Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

TLKD16 TLKD16 10 October 2024

Hercules Throw Fire At Queen Of Hearts

The Queen Of Hearts: Off With Their Heads!

(Hercules Throw Fire At Queen Of Hearts)

Philoctetes: Whoa, Baby!

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DeeCourtney03 DeeCourtney03 8 October 2024

My first blog.

So, uh, hi.

You might know me as the person that kicked down the door, pulled out a horoscope magazine, and said, “Okay! Horoscopes!”

In other words, I’m the driving force behind Paper Mario: The Horoscope Fragments.

Yeah, progress is slow, I know. But! I’m working on it…with a bit of help, ofc!

Now, I know some of you think “A Paper Mario game revolving around star signs? That’s a pretty weird idea!”

If you think that’s weird, what do you call… This!?

I know some of you are sitting there, thinking “have you actually lost the plot?”

Listen, it was a humid night in July (my birth month) and I was delirious.

I have been thinking of include them in PMTHF as either supporting characters, or as a joke (because that’s such a Paper Mario thing to do).

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ItsBobby34 ItsBobby34 5 October 2024

Super smash bros project

Super Smash Bros. New From The Start is a fighting game that is part of the Super Smash Bros. Series.

The bosses are obtainable based on how good you are on defeating them.

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CrakaboLazy4090 CrakaboLazy4090 5 October 2024

KillGames' 5th Anniversary!

Ey how's it's going! Crak here. It's been a while (in fact a whole year since I made a blog) so I'm just getting to get the most important thing out of the way.

Today is the KillGames series' 5th anniversary! Today, 5 years ago, I created this wacky, gore-filled fighting game series. All the things I said in the 4-year anniversary apply here, really proud that this idea I had in high school somehow managed to be one of Fantendo's most recognizable original games, and I thank you for all the support you guys have given me throughout its development. I couldn't have done it without all of ya'll.

Now you may be wondering, "Where is Season 3?" and first off I just want to start off by saying "Dang ya'll are that impatient?" but also, yeah I'm actu…

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NeoNio99 NeoNio99 22 September 2024

Important announcement, please read

Today, I realized just how dramatically Fantendo has impacted my mental-emotional health, even after its community's most toxic years.

Every time I look at my projects, I can't help but feel a wave of guilt wash over me because I haven't accomplished anything with a lot of them since their creation. Every time I check the Discord server, I feel bad for not interacting with the community to the extent I feel like I should be. Every time I see that a Dark Dry Hammer Bro. image or whatever has been replaced again, I groan because I once again have to look through the image's entire history to decide which version to keep, and sometimes upload the other version as a separate file.

I have accomplished nothing as a member of the wiki's administratio…

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Shadow Inferno Shadow Inferno 20 September 2024

Community Question: Video Game Series

we’ve had community wide question-style blogs in the past but for this one I wanted to focus around the question of which video game series would you say you’re highly interested in. What you consider a series you’re interested in is up to you, also if you want to add why you find a series interesting and/or your favourite aspects (i.e. game, character, etc) of that series feel free.

I’m curious which series will turn up the most often as well as any unique one-offs people might have.

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Bnbhfujbdtu Bnbhfujbdtu 14 September 2024

Centennials Explained: Part 1

Come one, Come all and Welcome to Centennials Explained, where I explain the convoluted ass mythology and story of the Centennials series that I myself created. It can pretty daunting to get into the story due to how in the early portions I barely explained anything and also I sucked at this. In this part we're going to talk about the early mythology, mainly about the first two games and what was going on there along with wider world stuff.

  • 1 What is the setting of the Centennials Universe?
  • 2 What is the Century Corps and what do they even do?
  • 3 What are Centennials?
  • 4 What is the Idol of Light?
  • 5 What is the White World?
  • 6 Ending

The Centennials story is set on a fictional version of Earth where technology hasn't quite reached the level it is in our t…

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CoolDetective123 CoolDetective123 4 September 2024


I’m very upset. I’m very upset.
Shut up, sit the hell down and don’t ask me for SHIT

— TEKKEN, Harada

Hello! As I've promised two weeks earilier yeah this came a little late here’s a proper announcement for my next project and what you can expect from it. There’s nothing too flashy about the following presentation (I can’t write trailers I’m sorry), but I hope it gives people something to look forward to.

So anyway, this is Wild Showdown:

oh I don’t have the logo for it yet but I’ll fix that soon

As mentioned in the past blog, this is a Tekken-inspired 3D fighting game, and in here, I’d like to talk a bit more about the gameplay aspect. The main thing it has in common with the aforementioned game is the control scheme, being a four-button fighter w…

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Bnbhfujbdtu Bnbhfujbdtu 26 August 2024

Centennials Blog: 8/26/2024

Hello World, It's me, Bnbhdujbdtu also known as Doctor Proctor also known as "the Centennials guy". I do Centennials stuff, I do it so much that one must wonder "why doesn't this guy do anything else on the fan-fiction game website?". Good question, I don't have an answer.

Here's the link to the most recent entry in the series, Centennials 5

Regardless, I'm here to talk about Centennials 5: The Book of Tales Volume 3 and the wider future of the franchise. University has started for me again plus potentially a job so I'm gonna be a little strapped for time when it comes to what I can work on, but if I care enough about something, I'll get it done eventually.

Tales, the things I put a lot of effort into, that only I care about. For those who do…

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HDL1274 HDL1274 26 August 2024

Bizzaro Quest: Comunity Requests

A boozy moin moin to the six guys who know about this project. I have to make an announcement:

After seeing the colosal amount of requests you send me, precisly 0.0, and some consideration I decided to end the requests and decided the choises by myself. I noticed that this project is not the kind of project that would profit of comunity request in this style. Due to the class system the game uses request would have to bend existing characters or must be denied due to the balance needed. Another thing is the fact that several ideas you have may not be possible due to the maps needed to present the characters is already there. I may make another request round for an future project but not for this one. Despite ending the request phase I still…

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