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ColdBlood Mode Cold Blood

The story mode for COLD❄BLOOD, also known as Zinfestation, serves as the game's main single player campaign. When Silver Zin awakens from his unconscious state and discovers himself aboard the unfamiliar world of Satellite 15, he's left on his own to discover the answers as to just who he is and where he is. He isn't given much room to do this though, as Lord Kýrios finds a familiar link between him and his rebellious sister (who's been causing quite a ruckus) and commands the boy to evacuate his kind from the satellite while reversing the damages all under a one-year time limit. Eventually unwillingly taking the role as Kýrios' mercenary, Silver must deal with the likes of the Mallorian Church, the C.O.T.S. organization, and many other adversaries of the satellite's government. But as Silver's memories begin to recollect and as the weight of everything that's been happening begins to crush him down, things start to make many gradual changes for the worse.

The player exclusively plays as Silver Zin in the main campaign missions, with everyone else serving as NPCs or enemy characters. However, COLD❄BLOOD's other playable characters are all available in sidequests (including DLC characters), and in the case of main characters like Valerie Heartgold and General Scotch, have their own miniature campaigns that tie in with the main story. The story is split into three main sections; The Mercenary, The Rebel, and The Threat. COLD❄BLOOD's own dedicated anime, Incubus Eyes, takes place sometime during the Rebel phase. Ranks are awarded upon clearing each stage; getting higher ranks will net the place stronger rewards.

If you need context to characters, settings, etc., please check around COLD❄BLOOD's subpages. Here are quick links to character profiles (#1: Main/Playables · #2: Assists · #3: Bosses · #4: Species), the game setting, and the satellite cuisine. There will be no introduction to properly introduce you to the satellite's setting, so it's recommended you read up on at least a bit of these pages before reading the story. You've been warned.

Zinfestation: Main Story


5:15 A.M. · MONDAY December 20th, ZXE-219
Amour Clinic, Sector 5

Spade Amour was sitting at her desk in the Amour Clinic, busy writing away inside the pages of a black hardcover book. Sitting before her was a really tense-looking, shaken Sarona Collin, who couldn't seem to stop fidgeting and clapping her knees together. Spade eventually raises her head up from her work, her eyes level with Sarona's.

Spade: Apologies for the wait, Sarona, you seem really tense today. [hands her a chocolate bar] Now, please tell me what the matter is, I've finished transferring your personal information into my contacts book.

Sarona nervously chews a chunk off the chocolate bar off as Spade slides Sarona's ID tag back to her.

Sarona: R-Right. [takes a deep breath] I've come to talk about... a very peculiar person that walked into the Collin Shop today. I don't know her name or where she came from, all I know is that she's a problem.
Spade: Tell me more, Sarona. Keep taking deep breaths, they'll help.

Sarona takes deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly as Spade keeps her eyes on her.

Sarona: She didn't do anything wrong to me, but she attacked my sister randomly with shackles that doubled as nunchucks. [shivers] We managed to scare her away with pepper spray, but it didn't change what happened. I've trusted Valerie Heartgold to safely house Epica during the night while we get to the bottom of this.
Spade: I see. [picks up her pen] Please tell me what she looks like.
Sarona: Right. She looked sickly pale, had empty white eyes, had purple hair, and had two long horns that reached a bit above her head. [folds her arms] I don't want creeps like that around here.

Spade nods as she writes down the appropriate information.

Spade: I wouldn't want people like that around here either. I promise that by the time our appointment is over, I'll report this information to the authorities, and she'll be placed on the wanted list.
Sarona: Thank you, Spade.

Sarona gets off her seat, finishing the rest of her chocolate bar.

Sarona: It's not just my sister I'm concerned for, though.
Spade: Oh?
Sarona: I'm concerned for everyone else too. You know she's not the only one doing bad things aboard the satellite- the authorities haven't taken care of that very suspicious organization running our hospital wing yet or bothered with the misdeeds occurring at the bank.
Spade: I agree that our authorities aren't the best at taking care of criminals, but I promise we'll eventually manage to do something about it. [smiles at her] It'll just take some time, that's all.
Sarona: I hope I can trust that.
Spade: You will, eventually. I hope. [writes away] Is there anything else you wanted to talk about, Sarona?

Sarona shakes her head at Spade.

Sarona: No, I can take of everything else from here. [turns away] I'll come back if I need to talk about anything else, but in the meantime, just protect yourself.

Sarona walks out of the office, ending her appointment with Spade.

Spade: This woman sounds nothing short of horrifying.

Spade spins around in her swivel chair, dialing a number on her office telephone before picking up the receiver. It takes a while for her to get response, but a fancy man's voice responds on the phone.

Hunjan: Hello there, who is this? Do you have any idea what time it is?
Spade: Greetings, Hunjan. I've called you up to keep your eyes peeled for a specific creep. It's important that we watch out for unwanted trespassers, so to protect our people and our reputation...

From outside one of Spade's windows stood a pale-skinned woman, whose icky hag-like hands were pressing on the glass, one of her eyes peeking from behind the curtain. A pair of shackles were being twirled around her right index finger, which looked bitten and cold.

???: Someday.
Spade: ...and she had tall hor- Hey, is someone else on your end?
Hunjan: Pretty sure not, nobody responded to my anime night text message on Risquord.

Spade sharply turns around to make sure she's alone. The woman had disappeared from the window, as if she were never even there in the first place.

Spade: It's nothing. [yawns] Still, keep your eye out for her.
Hunjan: Got it. Now go to sleep, I have work to do in the morning.

Hunjan hangs up. Spade returns to writing in her hardcover book, flipping some pages. She didn't know it, but the woman returned to watching her from behind the curtain.

10:00 A.M. · MONDAY December 20th, ZXE-219
Main Street, New Naxaz City

We get a top-down view of New Naxaz City, where people are living their everyday lives; people can be seen walking around, talking to others, going shopping, going to school, and generally having a pleasant time. Unexpectedly, a loud voice plays over the huge loudspeakers found near the top of the city's steel dome:

Kýrios: Attention, attention! This is an emergency broadcast directed towards every citizen and guest aboard Satellite 15, and I'd like everyone to pay utmost attention to it! Thousands of complaints have been raised against us from every chamber of the satellite's living space and we are now taking action on them! My wife, Zodiez, will seize the mic and give you instructions on what you must do!

Everyone stops doing what they're doing. The space pods zooming around the satellite activate their emergency breaks and come to a halt midair and people on the streets (with few exceptions) raise their heads to glance at the dome ceiling. The camera focuses on a few residents- particularly Valerie Heartgold, General Scotch, Syinara Wyne, Pierce Hazel, and Devina Kilmister, who were all hanging at a table together.

Valerie: Oh, they didn't tell me about this announcement. [looks up] What's going on?
Scotch: Kýrios hasn't released an emergency broadcast in years, so I assume he's finally came to realize how many problems are plaguing the satellite now. [sighs] Hopefully this won't be too bad.
Valerie: You'd think that with all the reporting I've done as the mayor of New Naxaz City and as the satellite's only real multi-billionaire that it'd already be addressed.
Devina: They've probably been looking for concrete evidence, but photo crops and videos of some sinister-looking purple haired woman have been appearing all over the ZaxNet, so they're run out of excuses...
Syinara: Quiet down, I can hear Zodi coughing.

Zodiez was indeed coughing over the microphone.

Zodiez: Listen to my instructions really closely now. By night, please remember to lock your doors, keep your windows shut, and have noise-cancelling tape placed over any holes or cracks in your walls. By day, keep your eyes out for a purple-haired woman with long horns, pale skin, and empty eyes.

Syinara swallowed.

Syinara: Oh, t-that woman. The same one that attacked me a few days back...

A flashback plays of this woman leaning over Syinara's bed, her wrinkled fingers stretched out for her.

Pierce: I swear I've seen someone just like her. Was practicing with my band and the lights got turned out, and I saw some ghostly white face gleaming in the darkness. [shivers] I thought I was just seeing things!
Kýrios: All individuals found to be associates of hers will be questioned and held hostage until proven innocent. If they can't be proven innocent, they will be locked up in prison. We must also address that we cannot prove individuals like Gonzalo Dorado or Ms. Replicate as guilty currently, but please keep a sharp eye on them. We will bring them up to our office and question them, however.
Devina: Those bastards don't have any evidence that Gonzalo and that Replicate person are terrible people?
Valerie: Those names leave a really bad taste in my mouth.

Valerie spits dramatically on the ground.

Scotch: Hey, at least they're asking us to keep an eye on them, that's something.
Zodiez: All festivities and events that were supposed to be held over the next week have been cancelled by yours truly. This is because throughout the oncoming week, we will be sending soldiers and agents out to capture any creeps out on the streets and we don't want to ruin events with our allies' overwhelming presence.

Syinara points to the top of the dome.

Syinara: Look there, they're immediately getting out the big guns.

A bunch of soldiers and agents, all wearing shiny black badges, were suddenly falling out from the ceiling. They begin to drift down towards the ground, equipped with tasers and elemental arm cannons. Men in pink, women in blue, all others in purple.

Scotch: They couldn't look any fucking stupider.
Pierce: Hopefully this works out, three of the concerts I was supposed to have with my band were cancelled for this. Kinda a shitty feeling.
Kýrios: If someone with a shiny black badge asks to search your home for any evidence, you are free to deny them entry, but it is recommended you let them in so we can acquire as much evidence as possible. [coughs] This is our announcement for today. Please do not panic or feel alarm, we will try to take care of our business as soon as possible so the satellite may return to its usual shenanigans. Thank you for listening in. Kýrios n' Zodi out!
Zodiez: Be sure to trash your script dear.

The microphone clicks off, leaving everyone to continue their day-to-day lives for the moment.

Scotch: It's too bad that Gifting Day's been cancelled, I always look forward to eating at the same table as the lord every December.
Valerie: I'm sure some of us will get special invites Scotch, I just think that Kýrios doesn't want to put any normal citizen's life at risk right now. [looks at him] That woman, and likely many more creeps, are waiting to see what they can get their dirty hands on.
Devina: I don't think we can really make any complaints. The authorities are trying the best they can right now to track down the satellite's most problematic individuals so we can be as safe as possible. It'll just last a week.
Scotch: Right, I was just taking notes about all this.

Syinara gets up from the table, tugging on Valerie's shoulder.

Syinara: I think the best thing we can do right now is go home and take the precautions Zodiez brought up. [folds her arms] I'd rather not see that bitch anywhere in my room.
Valerie: Yeah, Syi's right. [gets up] I'm going to go back home and take the precautions I need to. I also need to hold a meeting with my cabinet so we can determine what needs to be done to improve safety in this city.
Scotch: I'm going to keep my eye out for this woman and shoot her on sight.

Pierce and Devina get up, with the latter picking up her bass guitar and wrapping an arm around the twink.

Devina: We'll be off practicing music back at my house. Good luck you three with your work!
Scotch: Thank you, I'm going to need all the luck I can get to take that bitch down.

Everyone at the table parts ways. The camera follows Scotch as he walks down Main Street, moving past walking soldiers and walking citizens as he walks up to a pod station, calling one of those flying vehicles over to him.

Scotch: I wonder if this blank-eyed woman has anything to do with "The Boy Who Cannot Wake"?

A quick flashback plays of Scotch looking over a pale-looking boy sprawled out over the ground, his empty white eyes wide open but his body unresponsive.

Scotch: I just wonder...

7:40 P.M. · WEDNESDAY December 22nd, ZXE-219
Kýrios' Throne Room, Admin Sector

At Kýrios' throne room, we see Gonzalo Dorado, Ms. Replicate, and the Leper Messiah all buckled down to their knees on the floor, with Zodiez looking down upon them all as her husband laid snoring next to her.

Zodiez: All three of you must understand that I brought you here over a very serious, deep-cutting dilemma that's been hurting the satellite lately. [sits up] All three of you have been linked with abuse, torment, and really serious crimes coming from complaints made from citizens. You understand, right?
Leper Messiah: Yes, ma'am.
Zodiez: There may be no concrete evidence towards you three doing such nasty and horrific deeds, but today we are entering a new era of justice with Satellite 15. [glares at them] There will be more security, more cameras... whether you three or doing this shit or not, we are going to extensive monitor your behaviors.
Leper Messiah: I suppose I understand this. With the holiness of the church at stake, I must take the proper measures to ensure none of my fellow clergymen are participating in such misdeeds.
Ms. Replicate: Just cut me a little bit of slack here... the hospital wing's been very busy lately, people are constantly being flung in and out through the doors, and my limited team of doctors and nurses can only hold up for so long. [folds her arms] Abuse?? No! We've just been tired.
Zodiez: We have received reports about you misusing your responsibilities as both a DNA organizer and a nurse, so you need to be doing everything as you're told to do it with no compromises.
Ms. Replicate: Well, what the fuck are you going to do about the limited amount of staff then?
Zodiez: How about you stop treating the rest of your staff like shit? Lindemulder's complained about your behavior to me at least six times!

That was enough to shut the nurse up.

Zodiez: We don't have time to deal with your petty shit, we already have a dangerous woman to be looking after. [looks at Gonzalo] Any comment?
Gonzalo: What do you want me to say other than I'm doing my job well, sweetheart?
Zodiez: Red flag alert right there. [shakes head] Gross. But according reports I've received, you've been scamming people out of money and you've been blamed for some instances of people going poor.
Gonzalo: You know how people are, they'll lie about anything to get their hands on just a little bit more cash. [holds two fingers up, like if he were pinching something] Just a little bit more.
Zodiez: Professional businessmen don't blame their reputation on their concerned customers.
Gonzalo: But p-please understand me! [begs with his hands clenched together] You don't know my dilemma! They're racists, they knew I was raised out in the harsh desert sands in Sector 3 and have fucked over my family for as long as I can remember with condescending insults! You must listen to me, th-

Ms. Replicate rolls her eyes.

Ms. Replicate: There he goes again...

Zodiez presses a button, causing the chains on Gonzalo to start crazily electrocuting him.

Zodiez: That'll be enough of that.
Leper Messiah: Can I please go home now, I really need to go home and support my wife and children.
Zodiez: That you don't have?
Ms. Replicate: How the fuck do you know all of this? Do you spy on us?
Zodiez: Enough!

Zodiez stomps the ground, making everyone go quiet again.

Zodiez: Just listen to me, for once. Our satellite is in danger, it is being exploited and taken advantage of by some horrible, horrible people. All I'm asking is for you three to be on your best behavior while you're working. You are being recorded from now on- and believe me, we'll know if the camera systems go offline. I've gotten the Electric Eye to watch over you all. Y'know, that Hunjan guy.
Gonzalo: Alright, I suppose I'll accept that this is a necessity for improving the state of the satellite and that we will have to bear with the changes until future notice. [looks up at Zodiez] I will handle my job as a banker responsibly, no strings attached! You can trust me, sweetheart.

Zodiez shocks him again.

Zodiez: No more calling me things like that, gross.
Gonzalo: How racist for you to shock the only black guy in the room!
Zodiez: I don't think you know how racism works.
Leper Messiah: I'm getting real sick of this Gonzalo guy's circus act, so I'm just going to start talking now. [silence] Uh, I understand the message you're bringing across here and I assure you that sinning will never occur in my churches from this point onward. The cameras will help me fulfill my promise.
Zodiez: Then leave now, Messiah. I don't want to see you here again, you got that?

The Messiah tries to get up, but he's still chained to the floor.

Leper Messiah: Well, I can't move.
Zodiez: Oh, oops.

Zodiez breaks his chains, letting him slowly get up and awkwardly leave the room.

Ms. Replicate: Alright, I guess I'm willing to abide by these terms and conditions. On one condition of my own, and it's an important one.
Zodiez: I'm listening.
Ms. Replicate: Please do not install any cameras inside my living space, I'd like to have at least some space where I can feel alone and secure.
Zodiez: There will be one watching your doorway then.
Ms. Replicate: I can live with that.

Zodiez nods, hitting a button to free Zodiez from her chains.

Zodiez: You're free to go.

Ms. Replicate smiles, getting up and slowly walking out of the room on her high heels. Little did Zodiez know that she'd eventually see that nurse again, albeit for a much different reason.

Zodiez: It's just you left, Gonzalo.
Gonzalo: I will be willing to abide by these terms and conditions under two conditions, because two is always better than one when you consider where I'm from.
Zodiez: And what would those be, may I ask?
Gonzalo: You will admit to being a racist, for one. And for two, you will be called out in the Hollow Newspaper and everyone will get to see you're a racist scumbag.
Zodiez: How about you just file a lawsuit instead?
Gonzalo: Sure, sure, whatever.

Big mistake, Zodiez thought to herself as she let Gonzalo go.

Gonzalo: I'm going to file a lawsuit as soon as I go home, you hear me? They're gonna listen to me, and I'm gonna make sure you get what you deserve!
Zodiez: This'll be funny...

Zodiez hits a button on the back of her remote, which makes a huge spring pop up under Gonzalo and throw him through a hole in the ceiling. It launches him all the way to New Naxaz City, supposedly. Kýrios slowly wakes up, looking a little groggy from oversleeping.

Zodiez: There you are hon. I took care of the situation, you don't have to do anything now.
Kýrios: Script I never wrote so, thank gods. [cackles] To me, affirm all is okay?
Zodiez: Everything's going to be fine you goofball. [kisses his cheek] Just... listen to me for a moment. Things are going to change a lot on this satellite, and uh, things will become a lot tougher on all of us as we finally begin making the efforts necessary to take out all the bad people aboard.
Kýrios: Understand you. [places an arm around her] Changes we must have. Peace we must have. Understand you in all the directions.
Zodiez: Right, I just want you to be careful too. [frowns] What if she goes after you? What are you going to do, Kýrios?
Kýrios: Fuckin' lord am I. [cackles really loudly] Stand a chance, she? No!

Zodiez just nodded as she hugged her husband tightly.

Zodiez: Just think about it, though. She's attacked several dozen people over the past few days, and hundreds of other attacks have been reported. [folds her arms] I think they all might be related.
Kýrios: ...Burning.
Zodiez: Huh?
Kýrios: In time. Coronas see them all burning together. Two special ones burning forever. Fear not. Get all of what they really deserve, they will, is my promise.

3:30 P.M. · SATURDAY December 25th, ZXE-219
Secret Laboratory, Hospital Wing

Deep underneath Satellite 15's Hospital Wing was a secret laboratory that supposed only Ms. Replicate and some of her assistants had access to. There are no cameras to be seen, as the area isn't known to anyone but Replicate, who drilled it out herself. She walked down the main path with Noise Lindemulder and Yama Velvetrot.

Ms. Replicate: Now that I've acquired more information about the events that have been happening over the past week, I must know something.
Noise: Know what?
Ms. Replicate: You'll see, Lindemulder.

Ms. Replicate walks to a giant green status pod, holding photos of the alleged purple menace threatening the satellite's citizens. Yep, that was her alright, with all the known red flags present on her.

Ms. Replicate: So uncannily similar to "The Boy Who Cannot Wake", huh? [glances up] Are they related?

Inside of the status pod was an unconscious, somewhat crooked-looking body. He had the villain's eyes, horns, and pale skin, though he had shorter, frazzled black hair and some very strange-looking clothes.

Noise: I have no reason to doubt they'd be related, I mean look between the photos. [taps on the glass] Very similar genetic makeup, according to our findings.
Ms. Replicate: I just have to make sure...

Ms. Replicate lights up, like she had a brilliant idea.

Ms. Replicate: Oh, I have an idea. Yama, can you be so kind to open his status pod and look through his pockets? I need to see if he's carrying anything.
Yama: Why me?
Ms. Replicate: I'm your boss!

Yama sighs as she opens up the status pod, reaching into his pockets for any bags. She could only find one. She felt weird looking through a stranger's pockets... let alone while they're dead asleep. She handed the bag to Yama.

Ms. Replicate: Thank you, my dear.
Yama: Remind me to never follow you back here again...

She heads over to the next room to look through the bag Yama gave her.

Ms. Replicate: What's in here?

Ms. Replicate dumps it all onto the table. An iPod classic with a black set of headphones lands on the soft table, while an ID card from the nearby world of Zaxina drifts down to it slowly. There was also a recipe book for different kinds of pasta and a rulebook for learning how to cooperate with civilization. There was also a bag of copyrighted spicy chips in there.

Noise: Wonder what kind of music he listens to? [places on the headphones]
Ms. Replicate: Interesting.

Ms. Replicate picks up the ID card, putting everything else back in the bag and putting it inside a pocket in his robes. She looks at the ID card, placing on a pair of reading glasses.

Ms. Replicate: Silver Zin, age twenty-nine, assigned male at birth. Six-foot-four and weighing a hundred and twenty-two pounds. Hmm...
Yama: That's an unhealthy height-versus-weight balance, he must have a pretty bad BMI.

She smirks as she pockets his ID in her pocket.

Ms. Replicate: This is worth bringing up when he wakes up. Wonder how he got here and why he's not awake yet... he's been asleep for a week or so now.
Yama: Yeah. Hopefully he'll wake up soon, I hate having anything to do with someone that isn't even conscious to see what we're up to. [sighs] I mean, I guess we're not doing anything too terrible.
Ms. Replicate: Mhm. Let's get out of here.

She and Yama begin walking out of the room, but Noise doesn't follow. Ms. Replicate turns around to see Noise, who looked pretty stunned.

Ms. Replicate: Noise?
Noise: He listens to Slipknot! I love him!

She quickly turns off Silver's iPod, putting it back in his bag and zipping the bag shut. She then goes out to the other room to place the iPod back in Silver's bag, then closes the pod.

Ms. Replicate: So, that's Silver Zin. [grins wide] I think we have a lead on who he is. We don't know much about his personality or what he's capable of, but I strictly order you two to never let him out of the laboratory until I say it's time for him to go. Understand?
Noise: Yes, Ms. Replicate.
Yama: Of course, Ms. Replicate.
Ms. Replicate: When he wakes up and I'm awake, I will take him to Kýrios to see what actions need to be done, because it's obvious he's a foreigner and that he's related to that... purple strange.
Noise: Can we just call her Ms. Zin or something? It's getting weird to just call her purple something.
Ms. Replicate: What if she's married?
Noise: Who the fuck would marry her?
Ms. Replicate: Fair assessment, Noise. [laughs] I suppose Gonzalo would marry her, but uh, Miss Zin it is until we learn anything more about this vile woman.
Yama: Hey, at least we know a little more about this person now.
Ms. Replicate: Let's go back and prepare the Hospital Wing again for its grand re-opening. I promised some of Zodiez's bodyguards on the way out that I'd do my part as a high-ranking citizen of the satellite to assure everyone's safety and to gain back as much trust as possible.
Noise: Alright.

The three walk upstairs.

12:30 P.M. · MONDAY December 27th, ZXE-219
Moore Lounge, New Naxaz City

The stage has been set. The complaints were made, the public service announcement was made, the baddies were questioned, the mysterious boy's getting his identity figured out. Satellite 15's approaching the dawn of a new age, where security and control are getting maximized in a world whose weaknesses are becoming more and more exploited by its worst enemies, and where more and more mysterious events keep happening to place people on their toes. The authorities have sworn to protect their citizens, including questionable people in power, and you have trusted heroes like Valerie Heartgold and General Scotch watching different corners of the satellite.

But very few people know the fun is only beginning. Things would be a lot worse right now if no action was taken, but even with the actions that were taken, several thousands of people are at risk.

Please listen to the multiple brief interviews done by Anchor Emcee at the Moore Lounge in New Naxaz City.


Syinara: I was busy reading in the dark when I felt something loom over me. I think my girlfriend was in the bathroom or something, so I knew it wasn't her. When I looked up, I saw her cold eyes stare right down at me, her hands reaching out for my face. [shivers] She got away when I screamed.


Veronica: When I was delivering a package to a shady house in the middle of Naxaz, I found her attempting to receive my package. Called the cops... she wasn't there anymore. House was ransacked. I looked in the package she attempted to order from me, and it was just a bread recipe. Could bread be sinister?


Paprika: While working with my good friend Crymsia Rose, I found that same woman sneaking around the shop, looking through the wedding clothes. We chased her out, but by the time we could contact the authorities, she was all gone. As well as 12000 ValCoins' worth of clothes...
Crymsia: That damn bitch ain't gonna get away with this, ya hear? I'm gonna gouge her eyes out!


Keil: I know that I have hardly any significance and whatever, but when I was at the gas station a week back- mind you, before I accidentally blew it up- I saw her face staring out at me. She was impatient, so I threw a lighter at her, which she threw back towards the station...


Sinicini: I didn't personally see her, but I woke up one morning in a bloody puddle. I looked over at my boyfriend Zonas and found that he was attacked in his sleep! Dunno if it was because of his race, because of his job, or... he's healing with Adexene's help, at least.
Adexene: I try my best. [t-poses] I assert dominance over pain and displeasure.


Mr. Dick: Now that's a lady I'd lock up in m- I mean, what a hoe! No further comment. Wait... no no, don't take me away!


Waxy: She stole some kid I was taking care of named Zinos. [takes a deep breath] She then dropped him back here, severely injured. He said that she confused him for someone far more important. There's a grudge I think she's holding against someone on the satellite...


Cabinet Man: I almost captured her, but she was too fast for me to catch her. Can humans apply cheat codes to themselves?
Chance: They cannot, this violet drama queen's just someone out of this satellite's league. Interesting. Chances are, we're just not going to capture her if we don't know someone in her league. Perhaps... The Boy Who Cannot Wake? No?


Oyster: S-she came in h-here and asked for a t-tall glass of a-alcohol... [swallows] She went o-on and on about how she wanted to k-kill this white boy... I n-never called the c-cops because I was t-too afraid to d-do anything to her. She let me live unscathed, t-though.


Hector: Matey, lemme just tell ye that this purple menace's no good ter be 'round! Saw 'er on me ship once, never saw 'er again. Me lass Cherry Blossom apparently got struck in the neck by her, aye!


Vizole: My darling, I have never seen this woman, but it took hours to calm my friend Pierce back down. He saw this woman a few days ago while rehearsing alone, and she kept sliding her fingers down a chalkboard... strangely she left him intact.
Pierce: N-Never going out alone a-again...


Valerie: We haven't seen that person at my place since Syi got attacked, but we know it happened and we know several many people remain in danger. So much footage of her was captured, and so many reports were made against her, yet nobody did anything about her because she's just too smart for us. Who the fuck does she think she is, rummaging through a place she doesn't belong and attacking a lot of people for seemingly no reason.

Valerie lifts The Bird.

Valerie: You better watch out, girl! When we catch you, you won't like what happens to you next!


???: They'll never catch me, and that includes you, Valerie.

The accused woman gets up from her chair in a darkly-lit house, walking over to a window.

???: They don't know anything about me, and nobody will ever get to learn anything about me, because I will make my leave as soon as I get what I want. [grins, like the Cheshire cat] There's just one thing I must do...

Phase 1: The Mercenary

Chapter One: I Can't Remember

5:53 A.M. · MONDAY JANUARY 17th, ZXE-220
Main Street, New Naxaz City

Roughly one month has passed since the "Purple Incidents" (which refer to the Mallorian Attacks, as they'd later be renamed) have begun haunting Satellite 15. The authorities haven't gotten any closer to discovering her identity, many lawsuits and countersuits have been filed back and forth between businesses and the satellite law branches, and soldiers now rest at corners overseeing the daily lives of innocent citizens. In exchange for the rate of violence sharply dropping, everyone's privacy now is instead at stake. The cameras everywhere detect the stranger every so often, but nobody's fast enough to catch her. The satellite remains in a state of panic.

The attention turns to Main Street in New Naxaz City, where lots of policemen could be seen surrounding a shiny black skyscraper. They had all their guns out, pointing them up high.

Officer #1: In the name of Lord Kýrios, we order you to get down here and explain yourself!
Officer #2: You're under arrest... uhh... [reads note] Purple Falcon!
Officer #1: We'll go up there if we have to, Purple Punk!
Stranger: Whoever said the authorities had to be responsible for what I do or don't do around here?
Officer #3: We did, Purple Witch!
Stranger: Aren't you all a little old for aimless name-calling by now? [shakes her head] I'm not here to play games, do you understand? I'm looking for a peculiar boy with skin just like mine...
Officer #2: If your dilemma's really that simple, why were you committing crimes like sexual harassment? Why were you in possession of illegal drugs? Why do you ransack every place you go to?

The stranger smirks.

Stranger: You know, just because they say those things in the newspaper doesn't mean it's true. [flashes her grin down at them] Really, I'll tell you what I've been responsible for: physical assault. Nothing else. I'm not that kind of monster, I have desires but I don't act on them.
Officer #1: How should we trust someone with a reputation like you, Purple Liar?
Stranger': I can't deny the photo or video evidence that exists of me, but have you double-checked your sources? There's no proof I've done sexual assault.

The stranger begins to walk off, much to the annoyance of the officers, who begin to climb the building.

Strange: Look, I'm done wasting time here.
Officer #3: Oh no you don't, get back here!

The Stranger leaps up high, front-flipping before crashing through the ceiling of a convenience store with her feet. She pulls out a strange staff-like weapon from her pocket, holding it to the owner's neck as she keeps an eye out for the officers descending from above.

Stranger: Have you seen or heard of a pastel-colored boy anywhere on this satellite?
Owner: N-No, miss.

The stranger lowers her weapon, leaping over the countertop.

Stranger: You better duck low, things are going to get fairly dicey in here. The honest people don't deserve to be hurt.

As the officers drop down through the hole the stranger made in the ceiling, the convenience store owner drops down on the floor, curled in a ball. The officers shoot bullets at her, who dodges elegantly to the left and right to avoid them.

Officer #2: What's going on? Why aren't our bullets working?
Officer #1: If only my wife was bulletproof...
Stranger: Look. I'm a little apologetic at the very least that I wrecked the mall downtown in my search for that boy, but that's the only empathy I feel for you boys.

'The stranger kicks over the counter, which goes over the convenience store owner and fatally crushes the three officers.

Stranger: Hey, they have actual evidence that I do more than just mere physical assault now. Not that they'd care for the facts, though!

The stranger leaps back up through the hole in the ceiling, looking around. Suddenly, she finds herself pinned down from behind, her knees buckled together as she hits the floor.

Stranger: That's pretty foul play...

The camera shows Zonas, who just iced her knees together from behind.

Zonas: Y-you deserved that for what you d-did to my body. [walks over to her] Drop your weapons, it's time you cut this c-crap out! Let's get this over with already!
Stranger: See, I had a reason for attacking you. [hisses, trying to move her knees apart] The authorities in the satellite cannot get in my way. You understand me? I'm looking for that boy!
Zonas: Why didn't you j-just file a missing p-person report to the fucking a-authorities then, instead of c-causing so much damage and hurting s-so many innocent people?
Stranger: Hmmm, that is a good point.

Zonas just shakes his head as he begins to drag the stranger across the floor.

Stranger: Just heed these words. [crosses her arms] If I don't get what I want within exactly three days, I may start doing REAL damage to the satellite. I wouldn't have much to bitch about if somebody bothered trying to point me in the right direction!
Zonas: W-Who the hell even are y-you?
Stranger: That's none of your business, ice pop!

The stranger manages to build enough friction between her legs to melt the ice keeping her legs together. She quickly gets up and grabs Zonas by the arm, flailing him over her head and into the floor bottom-first.

Zonas: O-owww...
Stranger: Look, I felt bad when I saw your redhaired girlie bitch about me and what I've done to you some weeks back. I'm not going to kill you. [begins to walk away] One of these days, though? I might change my mind. You better find out a way to help me while you still can, ice pop.

The stranger walks off, leaving Zonas and his sore bum above the convenience store building. It was a real wreck now, just like the mall downtown. Who is this person, exactly? Is she just a woman of deceit? Or is she as honest as she claims herself to be? Zonas tried to figure it out for himself while calling the cops to escort him off of the building.

Meanwhile, back at street level...

Officer #4: Uh, those three officers haven't come back yet.
Officer #5: Rats, I think they've gotten distracted by donuts. [sighs] Well, let's go home. We'll clean this scene out tomorrow, I suppose.
Officer #4: It's a bit of a risk with that Purple Rat still in town, but I'll call upon Waxy and her healer team to see if they can fix up as many people as possible. But how're we gonna fix up the buildings?
Officer #6: That's an easy fix.

The officer whistles, calling in a team of Rollies and Bullies.

Officer #6: They're not intended to be construction workers, but they can help quickly repair the convenience store and mall while we're busy tracking the Purple Whatchamacallit down.

One of the Rollies does a soldier salute, its pinchers snapping together.

Officer #4: That'll do, that'll do.
Officer #5: Alright you special vermin, go fix up shit. We got a Purple Thing to catch.

The Rollies and Bullies get right to work as the officers continue trying to give the stranger chase. They haven't been able to find her anywhere, however, and quickly gave up.

Officer #4: I think she managed to get away.
Officer #6: Ohhh man, Zodiez is gonna be sooooooooo pissed off.
Officer #5: Thank god for that Mayxine woman or we'd be in even deeper trouble.

From a distance, the stranger looks at the officers, hanging from a really high area of the Valco Vortex.

Stranger: Silver Zin. I know you're somewhere in this satellite, and I've grown tired looking for you. Look at what I've had to endure because of you. People spread lies about me now, they know nothing about me but what you might have told them.

The stranger angrily glares at the officers from high above.

Stranger: You think I was joking when I said that one day this would all happen to me? And then you said it wouldn't? You're a little liar, little brother, and I'll make sure you won't get away.

The stranger hisses.

Stranger: I was thinking you'd be able to resolve the problems of our world and rule it fair and square. But no, you lost that battle to your grandfather. You lost on purpose... you have never been able to follow through on any of our promises.

Some officers finally discover that she's up high through binoculars.

Officer #58: She's up there!
'Stranger: And now because of you, I'm in so much debt that I never deserved. [grits her many teeth] I am responsible for some of my mistakes, but you... if you don't come out of hiding within three days, I will make life hell for you. And that's a promise I'm willing to keep.

The stranger leaps off of the building, much to the dismay of the officers.

8:35 A.M. · MONDAY JANUARY 17th, ZXE-220
Secret Laboratory, Hospital Wing

But luckily for the authorities, not all has gone to shit. "The Boy Who Cannot Wake" (or Silver Zin, as we've learned) has finally recovered from his unconscious state, eyes wide open as he stares at the inside of C.O.T.S.' secret laboratory from within his lime-green status tube. He curiously tapped on the glass, but it wouldn't budge. He looked somewhat dull, as if he didn't really have any thoughts or feelings about being trapped inside this status pod.

Silver: Uhh... hello? Is anybody there?

In the hospital wing, Ms. Replicate was hanging out in her office, where you could see all kinds of DNA tubes and the like hanging from the shelves, and lots and lots of paperwork scattered on her desks. She jumped for a moment when she heard Silver's weak, somewhat shrill voice emit through her hidden speaker (right above her head).

Ms. Replicate: That voice... he has finally spoken.

Ms. Replicate switches on an intercom.

Ms. Replicate: Noise Lindemulder and Yama Velvetrot, report to my office please. Lindemulder and Velvetrot, report to my office please. Something really special is awaiting both of you. Thank you!

Noise and Yama come barging in merely seconds later. Ms. Replicate was holding a stopwatch.

Ms. Replicate: Not bad girls, you've arrived three seconds faster than you usually do. But guess what?
Noise: What?
Ms. Replicate: I heard him!! [shakes her torso with glee] I heard the voice of The Boy Who Cannot Wake! He's awake!
Noise: Oh nice, we better go down there then, huh?
Yama: Yeehaw!!

The three of them are barely able to keep their balance as they almost trample their way down the staircase from their excitement. They run all the way up to Silver's status tube, where they find him awake and rubbing his hands around the inside of the tube.

Silver: Hi...
Ms. Replicate: Hi! I'm Ms. Replicate, the delicate and exquisite leader of the C.O.T.S. organization! Found your body lying around in the Docking Haven, and uh, I decided to preserve your body in case you never woke up!
Noise: What's your favorite Slipknot song??
Yama: Do you think a hot dog should be considered a sandwich?
Silver: I, uhh... what?
Ms. Replicate: Quiet down girls, give him a chance to talk.

Replicate's two assistants calmed down as Silver went into a state of deep thought.

Silver: I can't remember a thing. I can talk fluently, but... nothing's really clicking together in my head. I don't even remember my own name!
Ms. Replicate: That's okay sweetie, no pressure. So, it turned out that you were carrying your ID with you when I found you unconscious. Your name is Silver Zin, you're 29, and you were born on April 15th.
Silver: Am I a guy?

Ms. Replicate looks at Silver's ID again.

Ms. Replicate: Uhhh... nope!
Silver: This is a little awkward.
Noise: Do you think if I gave him one of those Corey Taylor masks that he'd remember who he is?
Yama: Noise... remember when you showed me one of those masks? My computer screen went black... what if Silver's eyes went black and he didn't go to Heaven?
Noise: You're such a child Yama, I love you.

Ms. Replicate sighs as she looks at Silver's eyes.

Ms. Replicate: I'll release you from your status pod, but I need you to listen to me. [wags her finger instructively] Don't ever leave this hidden room until I say you can, alright? You have a lookalike out there that's nowhere as attractive and is in a LOT of trouble.
Silver: Fine by me, I like the darkness.
Ms. Replicate: Hey, we do too. Look at Noise, who doesn't even have any of her original parts anymore besides her brain.
Noise: Boss...

Ms. Replicate unlocks Silver's pod, letting him walk out. He stumbled a little bit, as he hasn't walked in a long while, but he was able to quickly find his balance.

Silver: Thanks.
Ms. Replicate: You're welcome! I'll take good care of you for now, but when the right moment comes, maybe today, I have to take you with me to Lord Kýrios so... uhh... we can help you get your life back to normal. And resolve some things related to you that don't really concern you right now.
Silver: Are you my mom?
Ms. Replicate: No, but nice try. [jabs his shoulder] Wherever your parents are, I hope they're dead.

Silver doesn't really have a response to that. He didn't remember anything really, especially when it came to people. For all he knew, his parents were shitty people.

Noise: So, should Yama and I go back upstairs and resume our positions in the hospital staff?
Ms. Replicate: Yes, yes, run along. [rubs her hands] I'm gonna bake him a pie and talk to him a bit, he's probably feeling really lonely right now and I'd like to help make things better for him.
Yama: Can we have some pie?
Ms. Replicate: Go upstairs before I decide to add you to the recipe.

Yama nods, going upstairs while dragging Noise up the stairs with her.

Silver: Ummm... well, it's nice meeting you, Ms. Replicate! Can I call you Repli instead? It's a bit cuter.
Ms. Replicate: Alright dear, but only because I'm being so nice today. [pulls a recipe book out of her pocket] I'll go bake you some pie. I'll be right back Silv!

Ms. Replicate runs off to a kitchen. Silver scratches his head as he looks around. He didn't really know what to do, as his lack of memories meant he didn't really remember his interests or anything personality-wise. He walks into what looks like a living room, laying himself out lazily on the couch.

Silver: "Zin"...

Silver looks at himself. His skin was strangely pale. He had strange long nails. He looks up into a mirror, where he sees his horns and empty, blank white eyes.

Silver: I look hideous...

Silver stretches himself out. He quickly finds that his head can go between his legs, he can turn his head almost all the way around, and that he can bend his fingers backwards. Disgusting, he thought to himself.

Silver: I feel kind of inhuman. Why am I like this? What mother would want this?
Ms. Replicate: No need to stress yourself out, Silver. [walks in] We're just as clueless as you are, but I'm sure everything that composes you right now will make sense later.

Ms. Replicate frowns.

Ms. Replicate: You're not hideous, either. Don't ever say that again about yourself.
Silver: Sorry...

Ms. Replicate's frown takes a 180, with her letting out a loud laugh.

Ms. Replicate: God, you're so naive, it's kind of cute. [pinches his cheek] It's alright, though. I'll go back to finish the pie, but you take good care of yourself, alright?
Silver: Fine, have it your wayyy.

Ms. Replicate walks off to finish the pie.

Silver: Mmm...

Silver kicks his legs, humming and waiting. Wait, how did he just remember how to hum? Doesn't matter, he thought to himself, it's good to have something to do at least and it didn't seem to be too annoying. Little to his knowledge, he was humming Blue Öyster Cult's "Astronomy", his favorite song prior to the satellite collision.

Ms. Replicate: Pie's done!

Silver snaps out of his humming, getting up.

Silver: Alright, I'm coming Repli.

Silver walks off to the kitchen slowly, almost like in an animal way as he's still adjusting to getting things back to normal for himself. Little did he know that outside the laboratory basement, the Purple Menace was looking for him, ready to deliver the bad news right to his face...

Ms. Replicate: Ta-da!

Ms. Replicate is holding a cheesecake pie, dolloped with whipped cream and served with a scoop of french vanilla ice cream, complete with layers of blood raspberries and halved strawberries between the layers of cottage cheese.

Silver: It looks delicious... thank you.

Silver sits down at the table, with Replicate handing him a fork to eat the ice-cold cheesecake with. Silver slowly begins to eat at it as she takes a seat across from him.

Ms. Replicate: After you finish your breakfast, I'm going to have to train your reflexes, alright? [smiles reassuringly at him] I have a really crazy idea, and I think it'll keep you more than occupied during your time here on the satellite...

Silver has already eaten about a third of the pie, much to Ms. Replicate's delight.

Silver: Hmmm... [speaks with his mouth full] That being?
Ms. Replicate: Luckily, my assistants and I set up an obstacle course for you to rush through, it's somewhere below this room. [claps her hands] And if you do well, we'll drag you out to Kýrios and see what we can do with ya!
Silver: Sounds good...

Silver was almost crying, because the cheesecake pie was nothing short of delicious. There was something homey about the pie that struck his nerve, but he dared not embarrass himself.

Ms. Replicate: You'll do just fine, I swear. [laughs] If you're related to that Purple Menace roaming around the satellite, surely you have some superb skills to show off!

Silver nods as he takes the last bite. Ms. Replicate picks up his bowl and brings it to the sink, rinsing it clean, smiling back at him.

Ms. Replicate: Now, go downstairs! We'll meet you in a bit.

Silver nods, walking away from the table and beginning to walk down the stairs.

Silver: Why do I know nothing about who I am besides what I've been told? [looks down at his hands] Who is this "Purple Menace" she speaks of? ...Am I a girl?

9:10 A.M. · MONDAY JANUARY 17th, ZXE-220
Moore Lounge, New Naxaz City

The scene switches to the Moore Lounge in New Naxaz City, where General Scotch could be seen sitting at a table with his siblings; Snickers Caramel and Smartie Caramel. Oyster walks up to them with three menus, which she scatters across the tabletop for them.

Oyster: Anything I can get you three today?
Smartie: Erm, da Cheddar Chow n' Oystashake seem goodie. [hands the menu back to her] Sorry, Smartie's just not all dat hungry terday.
Snickers: Don't worry about serving me hon, I bought my own lunch. [pulls a bag out on the counter] It's, uh, got a ham-and-cheese sandwich and bagged milk.
Scotch: Just a Gaia Latte for me.
Oyster: Are you three doing okay today? [brings all their menus back] I-I don't want to feel like I'm b-bothering any of you three.
Scotch: Oh no, don't worry, you're not the reason why we're kinda out of it today. [looks up] We're just worried for the satellite's future, that's all.
Oyster: G-Gotcha.

Oyster walks away.

Oyster: By the way, I got a m-message on Risquord earlier today. [turns to face him] Ms. Replicate would like to talk to you, she made an outstanding discovery earlier.
Scotch: I'll check up on things with her, thank you.

Scotch makes a phone call to Ms. Replicate's office, hanging back against the cushions of their table seats while Smartie and Snickers take some time to talk to each other.

Smartie: Scotchy's been a lot busier lately, dunno how Smartie should feel 'bout dat.
Snickers: Yeah he doesn't really have much time to do anything these days but handle his job and get really drunk here. [sighs] Poor dude, his life's gotta suck.
Smartie: Da satellite's military kinda sucks anyvay, dat's vot I dink 'bout all 'dis. [hangs back] Ven's dat girlie of Smartie's gonna come 'round 'ere, eh?
Snickers: Rubelline will probably arrive sooner or later, just keep your brain screwed in.

Scotch suddenly leaps up, crashing down on his seat and shaking the table.

Scotch: WHAT?

Snickers and Smartie stop talking as Scotch looks rather excited, his body shaking.

Scotch: Holy crap, he's awake? ...Really? You'll take him to Kýrios' throne room later on and introduce us to him? Thank you for letting me know about this, this helps matters significantly!

Scotch hangs up, taking a sharp glance at his two siblings.

Smartie: Vhoa Scotchy, vot da 'ell just happened? Snicky n' Smartie vere vaitin' ter see vot vos up n' ye didn't say nuthin' 'bout anythin' loud 'nuff fer 'em ter both 'ear!
Scotch: Y'know "The Boy Who Cannot Wake"? He finally woke up! We're going to get some goddamn answers in this place!

Scotch puts his phone away in his pocket.

Scotch: Here, let me leave some ValCoins for my latte, either of you two can have it. I gotta be there now!

Scotch drops some ValCoins and goes right out the door before Snickers has a chance to say anything.

Snickers: Jeez, that might have been the most excited and peppy he's been in a long time. [kicks back] He didn't even act that way on his birthdays, then again that was 'cos those were the worst days.
Smartie: Smartie's hungry fer sum of dat knowledge, ya sees, so she's gonna svoop 'er vay outta 'ere! Ye drink dat latte n' save 'er cho'der or she's gonna kick yer ass! Also, tell Ruby dat Smartie's gonna be home later, 'cuz I can't be 'ere!
Snickers: Wait, don't leave me here-

Smartie flies out of the window for her sibling, spreading out her wings and flying far. Oyster comes back to their table, holding trays of food while giving Snickers a strange glance.

Snickers: Well, this is awkward.

9:17 A.M. · MONDAY JANUARY 17th, ZXE-220
Secret Laboratory, Hospital Wing

The camera goes back to Ms. Replicate's secret laboratory, where Silver is shown facing a long dirt road deep underground, where many gaps, walls, and barriers could be seen waiting his way. He gulped.

Ms. Replicate: Here we are!
Silver: Uhh...

Silver swallows.

Silver: This looks a bit intimidating, don't you think?
Ms. Replicate: I promise it's not gonna be that bad, Silv! [claps her hands together] All you really gotta do is just run along the dirt road and use your reflexes as best you can. It won't be that hard!
Silver: I suppose that doesn't sound too bad, huh?

Silver leans down on his knees, preparing for takeoff.

Ms. Replicate: On your mark... get set! [waves her flag up] Wait, hold on.

Ms. Replicate takes a mint breath out of her pocket and throws it into her mouth. Silver twitches an eye impatiently, as if just wanting to get all of this over with.

Silver: What're you doing?
Ms. Replicate: Sorry, having bad breath gives me anxiety. [waves her flag down] Go!!!

Silver rushes down the dirt road, moving at high velocity as he approaches his first skills test.

· Stage 01: Underground Obstacle Course
The layout for Stage 01 is rather simple, being a straightforward obstacle course for Silver to navigate his way around. Ms. Replicate will teach the game's controls to the player, showing them how to dash, jump, grab, parry, etc. They're also taught how to use maneuvers like wall jumping, ledge grabbing, and quick falling. There are very few hazards to worry about here, as there's no bottomless pits or any hazards around to directly hurt him. Bumpers are the only hazard here, which harmlessly bump the player backwards. Ms. Replicate will run along the playing field, taking note of Silver's progress and cheering him on when he gets close to the end.

After roughly fifteen sweaty minutes (about a few minutes real time), Silver kneels down, exhausted as sweat drips down his pastel-colored face.

Ms. Replicate: Excellent work, Silver Zin! I think you're ready to be taken up to Kýrios' throne room now, there's no way my plan's gonna fail if you keep up the hard work!
Silver: Thank you, Repli. [sighs to himself] Why don't I remember anything, though?
Ms. Replicate: I wouldn't know, to be honest. [scratches her scalp] Maybe your memories are still with you, but they got knocked around somehow. Let's not keep thinking about the past though, or we're not gonna move forward.
Silver: I understand, I'd just like to figure out why I feel so... different.
Ms. Replicate: Different?
Silver: Yeah, I don't feel like I really belong here. [nervously twitches his fingers together] I feel like all the other faces I can think of, I can't remember anyone else looking remotely like me...

A strange flashback plays in Silver's mind, showing him staring around an empty void, looking at hundreds of normal faces.

Ms. Replicate: Don't worry your little head about it. C'mon, I'm sure you'll get your answers sooner or later if you just follow me outta here.
Silver: Alright, I suppose that'll be good for me.
Ms. Replicate: Then let's go!

Ms. Replicate impatiently grabs his hand, pulling him up some staircases and forcibly dragging him along. Silver looked startled at first and tried to wretch his hand free, but when she made it clear they were moving, he stopped budging. She made some swift turns through the hospital, throwing her assistants off guard.

Noise: Where're you going, boss!?
Ms. Replicate: To Kýrios' throne room, that's where! We got work to do!
Yama: Watch where you're going, I'm on my period!
Ms. Replicate: Sorry!

She drags Silver into a room with a white light. Silver closed his eyes because it was so bright in there... he didn't even feel Ms. Replicate stop moving, all he could concentrate on was how bright the room was.

Ms. Replicate: We're almost there, Silver! We're going in!

9:40 A.M. · MONDAY JANUARY 17th, ZXE-220
Kýrios' Throne Room, Admin Sector

Back at the throne room, Kýrios was waiting there with his wife Zodiez and the recently-arrived General Scotch. They were eagerly anticipating Silver's arrival with Ms. Replicate. To them, he was just "The Boy Who Cannot Wake". But to Ms. Replicate, he was something much more.

Kýrios: Moments from now... arrival! I see.
Scotch: Thanks for the heads up, I've been getting real anxious over here.

Scotch's body was jiggling, squirming a bit with great anticipation.

Kýrios: Problem not! Problem is gone. [cackles] Worries, no no no...
Zodiez: Just be thankful Kýrios isn't your husband, he gets a lot of terms mixed up when we're alone together. [chuckles a bit] He's kinda cute that way.
Kýrios: Protection! Right?
Scotch: Do you, Kýrios?
Kýrios: No.

Zodiez manages to stifle her laughter when a large flash of white light appears before them, crackling electric noises emitting from the sun-bright light. Scotch covers his eyes while Kýrios sits up straight with strong anticipation.

Scotch: What the...

Suddenly, Ms. Replicate and Silver drop down from the light onto the floor, making a thud as they both hit the ground at once. As the light disappeared, Scotch moved his hand away from his eyes, looking cautiously at the two.

Scotch: Is that him? The boy?
Zodiez: No Scotch, clearly it's a girl.
Scotch: I mean, for all we know...

Silver gets up from the ground first, stumbling backwards a little bit as he attempts to regain his balance.

Zodiez: Can you speak, boy?

Silver looks around the room as Ms. Replicate gets up from the floor too. He looked at the colossally-sized Kýrios, the tall and uncompromising-looking Zodiez, and that beefy general hanging near them. His cheeks grew pink a bit from embarrassment, not knowing why he's here or who these people are in the slightest.

Silver: U-Uhh... yeah?
Scotch: I can't believe it... [murmurs] It really is him.

Scotch looks right at Silver, making him flinch a bit.

Scotch: What's your name, twink?
Silver: S-Silver Zin, I guess.

Ms. Replicate places an arm around Silver, grinning up at Kýrios and Zodiez.

Ms. Replicate: Don't worry too much about the awkward way he's behaving, he's just a bit shy.
Scotch: Silver, huh. [looks up at Zodiez] This is the boy, alright. And he looks pretty similar to that Purple Menace slimeball that's been damning our satellite for a while now. What do we do?
Zodiez: Hmmm...

Silver looked pretty tense, quivering. It didn't help that Medea felt so damn cold!

Zodiez: Alright. Kýrios, read off the script you planned for the boy if he woke up.

Kýrios reaches to his side, grabbing a pair of reading glasses and putting them on. He then reaches for a piece of paper, which he picks up. He then clears his throat.

Kýrios: Boy, I have some good news and bad news for you today. It involves someone that looks kinda like you, and we believe you might be the brother she keeps speaking of. Understand, you?
Silver: Uhh... yeah. You can just call me Silver.
Kýrios: Suppose so. Silver, we must request that you leave this satellite with the rest of your kind, if more family members than you and her happen to be aboard here. We are giving you a year to do so.

Silver nods slowly.

Kýrios: We must also request that you take responsibility and clean up the messes your kind left behind. This is all assuming you two are related, but because we know very little about you and we were warned you might be an amnesiac, we'd like to keep a special eye on you.
Silver: I understand, I guess. [folds his arms] Not sure how I feel about it, but I guess I have no choice.
Kýrios: Not all is gloom and doom for you though, my soapy friend. [pulls out an outfit] We were thinking about making you a mercenary for our forces and making you only do part-time cleaning, if you're more interested in that than doing a bunch of heavy-duty cleaning.
Silver: A mercenary?
Zodiez: A mercenary's a professional soldier that's hired to serve in a foreign army. I mean, that's kinda you. Did you train his reflexes before he came here, Ms. Replicate?
Ms. Replicate: Yes! He was so fast... makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside thinking about it!
Zodiez: Right then. Would you be interested in this, Silver?
Silver: I don't know... [folds his arms] I'm not s-sure how I feel about this. I woke up hardly more than an hour ago, and you're expecting me to make such important decisions right now?
Scotch: That's a good question, but the problems we're up against can't be held back by you being indecisive. Do you want to be a mercenary or a janitor?
Silver: What's a janitor?

Scotch looks up at Zodiez.

Scotch: Don't let him have the displeasure of finding out, just make him a mercenary. I'm sure we'll get along fine.
Zodiez: Alright. [looks at Silver] You're a mercenary for our forces now. You'll need to do a bit of training with Scotch before we give you the suit, but welcome to our forces.
Kýrios: The first task we'll be assigning you with is... [tweaks glasses] To find, capture, and drag the Purple Menace here, dead or alive. She has long horns stretching high her head, she has long purple hair, she has super-pale skin, and dead white eyes.
Silver: She sounds like she's related to me.
Zodiez: And hopefully you're nothing like her.
Silver: Why are you all making my decisions for me?

Not even Ms. Replicate is able to keep a straight face. This is REALLY awkward for everyone, especially Silver, who felt like he got kicked in the crotch thirty times by thirty different people and had to handpick who started it.

Zodiez: What choice do you have? We can't trust you out there on your own, what if you are like that woman and this is some ploy you're setting up?
Silver: So you're saying that, but you're trying to make me a soldier? Are you out of your mind?

Zodiez looks at Kýrios.

Zodiez: You didn't really think this plan through.
Kýrios: Scripts not from me.

Zodiez tries not to explode.

Zodiez: ALRIGHT, you can make up your mind on this Silver. [sighs] Would you like to be a mercenary, a janitor, or would you like to be ejected into space to face certain death?
Silver: Repli, can you help me out here? I'm... not sure how to handle any of this.
Ms. Replicate: Silv, I don't think either of us are getting out of here alive if we make a run for it, so... [looks at him] As a mercenary, you'll get trained by Scotch to handle some important missions for the government. You'll have their full trust and you'll only do work when you get called to do it. As a janitor, you clean up the messes the Purple Wind left around and it's not much more than that.
Silver: I guess I'll be a mercenary then, doesn't sound like it'd eat up all my time.
Zodiez: Thank god you made up your mind.

Zodiez looks at Scotch.

Zodiez: Take this guy to your military base, he's going to need some training before he does any mercenary work. Ms. Replicate, I want you to go along with them, because Silver sounds like he's really fragile.
Scotch: Of course.
Ms. Replicate: Got it~
Kýrios: Repeat, must I: Silver Zin, the first task we'll be assigning you with is to find, capture, and drag the Purple Monkey here, dead or alive. She looks a bit like you, with wider proportions.

Silver nods slowly as Scotch approaches him, holding his hand. Scotch smiles a little.

Scotch: My name is General Butterscotch Cornbread Caramel Jr., but you can just call me Scotch and I'd prefer it if you called me that or "sir".
Silver: Yes, sir...

Silver slowly holds Scotch's hand.

Scotch: Are you afraid, Silver?
Silver: Just a little.
Scotch: Well, just know there's nothing to be afraid of as long as I have my eyes on you. [looks at Ms. Replicate] How did you two get here? There was a bright white light, and...
Ms. Replicate: I used a teleportation device to bring us here in a mere instant, it's pretty wonderful, isn't it? [pulls it out again] I can use this to get to the military base!

Much to Silver's (and Scotch's) dismay, Ms. Replicate triggered the device again, creating a flash of bright white light.

Silver: My eyes!

10:26 A.M. · MONDAY JANUARY 17th, ZXE-220
Vinegar Base, Satellite Lobby

Silver Zin, General Scotch, and Ms. Replicate dropped into the Vinegar Base. It was a dark, quiet place, but you could see dozens of soldiers hanging around in cold, cramped prison-like cells and there are even some walking around. These soldiers appeared to be exercising and training their muscles, men and women alike.

Scotch: Good to see that you've all been following schedule, keep working out those muscles! [flexes his muscles as he walks by] Keep building those body tones! Hey you, Jeremy, get your twink ass bending metal!
Jeremy: Y-yes sir!
Silver: Where are we going?
Scotch: We're going to an unoccupied back room where I train all new recruits, and in this case, that'd be you. [smiles a bit] It's not going to be that hard, especially if I've been told you excelled at the reflexes test.
Ms. Replicate: He did! He can really twist and turn that form...
Scotch: Then it'll be no problem.
Silver: Suppose that's the work I need to do to be a mercenary, hah.

Silver sweats a little, looking at the MUCH stronger-looking people around him, trying to avoid making eye contact with any of the women soldiers.

Silver: I'm not sure if I'm gonna be cut out to be here...
Scotch: Oh you're not going to be spending most of your days in here... you're more like a volunteer worker. [looks back at him] Though if you're below my expectations, you might have to spend a few weeks here.

Silver gulps.

Ms. Replicate: Oh relax, he's not going to flunk that test.
Scotch: He better not, if that Purple Pastel Thingamajig is related to him.

Silver walks inside a rather large room. It was even darker than the main area of the Vinegar Base. Scotch was quick to flick a light switch though, which activated all the lights all across the room.

Scotch: Alright Silver, I've been waiting a long time to do this to the Purple Menace, but I think you'll do nicely for it instead.

Scotch pulls off his gloves, putting on some real boxing gloves, making Silver jump in nervous anticipation.

Scotch: Now because I can't prove anything about you being a threat to the satellite, I'm going to go easy on you. [does some light jabs] But believe me when I say that I want you to give it your all against me. Even if you fail, I'm going to teach you the basics of battle!
Silver: A-Alright. Do I need gloves?
Scotch: Your frail body probably won't be able to handle their weight, so you can fight just the way you are. Excuse me for one second though, you're not ready just yet.

Scotch walks to a box on the other side of the room, carrying out what looks like a long staff. He gives it to Silver, placing it in his right hand.

Scotch: I don't know what this is, or how it works, but it was found in your right hand when we saw you for the first time. So I believe it's yours.
Silver: It's strange, I feel a familiar connection to it... you must be right. [grabs his weapon tightly] Alright Scotch, looks like this is a fight you're going to have to prepare for!
Scotch: Bring it Silver, I've been waiting a long time.
Ms. Replicate: Go kick his ass, Silver!

Silver rushes in towards Scotch with his staff, who rushes at him with his gloves held out.

· Rival 01: General Scotch (1st time)
As Scotch suggested before the battle, he doesn't pack nearly as much of a wallop as he would normally. Scotch lacks his specials and hypers, so he's left to his basic military arsenal of punches and kicks. They do only half the damage they'd do normally, meaning that beginner players will be at his level. Silver cannot use any of his special moves, as he does not yet know them, so he can only use his trippy neutral attacks. During the fight, Scotch will give Silver hints and instruct him on both offensive and defensive techniques, and will back away a bit if he feels like he's giving Silver too much of a hard time. But just remember that next time you face him, you're not going to get off the hook so easily.

Silver and Scotch keeps exchanging blows, appearing to be neck and neck though Scotch is definitely pulling his punches a little. Then, without warning, Silver releases a magical black mirror from his fingertips, which comes Scotch's way and smashes him in the gut. Scotch is hit with so much energy that he gets sent through a wall and several more, winding up nearly unconscious on the floor. When Silver catches up to him, Scotch spits a bit of blood.

Scotch: Damn, if you put that power to fine use, you're gonna be a damn fine mercenary.

Scotch does the thumbs up, even though he feels nauseous and totally beaten down by Silver.

Scotch: Alright Silver, I'm gonna take some time to recover, I'll try and... woof... fetch you shortly. [slowly gets up] Maybe you are the one guy that the Purple Menace can't take down.
Silver: Thank you for your kind words, Scotch. [smiles a little] What should I do next? Also, are you OK?
Scotch: Yeah I'm alright, you just totally nailed me to the floor, which I wasn't expecting haha. [leans against a stable wall] There's some authoritarian forces meeting up in the middle of the satellite lobby just outside my military base. I think you'd like to meet them... some nice names, like Valerie, Zonas, the Nature Warrior, and... Admiral Millicent.

Scotch mutters the last name with a growling tone.

Scotch: You'll also meet some people there that I'd like you to bond with. Their names are Syinara Wyne, Pierce Hazel, and Devina Kilmister. It's just a hunch, but I think Hazel would really like to meet you, he always asks me questions about if anybody knows anything more about you yet.
Silver: Gottt ittt.

Silver hugs Scotch a little bit. Scotch looked surprised, but returned it. He then let go of Silver.

Scotch: Alright, leave me to my recovery now, go make some friends out there. I'm sure nobody's gonna have a problem with meeting you.
Silver: Alright. [smiles] Thanks for the little confidence boost, I appreciate it.

Silver walks away from Scotch, joining back up with Ms. Replicate.

Ms. Replicate: God damn, when you threw him through the wall like that... that was a real spectacle. Do you mind if I steal a sample of your DNA later?
Silver: What's DNA?
Ms. Replicate: Damned Necrotic Ailments. You probably have them.
Silver: You can take it all away then, if they're a bad thing.

Ms. Replicate laughs as she grabs Silver's hand tightly again and drags him out of the Vinegar Base. Just barely missing them, Smartie finally manages to waltz her way into the Vinegar Base, resting her wings and looking at Scotch.

Smartie: Awwh, did Smartie miss on all da fun?
Scotch: Yeah, I think you came here just a bit too late.

Scotch starts to limp his way away from the debris.

Smartie: Oh come on! Smartie left 'er cho'der ter see vot Scotchy's been up ter, n' vot does she find? Nuthin'!
Scotch: The twink's going to the satellite lobby I think, you'll find him there.
Smartie: Ooh, dat'll be fun. Danks fer tellin' Smartie, Scotchy! She appreciates it.

Smartie haphazardly flies her way out. Scotch stumbles along, trying to get back to his work station.

11:05 A.M. · MONDAY JANUARY 17th, ZXE-220
Nightshade Inc., Sector 5

In a dark room, you could see Azrail Neos and Clair Voyell working together in a crowded space, with lots of junk everywhere to be seen, with their eyes looking at a big computer screen.

Azrail: It's interesting that Valerie trusted me with monitoring duties, but I haven't found any amoralities on the screen yet, so it's a little boring. [takes a sip from a juice box] What a weird month it's been, though, with all the reports about this purple-haired woman, that weird unconscious boy, and all the lawsuits occurring because of them.
Clair: Right?

Both of them keep looking at the computer screen. Nothing fantastic was really showing up for either of them.

Azrail: I suspect that the woman we're after just isn't out in the main space yet.
Clair: You never know though, we've had people try to slip by the Electric Eye's radars before and they can sure as well to find ways to slip by your inferior technology. [shrugs] No offense, of course.
Azrail: I know my stuff's not foolproof, so I don't take any offense.

Azrail types "funny cat videos" into his computer's search bar.

Clair: What're you doing?
Azrail: I'm bored stiff, I'm just gonna have nice background music while we wait for something to happen.
Clair: Funny cat videos... as background music?
Azrail: Why not?

Clair rolls her eyes, looking away as Azrail clicks around on KoolTube for a video of suitable length. He clicks on it, watching some kittens roll along in grass.

Azrail: Aww.
Clair: Alright, let's turn back to the monitor tab.

Clair seizes the mouse from him, clicking off. Her eyes widen a little.

Clair: Oh god.
Azrail: What? What's...

Azrail's eyes widen too. The woman's red dot, not present on the screen before, was racing towards the satellite lobby at alarming speeds!

Azrail: Ah shit, I look away for one second and...

Azrail picks up a phone, dialing a number on it.

Azrail: Here Clair, you take the phone, I need my anxiety medication!

Azrail tries to quickly get off his seat, but he instead crashes into the ground. Clair waits as patiently as she can for a response while the sounds of cats blast from Azrail's computer.

Clair: Valerie, we have a problem.
Valerie: Do we?
Clair: The Purple Menace is very likely heading its way from somewhere in New Naxaz City and is going to head up to the satellite lobby as soon as we can. Let me see if I can slow her down. Get everyone else ready to tackle this potential threat!

Clair hits a button, closing off the way into the satellite's lobby from the main intersection.

Clair: Be careful, Val!
Valerie: ...Where's Azrail?
Clair: Oh, uh, he'll be alright.

Azrail manages to get up from the floor, opening his "anxiety medication". It was just discount Lifesavers candy, which he slowly begins to gobble up.

Clair: I know there's a meeting going on there, get to work on protecting yourselves pronto! We don't know what that weirdo wants from us, still!

Clair hangs up.

Clair: You're such an embarrassment, Azrail. C'mon, your big break to be important and you go rushing for candy?
Azrail: Yeah you're right, it's only bittersweet when you're anxious like this. I'll get chips next time.

Clair facepalms.

11:09 A.M. · MONDAY JANUARY 17th, ZXE-220
Main Plaza, Satellite 15 Lobby

Silver and Ms. Replicate arrive in Satellite 15's lobby. Well, they were already there, they just managed to catch up to the main plaza where everyone else was at. Valerie, Zonas, Nature Warrior, Millicent, Syinara, Pierce, Devina, and others could be found sitting in a circle with Arikan Chan looking over them. Silver, again, felt really nervous as he approached them through Ms. Replicate's guiding.

Silver: Uh, hi there.

Everyone else turns to face Silver at the same time, almost making him trip backwards.

Pierce: Oh my god... guys! He's adorable!
Syinara: I wouldn't say that, but compared to the Purple Menace, he looks pretty harmless.
Silver: Haha, thanks...

Silver awkwardly sits down with them. He really didn't feel like he belonged. He hasn't been awake for that long and now he's sitting among the authorities? The Nature Warrior gives him a look.

Nature Warrior: So you're that person... "The Boy Who Cannot Wake". Nice to meet you, I'm the Nature Warrior, I'll cut you into little bitty bite-sized pieces if you fuck with any of us.
Silver: Uhh, nice to meet you too! I guess?
Pierce: I'm Pierce! [shakes a bit in excitement] I'm your... biggest fan...?? I'm the vocalist for this band called Black Haze, I write books about feelings, I really like strategy vid-

Devina slaps a hand over Pierce's mouth.

Devina: I'm Devina Kilmister, I play bass and hunt ghosts.
Silver: G-Ghosts?
Devina: You're afraid of ghosts? That's kind of cute.

Silver moves her hand off of Pierce's mouth.

Silver: Nice to meet both of you.
Zonas: I'm Z-Zonas, a member of the polite forces on this s-satellite. [breathes a bit] I-I may not be t-too talkative because I had to s-struggle against that woman earlier.
Silver: What's the big deal with her?
Nature Warrior: She's looking for her brother, which I'd also like to cut into little bitty bite-sized pieces.

Silver winces. What if he was it?

Millicent: My name's Admiral Millicent. I demand that you always call me with the admiral prefix until you get to know me better, which you probably won't 'cuz you're shy as hell.
Syinara: Oh, and I'm Syi. Hey.
Arikan: Hey cutie, name's Arikan, I manage the motel here.

Silver isn't really sure what to do at this point except be quiet.

Silver: Umm... nice to meet the lot of you. I'm Silver Zin. I'm probably amnesiac.
Nature Warrior: That's fine, but if you forget about me and what I can do to you, you're going to be dead.
Ms. Replicate: Alright, chill with the threats. He's harmless.
Nature Warrior: That's what you said about Azrail...

Valerie remained silent until now, putting her phone down.

Valerie: Sorry about that, had to make two phone calls just now. Both of them were really important, so listen up. [stands up] We're probably going to have to fight in this room.
Zonas: W-Why?
Valerie: According to Clair and the Electric Eye, it seems that the Purple Menace is heading in our direction. [pulls out some ninja stars] We're all pretty important, so we can't afford to be separated.
Syinara: I'm not important.
Valerie: Whose girlfriend are you, Syi?
Syinara: Y-Yours.
Valerie: That's right! That makes you mighty fuckin' important to me!

Silver looks up at Valerie curiously. He hadn't met her yet, and he knew that she had a different energy from the rest.

Silver: What should I do?
Valerie: ...Oh oops, I didn't even see you there! [grins wide, showing her feline teeth] Name's Valerie Heartgold, I'm the richest person here and I'm the mayor of New Naxaz City. And you are...?
Silver: My name is Silver Zin, it's nice to meet you.
Valerie: That's a cool name, I like it. So tell me, can you fight?
Silver: I-
Ms. Replicate: Yes! Yes he can.
Valerie: Alright good, we're going to need all the help we can get. [smiles down at Silver] Stand up! Everyone else, you stand up too!

Everyone stands up. Silver takes out his unnamed weapon, Valerie pulls out her claws, Syinara drags out her vines, Pierce assembles his wheelchair, Devina pulls out her tasers, Zonas pulls out his guns, the Nature Warrior pulls out her blade, Arikan pulled out a magic wand, and Millicent pulled out a really special-looking whip. Ms. Replicate pulls out a mirror.

Silver: What's that, Repli?
Ms. Replicate: It's a mirror. I use it to make clones of myself for battle.
Silver: Huh.

The Nature Warrior looks at Silver again, tauntingly making a slit-neck motion with her sword.

Valerie: Alright everyone, we don't want the gates to get damaged, so we're going to have to raise the gates to let them come in now that we're ready.

They then hear a somewhat far-off coughing. Silver turns his head, seeing a really badly-looking Scotch limp towards them, holding a box of explosives.

Millicent: Oh jeez, you alright there?
Scotch: I'm fine.
Silver: You can go back, I think we got this...
Scotch: Something I want to teach you Silver is that, no matter how hard you get beaten down, there's no harm in standing back up and giving it your all. [limps over to the side a bit] Even if that Purple Sucker takes you down to the floor, you can always stand back up as long as you're putting all your energy into doing it.
Silver: I understand...
Scotch: I don't think you really understand because you seem to be having trouble grasping the direness of some situations. [coughs a bit] Listen 'ere. Maybe there's a future that you'll have with us all, where we can all rely on each other and have each other's backs. But if you were to ever lose any of us, maybe all of us... you'll need to have a sense of self to keep going.

Scotch smiles at him.

Scotch: I know you have a lot going on inside your mind right now, and believe me it's tough talking all this stuff out with you, but I encourage you to break free of your limits. You might have to, on the turn of a dime, when the gates open and that witch comes barging in.
Arikan: Nothing wrong with witches...
Scotch: ...When that pathetic cockroach comes barging in.

Silver nods to himself. He chose not to answer- I mean, what could he really say to any of that? He didn't remember anything apart from what happened during the past couple of hours.

Valerie: The door's going up! Three, two, one...

The gateway separating the satellite lobby from the main intersection opens up. Much to everyone's shock, however, they discovered that the Purple Menace wasn't alone. She was being hoisted up on a black carpet by a bunch of purple-colored individuals, and leading them was none other than the Leper Messiah. She also had Mania Metallurgy following her trail, hovering slightly above the ground.

Valerie: Damn, she's not alone.
Stranger: Surprise, everyone! [laughs to herself] Your favorite Purple Menace is back in the house, and this time she's ready to actually fulfill this prophecy she never asked for!
Leper Messiah: Forgive me for my sins, Valerie.
Valerie: So that's why you've been turning all those churches to purple? Traitor!
Stranger: Now now, I didn't come here to start any fights. [smirks] This is your last chance to do the right thing! Hand over my little baby brother!
Ms. Replicate: Over my dead body!
Stranger: Oh, I see him...

The stranger woman looks into the crowd of authorities, discovering Silver's shaking, shuddering body among them. She filthily smirks, pulling out her own weapon, which looks similar to his.

Stranger: You guys really were hiding him the whole time? Not only that, but you made him into a valueless coward? It's a shame, he had potential.
Valerie: What are you planning to do with your brother?
Stranger: Easy! I'm going to kill him!

Silver's heart sunk right there, making him back away a bit.

Valerie: You know, maybe we should hand him over to you so you can stop doing so much goddamn damage to our society, but you know what I think? You're a dirty brother killer!

With those words, the rest of the authoritarian figures pulled their weapons forward, even the Nature Warrior who was acting pretty antagonistic towards him.

Nature Warrior: You wanna kill him, huh? I'll kill this twink twenty times before you touch him!
Arikan: Damn, what's your grudge?
Nature Warrior: I'm gonna kill both of them!
Arikan: Let's just focus on the bigger priority here, sweetheart.
Stranger: You know, I was going to be nice and just let you all live your normal lives. [smirks evilly] Now I think you've just sealed your fate Valerie Heartgold, and the fates of every single civilian here. Hope you're proud of yourself!

The stranger spreads her arms.

Stranger: Come upon me, my purple children! Join your hands and make a chain!

Scotch and Valerie exchange glances at each other, then Silver.

Valerie: Look, this is going to be really dangerous, and we don't want to lose you. [gulps] But while we take care of things from over here, we want you to rush in and take out your sister. You gotta be as strong as her!
Scotch: We'll watch you. If something bad happens, someone will rush out and try to help you.

The Messiah glances at his master, then at Mania.

Leper Messiah: Mania, they're plotting a strategy against us, so I will give one of my own. [points at Silver] See him? That's the brother our master tells us about. I want you to distract him while my master and I lead the charge against everyone else.
Mania: Sounds good to me!
Leper Messiah: Good. Give that twink a taste of what being... uhh... a loser is like.
Mania: Pronto!

Mania rushes off in Silver's direction, much to Valerie's concern.

Valerie: The first shot's been fired! Silver, now's your chance!

Silver nods, rushing off towards Mania.

Ms. Replicate: Don't die!... please...!
Scotch: It's like you're his girlfriend or something, Repli.

Ms. Replicate turns to him, flustered.

Ms. Replicate: I am not!!
· Stage 02: Lobby Panic
Stage 02 has Silver run across a long stretch of flat land, occasionally using swinging chandeliers to cross gaps of purple spikes set up by the stranger's religious followers. Long streams of rushing water will slow Silver down, and any fountains in Silver's way have to be climbed over. Unlike the previous level, Silver will occasionally have to fight faceless purple soldiers to advance, which can hurt him and potentially kill him. Sometimes big purple barriers will block Silver's path through paifangs, so Silver will have to climb up and over them to continue. At the end, he'll be able to confront Mania Metallurgy.
· Boss 01: Mania Metallurgy (1st time)
Silver will be face-to-face against Mania Metallurgy, one of this stranger's mysterious associates from whereabouts unknown. She won't have many attacks she can use against Silver- she only carries her Homing Axe, Drilling Dive, and her Giga Laser. The rest of her attacks will not be seen in this battle, as it's the player's first REAL boss character and they can't get overwhelmed this early on. When Mania takes enough damage, her armor will break down and short-circuit, forcing Mania to flee. During the battle, she will taunt Silver, which will give the player the opportunity to attack. She'll stop doing this when she runs low on health, forcing the player to start attacking her as soon as she misses with either of her three main attacks.
Stranger: I thought I had it this time...

Silver walks over to the mess of villains, looking down at them.

Silver: Who even are you?
Stranger: Do you not recognize me, little brother? [coughs] My name is Mallory Zin, just in case you really forgot for whatever reason. I made a promise to you hours ago, and I plan on keeping it.
Silver: What promise?
Mallory: You dirty little liar, thinking you can get away with something more. [gets up from the floor] I won't repeat myself, I'm tired of repeating myself. Just expect things to get so much worse for you later.
Silver: What do you even have against me?
Mallory: This is goodbye now, Silver.

Mallory vanishes into thin air, as do the rest of her troops and her comrades. Silver looked rather startled by the sudden disappearance.

Silver: Oh no...

Pierce catches up to Silver, panting hard in his wheelchair as he tiredly turns his head to face Silver.

Pierce: You alright? Everyone else is still busy doing some cleanup back at the plaza.
Silver: Yeah, I'm alright, I'm just really confused. That woman's name is Mallory... Mallory Zin. And she's my sister! I'm so ashamed...
Pierce: You've got nothing to be ashamed of, as far as we're concerned you're nothing like her. Don't worry too much.
Silver: Right, right. [walks to him] Should I wait around for Miss Replicate, or...?

Pierce grimaces at the idea, like he hated Ms. Replicate or something.

Pierce: No no, don't worry about her either. [leans in his chair] Would you like to stay at my place for a bit? I've gotten the impression that you don't really have a proper home.
Silver: I don't think I'd mind that too much.
Pierce: Fun!

Pierce excitedly spins around in his wheelchair before looking down the satellite lobby.

Pierce: I'll have to pay double to house you, but it'll be worth it, alright? [gently grabs his hand] I'll be willing to teach you some basics about the satellite and how to make the best of your time here.
Silver: I'd like that very much... I don't really know what to do here besides... uh, be a mercenary, I guess.
Pierce: Hey, I've got nothing against teaching you how things work around here. [smiles at him] I know it's been an awkward start for you, it's like the first chapter in a new story for you and you're unsure if you're going the right direction.
Silver: It is kinda like that.

Silver winks at the screen.

Silver: Uh, what do you plan on teaching me?
Pierce: Oh, I just plan on showing you around, showing you what things we do on the satellite, and helping you get a proper ID at the Docking Haven. [hugs him gently] You're safe with me, alright?
Silver: I trust ya.
Pierce: Cool! [slowly wheels himself down the hall with Silver] Is it awkward being around so many authoritarian people for you?
Silver: Yeah...
Pierce: Hey, it's not the worst situation you could be in. [locks his fingers around Silver's] I've seen worse, believe me. Hey, is this too awkward for you?

Silver gently loosens his grip on Pierce's hand.

Silver: Just a little. Don't feel embarrassed, I dunno what to think of most people right now.
Pierce: I'll try to treat you right when we get home. Okay?
Silver: Okay...

In the next scene, they're shown approaching Room #13, which Pierce unlocks with a key. When Pierce pulls open the door, Silver walks in and looks in awe at how nice and pretty the room is.

Silver: Wow...
Pierce: Pretty neat, eh?

Silver walks around the room, amazed by just how clean and refreshing everything was, when compared to the grimy and dark basement of the C.O.T.S. Laboratories.

Silver: You mind if I sleep here for a bit? I'm kind of... tired...
Pierce: Oh of course, go right ahead.

Silver nods as he heads into the bathroom to undress. He pulls some hidden crimson pajamas from his pocket, which he places on before coming out to lay on Pierce's bed. In moments, he falls asleep, not having had proper rest in a long time. Pierce smiled as he looked down at the sleepy Silver.

Pierce: Gonna have to keep him here for now, then I've got a big job to do tomorrow that requires taking him around town. [scribbles notes down on his paper] Guess I better save some contact numbers from the authorities so that I can tell them where Silver is and ask for advice, I should also tell them the stranger's real name...

Pierce yawns.

Pierce: After I sleep, of course!

Pierce lays down on the floor, giving Silver the room he needs as he falls asleep.

9:30 P.M. · MONDAY JANUARY 17th, ZXE-220

Mallory was breathing slowly somewhere outside of the satellite's limits, being given a shoulder massage from behind by the Leper Messiah. She growled a little bit as the lights of her room grew a bit brighter, revealing not just Mania, but new recruits like Beck 82-99 and Ferris Rock as well.

Leper Messiah: May we do anything to help you out, Mallory?
Mallory: Forget it.
Leper Messiah: Doesn't it seem a little harsh to be willing to cause massive damage to the satellite just because you don't get to kill your brother in cold blood?
Mallory: Mmmm... [folds her arms] Yeah, it does sound a little overdramatic. But an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, you know? I'm not letting Silver live in goddamn luxury while I'm here, burning in hell because of him and his foolish bullshit.
Leper Messiah: Sounds reasonable enough to me. [looks at her] When do you want me to start with the Mallorism schticks?

In the background, Beck can be seen carrying some stuff over to Mallory.

Mallory: Begin carrying them out every Sunday. I know Sunday was just yesterday, but you can use the time in the meanwhile to make a pretty convincing goddamn Bible and at least pretend to follow it for a few weeks.

The Leper Messiah nods as he keeps giving Mallory a deep massage.

Ferris: Mom, I'm hungry.
Mallory: Ask the Methademic for some assistance, I'm a bit occupied right now.

Mallory was just pathetically lounging around, not doing anything.

Ferris: Alright...

Even Ferris knew better than to mess with Mallory. Beck manages to make his way over, placing some stuff down on the table next to Val.

Leper Messiah: Listen to me, Mal. Not everything's going to be so bad if you just look at the bright side. Silver's pretty pathetic, I don't see how you won't be able to take him down.
Mallory: I'm pathetic too, as far as I'm concerned we're both on the same level when it comes to that. [smirks a bit] But unlike him, I'm not mentally challenged.
Beck: That's a bit strong, Mallory. [folds his arms] Anyway, I thought I'd bring up something to you, Mallory, because it's rather important.
Mallory: Spit it out, Beck.

Beck lays out a few things before Mallory.

Beck: While the authorities were meeting up in the lobby, I nicked some things from Valerie's office and a few valuables from Scotch's.

Beck presents blueprints of the satellite to Mallory, who gazed upon it in wonder.

Beck: This is a very detailed blueprint of Satellite 15, but it's actually a magical one too. Anyone with an ID will be tracked on the blueprint, it's a tool that's only really allowed in the hands of the authorities because they fear it'd be easy to misuse in the wrong hands. Names you care about, you can tap to make them gold.
Mallory: Interesting, can't believe they'd just leave that lying around.
Beck: Maybe the next one will impress you more.

Mallory unwraps the second thing brought before her. It was Niki, tied up in a box, growling angrily as she sees her captor again but cannot move.

Beck: This is some wild creature that I kidnapped from Sector 1, I don't know what her name is but I was able to bring her down. [hands Mallory a remote] The collar on her neck is connected to this remote via bluetooth. Hit it to shock her and make her do work. Be sure to give her plenty of beef.
Mallory: That is impressive, yeah. She's kinda cute.
Beck: I was thinking you could use her to track down and terrify Silver and then have her hold him down until you can take him out of her hands. Then you can give her... uhh... whatever meat you want to praise her with.
Mallory: I'm impressed by your findings so far.
Beck: Good. Now here's something from Scotch's office.

Beck pulls out a Capricorn zodiac stone.

Mallory: What is this, Beck?
Beck: It's a zodiac stone, and one of twelve aboard the satellite. If you were to collectively have all of them, it's rumored that you'll get-
Mallory: A transformation?
Beck: That's the most anime-like answer you could have possibly come up with. I was going to say that if you were to have all of them, that something really powerful could be crafted from them. And I know Mania would be happy to work with such rare and magical materials.

Mania salutes.

Mallory: Excellent work, Beck! Blueprints to the satellite? A professional Silver tracker? Magic stones that can somehow one way or another be merged together to make an awesome weapon?

Mallory lets out her first of many, many evil cackles to come.

Mallory: There's no way that Silver can stop me from taking what's mine... I will fulfill my promise!

Chapter Two: Last of My Kind
