Games that have multiplayer modes.
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Mario Hoops Superstars (Crakabo) -
Donkey Kong 64 Remastered -
Mario Party: Lights, Camera, Action! -
Super Smash Bros. Something Else -
Kirby: Dark Dawn -
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Super Mario 64 Switch -
Rampage World Tour - Remastered Edition
All items (849)
- Abnormal Dimensions
- Agent's Dumbrella
- AKC: Rise of the Sheriff
- All-Star Heroes III: Revenge of the Clonosites
- Althomatrix
- Amiibo Land
- Anime Rumble Extreme!!
- Arin Lyon: Supernatural Detective
- AstroMiner
- Avengers Trinity
- Balloon Fight: Aerial Ace
- Banjo-Kazooie Omega Adventure
- Banjo-Threeie
- Battle for Eternity
- Battle Lode Runner Switch
- Battle of Bracelets 4: New Generation
- Battle of Bracelets 5
- Battle of Bracelets: Beyond
- Battle of Bracelets: The Dark Saga
- Battle of Bracelets: The Origin of the Legend
- Battle of the Ruins: Mario Mix
- Battleship (video game)
- Big Fighting Game Crossover
- BlazBlue: Crossover Combination
- Bloo Kart
- Bloodhaven
- Bobby The Bunny - Toxic Turmoil
- Bomb Frenzy
- Bomberman - Do It Yourself!
- Bomberman Planet Peril
- Bowser Junior's Party Action
- Bowser's Fury
- Bowser's Fury: Cat Royale
- Bowser's Koopalings
- Bowser's Revenge
- Bubble Bobble Ultimate Fusion!
- Bullets N’ Dimensions
- Car-Nage (game)
- Cartoon Network: Legacy
- Cat Burglar
- Circuit Laser
- Clash X
- Clean Bikini Bottom!
- ColorLoad (2016)
- Colossal Tribes: Bronze Kingdom
- Conatus
- Crossover Nexus
- Crossover of Ages
- Daisy Adventures
- Dangerous Wilds
- Dark Woods IV: Descend
- David Party
- Diaper Duty: Baby Party
- Dimension's Edge
- Dino Combat
- Dinosaurs Battle World Championship
- DinoTerror
- DinoTerror Genesis
- Disengage
- Disney Channel XD: Up Your Alliance!
- DK Animal Racing
- Donkey Kong 64 Remastered
- Donkey Kong Jungle World
- Donkey Kong Knockout
- Donkey Kong Land Returns
- Donkey Kong Racing
- Donkey Kong Racing (GCN)
- Double J RPG
- Dr. Mario: Flu Season
- Dragon Quest Fighting Warriors: Allys Assemble
- DX Super Mario Bros.
- Dynasty Warriors X
- F-Zero: Maximum Velocity 2
- Fantendo Fray
- Fantendo Kart Ultra
- Fantendo Kart: Duo Dash!
- Fantendo Nightmare
- Fantendo Racing Legends
- Fantendo Riders: Boost
- Fantendo Smash Bros. Radiant
- Fantendo Smash Bros. Strike
- Fantendomon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Light
- Fat Pidgeon
- Featherweight
- Fighters of Atlas
- Final Strike 2: Revival
- Fish 'N' Chips
- Flame Tetris
- Flower Power 2: Original Intentions
- Galactian: Battle of Bracelets
- Galatica
- Gaming Darkness
- Ghost Smile (game)
- Giant Monster Kombat
- Godzilla (2015 game)
- Godzilla (video game)
- Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Ultimate
- Godzilla: King of the Monsters!
- Godzilla: Monster Revolution
- Godzilla: Rulers of Earth (game)
- Goomba's World
- Grand Chase Chronicles
- Grand Theft Auto: Life of Crime
- Grand Theft Auto: Territory War
- Gridlock
- Gridlock Derby
- Gumball: Gobstopper Quest
- Harbor Wave
- Harry Potter: Magic Reborn
- Hedgewars 3D
- Hibber Wiff
- Honey Hannah’s Lucky Charm Box
- Hylicellium
- Hyper New Super Mario Bros. Rainbow Blast Adventure
- Hyrule Battle