Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
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This is the one-stop page for all Fantendo page standards.


Your pages must follow basic English grammar (although pages in different languages are allowed, if they're good quality), and have as few spelling mistakes as possible. Sloppy grammar form and/or badly made sentences will make the page look bad and consequently a higher candidate for deletion!

Example: sper mrio 500 iz a game.    for wii

Have content as soon as you publish

When making a page, plan it out first, be it either on a written draft or in your head. Creating a page with little to nothing on it is a big mistake, even if you plan on expanding it. Pages with little content are called either spam or stubs, and both have a higher chance of being deleted over other articles. Articles such as New Super Mario Bros Chess, for example, would not be acceptable. Even if you say "I will work on it later", stubs are usually deleted if not expanded over a long period of time. As a standard rule, it is recommended to have at least five hundred bytes of content when publishing a page.

So, always remember to add some content and the "construction" template when you create a page (see the Fantendo Help tutorials section for info on templates)

Categorize, categorize!

Remember to always categorize your pages. If you made a page on a villain, for instance, it belongs under categories such as "Characters" and "Villains". If you want, you can also create your own user category to index all of the articles you make. Adding the wrong categories to a page, or none at all, will result in other users having to do it and wasting their time! We don't want that, do we?

Use templates!

Templates are graphical enhancers to your page that not only make your page look professional, they post important notices about the page and organize it! The most common ones used are {{Template:Infobox}}, for organizing game info, and {{Template:Construction}}, for showing that the page is still being worked on and should not be treated as final work. For more info on adding templates, see the Fantendo Help tutorials section.

Try not to have an article that's a list!

Try not to make list pages. List pages are pages where there are only lists, nothing else. This includes character rosters, worlds, etc. Sure, you can put this stuff, just remember to add non-list things, like a story, gallery, and more!

NOTE: There is an exception if you are making a directory such as Characters in the Nightwolf series. When making a directory for a game, most people follow this format for the page title: Title/List name. The slash is important, since that would make the page a subpage to that one game. For more info on subpages, hit up the Fantendo Help tutorials section.

Be creative!

The last thing we need is more bad articles such as "SUPER HARRY POTTER VS MARIO X!!!!". Think about it before you create a page. Is this a game you would actually want to play? Would this game sell over two copies at your local game store? We here at Fantendo are attempting to pull ourselves out of our crap-induced slump, and articles like Little Nintendo Shop Of Horror: The Musical! only worsen the problem.

So please, it's okay to borrow concepts for use in your game (we are a fanon wiki, after all), but don't copy! Make something more original to yourself!

Dress for success!

Remember to make your pages look nice. Use tables. Have pictures. Use galleries. A big turn-off, despite being okay, is to have a game page that has all the right things (Story, Characters, Gameplay, etc.) but it's ALL TEXT. Spice up the pages, guys!

Apply warnings where they need to be!

We have some very young kids on Fantendo. Eventually they will see the world for what it is, but please, put warnings on adult content (content with excessive swearing, inappropriate themes, etc.); the recommended template to use is {{Mature}} We accept this kind of creativity, but it must be properly labeled.

Joke articles still must follow page standards!

Another thing that pops up somewhat commonly is the "joke article". If an article is completely for joking purposes, then it still must follow the wiki's page standards. For example, Poopbutt Koopa would be okay as it follows the wiki's standards, but something such as Super smash bros : pineaple would not be acceptable.
