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These Fan Games are fighting games, that are fanon. Let the brawling begin!
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All items (1685)
- A Non-Meme Title
- Agate
- Agate: Bloodbath
- Agent's Dumbrella
- All-Star Fighters
- Amazon
- Amibattle
- Angel VS the World
- Angry Birds Fighters DX
- Animal Crossing Rumble Explosion
- Animation Big Blast
- Animattle!!
- Anime All-Stars
- Anime Crossover Fighting Tournanment
- Anime Rumble Extreme!!
- Anime/Manga: Let's Fight Superstars
- Anime/Manga: Let's Fight Superstars!
- Animestar Generationx
- Another Hecking Umbrella Game
- Antiblaze
- Arcade Smash Bros.
- Arctic Smash Bros.
- ARM2
- ARMS 2 (Bearjedi)
- ARMS: Grand Tournament
- ARMS: Round 2
- August Blade
- Auragrapht
- Avengers Army: Crisis
- Avengers Trinity
- Avengers: War of Heroes
- Azure Striker Gunvolt Septima Arena
- Banjo tu Kazu O-genka
- Battle Boom
- Battle for Eternity
- Battle for Fantendo
- Battle of Bracelets 3: Eternal Death
- Battle of Bracelets 4: New Generation
- Battle of Bracelets 5
- Battle of Bracelets Series
- Battle of Bracelets: Beyond
- Battle of Bracelets: Dark Shadows
- Battle of Bracelets: The Cursed Death/Missions
- Battle of Bracelets: The Dark Saga
- Battle of Bracelets: The Origin of the Legend
- Battle of Bracelets: Unlimited Tales
- Battle of Difference
- Battle of the Bricks
- Battle of the Multiverse
- Battle of the Universes
- Battle of the Universes 2: Into Oblivion
- Battle of Wonder
- Battle Royale
- Battle Stadium: 25 Series Showdown
- Battle Theater
- Battle Theater (2016)
- Best of the Best
- Big Fighting Game Crossover
- Billy's Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
- Bionicle Legends
- Blood Moon
- Bloodhaven
- Bloody Roar Evolution
- Bloody Stream 64
- Blueblood Complex
- BoB 3: Forgotten Dreams
- BoB 3: The Curse of the Queen
- BoB 3: The Terror Tyrant
- Bob Beanson Transforms into a WereWolf : The Video Game
- Boku No Hero X Street Fighter
- Boss Battles
- Boss Blitzkrieg
- Boss Rush in Umbrella City
- Boundful
- Boundless
- Bowser Jr.'s Clown Car Carnage
- Bowser Junior's Battle Arena
- Bowser's Minions Battle League
- Bowser: Minion Battle Royale
- Brandon's Super Smash Bros.
- Brawl of the Elements
- Brawling Rivals
- Brawlstars
- Brutal Favoritism
- Bullets N’ Dimensions
- File:C25f12c272b5abf-a-nw-p.jpg
- Call of Plastic Kaiju
- Camelot Clash
- Camwoodstock Smash Bros.
- Capcom Fighting Evolution 2
- Capcom Vs SNK 3: Fighters of 2099
- Capcom vs. SNK 3 - New Age of Fighters
- Capcom vs. SNK 4: Dash from Space and Time
- Care Bears: Caring Clash
- Cartoon All-Star Rumble 3DS
- Cartoon Conflict-Fighter List
- Cartoon Fighters Wii U
- Cartoon Network 25
- Cartoon Network All Stars
- Cartoon Network Community Brawl
- Cartoon Network Universe: Supreme Cross
- Cartoon Network Universe: Xtreme Voyager
- Cartoon Network Universe: Xtreme Voyager Climax
- Cartoon Network Universe: Xtreme Voyager Cross in 3-on-3
- Cartoon Network vs. Capcom: Broadcast Brawlers
- Cartoon Network: Crossover Chaos!!
- Cartoon Network: Multiverse Melee
- Cartoon Network: Toon Wars
- Champions: The Undecimus Reality
- Chaos Collision
- Chaos Empire
- Charnelon the Blue Ninja (series)
- Chase's Super Smash Bros.
- Chicken Game: Fight of the Fowl
- Chungus Battle Royale
- Clash of the Animuus
- Clash X
- Clashock
- ClayFighter 2: Mach² Edition
- Comic Book Smash Bros.
- Compile Heart vs. Bandai Namco
- Console Wars: Battle of the Generation
- Convergence
- Crime Isle
- Cringe Legends League: Digital Dimension
- Cross World
- CrossClash
- CrossClash II
- Crossover Battle Royale
- Crossover Gang, Let's Play Sports!
- Crusaders