Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

Doctor Leah Needlenam
Needlenam FSBO
Dr. Needlenam, the multiverse's second-biggest traitor.
Dr. Sarah Auvic
AGE 31
BIRTHDAY September 8th
BIRTHPLACE Toronto, Canada?
Claire MacBeth (Trainee/Nemesis)
Mynis (Enemy)
Ronnie Pepper (Enemy)
CLASS Mentor
High Priestess
WEAPONS Staff (Caduceus)
Godly magic (via Twisted Lotus)
You might be looking for the original Leah Needlenam, who can be found here!

But evolution just so goddamn slow, y’know? You’d have to wait centuries to get even close to perfection, and by that point, we'll have probably massacred ourselves to extinction anyway through some petty squabbles over... I dunno, something stupid. Guns, maybe. So, we’re just speeding up the process of evolution in any and every way we can!
— Dr. Needlenam, on the Twisted Cross’ goals

Doctor Leah Needlenam, also known by the pseudonym Doctor Sarah Auvic, is the matriarch and high priestess of the Twisted Cross, as well as the leader of its elite circle of Bloody Cardinals, and the teacher and former idol of Claire MacBeth.

She is Omega Prime's version of Sarah Auvic/Leah Needlenam.


Needlenam’s a bit on the tall side; attractive figure, but thin from long nights spent absorbed in her work and avoiding eating. Her skin is incredibly pale - also a side-effect of her obsession with her work. Her eyes are thin, and deep purple. Her hair is naturally bright purple in color, and reaches all the way to her shoulderblades even when worn in a thick "bun." She generally dresses in button-up lab coats marked with the sigil of the Twisted Cross - the only marker of her role as its leader. Aside from that, she dresses surprisingly casually, with a pair of knee-length shorts, combat boots, and fingerless gloves. She has been known to wear other outfits when participating in island-based sporting events or mysterious labyrinth exploration, though.


Needlenam is an asshole first and foremost. She cares for only a few people, and the name at the top of the list is her very own. She is a textbook definition of sin, yet always plays the “greater good” card when justifying the actions of the Twisted Cross. Indeed, if the rest of the world adopted her much looser moral code, perhaps it would indeed be the case. But the world condemns her ideas, and she puts them into action anyway because she doesn’t give a damn. Needlenam is certainly capable of respect, however; she views anyone responsible for scientific breakthroughs very highly, albeit not as highly as she does herself. She is an addict to alcohol and sugar, has an unlikely fondness of old cartoon characters, and uses “gay” as an insult with the excuse that she is the most gay person that she knows. (A true but still very invalid point.)


Needlenam has been breeding and training of a true genius. She is an intellectual without peer, a master planner, and possesses an amount of sheer tact unmatched by anyone she has ever met. She’s often too bored to use all of her immense knowledge, however, and puts limits on her skill to challenge herself and make sure that even the most dull challenges are even somewhat interesting. She is also equipped with all of the resources available to the Twisted Cross, being its sole matriarch. Profiles on countless people, digital copies on books of every subject, and an insane army of both masterful doctors and scientific slaves; all at her disposal, and often a mere phone call or text message away.

The greatest weapon in her arsenal is actually the most recent addition - the Twisted Lotus. This artificial Ascension Lotus serves as a conduit for stolen godly power, allowing Needlenam to cast powerful spells and temporarily unlock others' hidden potential. Overuse of the Twisted Lotus causes its petals to fall, and once its out of petals, Needlenam can't use its magic. They regrow over time, though, and the growth can be hastened through exposure to blood.

Specific Abilities[]


  • Caduceus - A staff with a pointed end. It's usually ceremonial, but can be weaponized in fights. It can also be used as a conduit for Needlenam's magic.
  • Knives - Needlenam carries an absurd number of syringes and other knives stowed in the folds of her coat at all times. She primarily uses them as throwing weapons.


  • Twisted Lotus - A man-made Ascension Lotus. It can't be used to achieve Ascension like an actual Ascension Lotus, but simply carrying it on her person grants Needlenam access to incredible magical power. Her magic closely resembles the abilities used by her New Prime counterpart's Hyper Mode, summoning constructs made of meat or bone to assault foes. As this magic is used, the Lotus's petals fall off. No petals, no magic.
    • Blood Sacrifice - By bathing the Twisted Lotus in blood, Needlenam can greatly accelerate the regrowth of its petals.
    • Evolution - Needlenam can temporarily form additional body parts (such as extra arms, or even more exotic parts like wings) out of mangled flesh and muscle, and control them as if they were a natural part of her body. She can manifest these parts from herself, or from another surface via physical contact with it, though the latter requires significantly more magical power.
    • Bone Harrow - Needlenam can summon projectiles made of bone around her and fire them off in any direction. They're relatively weak on their own, but their strength lies in her ability to summon them en masse without drawing too heavily on the Twisted Lotus's power.
    • Goddess's Gift - By filling an ally with a constant stream of godly power, Needlenam can temporarily transform them into a Second Form, enhancing their power. They will remain in Second Form until the Twisted Lotus loses all of its petals. Unlike the usual means of attaining Second Form, Goddess's Gift does not permanently unlock it, and its target can be easily influenced by Needlenam while in transformed.


Prior History[]





  • The concept of this version of Needlenam was inspired by RTA fan's "normal" Leah. The two are often compared to each other, like different sides of the same coin.
  • This Needlenam shares the original's hatred of cows and tendency to binge on roast beef when upset.
