- This category is associated with an edit track. Please don't rename or remove it.Action Role-Playing Games.
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All items (309)
- Fallout: Rise of Gelorum
- Fantendo Alliance
- Fantendo Fantasy
- Fantendo Hearts: Past Odyssey
- FF Graviton RPG
- Flight of the Firefly
- FNAF World 2: The 4th Wall
- Kid Icarus: Bloom of Nature
- Kingdom Hearts 3 (NX Fanmade)
- Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix - Lingering Will Mod
- Kingdom Hearts: Forsaken
- Kirby and Pac-Man: Hourglass Empire
- Koopa Wars
- Magical Drop of Mana
- Magnific Mario RPG
- Majara
- Mario & Luigi: Bros Adventure
- Mario & Luigi: Cosmic Chaos
- Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Deluxe
- Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam (Nintendo DS Demake)
- Mario & Luigi: The Eighth Koopaling
- Mario & Luigi: The New Saga of Trouble
- Mario & Luigi: Trap Team
- Mario x Minions: Burger King Chaos
- Mariomon Red and Green Versions
- MegaMan Battle Network 6: Grezar
- Megaman Battle Network VII
- Meloetta and the Island Saviors
- Miitopia 2: A New Curse
- Mindless
- Mushroom Kingdom Hearts
- Mushroom War
- My Little Pony: Adventure is Magic
- My Little Pony: Source
- My Little Pony: Westward From Equestria
- Paper Donkey Kong
- Paper Luigi Bros.
- Paper Mario (series)
- Paper Mario 6: The Universal Rulers
- Paper Mario Adventure 3DS
- Paper Mario and the Legend of the Seven Sages
- Paper Mario Bros.
- Paper Mario Galaxy
- Paper Mario Saga
- Paper Mario The Dream Jewels
- Paper Mario Treasury
- Paper Mario: Bright Darkness
- Paper Mario: Cardboard Kings
- Paper Mario: Color Splash: Director's Cutout
- Paper Mario: Cosmic Conquest
- Paper Mario: Crayon Creation
- Paper Mario: Curse of the Ebony Scepter
- Paper Mario: Heart to Heart
- Paper Mario: Search for the 8 stars
- Paper Mario: The 7 Magic Orbs
- Paper Mario: The Act of Illusiongi
- Paper Mario: The Benclank Battalion
- Paper Mario: The Color Thief
- Paper Mario: The Fallen Kingdom
- Paper Mario: The Jewel of Heart and Paper Mario: The Jewel of Soul Versions
- Paper Mario: The Mystical Artifacts
- Paper Mario: The Raven's Prophecy
- Paper Mario: The Sacred Book
- Paper Mario: The Temple of Time
- Paper Mario: The U World
- Paper Mario: The Wrath of Wrigtail
- Paper Mario: Time is Ticking
- Paper Unten
- Plum: Dead World