Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
#094 Gengar
Gengar stock
Generation Gen I (Kanto)
Availability Unlockable, Catchable
Type Ghost-type iconPoison-type icon

Golduck (ゲンガー (Gangar) in japanese) is a playable Ghost and Poison type in Pokémon Champions. According to the official Pokédex, Golduck is classified as Pokémon #094 and debuted in Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow. Gengar has two Bond Break Finishers depending on its distance to the enemy

Unlock Requirement[]

To allow Gengar to be caught, the player must win against Agatha in the Champion’s League

Special moves[]

  • Shadow Ball:
    • Gengar holds its hands above its head and creates a ball of shadowy aura and throws the ball diagonally downwards. While the ball is charging above its head, the direction the ball is thrown can be changed.
  • Lick:
    • Gengar charges for a second then licks upward. It stuns opponents hit.
  • Grudge:
    • Gengar flies in a direction inputted. As it flies purple wisps spin around it, reflecting projectiles and damaging opponents who make contact.
  • Destiny Bond:
    • Gengar puffs out its chest for a second. If an opponent attacks Gengar, they receive the same damage and knockback that Gengar receives.
  • Bond Break Finisher 1: Ghost Void:
    • If an enemy is close to Gengar, it Mega Evolves and throws an orb of swirling green, blue, and black energy diagonally downwards that expands. If it hits an enemy, a cutscene starts. The enemy falls through green, blue, and black dimension. Then they fall into a giant Mega Gengar's mouth that then closes and the background glows dark purple and vanishes.
  • Bond Break Finisher 2: Gmax Terror:
    • If no enemies are close to Gengar, it starts to glow pink and appears in the background as Gigantamax Gengar. It allows Gigantamax Gengar to shoot up to 4 ghost items (Mug & Plate, Chair, Boot, Teapot) to the foreground using a reticle on screen (Similar to Bowser's Final Smash). The items don't do a lot of damage, but after all four are thrown, a red and purple ghostly beam comes from each item to the center of all of the item.
Alternate Costumes
Alt 2 (Shiny Gengar) Alt 3 (Mega Shiny Gengar) Alt 4 (Maroon)
Gengar Alt 2
Gengar Alt 3
Gengar Alt 4
Alt 5 (Green) Alt 6 (Blue) Alt 7 (Pink)
Gengar Alt 5
Gengar Alt 6
Gengar Alt 7
Alt 8 (Black)
Gengar Alt 8