Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

End of Time?!

EOT Roster

Genre Infiltration, Adventure
Mode Single player, Multiplayer
Platform Nintendo Switch
Developer(s) Fantendo
ESRB Rating
Violence, Blood, Language, Use of Tobacco

End of Time?!, also known as Fantendo's End of Time?!, is a turn-based tactics stealth video game incorporating elements of adventure gameplay, developed by Fantendo and, as a crossover, primarily features characters from various franchises of theirs.

In the game, the player acts as the remote operator for an operative team that needs to steal and infiltrate all-mighty livings adobes to prevent them to put all universes to an end. The player has to direct agents in covert missions, acquiring resources and support.

The main story mode follows the story of, you, the player who has been called by the seductive Angelita to save the universes from the Judges who want to end them once and for all.


To see the complete gameplay, go see the official game guide: here

Fantendo's End of Time?! consists of two primary segments:

Infiltration phases

EOT Demo

This phase is a turn-based tactics based-gameplay, with a top-down perspective, with emphasis on stealth and espionage.

During a Infiltration phase, the player have to complete a given mission. The objective of a mission varies a lot during the game but usually requiring the player to retrieve a specific item from a secure location and escape, stealing as much money and items as possible along the way.

To complete their mission, the player can chose until 4 agents that they will command. Each agents has a type (Nimble, Hitter, Lookout, Undercover, Charmer and Lucky) and unique Special Power.

Missions are played out in a turn-based manner between the player turn and the enemy turn. Each agent under the player's control has a limited number of action points each turn that allow them to move, open/close doors, take out guards silently, tamper a lock or a computer, or perform other covert tasks. Each five turns, the Threat counter goes up making the game more difficult by adding new enemies.

Many in-game items, including bombs, weapons and other items can be picked up. In-game money, coins, is also collectible during a mission but can be only use after a mission to buy upgrades.

Adventure phase

EOT Meal

In the Adventure phases, the player has to convince the potential agents to work for him in the next mission but he also has to manage with their personalities and his relationship with them to keep them in your team. The more close you are to an agent the more powerful they become.

The choices the player makes during certain sections of the Adventure phases will affect the development of the story line but also his team of agents, who can become more close to the player or, in contrary, more distant.

The game features multiple endings based on the route player takes.

The player can purchase, in the Adventures phases, upgrades or equipment, using coins that will help their agents during the Infiltration phrases.


Hi Sweetie!

EOT Angelita2

My name is Angelita and Welcome to the Last Existential Fun Fair, where all the universes intersect!!

How do you like this beautiful bistro? A terrace really is the best place to meet new people, don't you think? But you can't enjoy this as much as me being behind your screen. How is it in your world right now? I don't come there often, but last time you killed Kings or something.

Don't be that confused. I guess you thought you were playing a video game, but let's be honest right there, that was a trick. The instant you opened the game, you were chosen to be part of this... perilous matter.

Ok, I am starting to lose you, so I will be concise. You are the only one from your universe with enough potential to stop the End of time. End of Time?! Yes, you heard right. Soon enough, the Judges, 9 all-mighty beings, will erase all the universes in existence because, well... they became bored of it, and honestly, it is a lot of responsibility.

The only way to stop them is to annihilate their cosmic powers by stealing their power sources. Ohhh, stop worrying about this interdimensional life or death scenario.... you won't even be in the battlefield! Your role is to stay behind your screen and operate with tactical strategies. You will be the agent handler for covert operations! You will be the Mastermind behind a team of outstanding agents!

Oh, and I almost forgot the most important part, Sweetie! You have 8 days to complete it. I could put some tricks to prevent the Judges from using their omnipotent powers on us, but I don't have enough power to maintain it more than that...

The agents? Oh, yes! Who will you have to guide through what seems to be the most dangerous mission ever existed? I also have the answer, since I personally selected various agents from various universes but, well... I don't have much talent in strategy, so I did my part. Now, it's your turn.

The only thing is that none of them know why they are here, and it HAS TO stay this way. You, sorry to say, are only a simple human and not particularly remarkable, while the other chosen are strong heroes and villains from their respective universe and well-known form the Judges. If one of the agents learns the truth, the Judges, even if they are under my powers, will know what it's going on and will certainly speed up the End of Time.

The agents are all thinking that they were invited by myself to have fun in the Last Existential Fun Fair. So... You will be the one who proposes some fun adventures with no high stakes at all... Just lie to them, they are not that clever...

Ok, I can feel that a lot of questions are coming, but you now have to go see the other agents and invite them to their first mission. Just be yourself, everything will be fine, and if you fail, well.. everyone will lose their existence, so there will be no one to blame you, Sweetie!

Main Protagonists

You, The Player

EOT player

Look! It's you. Yes, you behind your screen! You were chosen by Angelita to save the world because you seem to have the sufficient skills to direct her agents and save the universes but also because your life is pretty insignificant so the Judges won't remark you... Still, now you are the most important person in the universes because all the worlds futures depend on you! Please don't be nervous...


EOT Angelia

She works as a Judges representative, she worked for them since the beginning of time but now she feels anxious about their decision to reboot all the universes and she establishes in secret a plan to stop them: finding the best of all universes to steal in secret the Judges' powers. Angelita will be your guide during the game, she is also the one you keep you safe by preventing the Judge to see you.


EOT Demonio

Like Angelita, he is a Judges representative but he is also the Angelita's rival. Demonio will appears later in the game to stir the pot and to throw you up roadblocks. He's a really pain in neck, to stay polite, but you have no choice to endure him and be more clever than he is.


EOT Divinid@

Angelita and Demonio represent two opposite side of the Judges, the lawful and the chaotic. They were created to work for the Judges around all the universes but they have always been in competition with each other because of their strict difference. But now, both of them are in danger and together they become Divinid@ a pure neutral being as powerful as a Judge.

The Agents

There is fourteen agents available during the game:


Nimble has powers which help to tamper security systems.

EOT Bunea


Bunea was a confident thief who, one time, had the courage to steal her own world from the hands of the interplanetary colonizer, the Mistress of Weird. Despite a difficult start, the two enemies will become closer until revealing a surprising love for each other.



Bunea invokes 2 Oak Faeries. Each of these pixies will go to the nearest machine to tamper, giving the possibility for Bunea to tamper at distance with two objects and for 1 action. Oak Faeries can't go through obstacles. even closed doors.

  • First:       EOT Cool Cool
  • Second:  EOT Flamboyant Flamboyant
  • Anti:        EOT Geek Geeky
EOT 314


3.14 was the first Artificial Intelligence to be transferred out of the digital realm through A22 Entreprises. He escaped them and decided to hide away, living in harmony with nature. 3.14 is a naive but incredibly good-hearted person who uses his electrical power to help others pacifically.



3.14 can input himself into a nearby tamperable object for 2 turns (if not moved). While hidden, he is invisible to enemies. If 3.14 uses this power on a moving object, he won't be able to control its movement.

  • First:       EOT Geek Geeky
  • Second:  EOT Creepy Grimm
  • Anti:        EOT Reckless Reckless


Hitter can knock-out opponents.

EOT Zerita


Zerita a fierce but chaotic Catonean from the planet Zeon. Rebel at heart, she shared many fights against Doomulus Grime, the robotic dictator of her home planet before the tragic destruction of the latter.



Zerita makes big jumps toward every enemy in a 7x7 radius of her, one by one, to knock them out. As a jump, the movement won't be blocked by a low obstacle. Zerita won't attack enemy behind high obstacle.

  • First:       EOT Cool Cool
  • Second:  EOT Reckless Reckless
  • Anti:        EOT Flamboyant Flamboyant
EOT Tigzon
Tigzon logo design (2019ver)


From the country of Azahara comes Tai Z Takara who can transform himself into Tigzon the TigerStar using the power of the Zonantix. As a fire-type Zon spirit, Tigzon is highly recognized for his agility, high speed and fire fist. With his strengths, Tai Z chooses to take action against the evil ANTIX Corporations.



Tigzon is contacted by Ani and her robot Spinx. In the next round, they will make an apparition and drop bombs randomly through the area knocking out all the enemies, but also allies, touched by a bomb. This power alerts all the opponents.

  • First:       EOT Reckless Reckless
  • Second:  EOT Geek Geeky
  • Anti:        EOT Cute Cute


Lookout can have a bigger understanding of the surrounding.

EOT Redd Helloon
Vermilion Scrap logo

Redd and Helloon

Redd is a young orphan, in a fox costume, who holds, all the times, a demonic red balloon, Helloon, who is not less that the king of the underworld. Helloon, as the demon he is, love to corrupt the child's mind, and the two remain inseparable despite their often-conflicting ideals.



During 1 round, when Redd is in a dark zone, you can see this zone like any other normal zones.

  • First:       EOT Creepy Grimm
  • Second:  EOT Cute Cute
  • Anti:        EOT Reckless Reckless
EOT Giselle


Giselle is a giggly transgender woman who left Japan to live in New York. When she appears to be one of the primary suspects of a murder, she became close friend with the a noted detective, Alyssa, who was working undercover. In the company of Alyssa, Giselle upgraded her already efficient detective skills, she is known to notice small details that others might overlook very easily.



Giselle calls her detective friend, Alyssa. Alyssa will tell you how many enemies and hidden items are left in the area.

  • First:       EOT Cute Cute
  • Second:  EOT Reckless Reckless
  • Anti:        EOT Creepy Grimm
EOT Aingeru
GalactianBattle of Bracelets


Aingeru woke up one morning with a bracelet with a green gem on his arm, since then he became the Green Golden Bracelets with the aim of balance the power of the gods against the Chaos Guardians. In his role, Aingeru gains a legendary sword, the Chaos Sword, and wings to fly. In the game, Aingeru starts as a Centurion but can be recruited by the player.



A dazzling feather flies through the level to reveal , an agent hidden outside the agents' and the player's vision. After two turns, the feather disappears and the power stop.

  • First:       EOT Geek Geeky
  • Second:  EOT Cool Cool
  • Anti:        EOT Creepy Grimm


Undercover can be less detectable by the enemies.

EOT Smile


Smile is a Ghostborn, meaning that he died at birth but returned as a ghost. He is something of a outgoing bookworm. As he never could live his mortal life, he fought the ruthless Mythic for the Mortality Crystal, the only thing with the power to allow a ghost to live life as a human. He succeeded but was forced to return to ghosthood to fight Mythic again.



Smile puts the area in an alternative dimension for 1 round. In this ghostly dimension, all your team members gains the Undercovers' constant ability.

  • First:       EOT Creepy Grimm
  • Second:  EOT Flamboyant Flamboyant
  • Anti:        EOT Reckless Reckless
EOT Zpyrus


Zpyrus is a masked being pretending to be a fighter from another dimension unknown even for the Judges. Zpyrus has a warping power as he can teleport himself and the others.



Zpyrus summons an Aggro Ring which will stay at the feet of a target (an ally, enemy or even himself) in his Vision Area. When Zpyrus summons another Aggro Ring by using this power a second times, the two Aggro Rings will become warps and the two targets will switch their place.

  • First:       EOT Flamboyant Flamboyant
  • Second:  EOT Geek Geeky
  • Anti:        EOT Cute Cute


Charmer can manipulate the enemies.

EOT Madame Mothana
Stolen Worlds logo

Madame Mothana

Madame Mothana is a massive moth lady living in the Mass World as its self-proclaimed empress. During a long time, to prevent her tyranny, mages stuck her in an inoffensive form. She eventually regains her nearly all-powerful form but with a very notable weakness, light will attract her no matter what.

Madame Mothana is a strange choice for the mission, how can we use such a gigantic being for a heist? She owns 4 squares (instead of one like other agents) making her more visible and hard to move.



Madame Mothana takes her floofillar form, comparable to a caterpillar; where she has a normal size (owning 1 square instead of 4). In this form she can't use Soft Spores. She can return to her initial form by using a second time this same power.

  • First:       EOT Flamboyant Flamboyant
  • Second:  EOT Cool Cool
  • Anti:        EOT Geek Geeky
EOT Mons
Paradigm Logo Final


Mons is a demigod with a very headstrong personality using his magma rock arms to hit what it's on his way. One day, he was dropped without any belonging in the land of Grimmore where he leaned to survive by himself. Despite his violent nature, he found himself being quite a catch with other peoples around him, some would say that he's kind of hot.



Mons expand his charm area for one square (for example to 4x4 to 5x5) the effect last three turns but he can each turn, add another square making him able to have a charm area of 7x7.

  • First:       EOT Reckless Reckless
  • Second:  EOT Cute Cute
  • Anti:        EOT Cool Cool


The Lucky can increase your chance to find more valuable items or money.

EOT Unten


Unten is a joyful dreamer who comes from the nearly extinct race of Beorn from the Zeon planet. Being separated from his family, Unten chosen despite his lack of courage to go to find them and free them from the evil Doomulus Grimes who wanted to stole their electric Beorn power.



Every items and money that the player can see will be doubled.

  • First:       EOT Cute Cute
  • Second:  EOT Creepy Grimm
  • Anti:        EOT Cool Cool

Wild Cards

The Wild Cards are temporary but powerful agents that you can only have for one mission after buying them in the Market.

EOT Alec


Alec is an impulsive man with a playful way to fight. He was born as a Heirs, a human with the power to transform himself into ancient gods. Alec can transform himself to become Apollo or Helios. As he lost her mother from an evil organization, the Eighth Seal, Alec becomes one of the most fierce fighter to defend the world against them.



Alec transforms himself into Apollo for 1 round. In this form, Alec will knock out any enemy attacking him.

Alec transforms himself into Helios and starts to charge his sun power, taking one complete round. When it's finished, for the next turn, all the enemies will be twice as vulnerable to a knock-out and will stay unconscious 4 rounds instead of 2.

EOT Chulu


Chulu inherited from her Snail Dragon mother a form of magic known as Beach Party Magic giving her the fun ability to summon anything related to a Beach Party. Fond of exploration and history, she scouts space looking for secrets of ancient civilizations.



The best Rock Surf song ever is played in the whole area, for one round every enemy (which is not a Machine) is dancing, being unable to move or react.

A big rubber duck, Mea Maximus, appears four 5 rounds. It owns a zone of 4x4 and can be moved using Chulu's Action Point to block the way.

Main modes

EOT Funfair

The player starts the game on The Last Existential Fun Fair. This busy place gives access to all the playable modes. You can also click on the passersby - allies or enemies - to have a chat with them.

EOT Story icon Story

A playable mode where you follow the adventures of you, the player, manipulating a bunch of powerful agent to save the universes from the Judges.

To complete the mode, the player will have to succeed 30 missions with predetermined map layouts but randomly generated enemy placements.

In the Story Mode, through the adventure phases, the player will be able to make narrative choices, giving to them access to multiple storylines and endings.

Progressing through the story will unlock new fighters, items, levels that you will be able to re-use in other game modes.

The Story Mode is divided in 8 acts each of them having 2 to 4 missions and one boss (with the exception of the first act and the secret act) for a total of 30 missions.

Between each mission, you will enter in the Adventure mode with the goal to prepare at best the next mission by talking to the agents and managing them.

EOT Arcade icon Arcade

In the Arcade mode, the player chooses his first two agents and have to complete a series of 5 missions, with randomly generated map layouts and enemy placements.

During the mission, the player can find go to Reznov, the merchant, to buy new equipment.

The player can also unlock new agent, as each mission will hide a masked agent that the player can free. At the end of the level, the player will change the masked agent into one of the available agents and now can use them in the following missions.

Stub icon DK Rides (Mini-games)

There are 5 rides, or mini-games, available in the Last Existential Fun Fair. The rides are their own place you can visit, except for the Royal Flipper that is inside the Bistro Fin des Temps. They are free and you can invite one of your agent to play with you, basically the agent will appears as a playable character in the mini-game.

Each attraction are associated with a Personality trait, if you win a mini-game with an invited agent having the corresponding Personality it will make you gain Friendship points.

The number of life the invited Agent has when you start the mini-games depends on your Friendship Level with them. Above the Hot level of Friendship, an Agent starts with only one life instead of two making the game harder.

  • Royal Flipper: A three-level flipper with a world-class royalty boss at the end.
  • Void Manor: Protect a spooky séance by clicking at the right time on the ghost appearing (don't click on the friendly pink ghost!)
  • Cupcake Factory: Learn to cook the best Cupcake with Boogium, catch the ingredient falling but only the one needed.
  • Cosmotarium: Float between the comets and catch the stars.
  • X-Trem Inferno Roller Coaster: On a frenetic ride, avoid enemy's attack until you can jump and attack them.
EOT Corsaire Multiplayer

End of Time ?! support multiplayer play. The players are able to play against or with either strangers online.

The Multiplayer mode gives the players three game modes (1 vs 3, 1 vs 1 and Cooperative) where you can play with as 2 or 4 players each of them monitoring 1 to 2 agents (you can’t have 2 of the same agent in a same mission - the quicker to select has the priority)

This mode follows closely the Arcade Mode but with few changes to adapt the multiplayer aspects.

EOT Boss icon Boss Rush

This mode is only accessible once you finish the Story mode.

In Boss Rush, you have to fight once again all 8 bosses from the Story Mode (plus a secret one).

Like the Arcade Mode, the player can only go to Reznov, the in-mission merchant, to buy new items.

At the beginning of the mode, the player can have two agents but each mission will hide a masked agent that the player can free and later replace for one of the available agents.


Ultimate Boss Rush is a sub mode to the Boss Rush, unlockable if the player finishes the original mdoe.

In this version, the gameplay stays the same as the player has to defeat a series of bosses but this time with restrictive rules, like limited items, a predetermined team of agents, new map layout...

It's supposed to be a real challenge for the best players.

The Enemies

During the infiltration phase, your agents will come across various enemies. If an enemy, also called guard, see your agent they will knock him out immediately and will alert the arena. The more you progress, the more you will see more powerful enemies appearing necessitating particular strategies to avoid them.


EOT Puppets

The Puppets are the default enemies in the game, they are mostly immobile until they are alerted. When they are alerted, they will search through the level for your agents.

When an agent is within a Puppet's fire range, he has to move in a hidden area in one movement, if not the Puppet will attack them and knock them out.

Puppets change their uniforms to correspond to a level theme. For example, in Act 4, they were typical suburban clothes from a 50's family, as well, in Act 6 they wear traditional Asian clothes.


EOT Nucleupede

Nucleupedes are strange-looking creatures with a giant nucleus at the center.

If knocked-out, the Nucleupede explodes in a 5 tile-range instead of waking up, making them particularly unstable.

One-Eyed Jack

EOT Eyed

The One-Eyed Jacks move from room to room each turn. When they arrive in a room, they scan by rotating on themselves. To keep an agent to be seen by a One-Eyed Jack you have to be sure to be hidden in a place that won't be in the One-Eyed Jack's vision range when it will turn on itself.

As a machine, One-Eyed Jack can be tampered which makes you for a limited amount of time able to move them and see through their vision.


EOT DataS5

DATA_S5.s are robotic enemy with more movements than a normal enemy but it also has the faculty to become suspicious as soon as one of your agent enters in a 4-squares range around them (even if the agent is behind a wall or an obstacle).

As a machine, DATA_S5 can be tampered which make you able to hide one agent and them and move them like a vehicle.


EOT Invidia

The Invidias are a intimidating enemy as he always knows where is the nearest of your agent and will always walk towards them.

If the Invidias are slower than regular guard (only 5-squares movement maximum), they always go to the right direction.

Prismatic Mirage


The Prismatic Mirages are powerful enemies that fly above the map looking for any suspicious activity.

As most of the enemies, they can knock you out once they see your agent, making them really dangerous. Be careful!


EOT Nothophantes

Nothophantes are large Machines which can only be tampered by two players simultaneously. Due to their impressive size, they have a increased Vision range but won't be able to move through narrow areas.

Once tampered, it becomes a powerful -if imposing- ride.

The Centurions


The Centurions are unique enemies that you will come across through the missions. They can be seen as the anti-agent as each of them has a power resembling to one of the different type of agents.

They are considered as the most powerful enemies beside the bosses and can be very challenging to win against.

In the story, the Centurions are also characters from other universes and like your agents they don't know what they are doing, they just think they are participating to a competition and that you and your agents are the rival team.

List of Centurions
EOT Leah
FVN F Logo

Leah Needlenam

Leah Needlenam is a doctor owning her own hospital, stated by numerous people as "the worst hospital there might be". This is maybe because she is also kind of a crazed doctor making experiments with various illnesses or collecting organs.


As the Lucky Centurion, when Leah comes across another guard, she injects them with a glowing syringe giving to the guard a random Elite statue.

When she comes across a knocked-out guard, with a different injection, she can instantly bring wake the guard up.

EOT Mons
Paradigm Logo Final


Mons is a demigod with a very headstrong personality using his magma rock arms to hit what it's on his way. One day, he was dropped without any belonging in the land of Grimmore where he leaned to survive by himself. Despite his violent nature, he found himself being quite a catch with other peoples around him, some would say that he's kind of hot.


As the Charmer Centurion, Mons has the power to accelerate the Threat Level, increasing by two grades instead of two.

EOT Madame Mothana
Stolen Worlds logo

Madame Mothana

Madame Mothana is a massive moth lady living in the Mass World as its self-proclaimed empress. During a long time, to prevent her tyranny, mages stuck her in an inoffensive form. She eventually regains her nearly all-powerful form but with a very notable weakness, light will attract her no matter what.


As the Charmer Centurion, Madame Mothana has the power to accelerate the Threat Level, increasing by two grades instead of two.

As a big creature (4x4), she has a wider vision range but she can be seen from far, so you will be able to adapt your strategy.

EOT Pashie


Pashie is a loyal and clever girl from Pushopolis. After she fell in love with a guy, Pesh, wearing a medieval helmet, she keeps wearing her own pink helmet. Pashie can command, weird living platform, the Pushies, to strategically win against her opponent.


As a Nimble Centurion, each turn Pashie will de-tampered a machine (that was already tampered by your agent) with the help of her Pushie. The machine will then "surfs" on the Pushie and will be moved each turn.

EOT Redge


Redge is a half-demon, the hated child of the Hell Lord, Soul. When he finally escaped from Hell, Redge joined the Killgames, a deadly tournament where the winner can face Soul to be granted a wish. He eventually killed her mother as it was his only wish. After the Killgames, he joined The Resistance to preserve the freedom of Neo York City, his new home.


As the Hitter Centurion uses his Cauterizer to attack your agents. Redge first attacks an agent he saw jumping on him but will then automatically attack any agent in the same room as him.

In Danger Zone threat level, Redge transforms himself into his true demon form where he gains the ability to fly above the area.

EOT Replikka
Draco Duel 2 Logo


Replikka, the Deceiving Spirit, lived in a Mausoleum where many of his phanstasmal projections inhabited the place. As the lands of Arcania faced a new crisis with the apparition of Etherial monsters, he joined a group of Draconids, half-human half-dragon to free their world.


As the Undercover Centurion, when Replikka appears in the arena all the enemies take a shadowy form making hard for the player to distinct the kind of enemy behind the dark figure. Only a Lookout agent can reveal their true form.

EOT Aingeru
GalactianBattle of Bracelets


Aingeru woke up one morning with a bracelet with a green gem on his arm, since then he became the Green Golden Bracelets with the aim of balance the power of the gods against the Chaos Guardians. In his role, Aingeru gains a legendary sword, the Chaos Sword, and wings to fly.


As the Look Out Centurion, as long as Aingeru is on the mission, each turn the localization of one of your agent will be revealed making all the guards in alert towards them.

EOT Vulpea


Vulpea is Bulnea's corrupt form, when she looses her moral to pursue dictatorship ambition after having defeating all her enemies. In the game, if you lost Bunea she becomes Vulpea, a Centurion, so a powerful enemy.


As the Wild Cards Centurion, as long as Vulpea is on the mission, she will free, at each new alarm level, the soul of another Centurion in the game. Making the mission insanely difficult. There is a chance on ten, that she free The Mistress of Weird instead, in that case their will be fireworks which will knock out the closest agent, then the Mistress of Weird will disappear.

EOT Volt


Often teased for his size, Volt is one of the smallest Sparklings on Chargio, his planet. This is this same size that helps him to escape the Omnious when they captured all his people. Using his capability he fought his way to Omnious Lord and saved his people.


As long as he is in the map, the players won't be able to use the chat to communicate. Even worse if two agents controlled by two different players get too close to each other it will alarm the surrounding guards.






  • Klei Entertainment's Invisible Inc. was cited as the main inspiration for End of Time
  • The selection of the characters was determined by the will to represent major and also obscure franchises that Fantendo has produced in its 15 years of activity.
  • Multiple Agents/Centurion were announced before being replaced during the game development, among them Bowie, Red the Hood'em, Amy Jackson, Glenster 'Navy' Salt, Chess Trip from Cosmic Road Trip, or Rubber. Some of them still appear as Cameo or NPC in the game.
  • Despite the will to remain faithful to the selected characters' design, some of them have been subjected to some visual change. This is particularly visible in Madame Mothana's color scheme who has blond hair and a green dress despite having purple hair and dress in her original design. This is due to avoid the too recurrent pink/purple color scheme for the game's female protagonists.
  • It is confirmed that End of Time, Fantendo Smash Land and Fissure (2022) take place in the same canon.


EOT Credit

Hi <insert your name here>! This project is owned by Coral
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