Fantendo - Game Ideas & More


  • The Auditor Reassembles*

The Auditor: Huh, I thought I was dead? How am I back?

???: Because I allowed you to live...

  • Else where in nevada*

Soldier: Sir, I'm afraid we have some bad news...

Leader: How bad exactly?

Soldier: "The end of our existance" bad.

Leader: Pfft, Nothing can be that bad.

Soldier: What if I told you that even bad guy from the main Madness combat series and Certain tributes came back to life?

Leader: Hmm, That is bad

  • Walks to a container, the leader opens it inside is a USB, the leader then boots up the USB*

Soldier: What's this?

Leader: Possible candiates for Project: Advanced Killing Crew

Soldier: You aren't considering rebooting the project are you?

Leader: It'll be our only hope, however, some of the candiates are dead, and some have changed permanently, which is why i'll be activating Projects Revival and Alternate as well.

Soldier: Very well, I shall send invites to the remaining, asking them to bring at least one object of their deceased friends.
