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3,225 pages in this category / 47,531 total articlesAssuming most of the pages are articles, that's about 6.8% of the wiki. Refresh
The following entries below in this category page are official or fanmade games, concepts, and ideas from the Pokémon series by Nintendo, Game Freak, and The Pokémon Company.
Main Subcategories[]
- Pokémon Games: Games from the Pokémon series
- Pokémon Species: Pokémon species from the series (canon or fanon)
- Fake Pokémon: Original Fanon Pokémon (Fakemon) from Fantendo
- Pokémon Characters: Characters from the Pokémon series (canon or fanon)
- Pokémon Species by category: Legendary, Mythical, Ultra Beast
- Pokémon Species by canon type:
Rock |
Water |
Electric |
Grass |
Poison |
Psychic |
Fire |
Ground |
Flying |
Bug |
Normal |
Ghost |
Fighting |
Steel |
Ice |
Dragon |
Dark |
Fairy |
- Pokémon Species by notable fanon type:
Trending pages
Pokémon Aurora Crystal Version -
PokePark 2: Wonders Beyond ULTRA -
PokéPark 3: Dreamer's Archipelago -
Pokémon New World -
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Adventures to the Ultra Space -
Pokémon Orange Version -
Cyrus (Pokémon) -
All items (3426)
- File:001Bulbasaur.png
- File:002Ivysaur PSX.png
- File:002Ivysaur.png
- File:002MS.png
- File:003-m.png
- File:003.gif
- File:003Mega Venusaur.png
- File:003MMS.png
- File:003MS.png
- File:003Ven.png
- File:003Venusaur PSX.png
- File:003Venusaur.png
- File:009Mega Blastoise.png
- File:012Butterfree.png
- File:014Kakuna.png
- File:095Onix.png
- Abomasnow
- Abra
- Abra (Olpium)
- Absol
- Accelgor
- Accosect
- Adresis
- Aegislash (SSB Quantum)
- Aereusteel
- Aerodactyl
- Aeropy (SG7)
- Aggron
- Agnios Ditto
- Aipom
- Ajjimajji
- Alakazam
- Alakazam (Olpium)
- Alakazam (PkmnChmpns)
- Alcremie
- Alex's PokéAdventures
- Alkor
- Allizel
- Alola
- Alolan Pokedex (S2M2)
- Alolan Sandslash (PkmnChmpns)
- Alomomola
- Alpe
- Altabrava
- Altaria
- Amaqueen
- Amaura
- Amaura (Fantendo Kart: Amaura Cup)
- Amber (Nursing School)
- Ambipom
- Amiibo/Charizard
- Amiibo/Dawn
- Amiibo/Detective Pikachu
- Amiibo/Greninja
- Amiibo/Incineroar
- Amiibo/Ivysaur
- Amiibo/Jigglypuff
- Amiibo/Lucario
- Amiibo/Mewtwo
- Amiibo/Pichu
- Amiibo/Pikachu
- Amiibo/Pokémon Trainer
- Amiibo/Shadow Mewtwo
- Amiibo/Squirtle
- Amiibo/Totodile
- Amiral Drake BS
- Amoonguss
- Ampharos
- Androeon
- Angenoid
- Annie
- Anquilla
- Antitorpiliko
- Appletun
- Arachspray
- Arbok
- Arbotudo
- Arcanine
- Arceus
- Arcueen
- Ariados
- Arma
- Armaburrow
- Armaldo
- Arman
- Armanking
- Armapoucho
- Armeasle
- Armortar
- Aromatisse
- Articuno
- Ash Ketchum
- Ash Ketchum's Pokemon Journey
- Audino
- AudioBeat
- Aurorus
- Avalugg
- Axellon "Axel" E-Ville
- Axew
- Azelf
- Azumarill
- B.O.K.O/Petilil
- File:Bag Alakazite Sprite.png
- File:Bag Aspear Berry Sprite.png
- File:Bag Buginium Z Sprite.png
- File:Bag Cheri Berry Sprite.png
- File:Bag Gyaradosite Sprite.png
- File:Bag Ice Stone Sprite.png
- File:Bag Lum Berry Sprite.png
- File:Bag Psychium Z Sprite.png
- File:Bag Radioactive Rock Sprite.png
- File:Bag Swampertite Sprite.png
- File:Bag Vaporwaver Sprite.png
- File:Bag Waterium Z Sprite.png
- Bagon
- Bagon Bacon
- Ballock
- Bandummy
- Barbaracle
- Barry (Pokémon)
- Basculin
- Basileon (SG7)
- Bastiodon
- Batro
- Baxcalibur
- Bayleef
- Bayleef (PkmnChmpns)
- Baytta (SG7)
- Beardbel
- Bearogrand
- Bearolil
- Beasweet
- Beausic
- Beautifly
- Beedoof
- Beedrill
- Beedrill (PkmnChmpns)
- Beldum
- Bellglis