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Five Splats on Freddy's R
The Game's Official Logo
Developer(s) chillbrah2 (tbc)
Publisher(s) Fantendo
Genre(s) Horror
Series Five Nights at Freddy's

Five Splats on Freddy's R is a point-and-click reimagining of the first Five Splats on Freddy's game, it is made by chillbrah2, and was released for PC. The developers consider this the 3rd and final game of the series, too.

Ultimate Custom Night[]

For the update, visit Five Splats on Freddy R/Ultimate Custom Night


The game takes place in a abandoned Pizza Parlor named Splatette and Friend's Pizza, you play as Agent 8, who got locked in due to a earthquake blocking the exits. The characters and Actors here were also locked up here too, but for a considerably longer time, too. Due to this, the actors and characters went insane, and as soon as they heard about Agent 8 being inside the parlor, they try to kill her for food.  Captain CuttlefishPearl, and Maria also hear about how Agent 8 got locked inside, and they try to help her any way they can.


In your room, there is a dark hallway in front of you, on your sides are vents in which enemies can enter and a tube on the ceiling.


Use the Spacebar to flash a light in the hallway and two vents, the light can also stop one of the enemies. But be warned, you only have a limited battery.


Press the Z button to bring a gassy mist inside your office and press Z again to get it away, it can stop some enemies, although you can't have it on all of the time, or you will pass out.


Suprisingly, despite being abandoned for years, the cameras still work, use the X button to flip the cameras up, and press it again to flip it down. It can help you track down the enemies and can even stop or slow down some of them, although it has a battery that when empty, forces you to flip it down, and you have to wait 2o ingame secodns to use again.


A button on the cameras, using the radar will scan the establishment, if there is a green square on one of the rooms, that means Marie is there


Press the C key to flip up a Purple Guy Cardboard Cut-Out, only Insane Springbonnie will be fooled by this, you can only have a limited supply of cut-outs (5 of them), when Springbonnie takes one, that means one less cut-out, when all cut-outs are gone, there is no way to fend off Springbonnie


Pressing a button on the cameras will take you to the Tube vents, only the Squiddymesh crawls inside here. You have to use the seals to keep him from entering the office. Though you can only have one tube sealed at a time

Audio Lure[]

Like in FNaF 3, you have a Audio button that when pressed, plays child laughter, although it doesn't really effect the characters, Insane JJ will follow the noise. You have to wait 10 seconds before you can use the Audio Lure again if you use it



Image Name Description
Agent 8 Our main character, we play as her in the main game, as well as in some of the minigames. She is an octoling with a black tank top and shorts, as well as a yellow bracelet on both her left arm and right leg
Pearl Pearl is one of the phone (or radio, in this case) people, and is also one of the members of Off the Hook. She has a snarky attitude, especially towards Marina, but is nicer to Agent 8 due to the circumstances she's in. She has a pink and yellow sweater, with a golden necklace and a crown.
Marina Marina is one of the radio people, and is a member of Off the Hook. She is alot nicer and caring than Pearl, and often tries to calm her down when she gets angry. She is a octoling with a white tank top and bandana on her head, she also has a golden necklace around her neck resembling her zipper when she's doing splatfests and news reports.
N/A (For Now...) Captain Cuttlefish Captain Cuttlefish is one of the radio people with Pearl and Marina, and is also the leader of the Radio People. He is a old man who can be a bit crazy at times, but still tries to keep calm for Agent 8. He has a green jumpsuit with glasses and a white sailor hat, along with a wooden cane


Image Name Starting Night Description How to Prevent
Inkling girl3
Splatette Night 2 A orange inkling with headphones, a white T-shirt, and black shorts She'll attempt to enter you're area by coming in from the hallway, stop her by making gas enter the room.
Inkling Boy
Inken Night 1 A blue inkling with a white T-shirt, black shorts, and purple and yellow shoes He will come from either vent, if you see him in one of the vents' blindspots, use the gas to send him off
Callie Night 2 One of the Squid Sisters, Callie is a pink inkling with a black and pink dress and a sponge-like hair pin Although she dosen't appear on the cameras, her song Bomb Rush Blush will be louder and Louder the closer she is, if you hear it from the left, use the gas.
Marie Night 2 She is a green inkling with a black and green dress and a cup-like hair-pin, she is also one of the squid sisters She is always off the camera's view, however, you can use the radar to find her,  if she is on the right vent, use the gas
Insane Fredbear Night 3 One of the many relics left behind by humans, when Splattertainment found him, they refixed him and upgraded him to fit with the Inkling technology He will come from the hallway, due to him being an animatronic, the gas won't work on him, instead, flash your flashlight at him to send him off
Insane Springbonnie Night 3 Along with Fredbear, Springbonnie was also a salvaged relic from humans, she, along with Fredbear, was later abandoned in the parlor. She'll come from either vents, due to her being a animatronic, the gas won't work, instead, flip up a Purple Guy cut-out to make her take it instead of you
Insane JJ Night 3 The last of the Fredbear's gang to be remade by the Inklings, JJ was scrapped behind with the actors of Splatette and Friends' Pizza. When the actors got desperate, they started to feast on the animatronics, mostly explaining their withered state. She will come from the hallway, although she doesn't kill you, she will constantly laugh when she gets inside, driving Agent 8 mad, eventually killing herself in insanity. To keep her from making you commit suicide, use the audio lure to keep her away from the office.
N/A (For now...) The Squiddymesh Night 4 This abomination is made up of many green baby inklings, with a large endoskeleton inside it. The Squiddymesh is the only enemy to go through the tubes, it'll try to enter your office from the tube on the ceiling, use the seals to keep it away
Octsanity Night 5 This creature was originally the Puppet from "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza." It was remade by the Octolings and was made to calm Octarian Children during the Inkling and Octarian war. When the Inklings won, this animatronic was scrapped It will come from the hallway, playing some sort of distorted music box and intensely vibrating, when it enters your office, don't move (it will kill anything moving) and it will go away after a while

Radio Calls[]

Night 1[]



Sound Clips[]

 Splatette/Inken Jumpscare Noises

 Squid Sisters Jumpscare Noises

 Insane Fredbear/Springbonnie Jumpscare Noises

 The Squiddymesh Jumpscare Noise

 Octsanity Jumpscare Noise
