Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

The SMS2 logo on the box is made by xXCamTroXx

Super Mario Sunshine 2 is the sequel to Super Mario Sunshine. It's a 3D sandbox platformer like it's predecessor, and is developed with the assistance of Nightcap Devs. for the Nintendo Switch.


Mario, Princess Peach and Toadsworth are en route to Isle Delfino, within Peach's plane. They've been invited to the Shine Sprite festival on the island, as both a celebration and as an apology to Mario, seeing as how he was framed during the events of the last game. However, as they reach the island, they see that it's covered in goop once again. Suddenly, the plane is then hit by a cannonball, with the pilot forced to make a crash landing in the water off the coast of the island.

Mario exits the plane and starts looking around, seeing several Piantas nearby. One of the Piantas mentions that he saw Mario polluting the island alongside a gang of creatures he's never seen before. Mario decides to look for his impostor around the island before running into Professor E. Gadd. Gadd gives Mario an upgraded version of F.L.U.D.D., which he equips shortly after. He eventually arrives at Delfino Plaza and sees Shadow Mario, who has apparently kidnapped Princess Peach. Shadow Mario disappears into some goop and one of the gang members prepare to fight Mario. After defeating the him, Mario must chase down Shadow Mario and save Princess Peach once again.



Character Information
Picture3-3 Mario: Mario is once again the main character, playable as soon as he steps off the plane. He retains most of his abilities from the original game, but now gets access to long jumping like in other 3D Mario titles.
7376 F.L.U.D.D.: F.L.U.D.D. is Mario's main method of attacking and cleaning up the island. This time around, it has a whole new arsenal of abilities and tricks up its sleeves.
Super Yoshi Yoshi: Yoshi is Mario's trusty steed as usual, and must be hatched from his egg with fruit. Yoshi is capable of spitting juice once again as well as licking up enemies and fruit to refill his juice meter. Unlike the first game, Yoshi can swim, but is incapable of diving.




Peach SMS Princess Peach: The ruler of the mushroom kingdom. she came to delfino island to celebrate with mario. But got kidnapped as soon as they arrived on the island
IMG 0642 Toads: Residents of the mushroom kingdom. They can be seen roaming around delfino island and they all have their own stories to tell.
150px-Toadsworth artwork -- Super Mario Sunshine
Toadsworth: Decided to tag along with the princess to make sure she's safe. He is worried about the princess being kidnapped and requests mario to save her. He can offer mario some advice if he needs it.
Piantas: The residents of delfino island. They've been waiting for mario to show up,but Shadow Mario showed up and ruined it. They all have something to say and some of them can also give out Shine Sprites.
Noki: Residents of Delfino Island. They can be usually found in tourist areas and like the Toads,they all have something to say.
Ii piantissimo render edit by nibroc rock
Il Piantissimo: A racer that can be seen around all sorts of locations. He challenges mario to a race and will reward him with a Shine Sprite if he wins.


Kug EJ-0
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Strollin' Stu
Kug: A goomba with electric properties. shooting water at them or stomping on them will result in mario getting shocked. To defeat it,Mario must stun it with water from far away and then stomp it. Oily Goomba: A goomba that will walk towards Mario and leave Oil behind. If they walk into something fiery,their bodies will light on fire and they'll move faster. Strollin' stu: These guys behave like goombas. They can be defeated by jumping on them and/or spraying.
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Blue Electrokoopa: Koopas that will throw their shell forward to hurt mario. They can be defeated by jumping on them once they fired their shell. Red Electrokoopa: These koopas can be seen hanging around metal fences. Touching them will result in mario getting shocked. To defeat them,mario must knock them off the fence from the other side. Bullet Bill: Bullets that will fly in straight line and can be defeated by jumping on them.
Missile bill by yoshigo99-d5c032x
Bull's-Eye Bill: Bullets that will home in on mario if he gets within range. Banzai Bill: Bullets that will destroy everything in their path. Cheep Cheep: These fish can usually be seen swimming in a set path. like back and forth,or around objects.
20.SMSR Poison Cheep Cheep
1.Cheep chomp transparent by sheepman5003-db6xnoq
Poison Cheep Cheep: They will swim in poison and spit poison at you if you're close. Spiny Cheep Cheep: These fish will home in on Mario when he's close. Cheep Chomp: They will home in on you and try to chomp you. Instantly defeating you.
452px-Blooper - MarioPartyStarRush
Blooper: In the water they will usually swim in a set path,but will try to dash towards mario if he gets close enough. Above land,they will cover their area with ink. Pokey: Because of their spikes,they can't be jumped on. Mario must spray them with water and knock off one piece at a time. Seedy Pod: They will jump out of the ground and shoot seeds at Mario.
Bobomb - MarioPartyStarRush
Boo Artwork - Mario Party 7
Pink Boo-0
Bob-Omb: After spotting mario,they will light their own fuses and chase after him before exploding. They can be defused with water and thrown. Boo: These ghosts will chase after mario when his back is facing towards them,but will stop if he's looking at them. They can be defeated by spraying them with water. Red Boo: These boos will usually fly around objects and spraying them with water will result in them transforming into temporary platforms.
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Ecto-Boo: These boos will hover above the ground and release ectoplasm that will cause Mario to slip. Chain Chomp: They will try to chomp Mario if he gets near them. they're usually attached to an object. But if they're free,they can chase after Mario with no trouble. Chain Chomplet: These little chomps can be seen roaming around and will chase after Mario if he get's within range. They need to be pulled into water if Mario wants to defeat them.
539px-Stingby Artwork - Super Mario 3D World
Urban Stingby
Stingby: A giant bee that will slowly fly after Mario if he gets within' range. Urban Stingby: These guys can home in Mario even faster and are harder to avoid. Cataquack: Once they spot mario,they will chase after him and try to flip him over. Spraying them with water will cause them to flip over,giving you a chance to ground pound them.
Gushen In Water Bubble
Komboo: They can be found underwater and will pop out of the ground if Mario gets close. Lava Bro: They will jump around and throw balls of lava at the ground. Gushen: They will float above water and try to spray Mario.



Nozzles/Sub Weapons

First Found in


Delfino Island Hover Nozzle: A nozzle that allow mario to hover into the air for a short time. can also be used to clean and attack what's below mario.
Inker Shipyard Jet Nozzle: A nozzle that pushes mario forward,allowing him to move around at high speed.
Coco Spa Rocket Nozzle: A nozzle that launches mario in the air. allowing to reach new heights
Noki Noki Beach Gun Nozzle: A nozzle that allows mario to shoot water projectiles
TBA Sprite Fountain Grapple Nozzle: A nozzle that will allow you to shoot a line of water forward and cling onto stuff like walls and celings.

Normal Items[]



Shine Sprite: The main collectible of the game. mario can get them by clearing missions and quests.
Silver Shine Sprite: There are 5 of them in a level. Collecting them all will reveal a shine sprite.
Gold Coin: Can be found almost everywhere and will heal mario. Collecting a 100 of them grants mario a shine sprite.
Red Coin-0
Red Coin: There are 8 of them in each level. collecting them all will reveal a Shine Sprite.
Blue Coin SMN
Blue Coin: Available in 100 coin missions. Collecting all 100 of them will reveal a Shine Sprite.
600px-1-Up Mushroom Artwork - Super Mario 3D World
1-Up Mushroom: Collecting these will give mario an extra life.
Yoshi Egg: Can be hatched by bringing food near it,wich will reveal Yoshi.
Fruit: You'll need one of these in order to hatch yoshi's egg. They will fill yoshi's juice meter and allow him to spit juice.
Water Bottles: Will fill F.L.U.D.D.'s tank with water if he's low on water.


Pictures Descriptions Episodes
Super mario sunshine 2 delfino plaza by computerboy64-dbwb8t9
Delfino island: The hub world of this game. mario can explore the area and earn shine sprites by doing some quests.

  1. Attack of Goombrush.
  2. -
  3. -
  4. -
  5. The closed gate.
  6. -
  7. Yoshi and Shadow Mario
  8. -
  9. -
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
Super mario sunshine 2 cheep cheep shore by computerboy64-dbwb8x8
Noki Noki Shore: A beach with a bunch of Noki's roaming around. The melon festival is being held here once again and it's a very beatiful spot to relax.

  1. The island is a mess
  2. Attack of Gusha-Koopa.
  3. Julian The greedy lizard.
  4. The melon festival.
  5. Red coins at the shore.
  6. Inside the Sand Castle.
  7. The return of Il Piantissimo.
  8. Shadow Mario on the shore.
  9. The hidden stage.
  10. Silver Shine Sprites at the shore.
  11. Julian's revenge.
  12. 100 Coins at the shore.
The New Pinna Park: While mario was gone,they decided to rebuild Pinna Park. There are a bunch of new attractions and unfortunately, a bunch of enemies.
  1. Kug. Kug everywhere.
  2. Attack of the color bro.
  3. Cotton Foo for dessert.
  4. Booting up the attractions.
  5. Red coins at the park.
  6. Bumper Buzzies.
  7. Rematch with the Cotton Foo.
  8. Look,it's Shadow Mario!
  9. The target test.
  10. The water slide.
  11. Platforming with balloons.
  12. 100 Coins at the park.
Inker Shipyard: A giant ship with a bunch of crates and hidden rooms to explore. The ship is located in a body of water filled with bloopers
  1. An inky situation.
  2. Cheep-pois on deck.
  3. The Poison Gooper Blooper.
  4. The ship's engine.
  5. Red Coins in the shipyard.
  6. Busting some crates.
  7. Silver Shine Sprites at the shipyard.
  8. Is that ink or Shadow Mario?.
  9. The hidden shaft.
  10. Riding the Bloopers.
  11. Revenge of the Poison Gooper blooper
  12. 100 Coins on the ship.
Super mario sunshine 2 jawbreaker cave by computerboy64-dbwb94i
Atmos Cave: A cave known for it's beautiful and shiny atmostphere. unfortunately,it seems a bunch of piranha plants have also taken a liking to this cave.
  1. The Piranha invasion.
  2. Lavanna on the loose.
  3. The jaws of Hootie the Blue Shark.
  4. The strong current.
  5. Red Coins in the cave.
  6. The hidden cave.
  7. The rock puzzle.
  8. That's not a rock! That's Shadow Mario!
  9. The boulder tunnel.
  10. The underwater cave.
  11. Surfing on Bloopers.
  12. 100 Coins in the cave.
Super mario sunshine 2 moonshine park by computerboy64-dbwb97n
Luna Forest: A forest where barbecues are held and where people tend to relax and camp.
  1. The forest is on fire.
  2. Quite the Heavy Chuck.
  3. Fire fight against the Fire Stingby.
  4. Capturing the Fire Flies.
  5. Red Coins in the forest.
  6. Il Piantissimo in the forest.
  7. Stingby infestation.
  8. I can see Shadow Mario.
  9. How deep is the lake?
  10. Tracking down the raccoon.
  11. Lunch time for Yoshi.
  12. 100 Coins in the forest.
Super mario sunshine 2 coco village by computerboy64-dbwb9b1
Coco Spa: A forest with hot springs. The residents of the forest are known for giving some very relaxing spa treatment.
  1. A fiery Spa.
  2. A shocking battle with Podolectro.
  3. Scaring away the Bomber Ukiki.
  4. Red Coins in the Spa.
  5. Boos hidden in the fog.
  6. Silver Shine Sprites in the Spa.
  7. Climbing on palm trees
  8. Can't relax now,Shadow Mario.
  9. Bath time for the Chain Chomps.
  10. Revenge of the Bomber Ukiki.
  11. Dipping deep in the springs.
  12. 100 coins in the Spa.
Kelpon Aquarium: An aquarium with a lot of tourists and a lot of water enemies. Most of the collectables can be found inside the water.
  1. Bringing the fish back to their home.
  2. A slimy showdown with Boolimy
  3. Komboo Octopus 
  4. Red coins in the Aquarium.
  5. Swmming in the Aquarium.
  6. The hidden Aquarium.
  7. Turning on the lights.
  8. Swimming with Shadow Mario.
  9. Silver Shine Sprites in the Aquarium.
  10. The pearls in the aquarium.
  11. The underwater maze
  12. 100 coins in the Aquarium.
Sprite Fountain: A big forest with fountains all over the place. A common spot to see tourists who are thirsty.
  1. Cleaning the fountain.
  2. The possesed statue.
  3. The puzzle of the fountain.
  4. Splashing with Il Piantissimo.
  5. Red coins near the fountain.
  6. Silver Shine Sprites near the fountain.
  7. Hold on,Shadow Mario!
  8. Platforming on geisers.
  9. The hidden level.
  10. Climbing the statue.
  11. Swimming near the fountain.
  12. 100 Coins near the fountain.


Main Bosses[]



001 (1)-1513265394 Julian lagadishi: A weird and very furious lizard. He is the boss of the Noki Noki Shore and is keeping the melons for the melon festival to himself. To defeat him,Mario must spray him with water until he flips over. Mario must then ground pound his side. He can also swim and follow mario if he gets in the water.
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Cotton Foo: The boss of the New Pinna park. he fires cotton candy around the park to slow mario down. The cotton candy he throws is part of his body. Mario must use yoshi to either eat or clean the cotton candy. The more cotton candy is cleared,the smaller the foo becomes until he disappears.
Poison Gooper Blooper: The boss of Inker Shipyard. It's a gooper blooper that spits poison instead of ink. It will also attack you with it's tentacles. It needs to be sprayed with water before you can pull on his limbs.
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Hootie the blue shark: The boss of the Atmos Cave. It's a shark with the mouth and the jaw of a Piranha Plant. It will swim in the water and try to attack Mario by biting him. Mario must use the Water Bob-ombs to send it flying to dry land so that he can be ground pounded.
Fire Stingby: The boss of Luna Forest. Mario must spray it with water while it's flying in order to get it to land. He can leave fire behind,so Mario needs to be careful when near it. Once it's on the ground,mario must spray it with water until the light on it's body disappears,so that he can then ground pound it.
Bomber Ukiki
Bomber Ukiki: The boss of the Coco Spa that wants to hog the entire spa to himself. He'll attack Mario by throwing coconut bombs and rolling around. To defeat him,Mario needs to kick the bombs towards his belly. This will cause him to wince and and it'll also cause his hat to fall. Mario will need to ground pound his head while it's exposed.
Kombo Octopus
Komboo Octopus: The boss of the Kelpon Aquarium that can be found underwater. His boss fight plays like an on-rail shooter. The water will automatically push Mario forward while the boss is being pushed backwards. The boss will summon Komboos and will also shoot Bull's-Eye Bills at Mario that need to be sprayed with F.L.U.D.D. He will also try to attack Mario with it's tentacles. You just need to keep spraying him with water until his healthbar drops.
SMS Mario Statue
Mario Statue: The boss of the Sprite Fountain that has been posessed by Ecto-Boos. It will walk around and try to stomp you. Each time it stomps,it'll leave goop behind. It will also fire Bull's-Eye Bills from some hatches. You'll need to spray the button on it's to shut him down. Then you'll need to use the Grapple Nozzle to climb it and reach the hat. You'll then need to ground pound the hat 3 times in order to win.

The Pallete Swappers[]

A group of grafitti artist that roam around locations of Delfino Island. They're the mini-bosses of the game and they all have different techniques up their sleeves.



Shadow Mario (SSBWIIU)
Shadow Mario: The main antagonist of this game.he's the leader of the pallete Swappers and he tries to copy mario in order to ruin his reputation and hide his true identity. in every level,you gotta chase him down.
Goombrush: Fought on delfino plaza. A goomba with a brush on his head. He is prone to causing commotion due to his short temper. He uses ink to attack mario and is very fast. Mario needs to stun him with water and jump on him in order to defeat him.
Gusha-koopa: Fought on noki noki shore. A very calm and relaxed troopea with a nozzle on his back,wich he uses to splash Mario. To defeat him,Mario must splash him with water until he retreats in his shell. Then he needs to kick him into one of the electric pillars around his battle ground. 
Color Bro.: Fought on the New pinna park. He likes to cause misschief and is a big fan of explosives...and colors. His fighting style involves throwing paint bombs around his arena. Mario must stun him with fludd after he's done throwing his projectiles and then jump on him.
Cheep-Pois: The boss of the inker shipyard. a big and purple cheep-cheep that makes some pretty deadly art. she spits poison towards her victims and hops around the stage in order to stomp her enemies. To defeat her,Mario must clear the poison covering her body and then jump on her.
001 (2)-1513408325
Lavanna The Fire Trap: The boss of the Atmos-Cave. A very feminine Venus Fire Trap. She likes to dance around the area as she leaves lava behind. She can spit fire and lava. And if mario gets close,she will try to bite him. To defeat her,Mario must spray water on her to put out the fire around her and then he needs to jump on her
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Heavy The Chuck: Fought at the Luna Forest. A powerful Chargin Chuck that can use a paint bazooka. He will fire paint tornadoes at Mario and he will even try to charge towards him while leaving paint behind. Mario must spray him with water to knock off his helmet and then jump on his head.
Podolectro: Fought at the Coco Spa. An electric Lava Bubble with the legs of a Hot Foot. He can ooze electric goop and dive in them. Touching him will result in Mario catching fire. To defeat him,Mario must spray him with water until the fire disappears and then kick him into one of the nearby springs.
Boolimy: Fought at the Kelpon Aquarium. Being an Ecto-Boo,he can ooze ectoplasm to hurt Mario. Mario must fill him with water until he explodes. Once he explodes,multiple puddles will appear and boolimy will be hiding in one of them, Mario must wash one of them and spray boolimy once he finds him.

