold out we could go…
Rachel: Hah… I'm not much of a metal fan, the screaming and stuff just isn't for me.

Lucille looks to Mia and then back to Rachel.

Lucille: You know metal isn't screamo, right?
Rachel: Uhh…
Lucille: Maybe we should go to that concert if the tickets are available…
Mia: There's also Soundgarden and Black Hole Sun…
Rachel: You know what, I probably go for a ferry ride. Go on a nice little boat trip.
Lucille: I dunno, if we're gonna take transportation, we would probably get a lot more out of the SLUT.
Rachel: Did… did I hear you right?
Lucille: How have you lived in Seattle for like five years now and have no idea what I'm talking about? South Lake Union Trolley. SLUT.
Rachel: OH! Oh.
Mia: She's making it out to be more exciting than it sounds.
Lucille: We could grab some drinks, go clotheshopping, see the sights, that kind of thing.
Rachel: Eh, I dunno what I'm really in the mood for, so that sounds good to me. Let's pay the waitress and get out of here.
Mia: Sounds good. I don't wanna be seen if that skank Rubelline comes in here.
Lucille: Cool it, Mia…

Rachel finishes off her steak and raises her hand to their waitress.

Vicky Victorious is talking to her news crew, shortly after Unten has left the venue after Nebuel showed up.

Vicky: So, what are we thinking of doing tonight? I think following Unten would probably be a good way to break news again, yeah?

Vicky looks at the camera man while Staci Stacks drinks a huge bottle of booze.

Vicky: Response, guys. Camera man, what's your name?
Camera Man: Oh me? I'm Cameron.
Vicky: Wait, what's your last name?
Cameron: Cameron Mann.
Vicky: Right. God, how did I forget you're literally Cameron Mann?
Cameron: You do say booze doesn't help you remember things.
Vicky: Well, tis a blessing and a curse. What do you say to that, Staci?
'Staci: Man, the booze here doesn't do shit for me.
Vicky: Yeah, it's bad booze. Let's go find out where Unten is and see where that goes, yeah?
Staci: Mm, alright. Suppose it can't go wrong.

Unten and Sreel make their way through the rain quickly as Unten tries to think of where Nebuel could be.

Unten: Hrmm… where could Nebuel be hiding…
Sreel: I dunno… maybe he fucked off into the woods or somewhere…
Unten: Nah, he's a pretty transparent guy, and I feel like if he was gonna leave a clue…

Unten claps his stubs together.

Unten: Ohhh, he probably went to the bank…
Sreel: The bank? What the hell makes you say that?
Unten: He said he'd come back in 90 days or my money back!
Sreel: That's the thing that makes you think it's a bank?
Unten: Well, we gotta try somewhere!

Unten and Sreel run across the streets for a couple blocks before rushing into the bank. Unten's hand pulses with electricity as he enters the bank, looking around to see a surprise crime scene in progress. A woman with firey orange hair, a black dress, and reddish crimson skin looks to him, grinning.

Woman: Well, well. If it isn't Unten Bluzen coming to interrupt the party. I imagined you taller.
Sreel: You're pretty massive for a human, so I don't think it's on him.
Unten: Who are you and why do you know my name? Actually, I retract that last question.
Woman: You want to know my name? I'm offended you don't already know…

The woman snaps her finger.

Woman: The name is Fuega Nitro!
Sreel: Did… did she just give her name? That seems like a bad thing to do while robbing a bank.
Fuega: I'm too hot to not be noticed anyway, what's the harm in giving a name to all of this?

Fuega hops onto the bank counter as she pulls out two guns. Unten puts up an aura barrier.

Unten: Great, now we gotta deal with this.
Sreel: You're the one who wanted to go to the bank…

Sreel puts up his gauntlet as Fuega starts firing wildly, causing Taki dust to explode everywhere.

Sreel: Wait, these aren't even bullets...

Sreel zips across the bank floor as Fuega fires towards his face, forcing him to shut his eyes. Unten fires electricity out of his arm, which Fuega dodges.

Fuega: Oh hell yeah, this is a real fight huh?
Sreel: This is not working, Unten…

A giant figure booms behind Fuega, his messed up face growling as he phases through her and becomes a giant meat shield for her, allowing her to take money from the tellers at the bank. She grips it all in a bag, smirking.

Fuega: It was nice seeing you boys, but now watch me get away!

Fuega jumps off the counter and becomes infused with adrenaline, making her way through the crowd. Unten attempts to fire electricity at her but misses as Fuega goes for a floor slide towards the bank door. Suddenly, she finds herself facing Mary Azkban and a ton of cop cars.

Mary: Freeze, Fuega Nitro.
Fuega: Aw, cute that you think you can stop me!

Fuega attempts to move but finds herself weighed down by Digitalism, five on each leg. Unten looks to Mary Azkaban as HELLYEAH bursts through the door, going to grab Fuega but Mary pulls out a strange set of cuffs, slapping one to her wrist and throwing the other one line a disc, which wraps around the neck of HELLYEAH. HELLYEAH writhes as the cuffs snap shut. Fuega blows out chili dust towards Mary Azkban, making her force her eyes shut.

Mary: Agh!
Fuega: I dunno what this dumb cuff thing is, but I ain't just HELLYEAH, you know…

Sreel goes to punch her in the stomach but she dodges it, burning Sreel's eyes with chili powder. Sreel grunts in pain as Unten strikes her in the back with an electrical punch. Fuega twitches as the Digitalisms whimper off her, grunting hard as she begins to pulse with electrical energy, gleefully looking at Unten Bluzen.

Unten: Ah shit, I forgot!
Sreel: Oh god…

Fuega blasts all three of them back with electricity, attempting to summon HELLYEAH back to her side as it continues to writhe in Mary's cuffs.

Fuega: What kind of magic is that?
Mary: It's called the Celestial Chains. I have someone at the lab who made them for me- it's a Ripple containment device…

Fuega thrusts lightning towards her, but is suddenly punched hard, flying towards a wall outside. Mary is shocked as a giant person enters the scene.

Person: Justice is here!

Fuega grunts as she falls from the wall, onto her knees.

Person: in the form of Justice SHIELD!

The man, his name being Justice Shield, slams into Fuega as she attempts to use Unten's aura to cast him back, but he just knocks her away, her guns flying out of her hands as he crushes them under his feet.

Fuega: NO! My Chili Powder Boomers….

Justice Shield picks up Fuega with his hand.

Justice Shield: Here you go, mam.
Mary: Thank you, Justice Shield, if that's your name.

Justice Shield looks behind him and grins.

Justice Shield: Anything to keep the streets free of crime!

Mary nods weakly as Digitalisms apprehend Fuega Nitro in a hard light prison box.

Mary: How did she gain your powers like that, Unten?
Unten: Nebuel's back with a second game. He came to my birthday, I'm not sure if FANT filled you in on that.
Mary: Yeah, I know about that incident. So, like, what's the game?
Unten: Tag. Touch me and get my powers. Those people can then spread it with halved power each time. There must be a dozen now who have differing rates of electrical and aura power.
Mary: Yeahhh, that's not good.
Sreel: And it's not about to get better. Drop the criminal off and help us find this onionhead.
Mary: I suppose… I got other things to do- even on a rainy day like this there's criminals to deal with. It feels like there's an accelerated rate of individuals with powers since you came…
Unten: Oh surely I can't be to blame…
Mary: You're not… but I can't help to think there might be a correlation.
Sreel: Interesting, but we don't have the time for it.
Justice Shield: This criminal must be apprehended… let me join you on this quest.

Sreel and Unten look to each other.

Sreel: I mean, can we really go wrong?
Unten: He has a lot of power… hrm. I say go for it...

Sreel looks to Justice Shield.

Sreel: Welcome to this scrappy little team, Justice Shield.

Justice Shield flexes as Sreel and Unten run through the rain.

Sarah finishes putting on the suit and walks out as Mingyu Li drinks his coffee with a sour face.

Sarah: Yeah, I don't exactly have the razor thin body I used to, but you don't need to be upset with me…
Mingyu: That's not it. This coffee just tastes terrible.
Sarah: Well, go get Erin then… honestly, that'd be good, she'd be able to tell me if I look good in this outfit or not.
Mingyu: You look fine.
Sarah: I don't care about your opinion…

Mingyu leans into a microphone as he hits a red button to activate the intercom.

Mingyu: Erin Coldwell, would you mind coming to the nano assembly office?

Mingyu redirects his attention to Sarah.

Mingyu: This is pretty costly, so don't fuck this suit up. If you can help it.
Sarah: Well, how does it work, doc?

Mingyu holds two discs. One has a green cross, and the other has a red minus.

Mingyu: These are the LiDiscs. I developed them with Chelsea Rench and they utilize my particles. The Ripplite rods on your back activate the particles and shrink you either with the green LiDisc, or grow you via the red LiDisc.
Sarah: Huh. I would have thought it would be the other way around.
Mingyu: Well, our work is being doing on a more… subatomic level.
Sarah: What do you mean by that? Actually, what the hell did I sign up for? I mean, I figured it would have to do with something with size, but your website kind of kept it vague with "subatomic medical architects".
Mingyu: Right, I should probably explain, huh… well, maybe it's best to show you. Pop one of those green discs into the slot next to the left of your neck.

Sarah does as he instructs as Erin stumbles into the room.

Mingyu: There you are. Can you redo this coffee while me and Sarah go subatomic?
Erin: Uh, sure thing, boss!

Erin grabs his coffee and runs out of the room as Mingyu looks to Sarah.

Mingyu: Alright, activate using the button on the right of your neck.
Sarah: Why did you make this suit so cumbersome to use?
Mingyu: It's a prototype. We wanted to keep the LiDiscs close to the Ripplite Engines.
Sarah: Alright then…
Mingyu: It's a lot, i know.
Sarah: Nah… just weird, I guess.

Sarah taps the button on her suit, shrinking down to a near invisible level as she gets small enough to see the bacteria flying through the air. Mingyu Li lands next to her.

Sarah: Oh jesus, where are we?
Mingyu Li: We're on the lab floor. You're gonna wanna use the thrusters to move around. Squeeze your hands together to fly upwards and tilt in the direction you wanna go.
Sarah: Huh. okay…

Sarah squeezes her hands together as she flies through the air, tilting her body forward.

Sarah: A bit awkward, but fine I suppose.
Mingyu: Make it over to that glass pylon, will ya?

Sarah nods as she lands atop a giant glass cylinder that has a holographic display that appears around her in a ring. Mingyu lands next to her, Sarah glancing at all the screens.

Sarah: Alright, what's all this?
Mingyu: It's the Bacteriophage Materializer.
Sarah: Bacteriophages? You mean viruses? What the hell are we doing here?
Mingyu: See, in the last couple of decades we've been creating antibiotics. These were great because it meant we were becoming immune to the things that previously cut our lifespans. This overuse of antibiotics has led the evolution to bacteria that have become immune to most, if not all antibiotics.
Sarah: Right… I'm following.
Mingyu: So, the solution to this screw up is to resort to a new ally in this field. Phages. Bacteriophages are specialized virus injectors that can take out specific bad bacteria. Bacteriophages are nasty buggers, but they can be created to take on specific bad bacteria. It's a completely new field of medicine we're tapping into.
Sarah: Right… but you're still injecting viruses into yourself.
Mingyu: Specialized viruses that kill specific bacteria. The thing about phages is that they inject themselves into bacteria and reproduce by filling out the corpse with it's infection that lays more into further bacteria. They're super effective, Not only that, but phages don't really work on humans like they do with bacteria- we're too different.
Sarah: Uh huh. Well, if bacteria built up a resistance to antibiotics, what's stopping them from just growing resistant to phages?
Mingyu: That's the other thing about phages. They evolve as well, and even if they can't fight a bacteria because of an increased resistance to phages, antibiotics will work against this bacteria again because a bacteria has not been able to grow a resistance to both as far as testing goes.
Sarah: So… this works? Are we working with hypotheticals?
Mingyu: There's been a bunch of tests. It's experimental and not approved yet.
Sarah: So… you're kind of taking a gamble on this whole field of new medicine that doesn't have a lot of clinical testing yet? How are we gonna market this thing?
Mingyu: With the facts, Sarah!
Sarah: I suppose it's worth a shot…

Sarah moves towards the ring of screens.

Sarah: Instruct me on how this thing works.

Rachel, Mia, and Lucille sit on the South Lake Union Line, chatting away.

Mia: So, do you like, wanna have kids? Because it seems like you kind of have a older kid in your care for a while before they leave or get taken away because of some bullshit.
Rachel: Yeah…
Lucille: So, like, what's stopping you from just getting pregnant and having one of your own?
Rachel: I don't want to be a single parent for an extended period of time, I guess. It's be nice to have someone at home in case I have to do hero work or something…
Mia: Rachel… you can't have both,
Lucille: Like, listen, I'm never having kids but your thing is a full time job.
Rachel: What? Come on, we have off-days too, you know, like this…
Lucille: Unten can call you up at any time for any dumb bullshit he wants you on for, right? Or whoever is in charge of him, like F.A.N.T…
Rachel: Mmm… well, F.A.N.T just lets operate pretty much however we want…
Lucille: Do they? NULL was taken away. What are they doing with her? Do you even fucking know?
Rachel: I don't, but I'm sure they have good reasons for doing that…
Mia: You basically enlisted yourself into a Paragon military service where they can draft you for whatever they want.
Rachel: I'm not even a Paragon, so I'm sure I'm low on their list…
Mia: F.A.N.T's part of the government and is funded from multiple countries. The agenda can sway under force.
Rachel: Right, but those interests are well intended and they have strong leadership. They've been good to us now, so… no reason to suspect that strong leadership would crumble fast.
Lucille: Rachel, you were literally talking about how you didn't trust the leadership because Helen Rizzo was kind of crazy.
Rachel: I understand those two mindsets are contradictory, but it's not like they'd ever go that far- they wouldn't just draft us or round up all the Paragons they know of and put them under watch, right?
Lucille: With the unrest of late? I dunno. Snaily Joe is kind of a schmuck in the presidential seat.
Mia: The talk with the Paragons- that's what they call us, people with powers, these days has not been good.
Rachel: Yeah, you don't need to tell me twice.
Mia: What are you guys doing? Everyone- the Fantendo Firehouse, Misfits, F.A.N.T., pretty much anyone with a voice need to combat that better. I'm just a vampire living a pretty decent life on her own but I'm targeted because I have abnormal abilities.
Lucille: I mean, the amount of shit I get for being a Satanist on top of a powered demon…
Rachel: We don't know what to do, to be honest.

Rachel holds her head in her hands.

Rachel: Sometimes… Unten's direction can be a little confusing to figure out. Allying constantly with former enemies isn't getting anyone anywhere and seeks to make the narrative very confusing for people looking in the outside in- or people who willingly misinterpret it. Not that I don't believe redemption isn't impossible, but it's getting… uh, kind of a little…
Mia: Do you believe Unten is a good leader?
Rachel: Well, yeah, but I don't get his reasoning sometimes. Liameno's out there and we barely do anything about him… Doomulus Grime seems like he's redeemed but like, he's also an out of control Doomulus that blew up his fucking planet… and The Threat. Like, there's reasons to what he does, but I feel like we could be in a better spot if he was willing to kill sometimes.
Lucille: How much longer can you realistically keep contributing? You're only human, Rachel. You have different ambitions that conflict with this.
Rachel: I'll cross that road when I get there. Just gotta find someone I actually trust to have a child with.
Mia: Well, that was heavy. Thank god we're at the Denny Triangle… good place to stop.
Rachel: Heh. Well, yeah, let's get off here.

Rachel, Mia, and Lucille hop off the South Lake Union Line to go shopping.

Unten, Sreel, and Justice Shield stand under the shelter of a coffee shop overhang.

Unten: Well, we're not having much luck finding this guy, huh?
Sreel: Pretty transparent guy, my ass.
Justice Shield: Hmm… I don't know much about our target in hiding, but I imagine he wouldn't be standing out in the rain. The underground is where scum tends to hide from the surface.
Unten: Hmmm… you could be on something, I suppose.
Justice Shield: The sewer.
Sreel: Whatever gets us out of the rain…

Unten eyes a manhole cover but Justice Shield grabs it with a bare hand and flings it away, denting a lamp post, which causes Unten to wince. Justice Shield squeezes his huge frame down the tiny hole as Unten and Sreel follow.

Unten: I get weird vibes from the guy.
Sreel: Yeah, he's a suspicious character for sure.

Nion Exothermia and Sia watch from the coffee shop as Unten and Sreel follow Justice Shield down the sewer grate.

Nion: So… do you guys go into the sewers pretty often or?
Sia: I mean, we never really have much of a reason to…
Nion: No reason? You can find cool stuff in the sewers, like rings or coins…
Sia: Have you been in the sewers?
Nion: Couple of times.
Sia: Huh.
Nion: Then again, you're a pretty tall girl, so I imagine the clearance required for it is not meeting up with you.
Sia: Heh… yeah, there's a lot of Earth stuff I can't do…

Sia looks to Nion.

Sia: How are you settling in, by the way?
Nion: Oh great! Debt got paid off so I don't have anyone on my back anymore, so I'm mostly just doing little bitcoin mining programs now that things have calmed down. Strafe said he was gonna train me, but I outclass his gun skills pretty handily so there was no need for that.
Sia: And you didn't shoot him during the World Tournament because of bad luck?
Nion: Sia, people lie all the time. Sometimes you gotta make a cover story because you wanna buy time for someone you respect that's your target.
Sia: Wait, so you knew about Strafe before all of this?
Nion: You guys are like, the premier paragon team, so of course.
Sia: You don't idolize us, right?
Nion: Aw, not really, no. Hah.

Nion glances at Sia.

Nion: This was a nice little date, you wanna head to the Firehouse and kick my ass in Smash and then make out?
Sia: That's an oddly specific series of events, but sure!

Sarah pulls herself away from the ring of screens as she looks at a constructed Bacteriophage with a purple head and two spikes at the top in her likeness.

Sarah: Beautiful son of a bitch. We allowed to name this thing?
Mingyu: I mean, you can if you want…
Sarah: I'm naming it Erinvirdae. It goes after klebsiella pneumoniae, because she's a breath of fresh air.
Mingyu: Heh. Oh, yeah, klebsiella pneumoniae is pneumonia inducing- yeah, okay, I get it now.
Sarah: Love it when people laugh at my jokes before they get them.

Sarah feels a little overexerted. Mingyu looks at her as Sarah sweats.

Mingyu: Oh shit, we need to get you back to normal size for a bit. These suits can currently only phase the particles for half an hour.
Sarah: No offense, but why are we even using the suits anyway? They're weird to control and use, and have a limited and insane cost attached to them.
Mingyu: The bacteriophages need to learn routes and train. Basically, they have to train off the routes they show you, otherwise they will just stand as empty husks. You won't have to do it for every phage but each variant needs to be taught.

Mingyu glances at the ring of computer screens as he hands Sarah a red minus LiDisc.

Mingyu: Also, I can do a lot more on a microscopic level with this budget. The materials and computers we can build at this scale are faster because they're even more compacted together. Computers are basically working at the speed of light already, they just need to be closer together to work even faster.
Sarah: Damn, when did you become a science bitch?
Mingyu: It's been a small passion of mine for a while…
Sarah: Well, it's just very interesting, that's all.

Erin comes into the room as she carries a new coffee cup. Mingyu takes it from her.

Mingyu: Thank you, Erin…

Mingyu drinks it, spitting out curds of coffee.

Mingyu: What the hell is this?
Erin: Y-your coffee…
Mingyu: If you can't even get a cup of coffee right, why am I keeping you around? You're fired.
Erin: Well, I don't know how to make coffee. If you had asked me to do something I was actually qualified to do, like I dunno, researching drugs and cutting people open-
Mingyu: We're not that kind of medical center! Besides, you don't actually have any proof of verification of that stuff anyway.
Erin: Where's Sarah's medical license, huh?

Sarah is taken aback by this energy, but is really digging it.

Mingyu: You're already fired. Leave the premises at once.
Erin: Fucking fine!

Erin throws her hands up as she leaves. Sarah obeserves as she leaves.

Mingyu: Next time I'll try not to hire the homeless for a venture like this… or at least look more into qualifications…
Sarah: Wait, she's homeless?
Mingyu: I told you, I found her at the bus station.
Sarah: Well, shit, I got a good home for her. Stay right there!

Mingyu stares out as Sarah leaves the building in a hurry.

Mingyu: Mm… well, her shift was about over anyway, it was just supposed to be kind of a short training day…

Sarah chases Erin down, who is leaning against the South Lake Union Streetcar station windscreen. Erin looks to Sarah, who's been running after her without her even realizing it.

Sarah: Hah… holy shit.

Sarah takes a minute to breathe as Erin stares at her quizzically.

Erin: Did Mingyu change his mind on me or something?
Sarah: No… hah…

Sarah approaches her slowly. Erin looks to her.

Sarah: Listen, Erin… I like you, in that kind of romantic sense. You've got an innocence to you I thought I would never see again in another person, but you don't take shit either.

Erin stares at her.

Sarah: Basically, I'm asking if you want to go out with me?
ErinHrm… I mean, we literally just met not too long ago…
Sarah: Right, but I don't know if I'm gonna get a chance to say it again! The big man already fired you… I guess sometimes he's the tiny man. You're homeless, like, what little do we have to lose by engaging into this kind of relationship?

Erin nods her head.

Erin: You're talking a lot of sense, Sarah Auvic.
Sarah: I sure hope I am!
Erin: I'm in.
Sarah: As in, the relationship?
Erin: Yes, that thing.

Sarah smiles as she holds her hands. Erin smiles too.

Sarah: Alright, wanna pin me against the windshield as the rain pelts against us as we make out?
Erin: Sounds tight.

They proceed to do that.

Rachel carries some shopping bags as they make their way to the station, noticing Sarah and Erin making out against the windshield.

Rachel: Huh, okay…
Mia: Damn, those two are going at it.

Lucille giggles as Rachel rubs the back of her own long hair as if she's unsure what to do.

Rachel: Yeah… I'll just… leave her be…

Rachel watches as the South Lake Union Streetcar stops in front of them, allowing them to get on. Rachel quickly finds a seat next to Mia and Lucille.

Rachel: I have a feeling this would be better if it wasn't done in the rain.
Lucille: Yeah, but I mean, you're the one who chose the activity.
Mia: Besides, we don't mind it. Do you?

Rachel glances at the two, not sure how to answer their question before rolling back into her seat.

Rachel: So wait, have you two always been fans of me?
Mia: I mean, shit, these apartments are expensive, of course! Haha… I used to write pretty cringy fanfiction. KamikazeBlaxe008 though, now she was a writer.
Lucille: I didn't write fanfictions but I did love your fashion line you did a while back.
Rachel: Heh… KamikazeBlaxe008, huh?
Mia: Oh my god, you know her?
Rachel: Yeah, something like that…
Mia: What's she like?
Rachel: Oh… sweet, mature, very much a collected person now. She's got two girlfriends, she deals with anxiety on a pretty regular basis but she's still writing, just her own original stuff now.
Mia: Damn… living the dream.
Lucille: Heh. She does sound like she has it pretty good.
Rachel: Yeah… I wish I had the stability she has sometimes… I think I'm back on my bullshit.
Mia: What would that bullshit be?
Rachel: I used to just… kind of sleep around a lot? I don't want to get too into but it started with a dude… uh, he's dead now, I guess it doesn't matter if I use his real name or not… his name was Oliver. I rebounded with him after my girlfriend moved to a different state and we didn't wanna do it long distance so we broke up. Oliver and me weren't as compatible as we thought so we kind of just… mutually agreed to see other people while remaining together.

Rachel takes a deep sigh.

Rachel: It was kind of one of those relationships where we never strayed too far from each other because we were the rocks sinking the other one down. There were girls, there were boys but like, none of them really clicked with me. I ran out of rent money and I was just exhausted with him so I hitched it out after breaking up, got a gas station job. Old friend named Serah rings me up after a bit of time after that, we work together at the gas station, and I guess… it never really stopped until I met Bang.

Rachel lets out a long breath.

Rachel: And now Bang's gone.

Mia puts a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

Mia: I'm sure you'll find someone else. Plenty of uh, what do they call the things with fins?
Rachel: Fish?
Mia: Plenty of fish in the ocean.
Rachel: I guess so…

Rachel stares out the window as she watches rain pour down. The streetcar moves across a manhole cover.

Unten, Sreel, and Justice Shield investigate the sewers. Unten grunts as he uses the wall to see through the darkness.

Unten: When did they add this bulky pipe? I don't remember it the last time I was here.
Sreel: You've been down here before?
Justice Shield: Evil lurks everywhere, Sreel.
Sreel: Right, but what would Unten be doing in a sewer?
Unten: Mm… well, I used to think I was the last of my kind for a very long time… when I saw someone else… of my species, it seemed anyway, I had to follow them underground. Turns out they were fake Beorns created by the Fan and the Enemy… so, that's a fun revelation.
Sreel: Mm. I see why you're like how you are.
Unten: Do you?
Sreel: You see these gauntlets, Unten?
Unten: Ayup, what about em?
Sreel: Some guy named Ray was gonna mass-produce these. They're my father's, he wanted to reproduce and sell them. Sell em to big bidders. Where power is corrupted and it's corrupted often.
Unten: Oh, I see why you're helping me now.
Sreel: Your powers are being spread like a virus. There's no telling who they could land in the hands of.

Sreel and Unten look to Justice Shield, who fires electricity as a light in the sewer.

Sreel: (whispering) Okay, so we're both totally thinking it, right? He got your powers somehow?
Unten: (whispering) I mean, he did show up out of nowhere. What is he, some kind of body builder? What's with the stupid looking helmet? Why does it have fucking antlers?
Justice Shield: Aha! An opening!

Justice Shield sprints down as Sreel rolls across the ground while Unten runs. Sreel slickly moves across the water as Unten can barely catch up.

Justice Shield: It's some kind of odd alcove… Bee-Orn… Hall-Ow…
Unten: Beorn Hollow? That old place is still standing?
Sreel: Barely, by the looks of it.

Unten jumps down as Justice Shield follows, causing the ground to tremble. Unten takes in the old atmosphere, noticing signs of an altercation that has since happened here, with bullet cracks and worn in rings on the ground.

Unten: I wonder who would be down here… and who brought guns to this place.
Sreel: Is this where you followed the other Beorn you were talking about?
Unten: Yeah. It's a whole story, I don't have time to get into it. Maybe Nebuel's hiding here?

Sreel creates an electrical ball for light as Justice Shield uses blue aura as a searching tool. Unten pulls out Imperium, which emits a glowing blue mist. They search up and down and all around, but don't find the Herald they're looking for.

Unten: Well, we've looked, we haven't found anything.
Sreel: Hmm… well, we haven't found anything in what would feel like obvious places for Nebuel to hide, so… maybe we need to look in the last place he'd expect us to look on a rainy day in Seattle.
Justice Shield: Good thinking. Let's head back to the surface.

Unten and Sreel shrug as they let him take charge.

Vicky and Cameron head to the bank, which is sweeping up minor damage from the altercation earlier. Vicky is interviewing a teller.

Vicky: May I ask what happened?
Teller: Uhm… well, this crazy woman made of what appeared to be Takis jumped onto the desk and demanded money while pointing out guns. The normal scenario is to just give them the money so nobody gets hurt, but Unten and a strange looking eel came in and attempted to bust the criminal… but they didn't really seem to do a good job because it seems like Unten accidentally gave the criminal super powers on top of the ones she already had…
Vicky: The paragon threat is unionizing, basically. I got you.
Teller: That's not at all what I said-
Vicky: Tell me, where did Unten go after that?
Teller: He went into the sewers with a big burly man that punched the criminal away, although it did some minor damage to the bank…
Vicky: He went into the filthy sewers…
Teller: I feel like you're trying to do a narrative here, but I'm not sure if it's working.
Vicky: That'll be all!

Vicky swings around to look at Cameron Mann.

Vicky: Alright, sewers. Guess we gotta see if there's any good way to figure out which sewer they might come out of…

Nion and Sia get back to the Fantendo Firehouse, where they find Nycho and Obena sitting on the couch, watching Dragon Ball Z as they are usually doing.

Sia: Hey, you two, me and my date are gonna play Smash, so we need you to hop off the TV.
Obena: I mean, go ahead…
Nycho: Honestly, we're not really supposed to be here.
Nion: The hell does that mean? You guys are always here. When is there a scenario you two aren't here?
Nycho: I mean, if we have to have help the rest of the group with something…
Obena: We just kind of were in a nap already and we didn't feel like moving when we heard the rest of the news so…
Sia: Wait, what does the group need help with?
Nycho: Finding Nebuel in a game of hide and seek.
Nion: Isn't that the kind of thing you'd be on board with? I dunno, you two are very childish.
Obena: Childish? Bold words coming from someone that's still collecting toys.
Nion: They're called figures, Obena.
Nycho: Yeah. I mean, I collect em too, Obena. You don't have to come off that angry about it.
Obena: I'm not saying they're not cool, but I'm sick of being seen as like, a goofy kid or whatever it is you guys see me as, because like, I'm just very free going, I don't really like fighting… it's not really in my background, I mean for god's sake, I'm an ambassador for a planet that no longer exists.
Nion: Well, I didn't know that was how you were feeling…

Obena slumps into the couch.

Obena: I got discouraged to help anyway because like I was never able to generate something fast enough from my antenna to help or I wouldn't be able to use my sword in time… I dunno, I think I'm bad at fighting. I think I might be a bad addition to the group. Especially compared to Nion, I mean jeez, you got better gun skills than Strafe and can hack into stuff for us- the best I can do is translate occasionally.
Nycho: Obena, that's not true. You just need more practice.
Obena: When am I gonna get it though…

Obena sighs.

Nion: Well, there's no good reason for us to stay here, right?
Sia: I mean, I guess not.
Nion: We all need the experience- and to prove to ourselves at the very least- that we all belong here.

Obena looks to Nion.

Obena: Well, I suppose it can't hurt...

Nion claps her hands together.

Nion: Alright, let's look for this onion headed bastard!

Unten, Sreel, and Justice Shield pop out of the sewer. Justice Shield grunts as he squeezes out.

Unten: Well, there was nothing in the sewer.
Sreel: I mean, that's not true, I found out you went into a sewer before.
Unten: Yeah, yeah…

Sreel smirks as Justice Shield runs towards an alley. Unten and Sreel follow.

Justice Shield: I sense evil afoot in the alley…
Unten: You do?

Justice Shield swings his shield up and slams it into the brick wall of the alley. Unten sees Mioda, Guadalupe, and Zerita walk through the alley, taken aback as they meet up with Unten.

Mioda: Unten?

Justice Shield leaps forward with his shield to bash Mioda. Mioda draws her bow and fires it into Justice Shield's shoulder, causing both of them to topple over in pain as they collide. Guadalupe does a lightning quick step back as Zerita comes to her sister's side.

Unten: What the hell, Justice Shield?

Zerita slams her mechanical arm into Justice Shield's head, which is protetched by a helmet but the force still causes his head to fly to the left. Zerita picks up Mioda and fires an green aura shot at Justice Shield, which cracks his helmet. Blue light emerges from the crack.

Zerita: Uh…

Mioda groans as Justice Shield gets up, his visor shattered to show a glowing blue eye against a black sclera.

Guadalupe: What the hell is up with this Sans Undertale motherfucker?

Unten wraps Imperium around him as Sreel bounces atop the length of the stretched Imperium to slam his gauntlets into Justice Shield's helmet.

Unten: Woah, woah, can we calm down for a second? What's happening here?
Justice Shield: She had a weapon on her.
Unten: What, the bow and arrow? You didn't have a problem with me carrying around what's basically a sword?

Justice Shield grunts as his arms pop out of Imperium's grasp and grabs it, attempting to snap it in half.

Justice Shield: If I had known you intended to use this as a blade, I would have done this sooner. A world with weapons leads to our own self-destruction. There is nothing a weapon can do but cause harm. Isn't that right, Sreel?

Sreel looks taken aback, reminded about how own gauntlets were going to be mass-produced for the military. He shakes his head.

Sreel: How can you see the world so black and white? Some people use weapons to protect others, whether it be against other weapons or people with powers like your's…
Justice Shield: In a world without weapons, there won't need to be people like us! I protect the world with my shield.
Unten: You're a massive hypocrite and completely insane…
Justice Shield: I suppose this is where the tides turn then… your true intentions revealed…
Sreel: What? We're trying to find some fifth dimensional jack-ass, you were the one attacking this random woman out of nowhere!
Unten: She's my sister.
Sreel: Wait, what, really? You don't look anything alike. Earth's a lot stranger than I thought…
Mioda: We're adopted, you pompous jackass.
Zerita: Easy there, Mioda.

Mioda hisses as she feels the bruise on her side. Imperium continues to tighten and wrap around Justice Shield.

Guadalupe: Hey Unten, give us some of your power juice and we'll take care of this jackass while you continue to look for Nebuel.
Unten: You sure? Mioda seems like she's badly hurt and you don't have any combat training…

Guadalupe rolls her eyes.

Guadalupe: Not a good idea to underestimate your own team, Unten.

Unten's taken aback by this.

Unten: Well, hey, no, that's not what I was trying to say…
Guadalupe: We got this, trust us.

Unten sighs as he spreads out his arms and lets Guadalupe tap his hand. Zerita also taps his hand and glows with a second Aura color.

Unten: Hmm.
Zerita: We're just as strong as this guy, and there's three of us now.

Mioda weakly taps Unten's palms and glows with blue aura.

Mioda: Plus, with this whole scenario, we'll be able to use your powers.

Unten smiles softly as Sreel urges him to move forward.

Sreel: C'mon, we gotta find Nebuel.

Unten nods as Imperium unwraps from Justice Shield, who falls to the ground before getting up. Guadalupe, Zerita, and Mioda all get into combative poses as Sreel and Unten continue to run.

Unten: Ughh…

Unten takes another look behind him before gripping his stomach.

Sreel: What's up?
Unten: Just anxiety, I guess…

Nion, Sia, Obena, and Nycho run down the streets with umbrellas. Sia takes a glance at the Seattle Space Needle, squinting.

Nion: Yo, what's up babe?
Sia: I don't know, something looks like it's up there.
Nion: Hrm… I don't really see much up there.

Nion tries to adjust the zoom on her glasses.

Sia: I am taller… give me those.

Nion hands Sia the glasses. Sia plays with the lenses.

Nion You see anything? Because I sure as shit can't.
Sia: I mean, it's not exactly easy for me to see either, but I do see him.
Obena: Nebuel?
Sia: Ayup, onionhead.

Sia gives back the glasses to Nion. Sarah walks past them, holding the hand of Erin.

Nion: Oh shit, who's this cutie?
Nycho: Wait, isn't that the homeless woman we saw at the bus station last week?
Obena: Yeah…
Sarah: Yeah, she's homeless, which is why I'm bringing her to the Firehouse.
Sia: Hold up, you shouldn't just do that.
Sarah: Why not? I've been around longer than you guys, I can call the shots if I want.
Nycho: No you haven't…
Obena: Did… did you already forget she used to be called Leah…
Nycho: Wait, she's Leah?
Nion: Wait, you pay more attention to people on the street than people in your daily life?
Obena: Let's calm down. Sarah, maybe think about this Erin thing?

Sarah growls as the South Lake Union Streetcar pulls up and Rachel, Mia, and Lucille exit from it, seeing the group.

Rachel: Is there a reason we're all gathered here or…
Mia: Yeah, what's the big deal here?
Lucille: What are you guys doing with that homeless girl from the bus station?
Erin: Okay, I do things other than being homeless, guys.
Sarah: Yeah, she does.
Erin: Like cocaine.
Obena: Can we all focus?
Sia: Right, right, we need to focus.

Nion adjusts her glasses.

Rachel: God, you're all so dysfunctional. Can someone fill me on what the hell is going on this rainy afternoon?

The rain pours down the buildings and sky as Rachel holds her bags and umbrella, twisting it slightly so the rain is thrown ever so slightly. She doesn't really look too pleased. Mia Skell and Lucille Catherine huddle close together under one umbrella.

Sia: Nebuel is back. He's playing a new game of hide and seek and Unten's powers have been duplicated across the city in varying levels of power.

Rachel sighs.

Rachel: Guess Unten was right to be anxious and paranoid. Fuck. I just wanted a good day to myself for once, and I was barely enjoying that, no fault of anyone else…
Nycho: Rachel, are you okay?
Rachel: Nycho, can I ask you something? Why are any of us who don't have powers still here? After all this time?
Obena: We can ask about this at a different time, guys… come on.

Rachel takes a deep breath and looks to Mia and Lucille.

Rachel: Right yeah, you told us to focus.
Obena: Sia found with Nion's glasses that Nebuel is probably hiding up on the Seattle Space Needle, so now we need to tell Unten he's hiding over there since I think it has to be him who finds him…
Rachel: Well, can we get in contact with Unten?
Sarah: He owns a phone right?

Sarah cocks her head over as Unten and Sreel run down the street, stopping as they see the massive crowd that's formed on the pouring street.

Unten: Oh hey, you all met up!
Nion: Just now, yeah!
Unten: Do we have any leads… or… why are we all standing here…?
Rachel: We all just managed to lead up, I guess.
Nycho: Like some kind of wacky Seinfield episode.
Unten: Uh huh, okay.
Sia: Nebuel's hiding on the Space Needle.
Sreel: Damn it… that was the last place I was gonna look.
Unten: How are we gonna get up there? There's not really an elevator that goes up to the very tippy top.
Sreel: I know this is a long stretch, because none of you have wings, but do any of you have flight powers? Maybe?
Mia: I mean, I can turn into a bat… but I dunno, that doesn't seem super helpful.
Lucille: Eh, not really…

Everyone else kind of just shakes their head.

Unten: Wait… wait, I do have something I've been kind of working on with my aura… but it's not super safe. It's all we got… Quartz isn't here so…
Sreel: I'll try and get as close as I can with these gauntlets, but it does kind of look like this is gonna be a solo mission for you, Unten… I hope you can do the right thing.

Unten nods but he also has no idea what Sreel means by that kind of thing. He runs off.

Rachel: Wow, making really meaningful contributions to the team, I guess we are…

Rachel leans against the brick wall.

Nycho: Do you wanna talk about it? I mean, we've all been kind of feeling… sort of that way…
Erin: Any of you guys do crack?

Nycho and Rachel just stare at her weirdly.

Unten propels himself and Sreel high into the air with a lighting strike, gritting his teeth and squinting his eyes against the intensifying rain. He uses Aura to stick to the building and then flip back, doing another thunderstrike.

Unten: This is pretty dangerous… but if my Pouring Rain style won't help here, I can't imagine what else will work…

Sreel nods silently as he looks down below.

Sreel: Sheesh, good thing I'm already kind of… what do you guys call it? An electric eel?

Unten continues to climb and propel himself and Sreel with Aura as Vicky Victorious watches him, having silently followed him from the sewer grate.

Vicky: As you can see, eye witness to the ground here, Unten appears to have completely lost it, ascending to the heights of the Seattle Space Tower for some reason… this reporter speculates that he thinks it's some kind of rocketship and is ditching Earth while he can!

Cameron gives a thumbs up as Vicky stares up at the building.

Vicky: We gotta scale this thing.
Cameron: Wait, what?
Vicky: That's where the action is, Cameron! Don't you know anything about reporting? It's not all about gorillas and making shit up on the fly…

Vicky unsheathes the heels of her boots to reveal pointed daggers and begins to puncture into the building.

Cameron: Did… did she always have those…
Vicky: Come on, let's make our way to the highest level!

As Vicky and her crew enter into the tower building, Unten manages to propel himself and Sreel to the balcony, rain really pouring down.

Sreel: Yo… it's pouring.
Unten: Yeah, I'll just drop you off here in case you accidentally slip out… don't want that!

Sreel nods.

Sreel: You're gonna make the right decision, right?
Unten: Sure… I don't…

Unten looks out the balcony as thunder flares in the distance.

Unten: Hmm… maybe we should act now.

Unten takes off as Sreel watches as Vicky and her crew exit from the elevator.

Sreel: How did you guys get up here so fast?
Vicky: Press pass! Move aside, slither bones!

Vicky starts to climb up, Sreel watching worringly.

Sreel: Uhhh???
Staci: Yeah, she just does stuff like this… she's kind of… not right in the head sometimes…

Staci sips some coffee.

The group, consisting of Sia, Nycho, Obena, Nion, Rachel, Mia, Lucille, Sarah, and Erin wait in a hospital nearby.

Nycho: So… what were you trying to say earlier?
Rachel: I dunno man, I haven't been feeling good in a while. I mean, the feeling's been there even before the tournament, but after it…

Rachel sighs.

Rachel: I really put in my best effort. I really did. I trained for weeks, I did what I could anyway…

Rachel takes a long sigh.

Rachel: I was in great shape but I just collapsed after that tournament and I haven't really been on it since. I haven't gained massive weight or anything but…

Nycho looks to her.

Nycho: Okay, clearly you have a lot of stress in your life, because this is something different you're talking about.
Rachel: Right, right, sorry. I just… god, I have a lot going on.
Nycho: Right, NULL was abducted. You broke up with Bang. And now you're feeling like you don't contribute anything to the team is what you're saying.
Rachel: Am I? We ask this a lot, you know, the normal people on the team, like what our purpose of being on here actually is. Because it can't be battling. I don't know how to use the dark web and I feel like Sakeena supplanted my whole position of being the level-headed person on the team.

Sarah laughs.

Sarah: Oh, you were never that.

Rachel sighs.

Rachel: I think about PalmMan and to a lesser extent, Leah. Either I need to retire or reinvent myself. And I'm not sure which one.

Rachel strokes her dyed hair curls.

Rachel: I don't feel like I can leave this group because… like… look, I didn't have a great family growing up.
Nycho: Mm. What about your family?
Rachel: I don't really wanna get into it. They had a point about me to some extent… but Rubelline was really the only one there for me at the time to escape that…

Rachel glances to Obena.

Rachel: Obena kept us focused. I was too busy bringing up my own bullshit into this already intensely messy scenario. I'm not even a leader at this point.

Rachel grips at the back of her hair and glances down.

Rachel: I didn't used to be this anxious. Somehow I knew everything was always going to be okay. That there wasn't gonna be that many complications to my life or my future. I'm getting old, Nycho.
Nycho: You're like, 25.
Rachel: But isn't that the age you have everything figured out?

Rachel just digs her head into her palms as rain pounds against the window. An Indonesian man in a paramedic uniform drags a stretcher through the front doors.

Paramedic: This person needs critical care, stat!

Two people in blue scrubs grab the stretcher and hurry over to intensive care. The man sits down with everyone else.

Paramedic: Heyo.

He waves his hand.

Obena: Oh, hi Nyoto!
Sia: How do you know his name?
Obena: I just read his nametag.
Nyoto: Oh yup, it's still on there…

Nyoto taps it and looks over the group.

Nyoto: Oh sheez, most of you are that Fantendo Firehouse group, huh?

Nyoto squints.

Nyoto: Most of you. I don't recognize some of ya.
Nycho: So you're a paramedic? Is that like, a paratroopa?
Nyoto: Kinda, yeah.

Nyoto lurches forward.

Nyoto: Thankfully no fatalities yet, but… those lightning powers people have been getting are gonna be an epidemic in this weather… Do you know who did this?

Rachel claps her hands together.

Rachel: Would you believe me if I told you it was a Beorn from another dimension that could manipulate the third dimension and travels across the fourth dimension?
Nyoto: Mm. Not sure.
Rachel: Crazy-ass world we live in now, huh?

Nyoto nods.

Nyoto: Hopefully Rex and Caitlyn are helping out as fast as they can… I gotta take a break...
Nycho: Hey, is 25 too old to have things figured out?
Nyoto: No… although I guess I was 22 when…

Nyoto goes silent.

Nyoto: Actually, I don't want to talk about that.

Nyoto puts his hand on Nycho's shoulder.

Nyoto: In any case, I'm 37 and I think I just have a grasp. I mean, it took a while, but progress isn't circular… sometimes it's broken up. Tragedy strikes. I wanna avoid that if possible for other people, but sometimes a shake up is required.

Rachel sits in silence as the hospital doors open, a Muslim man in a paramedic's uniform carting off a extremely muscular man with a cracked helmet- it's Justice Shield.

Nyoto: Ah gee, Rex, let me help you with that!

Nyoto runs over to help his friend as Zerita, Guadalupe, and Mioda walk through, looking exhausted. Thunder pulses through Guadalupe's fingers.

Guadalupe: Ah damn, what are you guys in for?
Obena: To get out of the rain. There's nothing we can really do right now.
Nycho: You got powers? Lucky…

Guadalupe poses as thunder pulses off her body, grinning.

Unten lands on the very top of the Seattle Space Needle, seeing Nebuel. He charges his fist with Aura. Nebuel turns around, shocked to see him as thunder roars in the distance. Unten is mangy and dripping in rain. Nebuel looks surprisingly clean, as if he's not effected by the rain. He goes over to the edge.

Nebuel: Gotta catch me, bud!

Unten grunts as he prepares to run, but suddenly they both turn around as they hear a loud clang as Vicky makes her way up as well.

Unten: What the hell are you doing?

Vicky puts back on her boots as she pulls out the camera.

Vicky: Reporting the fucking news.

Unten just looks really exhausted, turning to Nebuel who prepares to jump off the Space Needle to escape Unten. As Vicky begins to make her way towards Unten, the boots begin to slip and she begins to slide down the curved surface.

Unten: God… fucking damn it, Vicky!

Unten immediately goes to rescue Vicky, grabbing her hand as she precariously dangles stories above the city of Seattle. Thunder roars as more rain pours down, Nebuel jumping down from the top only to be grabbed by Sreel.

Vicky: Ahhh!

Unten grips her as they descend slowly towards the Space Needle's balcony using Unten's Aura to slow their descent. Unten drops her softly towards the platform as he moves towards Sreel, who has Nebuel in a tight grip.

Unten: Oh excellent, you caught him!

Sreel grips Nebuel's onion shaped head.

Unten: can let go now…
Sreel: Unten, this is the kind of person I was talking about.
Unten: ...what?
Sreel: He needs to be killed.

Vicky looks intensely on. Unten ignores her as he walks towards Sreel.

Unten: What?
Sreel: This may be hard to see, Unten, but you need to see that people like this, who are going to constantly abuse you and put the lives of others at risk carelessly without remorse are your responsibility to take out.
Unten: What the hell are you talking about?
Sreel: You told me you were feeling anxious earlier. You said that when your family was at risk, no?
Unten: Nebuel couldn't see that-
Sreel: It doesn't matter if he could or not.
Nebuel: Wait… this guy is for real?
Sreel: There are innocent lives at stake. With his near reality-bending powers, you need to make the right decision here, Unten.

Unten can't even believe Sreel is saying this about Nebuel, taking a step back as thunder roars in the background.

Unten: No… no, Sreel, I'm not going to make that kind of executive-
Sreel: Why not?

Sreel leans his head close to Unten's, stretching close to him.

Sreel: You descended the Fan and the Enemy after all, because they were causing harm across the whole universe, they were abusing their power-
Unten: SREEL!

Unten feels his ears flare up with blue aura, not sure what's going on as he covers them with his hands.

Unten: Sreel, I didn't make that decision rationally…
Sreel: I'm providing you with reasons, Unten. You don't have to think, you just need to help me fry him to death.
Unten: Do you hear yourself?
Sreel: I can't seem to get this through to you.
Unten: You want to kill him over this?!
Sreel: Well yeah, Justice Shield wasn't the only person who misused your powers. When someone wanted to replicate my gauntlets and use them for military purposes, this was the option I had to make.
Unten: Nebuel is not a rational being!
Sreel: Exactly, that's why we got to toast him. The walls are closing in, Unten. Make your decision or I'm going to do it for you.
Unten: Nebuel… you wouldn't do something like this again, right?
Nebuel: Y-yeah?
Unten: He deserves a second chance, Sreel…
Sreel: I knew it… I knew you weren't going to be able to make the hard decisions.

Sreel begins to charge electricity through his gauntlets. Unten, without thinking, puts a aura bubble around Nebuel, which expands and pushes Sreel back against the wall. Sreel groans as he begins to lose consciousness.

Unten: I'm not… I'm not going to see your side.

Unten weakly walks towards Sreel as Nebuel floats inside the bubble on his back.

Sreel: Don't blame me for what happens in the next 90 days then.

Sreel closes his eyes as Nebuel exits the bubble.

Nebuel: See ya in 90 days, Unten! Here's your friends back!

Strafe and Sakeena reeneter the third dimension, looking dizzy as Nebuel vanishes. A shockwave goes off the city, reverting people back to normal. Unten watches as the rain begins to slow before stopping entirely.

Unten: ...hey, when you two get reoriented, help me carry Sreel downstairs.

Unten hangs his head down as he looks at the unconscious Sreel.

Vicky Victorious and her crew return to Channel 17's headquarters. Vicky tries to untense herself from the situation earlier, where she nearly fell off a building. Vicky glances at Cameron.

Vicky: I could have died if it wasn't for Unten.
Cameron: Yeah… we all saw.
Vicky: I just… woo…

Vicky sits back on the couch, holding back her hair.

Vicky: I gotta reexamine a lot of what I'm doing. If there's no paragons around, who's going to happen to us? We're not living in a world where those with cosmic or even slightly above average abilities can't mean us harm.

Staci glances at Vicky.

Staci: Is it a bad time to mention there's a new sponsor very interested in what we're doing?

Vicky looks up at her.

Vicky: Wait, what do you mean?
Staci: There's a new sponsor interested in funding us. It'd be enough to have more than one camera man and an anchor full-time. We'd have a larger budget, better production values…

Vicky leaps out of her seat.

Vicky: So what's the issue? Why aren't we jumping on this right now?
Staci: Well, we'd be taking money from a corporation that produces their own Paragons- with an agenda. A pretty clear one directed against the heroes that just saved you off the building.
Vicky: How much… how much is the money?
Staci: It's… really good money, Vicky. It'd fund literally everything I just said for at least three years alone.
Vicky: God… I guess we gotta, huh?
Cameron: I'll tell them the deal's on then.
Vicky: Who's the company? Just asking.
Staci: Oh, their name is CHELPRO. Nice lady. She kept looking at my thighs.
Vicky: You do have good thighs, yeah.

Vicky retires to her makeup room, looking at her wet hair.

Vicky: I really could have died, huh…

Unten, Strafe, and Sakeena carry Sreel's body as they enter the hospital. Nyoto and Rex come in to fasten Sreel on a stretcher. Everybody else looks at them.

Sia: Uh, Unten, what happened?
Unten: I don't really want to talk about it.
Rachel: Oh, he's acting weirdly distant again… that's not good.

Unten sits on a chair near the vending machine, pressing his head against it to hear it's low hum.

Nycho: Yeah, he's out of it, like emotionally.
Sakeena: I'll go over it when we get a better chance… let's just say it's probably unlikely we're working with Sreel again…
Obena: Uh… I know you will explain later but wasn't the point to build up relationships with other heroes…?
Strafe: Let's just… talk about it later. How was your days? Me and Sakeena were in the second dimension for a bit, so that's fun.
Sakeena: Really… not a story there.
Mia: Me and Lucille went on the SLUT with Rachel! We had a pretty good time!

Lucille grins, looking at Rachel who cracks a small smile.

Sarah: I have a new girlfriend and a job, so… yeah, I got a lot done.

Sarah lifts her held hand with Erin.

Sakeena: Uh...
Strafe: Hm. Don't know about that...
Nion: Me and Sia went on a casual date, it was pretty fun.
Guadalupe: I got to beat up a guy with Unten's powers.
Sakeena: Well, at least the day wasn't a total trash fire. I think we're good, the rain cleared up…

Unten sighs dejectedly.

Sakeena: I'll talk with Unten, everyone else should get back to the Firehouse or home…

Everyone else nods.

Sakeena has sat next to Unten for 30 minutes, before Unten finally turns to her.

Unten: Why are you still here…?
Sakeena: Because I'd like to help a friend, okay?

Sakeena puts her hands on her lap.

Sakeena: What happened?
Unten: Sreel caught Nebuel as he was trying to escape while I was trying to catch Vicky because she followed me up the Needle like a dumbass. I caught her- wasn't about to make her a martyr.
Sakeena: Mhm.
Unten: Then… like, Sreel just got… really intense. He wanted to kill Nebuel right there for putting people's lives in danger, for providing my powers to a possible reckless public. And… and I knew Nebuel wasn't really at fault and I didn't think he deserved it. Sreel said that didn't matter and he was gonna do it, so I created a bubble to push him back.
Sakeena: That's it?
Unten: Vicky's got the footage so maybe there's something I missed, I'm sure she'll spin it as negatively as possible…

Unten sighs.

Unten: I hate this. I don't like seeing my friends and family in reckless danger and if I wasn't there, it would have just been, I dunno, metal bending and light powers? Who knows. I know it wouldn't have mattered, he was looking for me. But I just feel… tremendously at guilt and I don't know how to cope with anything I'm feeling right now. Sreel was kind of right.
Sakeena: What was right about Sreel?
Unten: Nebuel is just gonna come back and put people I care about in reckless danger again. I dunno if that second chance… if he was worth that. Was Doomulus Grime worth that second chance either? What about Quartz? I dunno… it feels so messy to me.
Sakeena: I mean, Grime and Quartz became good allies…
Unten: How long before they turn, though? Netnu hated me, then we were friends, and then some switch got turned in his head and he went back to hating me intensely… I don't even know what set it off for him.
Sakeena: That's not your fault.
Unten: I'm responsible for the destruction of Zeon, yeah?
Sakeena: Not really, that was Grime.
Unten: But I could have stopped it.
Sakeena: There was no guarantee. You can't keep beating yourself up because of it.
Unten: God… what even happened to my real parents? Were they on there? Do they even know who I am? Netnu's family died because of me…
Sakeena: They didn't.
Unten: You weren't there. I cowarded out.
Sakeena: You've learned from that, though. You think everyone can grow and change and I admire that from you.
Unten: It's… just, god. I don't want to beat myself up about this. But… how can I even be considered a good leader if I can't make the "right choices"?
Sakeena: We'll see what happens with Nebuel. He's gone now, so maybe he'll change in that time…killing him or not killing him, right now we're at the same scenario where he's gone and everything went back to normal. There's peace.
Unten: Temporarily.
Sakeena: Yeah. But that's enough sometimes.

Sakeena looks to Unten.

Sakeena: I still love you. I know a lot of people do. I hope you don't forget that.

Sakeena hugs Unten, who returns it back as he sighs.

Unten: Alright, we should probably head over…

Sakeena smiles softly.

Back at the Firehouse, people are settling back in from a rainy day. Sia and Nion are playing Super Smash Bros. Melee on the couch as Obena watches on, Nycho and Strafe are talking about King of Fighters, Guadalupe is spicing up some shredded beef, Mioda and Zerita are talking about possibly training Mioda to use aura now that Mioda has had a taste of it, and Rachel is laying back on the couch with Mia and Lucille who rest on her shoulders. Sarah and Erin hold hands as they enter the Fantendo Firehouse.

Sarah: Well, welcome to the Fantendo Firehouse, Erin!
Erin: Huh, so it really is a firehouse… souped up pretty nice too!
Rachel: Hey, normally I don't question stuff you do, Sarah, but… uh, you're not seriously letting Erin join the Firehouse full time…?
Sarah: She has nowhere else to go, Rachel! Besides, she has an innocence to her, a very sweet person who doesn't take shit from nobody if she doesn't have to!
Erin: Uh huh!

Erin climbs the stairs up to the beds. Sarah leans against the wall.

Rachel: I'm not really seeing it.
Sarah: Oh, come on. You just met her, you don't know her…
Rachel: I literally can see her going through your clothes. I don't know why.
Nion: Oh she better not be going through mine…

Nion growls as she does Rest as Jigglypuff, missing it as Sia uses Yoshi's tongue to put her in a egg over the ledge in their game of Melee.

Nion: Damn it…

Nion looks to Sia, who leans down to kiss her forehead. Erin grips Sarah's old blue and yellow jacket, grinning as she wears it.

Erin: Where do you guys keep the cocaine?
Nycho: We don't have any…
Erin: Eh, I'll find it, don't worry.

Erin walks down stairs as Unten and Sakeena walk in.

Sakeena: Hey, uh, how are we all doing?
Sarah: Fine, just fine.
Erin: After I find it, does anyone wanna help bury a dead body?
Sarah: Mm…
Rachel: Just break up with her now… it was clear you're projecting.
Erin: Oh you're not getting rid of me. I'm here to stay.

Erin squats over the floor, folding her arms.

Sarah: We're not dating anymore, get out!
Erin: You said I could live here!

Sakeena snaps her fingers and attempts to move her via metal, but Erin barely budges. Nycho and Strafe attempt to push her out, but again she doesn't move.

Erin: Attempt to move me one more time and I'm gonna claim my spot the old fashioned way…
Rachel: Ugh, fine, stay. I doubt you're gonna wanna be here that long anyway.
Obena: What does she mean by the "old fashioned way"…

Erin keeps her arms folded as Sarah glares down in embarrassment.

Rachel: Sarah, it's not a big deal, we'll move her out when we can.
Sarah: I just… figured I was finally getting my life together… turns out I'm still pining for the same person…
Rachel: Mm…

Unten watches Sia and Nion play Melee together as he tries to distract himself from what just happened today…

Vicky stamps her hands on the news table.

Vicky: In what is being known as U-Day, Unten Bluzen appeared to generously give his powers to the greater populace of Seattle only to mercilessly take them away!

Vicky leans towards the camera.

Vicky: Is there no end to his attempt to play god? Find out after the commercial break! And see what a new rising company can do for those interested in gaining powers like Paragons!
Cameron: And… cut!

Vicky lays back in her chair, ruminating. She doesn't feel good about this anymore.

Vicky: Ugh… I dunno about this.
Cameron: I dunno, I thought you had good energy.
Vicky: I guess. Maybe it's the boots.

We quickly cut over to the man who has titled himself Justice Shield in a hospital bed, watching the news as it cuts to commercials. He looks much frailer, thinner, not like a crazy muscle bound hero anymore.

Justice Shield: Blasted Unten… giving me such incredible strength only to cruelly take it away because I didn't follow his morals…

Justice Shield suddenly hears a soft footstep before someone enters the room.

???: Hey, doctors are for quacks. I saw you out there with Unten's powers, and I think you know how to access your own powers to some extent. I'm going to break you out of here and we'll form some kind of vigilante street hero team, how about that?
Justice Shield: Your overwhelming confidence in me is inspiring. What's your name?

The mysterious man smirks, revealing himself fully.

???: They nicknamed me Switchblade back at that twisted hospital… it's pretty clear why.

Switchblade morphs the skin on his hand into a blade, cutting off any restraints off Justice Shield. Justice Shield grunts as he holds his IV monitor before regaining his strength, a golden glow coming off him.

Justice Shield: Ah… here it is…

Justice Shield smirks as aura begins to pop out his musculature.

Justice Shield: We'll rid the world of weapons.
Switchblade: ..and cops and government!
Justice Shield: Nobody else can make the hard decisions… yet we have the willpower.

Switchblade grins as they leave the medical room.




  • U-Day! originally began life as a idea for a story that would center around a rainy day and focus on various Fantendoverse characters doing their own thing. It would be combined with a second pitch for a second Nebuel story, which is the primary plot of this story.
  • U-Day! is loosely inspired off the Superman story that is featured in issue 407 Peril of the Pass-Along Powers where Mr. Mxyzptlk makes Superman pass his powers along through touch, with each successive person getting half of the powers.
    • Similar to Dissecting Sarah, this story used a comic cover to tease itself with- it is of course, the issue that inspired the story's main gimmick.
  • U-Day! features an exclamation mark in the title to signify it is a Nebuel focused story.
  • The SLUT aka South Lake Union Streetcar is real!
  • This is the first story to feature a named appearance by Vicky's camera man, who has been a character for a while. His name is a pun of "camera man".
  • Justice Shield's more frail state at the end of the story is a reference to All Might from My Hero Academia, which is also where his new design takes inspiration from in general. Since he is no longer running off Unten's powers, he is somewhat weaker with his aura but Unten's aura allowed him to understand how to use it.

Story Development[]

  • Sreel Srook was not actually originally part of this story, but was added in later drafts as him as a morally opposed character to Unten was something Helena (tbc) found interesting as a part of the pitch for a bad day for Unten. It also added a lot of new tension.
  • The revival of Justice Shield was added even later, although he was added as he could demonstrate a interesting dynamic for those using Unten's powers.
  • Fuega Nitro and Nyoto Huilang were both late additions to the story, especially Fuega as she was not part of any outline for the story.
  • Originally after Unten, Sreel, and Justice Shield exited the sewers, they were meant to encounter Switchblade robbing a guy and Justice Shield getting on the victim because they had pulled out a gun. The scene was way too messy in terms of what it was going for and was reworked heavily until it was Mioda's group instead, as it demonstrated better stakes for the characters and had a less muddled message.
    • As a result, Switchblade was added to the end of the story as art had been already created for him for this project.
  • Strafe and Sakeena were removed from the story's conflict as Helena felt they were probably the most powerful characters in the cast and would probably solve the story's conflict too easily, hence why they don't stay around for too long.
  • After realizing that Sia and Mioda haven't been on many major roles in the new stories, they were given boosted roles here to help alleviate this problem a bit.
  • This story was intended to be done at the end of 2019, but instead took two additional months instead due to story issues, some of which have been pointed up above. In that time, Trip to uHive was completed due to having a more solid outline.

