Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

This Fantendo article was made by w00mA and it is not a collaborative page. As courtesy to him and his vision for this game, please do not majorly alter or change key elements of this page or hijack it. Grammatical fixes are okay.

Like most all other pages on this wiki, 'Average Games' is not a real developer.

Average Games is a game development company partnered with Nintendo. They specialize in fangames and bringing new life to old consoles, specifically the Nintendo 64.


  • Super Mario 64 Global, an expansion to Super Mario 64 with online play
  • Wifi Pak, a revolutionary add-on to the Nintendo 64 that allows for online play, released over 20 years after the original console
  • Global Pak, an add-on to the Nintendo 64 that allows for online play in classic N64 games