The eldest member of Quantum 8, Callista is a walking squid encyclopedia for everything and anything related to Inkopolis Square and Plaza. She was called upon Captain Cuttlefish and the Squid Sisters during an accidental fall and the stars have aligned. Born from the Hispanic suburbs, Callista was born poor and she barely survived thanks to a young aspiring pop star. She can take on any challenge, easy or hard. Though sometimes her competitive nature cause go awry very quickly as she is very hot blooded. Aside from all that, she is very caring to her friends, especially Kelly. She is one of the Pro 4 members of the team, alongside Trace, Ryo and Haru. Her goal in the Grand Splatfest is to help her family's financial problems.
- Callista is one of the older battlers in Quantum 8, visiting Inkopolis Plaza at least a few times.
- Callista has a heated rivalry with the Splatinas, but she has an even heated rivalry with Shellsea. The Greefers are more so friendly rivals.
- Whenever she gets angry or excited, she'll sometimes swear in Spanish or even Spanglish.
- She tends to be serious about Splatfests and will get angry at her team if her side loses.
- She has a poker face and can be a pretty good liar.
- Her favorite bands/singers are Cooney, Monfi, Squid Squad and Ikasa Ikazuki.
- Her favorite foods are steak, sausage and bacon while her least favorite food is mushrooms.
- Thanks to the first Splatfest, she no longer buys mayo and this displeases her father.
- Her zodiac sign is Capricorn.
- Her playstyle can be ruthless if one's not careful.
- She'll often hang out at the coffee shop or some lunch type area.
- The reason why she is Agent 4 is because she's the eldest out of Quantum 8.
- Despite mastering all of the weapons, she'll always choose the Splattershot Pro over anything cause it can handle any situation.
- Younger inklings idolize Callista and really enjoy watching her battle skills.
- Callista's favorite type of video games are beat-em-ups.