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Anything related to The Legend of Zelda series.
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The Legend of Zelda (anime) -
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Aurelia -
Super Smash Bros Unleashed/Fighters -
The Legend of Zelda Dungeon Creator -
Majora's Mask 2: The Untold Legend of the Fierce Deity -
Young Link -
Princess Zelda
All items (610)
- A Day in the Life: Link
- Agitha
- Amiibo/Bokoblin
- Amiibo/Daruk
- Amiibo/Ganondorf
- Amiibo/Guardian
- Amiibo/Link
- Amiibo/Mipha
- Amiibo/Revali
- Amiibo/Sheik
- Amiibo/Toon Link
- Amiibo/Urbosa
- Amiibo/Wolf Link
- Amiibo/Young Link
- Amiibo/Zelda
- Ampilus
- Ancient Robot
- Aracha
- Aryll
- Astor ZBR
- Gaepora
- Gale Boomerang (SSBGA)
- Ganon
- Ganon's Tower (SSBGA)
- Ganondorf
- Ganondorf (Calamity)
- Ganondorf (Smash 5)
- Ganondorf (Smash V)
- Ganondorf (SSB6)
- Ganondorf (SSBGA)
- Ganondorf (SSBUDE)
- Ganondorf (SSS)
- Ganondorf ZBR
- Ganondorf/Ganon (SSBCombat)
- Gerudo
- Gerudo Link
- Ghini
- Ghirahim
- Ghirahim ZBR
- Gohma
- Gorko
- Goron
- Goron Link ZBR
- Great Plateau Tower (SSS)
- Guay
- Hammer
- Hand of The King
- Hard Block
- Heart Container
- Heart of the Hero
- Helmaroc King
- Hilda (SSS)
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- Hylian
- Hyrule
- Hyrule (SSS)
- Double Hyrule (SSS)
- Hyrule Battle
- Hyrule Heroes
- Hyrule Heroes/Amiibo Use
- HyRule Royal Family
- Hyrule Warriors II
- Hyrule Warriors II (ACL)
- Hyrule Warriors II: Portal Chaos (Tentative Title)
- Hyrule Warriors: Lords of Malice
- Hyrulean Campaigns
- Lana
- Lana (Smash 5)
- Lana (SSB6)
- Lanayru Desert
- Legend of Zelda: Dark Triforce
- Legend of Zelda: Five Sword
- Legend of Zelda: Gauntlet of Fates
- Legend of Zelda: Online
- Legend of Zelda: Rise of Ganon (for NX)
- Legend of Zelda: War in Hyrule
- Legend of Zelda: War of Light and Shadows
- Lego Legend of Zelda
- Link
- Link (Calamity)
- Link (Overwatch)
- Link (Smash 5)
- Link (Smash V)
- Link (SSB Crusade)
- Link (SSB.S)
- Link (SSB5.)
- Link (SSB6)
- Link (SSBE)
- Link (SSBGA)
- Link (SSBH)
- Link (SSBR)