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Agent 4? More like Agent Snore.
— Marie
Agent 4
Agent 4 as seen in Splatoon 2: Distant Islands
Agent 4
GENDER Both (Female by default)
OCCUPATION(S) Agent of the New Squidbeak Splatoon
Leader of the Distant Squidbeak Splatoon
SERIES Splatoon
Splatoon 2

Agent 4 is a young Inkling who traveled to Inkopolis for unknown reasons and was recruited by Marie for the New Squidbeak Splatoon to save the Great Zapfish and defeat DJ Octavio. Along the way, they also saved Callie from DJ Octavio's influence.

In Splatoon 2: Distant Islands, they are the leader of the Distant Squidbeak Splatoon, as well as the main protagonist of the game's story mode. After being ambushed by a civilization of Octarians chasing them in the sandy road in Mission 000: Island of Basic Training, they gained consciousness and ventured through the islands of Dystania to take down the Octarian army that's taking over the islands. Along the way, they also rescued Zapfish from bosses, recruited members of the Distant Squidbeak Splatoon to join them on their side, and found many collectibles along the way.

At times, their journey is interrupted by DJ Octavio, who is the leader and manager of all the Octarians that are residing in Dystania. Agent 4 steps up and takes down DJ Octavio numerous times in Dystania's four Octarmament Amphitheaters, not before DJ Octavio flies to the top floor of the Dystania Central Tower and announces his last plan to destroy the entire world and make it a better place for his Octarians to live there. Agent 4 then climbs the Dystania Central Tower and arrives at the top floor of the skyscraper, once again meeting a brainwashed Callie alongside DJ Octavio here.

In the final battle, DJ Octavio dons the Octobot King Mk. 288, and Agent 4 battles and defeats him in the process, rescuing Callie. Soon DJ Octavio flies out to space and operates the Mega Worldwasher, a giant laser on the bottom of the moon that is known capable for using the Great Zapfish's energy to destroy the world with a massive laser made entirely of purple ink. Agent 4 then uses the launchpad that Callie, Marie, Pearl, Marina and Cap'n Cuttlefish operated to fly out to space.

With the laser charging and threatening to wipe out the world, the managers arrive as well and give Agent 4 the Hero Starsaucer to take down DJ Octavio and the Octarians one final time. After dealing the final blow, Agent 4 uses the Distant Sting Ray and blasts it all over DJ Octavio as well as his Octobot King Mk. 288, later causing every member of the Distant Squidbeak Splatoon to appear, including Agent 3 and Agent 8 to charge towards DJ Octavio alongside Agent 4, ultimately defeating him, and making the Mega Worldwasher stop working. Agent 4 then gets the final Zapfish, making the Great Zapfish release from the Mega Worldwasher as the device detaches from the moon, and falls into the sea at the Dystania Mainland.

Every member of the Distant Squidbeak Splatoon, as well as the heroes arrive at the mainland and do their last victory dance indicating that Agent 4 rescued the last Zapfish. The Great Zapfish then comes back on the Dystania Mainland, and everyone is happy that the Great Zapfish is here on the Dystania Mainland thanks to the Dystania News broadcast and Agent 4's efforts.


Agent 4 is completely customizable by the player, but is seen in official art as having short yellow hair and red eyes. Agent 4 also wears the Hero Suit and wields the Hero Shot, but more weapons can be unlocked.


The Hunger Games: Smash Edition![]

Agent 4 is a playable character in The Hunger Games: Smash Edition.



  • Marie apparently finds Agent 4 to be "Pretty Adorable".
    • Marie apparently also thinks Agent 4 has better hygiene then Agent 3.
  • Agent 4 is apparently older than Agent 3, but there is much debate about this.
  • Just like with Agent 3 and Agent 8, Agent 4's actual name is unknown, due to them being the player character.
Splatoon series
Splatoon 2: Inkvasion | Splatoon 3 | Splatoon X | Splatoon: Artistic Onslaught | Spla2n | Splatoon: Ink Wars | Splatoon: Code Angkor | Splatoon: Event Inkdown | Splatoon: L.A.N.O.X
Species Inkling | Octarian | Jellyfish | Zapfish | Salmonid
Protagonists and Allies Agent 3 | Agent 4 | Agent 8 | Judd | Li'l Judd | Cap'n Cuttlefish | Squid Sisters (Callie | Marie) | Annie and Moe | Jelonzo | Crusty Sean | Sheldon | Spyke | Great Zapfish | Off the Hook (Pearl | Marina) | Flow | Jelfonzo | Bisk | Murch | C. Q. Cumber | Iso Padre | Deep Cut (Shiver | Frye | Big Man) | Gnarly Eddy | Jel La Fleur | Mr. Coco | Harmony | Acht | Diana | Nathan
Antagonists and Enemies DJ Octavio | Octostomp | Octonozzle | Octowhirl | Octomaw | Octo Oven | Octo Samurai | Octo Shower | Octoling (Elite) | Octotrooper (Shielded | Octodiver) | Twintacle Octotrooper | Octoball | Octocopter | Octobomber | Octostriker | Octosniper | Octostamp (DX) | Octohurler | Octoseeker | Octozeppelin | Octoballer | Octocommander | Tentakook | Octopod | Squee-G (Giant) | Flooder | Chum | Smallfry | Cohock | Snatcher | Steelhead | Flyfish | Steel Eel | Maws | Stinger | Drizzler | Scrapper | Griller | Goldie | Mothership | Commander Tartar | Mr. Grizz | Overloarder