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Elementals 2
Developer(s) Boss Games
Publisher(s) Boss Games
Platform(s) New Nintendo 3DS
Genre(s) Puzzle
Series Elementals
Predecessor Elementals
Release Date(s) 12/31/16
Age Rating(s) E

Elementals 2 is the second game in the Elementals Series, and serves as a sequel to Elementals. It follows even more Elementals journeying through space through Solar Systems, while an ancient evil that has returned is trying to destroy them all. It is later revealed that throughout the entire game, Life Elemental was possessed by it. It was released exactly one year after the original game, and was in a bundle with it and the original. It was created by Boss Games for the New Nintendo 3DS. 


After the Elementals explored Earth and began a civilization back on it, they began to have more advanced technology. Eventually, the Elementals were ready for the next step - exploring space. However while in the middle of space, Fire Elemental witnesses a planet exploding, and the debris launches itself at the rocket. Fire Elemental gathered a small group of Elementals consisting of him, Water Elemental, Electricity Elemental, and Ice Elemental. They set out to figure out what happened to the planet, only to then witness the rest of the Solar System it was in getting destroyed. Later back in the rocket, the remaining Elementals struggled to keep the rocket working.

After the small group of Elementals explored a planet and found a clue to what may of been happening, they quickly got back to the rocket. Right as they reached it, they realized something wasn't right. They discovered that Life Elemental had suddenly collapsed on the ground. She was quickly rushed to the doctor they had on board the rocket. As Fire Elemental discussed with the other Elementals the clue he found, he realized that they were wasting time and more Solar Systems could be getting destroyed. Before they left, Ice Elemental figured out what was going on. There was some sort of ancient evil that returned which will destroy every Solar System - including Earth's solar system. The Elementals quickly sent half of the group back to Earth to warn the others, while the other half rushed to save the other Solar Systems.

Once the first Solar System got saved, the Elementals went back to the rocket to report. They also brought back two new Elementals - Wizard Elemental and Dune Elemental. Meanwhile back at Earth, Life Elemental started to act a bit off. She started referring to herself in the third person, would randomly burst into anger, and seemed to be... evil. Assuming she contacted some weird sickness, she was sent to the hospital. When the staff at the hospital checked her room, they found that Life Elemental had somehow escaped.


  • Two of the new Elementals, Dune and Wizard, were actually the final Elementals requested by Golem Guy.