All games for the The V² console system.
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Super Mario Spikers -
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Pokémon Cobalt and Crimson
All items (233)
- Cartoon Network Universe: Supreme Cross
- Cartoon Network Universe: Xtreme Voyager
- Cartoon Network Universe: Xtreme Voyager Climax
- Cartoon Network Universe: Xtreme Voyager Cross in 3-on-3
- Cartoon Network vs. Capcom: Broadcast Brawlers
- Cobalt Champions: First Strike
- Comfort Zone
- Crimson Squads
- Crisis On Infinite Scratch Kats
- Crow vs the World
- Fantendo - Gaiden: Legacy
- Fantendo - Mansion
- Fantendo - Misfits at War
- Fantendo - Prime
- Fantendo Football
- Fantendo Kart (reboot)
- Fantendo Smash Bros. Combat (erictom333)
- Fantendo Smash Bros. Contrive
- Fantendo Smash Bros. Nil
- Fantendo Smash Bros. Omega
- Fantendo Smash Bros. Over Heaven
- Fantendo Smash Bros. Psychosis
- Fantendo Smash Bros. Victory
- Fantendo Sports Resort
- FantendoQuest
- Fantendoverse X: Space
- Fantendoverse X: Time
- Fierce Tales
- Fighters of Lapis 7/克隆數字體系
- Firball (game)
- Fire Emblem Fates ReAligned
- Fire Emblem ReAwakening
- Fissure (2014)
- N-Stars
- Nevermind
- New Super Mario Bros. V²
- Nickelodeon Ultra Struggle 2: Order and Chaos
- Nintendo & Fantendo Play: Dodgeball!
- Nintendo 30
- Nintendo All-Stars Chess
- Nintendo Flagteam
- Nintendo vs. Capcom: All-Star United
- Nokoko Hotel
- Nova Road Racers
- Noxious
- Shadowcalypse 2: Lord of the Blood Moon
- Shantae: Scuttle Mystics
- Shards of Reality
- Shin Megami Tensei: Virtual Idyll
- Sonic Adventure Y
- Sonic Mobius
- Sonic Quad-Rush
- Sonic Superspeed
- Sonic Version 2.0
- StarBound Prime: Angels from Above
- Strafe: Lethal Forces
- Strafe: Lethal Hunters
- Strafe: Lethal Seven
- Subverse: Tainted Slate
- Sunrise
- SUNSET: Villages
- Super Bunea 64
- Super Bunea Build
- Super Bunea Mayhem
- Super Bunea World
- Super Infinite Maker
- Super Mario Bros. and the Secret of the Super Star
- Super Mario Bros. Mirages
- Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Worlds
- Super Mario Capture Masters
- Super Mario Chiaroscuro
- Super Mario Flagpole Battle
- Super Mario Galaxy: Meteor Shower
- Super Mario Maker Chi
- Super Mario Maker Phi
- Super Mario Odyssey (Inora)
- Super Mario Realms
- Super Mario Spikers
- Super Mario Strikers X
- Super Mario: Elemental Journey
- Super Mushroom Fusion
- Super Smash Bros. Bizarre Infinity
- Super Smash Bros. Calamity (OwtheEdgehog)
- Super Smash Bros. Cross
- Super Smash Bros. Discord
- Super Smash Bros. Duality
- Super Smash Bros. Hex
- Super Smash Bros. Melee HD
- Super Smash Bros. Nightmare Breakin'
- Super Smash Bros. Requiem
- Super Smash Bros. Requiem/Archive
- Super Speedstar RPG
- Super Wario & Kirby Maker
- Super Wario Odyssey