Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

A pickup truck rides down the road, the driver and the passenger in heated debate.

William Driver: ...Isn't Unten's coat bulletproof or some shit? I don't see how Reten has an edge on him.

Vinnie Passenger: He'll shoot him in his big bear head! I don't see whats hard to grasp.

William Driver: Oh! What about the Mynis dude? Didn't he lift like a chunk of a planet or some shit?

Vinnie Passenger: You can't believe everything some jag-off posts on liveleak man, like where'd the chunk even come fr-

The Driver SLAMS onto the breaks, skidding to a halt as a woman apparates onto the road in front of the truck. She's covered in blood and is clutching a red briefcase with silver lines going across it, and a clear circular screen in the center. The passenger sticks his head out of the window, squinting at the girl.

Vinnie Passenger: Oi! You alright there? She silently gets up, not even cognisant of the drivers as she hobbles off the road, dropping something as she steps onto the sidewalk. Vinnie hops out, walking after her before jumping back with a shriek.

William Driver: What's goin' on?

Vinnie Passenger: She dropped a fuckin...Paw or some shit!

The camera pans down to show she dropped the severed paw of a blue Beorn. Looks familiar.

The woman steps into a bar, dripping blood all over the nice mahogany floorboards as she walks right to the bar and takes a seat. The bartender turns around, not phased by her appearance.

Bartender: What can I getye?

Pra Mai: Bourbon.

He pours the lady out some bourbon.

Pra Mai: Leave the bottle.

He leaves the lady the bottle. She looks into the glass for a few seconds before taking the bottle and knocking it back. She lets out a gasp when she finishes downing it, rubbing at her face.

Pra Mai: Fuck.


Chapter -3: Vaychi[]

On another planet entirely, Rachel's eyes cracked open as her phone blared the sounds of seagulls. She got up and tapped against the screen, shutting it off and getting ready for work. As she brushed her teeth, she noticed her arms looked very different. Her left arm was entangled with ink snakes, a dull crimson color. On the right arm was a bunch of hexagons, a striking blue, decorated around the length of her arm.

She tried to pick at it to see if it were some kind of paint or fake tattoo, but it stayed where it was. She didn't remember getting these.

She entered the gas station like a typical work day. Her co-worker Serah didn't seem to notice, too busy reading whatever was in Underground this week.

Rachel: What is that burning smell?

Serah: Beats me if I know. It's been over by the freezers but when I went to go investigate there wasn't anything.

Rachel: Say, was I really drunk last night or anything like that?

Serah: Nah... why?

Rachel: Tattoos.

Serah puts down Underground to see.

Serah: Aw, that's sick. Where did you get them from?

Rachel: I don't know.

Serah: You want them removed or something?

Rachel: Nah... god, that burning smell is getting worse. I'm gonna go check what it is.

A dark skinned girl with funky goggles walks in as Rachel walks towards the scent.

Serah: What's up with those.

Girl: These?

The girl clicks a button on the goggles and three dots on the right side light up.

Serah: So yeah... what's up with them.

Girl: They're supposed to track alien presences.

Serah: Alien presences? Phh. Sounds like you got scammed.

Girl: Well, I haven't found anything yet but still... hang on a minute.

Rachel pushes around some of the icebags.

Rachel: Oh god, it's getting worse. Ugh.

Girl: Stand back.

Rachel: Look, unless you're my boss, you don't tell me what to do.

Girl: Fine...

Rachel: Something seems to be under these...

Suddenly a bunch of the ice bags fall down, revealing a pale skinned humanoid. It stands up.

Rachel: What the hell?

The humanoid walks out as the girl and Rachel step back, grabbing the fridge door with a open hand and ripping it off, slamming it onto the floor, with it's pieces scattering around the place.

Rachel: Jesus, what the hell is that?

Six: Six.

Rachel: Six of what?

Six: It won't matter in that amount of seco-

A red aura blast hurtles through the air and hits Six across the face, sending her staggering back. Rachel takes the moment to book it, taking a glance in the direction of the aura blast to see who fired it. She turns to Rachel, the brief case held in her other hand flipping out into some sort of energy spear.

Pra Mai: Get a move on!

She charges at Six as Rachel herds the goggle-wearing girl out of the gas station. Six's claws come up to meet the blade, pushing back against her surprise opponent.

Six: Who the hell are you!?

Pra Mai: Names Pra Mai!

Six: That...Doesnt sound like a real name.

Pra Mai: It wont matter in that amount of seconds!

Six: That doesnt make sen-

Shes interrupted by Pra Mai's briefcase shifting from a spear to a hammer and sending Six hurtling back into the ice bags. Her palm collides with her face as she takes a breather.

Pra Mai: Shit, that DOESNT make any sense! I'm too drunk for this....

Chapter 1: Reorientation[]

Pra Mai's been at the bar for a bit now, judging from the many empty bottles surrounding her. The bartender doesn't care too much, especially since she's paid up front. A rather grouchy looking man enters the bar, walking right up to the bar. Before the bartender can even greet him the man's shoved a gun in his face. How rude.

Generic Thief: Empty the register, now! I don't wanna have to hurt you!

Pra Mai glances at the thief irritably, sighing as she taps some symbols on the screen of her briefcase. It unfolds, turning into an energy spear. She gets to her feet sluggishly, waving it at the generic thief.

Pra Mai: Look man, I'm kinda going through some shit so if you could jussst....

He swivels around, pointing the handgun at her.

Generic Thief: I'll kill you! I'm on the edge!!

She sighs and swings the spear up, slicing the gun in half. This also takes off several of his fingers and a chunk of his palm, he stares in shock before grabbing his wrist and screaming, scrambling out of the bar. She simply returns to her stool as the Bartender chuckles.

Bartender: Next drink's free, lady! Jeez, I dunno why anyone would even bother doing crime in this city, what with those Fantendo Firehouse folk and all the other powered folk...

It takes a second for the words "Fantendo Firehouse" 'To mean anything to an inebriated Pra Mai, but her eyes widen when they do. She grabs the bartender's collar, trying to sober up as quickly as possible.

Pra Mai: F-Fantendo Firehouse?? We're in San Francisco?

Bartender: Uhh...Yes? Maybe you shouldn't have a next drink.

She lets go of him, her briefcase folding up as she runs out of the bar. She just might be able to get her life back together after all!

Chapter -2: Mandibular Fracture[]

Six lands in the center of the crater, the ground leaving cracks as she looks up. Unten is a bit unnerved but he assumes a fighting stance as people begin to flock over. Unten looks up to Rachel, who’s wearing a “Team Unten” shirt. She simply smiles nervously as Unten looks back to Six.

Six: Interesting. A Beorn? I thought they all had died out rather recently…

Unten: Honestly, I don’t even know what you are…

Six punches Unten in the face at a incredibly fast speed. She floats behind him as he slams to the ground.

Six: It’s Six.

She picks up Unten who weakly smiles at her. Blood is running down his head.

Six: I’ll let you know that you’re the one who picked this fight.

Six throws Unten towards the edge of the ditch. She is about to take off and when she hears Unten weakly get up.

Reese: Jeez, how are you still even alive?

Unten: Play the song, Reese.

Reese: Um, alright…

Before Reese can launch into a rendition of Broken Jaw two strangers fall onto the stage from a rift that appears and disappears quickly. The orange beorn takes the four-armed to the ground, punching him across the face. He glances up, locking eyes (or rather eye, as the orange beorn has a bloodied eyepatch across his face) with Unten. The four armed creature throws what appears to be a shard of a mirror up, which opens into another rift he pushes the beorn through. The two disappear, leaving Unten utterly confused.

Unten: ...Did anyone else see that or-

He's rudely interrupted by Six's claw wrapping around his face, lifting him up into the ground.

Six: Any last words, beorn?

As she squeezes around his fragile bear skull she's hit by a familiar aura blast, Six's staggering giving Unten enough leeway to escape her hand and put some distance between them both. Six looks around irritatably, seeing Pra Mai slowly making her way down the canyon. She holds her briefcase in one hand and a bottle of Jack Daniels in the other.

Six: You.

Pra Mai: Yeah I uh, had to go get a pick me up.

She waggles the bottle, chuckling as she throws it behind her. Six rolls her eyes, staring PraMai down as Unten gets back to his feet. Pra Mai glances back at him and gives a discrete nod.

Pra Mai: You gave me the run around in the gas station...Now I've got you right where I want you.

She holds the briefcase handle with both hands, the body of it shifting up into a meat cleaver shape. A beam runs along the edge as it locks into Blade Mode. Six grins, baring her claws as Pra Mai approaches. Unten charges up electricity in his paws before both him and Pra Mai lunge at the alien invader. Unten stuns her from behind with an electrical shock allowing Pra Mai to slash her across the chest, breaking open her armor. Six swings her elbow back into Unten's face, sending him skidding back before she lunges at Pra Mai. 

Pra Mai: shitshitshi-

Six takes Pra Mai to the ground, who uses her blade to block Six's heated blades. She pushes her off, charging up an aura blast as Six lands on her feet. Unten lunges at her but she cuts him off with a lariat that puts him into the dirt. Her tail snakes around his neck, hoisting him up and choking him. Pra Mai's aura dissipates as she panics, griping her sword in both hands as she attempts to slice Six's tail off. Six dodges and weaves, constricting Unten more and more as she counters Pra Mai. Getting frustrated, she fires a bolt of aura at the ground to stagger Six. The alien swings her claw wildly, which Pra Mai  ducks under while kicking her leg. Six staggers as Pra Mai swings her blade back, cutting through her tail and arm in one fell swoop. Unten falls to the ground gasping as Six clutches her arm. Pra Mai looks down at her, leaning on the blade as she catches her breath. Six hisses as she scoots away from her lost limb.

Six: You bastard...H-How did you cut through me?

Pra Mai: Ever heard of a Monado? Actually, whatever. You're not worth explaining to.

She transforms it back into Spear mode and finishes Six off by plunging it into her side.

Chapter 2: Pra Mai Fails to Get Her Life Back Together[]


  • As the negative chapters re-tell elements of older stories, they re-use writing from them. These were originally written (so far) by Exotoro.